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KG Jan 2016
Rockabye babies
Our mothers our dead
In the tree tops
We lay down our heads

When the wind blows
They shut all the doors
The cradle will rock
Our clothes are all torn

When the bow breaks
We’re hungry, alone
The cradle will fall
We wished for a family, but now we’re too tall
Currently working on a collection entitled "The Cradle Will Fall". This is my opening piece, inspired by a friend very close to my heart.
Lucy Tonic Nov 2011
We're eating jellyfish
We're crashing oranges
We're bleeding evidence
We're smashing elements
We're erecting animals
We're subtracting syllables
We're electing cannibals
We're extracting visceral
We're worshipping magicians for a piece of the pie
We're recruiting musicians for a sound from on high
We're creating beauticians for a smack on the thigh
We're repeating contritions for an act un-divine
We're poking and prodding as we sing lullabies
We're rocking and rolling as she shifts to the side
We're planting and plowing as the baby lays quiet
We're twisting and shouting from the vat where we writhe
Rockabye baby, you've sure grown up fast
Let me embrace you, before I suffocate you
Rockabye baby, you've sure grown up fast
Let me cradle you, before I blast you away
Kelsey Rhoads Feb 2017
Rockabye baby
In the tree top
When the wind blows
You start to rock
When the rope breaks
You start to fall
And down comes baby
Razors and all
Scars on your thighs
Words on their lips
Worthless you were
You believed every word
But now their jokes over
Your blood has run cold
No one is laughing
Rockabye baby
Goodbye and goodnight
I'll miss you forever but one day
Ill be by your side
If you understand, i'm sorry. Stay strong friend.
Heather Feb 2012
Go to sleep, and shut your eyes,
Please dream of broken butterflies
That tore their wings against a thorn.
For you know the pain that they have borne.
Silver metal, shines so bright.
Scarlet blood, that feels so right.
Dream of the blood that's trickling down,
And wake up just before you drown.
The moonlight's shining off your tears
Bleed out all your petty fears.
So tonight when you start to cry
You better whisper the cutters lullaby:

Hushabye baby, you're almost dead.
You don't have a pulse and your pillow is red.
Your family hates you, your friends let you bleed.
Sleep tight with a knife, cause it's all you'll need.
Rockabye baby, broken and scarred.
You didn't know life would be this hard.
Time to end the pain that you hid so well,
And down will come baby, straight back to hell.
In the quiet of your home
in the corner of your room
in the rushing of the street
in the time you're on your own

when the stars light up like candlesticks
when the moon begins to pray
and the oceans hear you groan
in the time you're on your own.

When the milkman comes and the sun's not shone
but the night has packed its bags and gone
and the dew is you upon the floor
in the time you're on your own.

One small kiss can resonate,
make universes hold their
breaths and wait
and still we wait
in the time you're on your own.
Linnea Dee Jun 2013
Among dust bunnies collecting on the carpet of her bedroom are lullabies, matted into the seashell shaped ridges by eager toes.
Other mothers sing Rockabye Baby, but hers crooned the crash of ocean waves and the ballads of mermaids.
Memories like those sent shivers down her spine, cold fingered fairies dispatched to walk the tightrope of each nerve, triggering flashbacks of moment after moment.

Beneath a quilt of fallen oak leaves he found a baby hedgehog, infant bristles damp and lonely.
Some days, when it meandered curiously across half-written papers, its paws writing notes in a script he couldn't decipher, he regretted rescuing the handful of spines with the pale, inquisitive nose.
Leaves of muddied paper, though, became pages in a scrapbook, dedicated to moments more beautiful than he could fathom.

Following them were snapshots of sunsets over the lake, the first phrases from a concerto he adored, a polaroid of his fingers interlaced with hers.
Her palm met his without hesitancy, and the joy she felt reminded her of the mermaid's musings heard through the sleepy ears of a child.
On all sides it was warm and safe and fantastically real, simply because they decided it should be.

While she did say no the first time he asked her to marry him, it was only because to her marriage had grown stiff with age and its rusting hinges complained when she tried to add her own swing to its meaning.
He asked her again, of course, because she was the only person he'd ever met whose heart fit his jigsaw edges so perfectly, and this time she said yes.
Waits for the love, her mother told her; a fearless woman waits for love to ask twice.

On the winter solstice their son was born, whom they named Martin, because he thought it sounded courageous and she thought it sounded furry.
Distant waves tumbled as she sang her little one to sleep in the only way she knew how, and gave him hedgehog kisses with her eyelashes because butterflies are too delicate.
Dreams always came quickly and lingered in his mind, fantasies of whirling woodland dances and salty kisses from the wind.

They documented the unassuming; they tracked coincidence; they remembered the weight of every footstep and the cadence of every whispered "good night." They knew that even though they were obscured by the smoke of normality and stench of the future, every moment was unique. Among other things they found everything.
I needed to start writing again. I also needed a piece to submit to my school's lit magazine, themed "among other things." Last but not least, I had a looming death threat from I friend if I didn't write anything by the end of the week.
So, this happened. I'm a little confused by it. It has a mind of its own.
Rockabye lover
There on your high
While the lust stays
Your soul can sigh
When the high ends
You're lust will fall
And crash you will do
Tears will fall
On a nursery rhyme kick
Phosphorimental Sep 2014
He was love’s fool
A drop of rain
In a downpour of seasonal shame
A farthing in the fountain
Spent on wishes
Glistening in the fenlands
Of unreplenished riches

A plea, among the rustling
In a vast forest of variegated leaves
Sorrow among garrulous winds gusting
A path through
His wooded pathos
Blazed with love and lusting

Then a tear finds wing
On a falling leaf
Snapped from the limbs
by currents of heat
rockabye'd into halcyon
so misery and his companion
Forge a new coin

Thrown and flipping along an arc
A pinwheel casting solar sparks
Purling hope in a tumbling fall
promises anything can happen
To anyone
at all
making up titles is fun
Don't be surprise when I come
                                                    with you wedding dress
                                             cause each time I hugged you,
                                                 I took your measurement.
Emma Hill Sep 2016
Grey clouds gather plump and perfect above my crown
   A moment of silence held sacred by the birds
   A moment to settle before I am washed away

Rainfall rolls soft and supple from our mother sky
   With gentle thanks do the leaves cup the sweet nectar
   With ancient thirst the soil drinks her in

Dirt darkens wet and washed within our mother earth
   Eyes open and breath rolls slow and low like thunder
   Eyes close and senses gather up her scent

Full flowers sway sweetly beneath a rockabye breeze
   Petals dance gracefully to the beat of each drip drop drop
   Petals lace their fingers together and bow in prayer
Maria Mata Sep 2013
Go to sleep, close your eyes
And dream of broken butterflies
That tore their wings, against a thorn
You know the pain that they've endured

Silver metal shines so bright
Scarlet blood that feels so right
Dream of that blood trickling down
And wake up just before you drown

The moonlight shining off your tears
As you bleed out your worst fears
So tonight when you start to cry
Whisper the cutters lullaby

Hushabye baby, your almost dead
You don't have a pulse and your pillow is read
Your family hates you, your friends let you bleed
Sleep tight with a knife, 'cause that's all you need

Rockabye baby, broken and scarred
You didn't know life would be this hard
Time to end the pain, you hid so well
And down you'll come baby
Back home to hell
As much as I'd like  to take credit for this, I can't. I found it while on the internet and it struck me as beautiful.
FallenAngel93 Mar 2015
Go to sleep, and close your eyes,
And dream of broken butterflies,
That torn their wings against a torn,
You know the pain that they have borne,

Silver metal, shine so bright,
Scarlet blood, that feels so right,
Dream of that blood tracking down,
And wake up just before you drown,

The moonlight shining off your tears,
As you bleed out your own worst fears,
So tonight when you start to cry,
Whisper the cutters lullaby,

Hushabye baby, you're almost dead,
You don't have a pulse and your pillow is red,
Your family hates you, you friends let you bleed,
Sleep tight with a knife, because that's all you need,

Rockabye baby, broken and scarred,
You didn't know that life would be this hard,
Time to end the pain that you hid so well,
And down will come baby, straight back to hell..
Holly Mar 2015
Go to sleep, Close your eyes,
Dream of broken butterflies
That tore their wing against a thorne.
You know the pain that  they have borne.

Silver medal, shines so bright
Scarlette blood, that feels so right.
Dream of that blood trickling down,
And wake up just before you drown.

The moonlights shining off your tears,
As you bleed your own worst fears,
So tonight when you start to cry,
Whisper the cutters lullaby.

Hushabye baby, your almost dead.
You dont have a pulse and your pillow is red.
Your family hates you, your friends let you bleed.
Sleep tight with a knife because thats all you need.

Rockabye baby, broken and scarred,
You didnt know that  life would be this hard.
Time to end the pain you hid so well,
And down will come baby, straight back to hell.
Not written by me!
Lauren Halligan Nov 2013
Go to sleep, close your eyes, and dream of broken butterflies.
They tore their wings against a thorn.
You know that pain that they've endured.
Silver metal shine so bright.
Scarlet blood that feels so right.
Dream of that blood trickling down, and wake up just before you drown.
The moonlight shining off your tears as you bleed out the worst of your fears.
So tonight when you start to cry, whisper the cutters lullaby: Hushabye baby, you're almost dead. You don't have a pulse and your pillow is red. Your family hates you. Your friends let you bleed. Sleep tight with a knife 'cause that's all you need. Rockabye baby, broken and scarred. You didn't know life would be this hard. Time to end the pain you hid well, and down you'll come, baby. Back home to hell.
Meghan Makenzie Jul 2015
Go to sleep, and close your eyes
And dream of broken butterflies
wings once pretty, now are torn
ripped and shredded against a thorn

Silver metal, shine so bright
Scarlet blood, that feels so right
Dream of that blood trickling down
Just don't wake up until you drown

The moonlight's shining off your tears
As you're bleeding out your own worst fears
wait tonight until you cry
then whisper the cutter's lullaby

Hushabye baby, you're almost dead
You've lost your pulse and your pillow Is red
Your family hates you, and your friends let You bleed
Sleep tight with a knife, cause it's all You'll need

Rockabye baby, broken and scarred
Who knew life could be this Hard
Time to end the pain that you hid so well
Then down will come baby, straight Back to hell.
Collaboration with W Filament
Emma Hill Jul 2016
Grey clouds gather plump and perfect above my crown
   A moment of silence held sacred by the birds
   A moment to settle before I am washed away

Rainfall rolls soft and supple from our mother sky
   With gentle thanks do the leaves cup the sweet nectar
   With ancient thirst the soil drinks her in

Dirt darkens wet and washed within our mother earth
   Eyes open and breath rolls slow and low like thunder
   Eyes close and senses gather up her scent

Full flowers sway sweetly beneath a rockabye breeze
   Petals dance gracefully to the beat of each drip drop drop
   Petals lace their fingers together and bow in prayer
Illona Dec 2017
She can't hold the elephants in the room again
She need to release it
But how can she do that
Being judged by other
She is drowning
She is flying
She was nyctophilia
And they're heliophilia
She wants to rockabye
But it wasn't easy at all
What's the point of it ?

Just read between the lines
Crushing Love May 2015
Hushabye baby you're almost dead.
You have no pulse and your pillow is red.
You're family hates you & you're friends let you bleed.
Sleep tight with a knife because that's all you need.

Rockabye baby broken & scarred,
You didn't know life would be this hard.
Time to end the pain that you hid so well,
& Down will come baby,
Straight back to Hell
Brent Kincaid Oct 2016
Rockabye baby
Up in the air.
Nobody questions
How it got there.
Who would put babies
Up high in a tree?
That sounds like
Child abusing to me!

People have sung this
For hundreds of years
Contributing little
But compounded fears.
They should rethink it
But they feel they must
Later they wonder
About lack of trust.

Like many stories
And songs sung to kids
Some scary stories
Are not so well hid
Like kid-munching witches
And following crumbs
Small wonder they fear
Wicked things come.

So don't put your babies
Up high in a tree
Not even lower
Like branch two or three.
Think up a ditty
That might help them thrive
And grow up happy
That they are alive.
penn Oct 2015
Go to sleep and close your eyes
Dream of broken butterflies
That tore their wings against a thorn
You know the pain that they have borne
Silver metal shine so bright
Scarlet blood that feels so right
Dream of that blood trickling down
The moonlights shining off your tears
As you bleed out your own worst fears
So tonight when you start to cry
Whisper  the  cutter's  lullaby.
Hushabye baby you're almost dead
You don't have pulse and your pillow is red
Your family hates you and your friends let you bleed
Sleep tight with a knife it's all you need
Rockabye baby broken and scared
You didn't know life would be this hard
Time to end this pain that you hid so well
And down will come baby straight back to hell.
go to sleep, and close your eyes
and dream of broken butterflies
that tore their wings against a thorn
you know the pain they have borne

silver metal, shines so bright
scarlet blood, that feels so right
dream of that blood trickling down
and wake you just before you drown

the moonlight's shining off your tears
as you bleed out your own worst fears
so tonight when you start to cry
whisper the cutters lullaby

hushabye baby, you're almost dead
you don't have a pulse and your pillow is stained red
your family hates you and your friends let you bleed

rockabye baby, broken and scarred
you didn't know life would be this hard
time to end this pain that you hid so well
and down will come baby, straight back to hell
Cate Aug 2015
The groceries and the rent
I 've already spent
what was meant to be my savings

trying to save me
from rockabye baby
to the grave because lately

I feel a little less stately
and a little more disheveled.

I might ask you to embellish,
forgive me
maybe I'm just nosey

or prone to misunderstand closeness
to a speculative humanity.
Can we truly interact spiritually?

Or is it less empirical than it seems
and we're just vibrating in our own
we weave our own gods eye
to see things.

Human beings or
human doings?
Lately I've been toggling through

between the two
in indecisiveness.

"Ah, give it a rest"
Chides one side of my mind

In return comes the gruff reply
"It is what it is, isn't it
           and it's what I do best".

C.e.M 8.14.15
edited 1-24-2016
red light, green light, flash
bounce go rockabye baby
on the cross town bus
Qualyxian Quest Sep 2022
I think I do write at times for posterity
My own and the big wide world's
Throw 'em far ahead
Unknown alone unfurled

I like science fiction
Arrival on my mind
Close Encounters still
Europa Report does find

Old friends fall away
No more 2037
Ireland xie xie
Taiwan 3011

Mark Rothko paintings
Roxanne! Roxanne! Roxanne!
Empty libraries
Nashville with a tan

Abbigayl Justyne Apr 2020
Go to sleep and close your eyes
And dream of broken butterflies
That tore their wings against a thorn
You know the pain that they have borne
Silver metal shine so bright
Scarlet blood that feels so right
Dream of that blood trickling down
And wake up just before you drown
The moonlight's shining off your tears
As you bleed out, your own worst fears
So tonight when you start to cry
Whisper the cutter's lullaby:
Hushabye baby, your almost dead
You have no pulse and your pillow is red
Your family hates you, your friends let you bleed
Sleep tight with a knife cause it's all you need
Rockabye baby, broken and scarred
You didn't know life would be this hard
Time to end this pain that you hid so well
And down will come baby, straight back to Hell.
Qualyxian Quest Sep 2022
Keep on writin'
It's just the way I play

An ideologue
A right wing poser
Matt Malone SJ

Rock music
What I like in the USA

But it's ignorant
Ah! dawn goes down to day

         It surely cannot stay
Qualyxian Quest Sep 2022
So they laugh at me. So what?
Earnest, Hemingway.
Once I was a teacher
Dawn goes down to day

Extinction is forever
That's what biologists say
Blackie Ryan - he was clever
Silent is the Way

Waiting as I'm drifting
My sons: Callooh! Callay!
He loves Kanye West
I love Marvin Gaye

Loneliness is painful
Still i say xie xie
Rainy Night in Georgia
Rockabye in L. A.

            Santa Fe
Qualyxian Quest Mar 2023
I was in San Diego once
Sunlit Balboa Park
Darwin trapped on Highway 5
In Sacramento Mark

Punctuated equilibrium
Stephen Jay Gould in Seattle
Stephen Hawking too
In 24 I rejoin the battle

Jose Vasconcelos
Pythagoras in Mexico
Ancient Mayan ruins
Never really been, so I don't really know

Rural North Carolina
Rockabye Sweet Baby James
Satellite Beach, Florida
Holy Names. Holy Names.

                 I aims.

— The End —