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ConnectHook Sep 2015
in every visible character man differs less from the higher apes,
than these do from the lower members of the same order of Primates

                                                     ­                      Charles Darwin, 1871

The Other claims descent from apes
then acts like a violent monkey.
It pillages, it loots and rapes
performing as Satan’s flunkey.

Its actions bear the mark of Cain;
brandishing cameras, smashing things.
We feel its proto-human pain
yet dread the urban woe it brings.

It tries to justify, with words
its primal carnage, childish rage.
With anthropoid designs deferred
it struts the Darwinian stage.

The higher primate government
rewards them well in ripe bananas
for wrecking their environment
(jungle as well as savannas).

Their mate selection (naturally):
a semi-simian solution:
intercoursing sexually,
to hasten their evolution.

The wombs enlarge—they drop their young
then text their friends while getting high.
They swing from tree-tops, fling their dung,
while down below the humans sigh.***-and-descent-in-relation-to-man/

Brent Kincaid May 2015
It is like some steampunk nightmare
Where working overtime is a racket
When what was time and a half pay
On the day I get my check, I make less;
Some kind of tax bracket scam thing
Where working extra hours put me
Into another category and increased
The tax they use to grease the wheels
Of a bloated government that hates me.
Maybe that dates me and it isn’t true;
That things have changed and it is
No longer arranged that way. And maybe
The way things became done was that
I got it all back as a refund. But isn’t that
Redundant, that I had to pay it to them
To use it like per diem for their games?

The shame is that I chafed and did nothing
Besides ******* and frothing at the mouth.
It’s not like I could go south to Ensenada,
Buy a piñata that looked like Mickey Mouse,
It was just that the house always wins.
But I have to pay for my tiny, mundane sins.
Why don’t they? Why does it go on and on
And then the money’s gone and I pay more
The next time some fat ***** of a politician
Begins a petition to increase their slice
And nicely reduce ours to a pittance
So low there is no admittance to a show
Or enough to replace a car that is a wreck?

The albatross around my neck gets larger
As it I move farther from the day it died
Even though I have tried standing up straighter.
It’s The Grand Guignol Theatre that life is
And the strife is to not let it get me down;
To be the happy clown and not the sad one
In a game that was begun to make me lose.
I am not confused. I see it, but it seems
Even in dreams I get no kind of relief
From a governmental thief with immunity;
The pillages with impunity and teases
That he does what he pleases. Neener, neener
What in hell could possibly be meaner?
His gaze veiled in a layer of clouds, he looks down upon us with such contempt
A perfect being, driven by such flawed emotions
A jovial comic, or an angry father
A split-personality sadist with a hell of a sense of humor

We gathered any words that he might have said
And transcribed them into our own human jumble
Every syllable uttered, down to a trace of a sigh
Molded to yield to our instincts
Dominance and glory, all in the name of “love”

His favorite son walks on water, did you know?
But the naughty children have a special place to go
If they dare disobey their strict father

It’s in every breath within us, shining in every ray of light
The human will to be, spawned from hands not our own?
It pillages towns, and takes innocent lives
Of those who chose against
The word of the “wise”

It sews our eyes shut from the ugly world of enlightenment
And guides the sheep away from the forbidden trail
The heathens reside on the other side of the river
And only the sinners dare to build a boat
Nicole Hammond Aug 2016
dear god of needle ***** and poisoned well
i pray you find my mother
cold and dry and unfeeling
something you can draw no moisture out of
a different god struck a rock with a staff
a long long time ago
and water came to cool his throat
but there are no miracles here
so you can please stop beating her now

dear god of gluttonous apothecary
my mother's body is a mathematical
it is a function with limits
her veins are rolling with their bellies full
of chemicals that burn
her hair runs from the scalp the way
two legs would
from a house going up in flames
my mother's body
is a house going up in flames
i am a child that is terrified of a monster
under the bed
i am helpless to a thing i can feel but
cannot see

dear god of gasoline remedy
your counterintuitive science
your black dream
takes her body like a new land
teaches her it's wretched language
it rapes and pillages
it steals the recognition
that sparks her eyes when she looks in mine

dear god of intravenous dark rider
let her live to see a day
she can wake and not be bound
to her biology

dear god of pink ribbon tourniquet
let her breathe and take it for granted again

dear god of careful rampage
finish what you have started
and lock the door behind you
Hamed M Dehongi May 2019
If that Shirazi Turk would succeed in winning my heart
I'll give up Samarkand and Bukhara, solely for her Indian mole

Serve remained wine, Saki, cause you can't find in the paradise
Such a place as Ruknabad stream and Musall's gardens

Oh! these gypsies who are sweet and set the city to chaos
They drained heart from patience, as Turks take the pillages

My sweetheart's beauty doesn't need my imperfect love
How a beautiful face is in need of paint and powder and mole?

Talk about minstrels and wine, don't seek universe's secret
That is that, no one solved and will solve this enigma by logic

I knew beforehand from ever-improving charm that Joseph possessed
That love finally would bring Zulaikha out of her innocence

You talked to me badly, God forgive you, you said it well
Bitter answer is proper for that red-colored sugar-sweet lips

My soul, listen to advice, for blissful youths like more
That wise old's advises more than their own sweet lives

Hafez! you told Ghazals and pierced pearls, come sing fine
For your harmony in your poetry, Heaven weds Soraya!
Translation of Hafez's Ghazal No. 3 by Hamed M. Dehongi
Madeleine Toerne Feb 2015
I asked you to come downstairs and share pancakes with me
and you did. You are so obliging.
No. Scratch that. You are so kind.
Not just to me, either,
(maybe I hate to say I may have felt: unfortunately)
but to all the creatures of the universe.
(Except behind the backs of corporate CEOS and anyone who rapes and pillages the land and its peoples).
Your roommate is from Japan and you ask him how his day was because you genuinely care to know.
I could forgive you for almost anything.
Francis Jan 2024
Many days go by, many nights come through, when I haven’t the faintest, slightest inkling of you. I rest my head easy, hardly do I become queasy, over the memories of what made my love for you so true. Have I ever felt blue, when pondering you? You bet your bottom dollar, though don’t expect the remotest holler, even on the nights when I’m mildly missing you.

How could you, do me the opposite as I have done to you? How could you do the things that I could never do to you? What makes you, so tamelessly shrew, and fail to miss me as I have missed you? What could I possibly do, to know that it could be true, that you have treasured me as I have treasured you?

That’s why I was through, because the moment I found you, you never made me feel as grand as I tried to make you. Complete as you’ve made my heart, you had a particular knack for tearing it apart, and that is why it is left shattered in its own aortic goo.

That’s all on you. That’s forever what will make you the best and worst of you. To be so ruthless and nonchalant with the damage that you do, and play it as though you had no idea that was all you. Now I’m left blue, pretending to be through, when all that I’ve sacrificed was due to this idea that I had of you. To slave in an asylum, to be a lawman and a wild one, a future as bright as a bullet shining out of a gun. That was all for you, my thoughts on tangoing as two, for the rest of our unhappy lives that would have been happier, if only you knew.

Who exactly are you? Who were you to this man who is now blue? Was it your pleasantries, so few, or was it a universal coup, toying with my hopes and dreams, of meeting and ending up with someone like you, someone I thought I knew?

My head is now a zoo, filled with starving animals and poo, moaning and groaning over this animalistic swine flu, that pillages my spirits and slices me in two, all from the memories that lead me to missing you. But I told you to shoo, after your silence asked me that for you, many moons of endless begging for anything to come out of you. In solitude, I’ll watch the drops of the morning dew, condense on my windowsill as I reflect on the person that came from you.

To love such a love, I have experienced so few, the dreams of this young man, who has dreamed a little of you, where I am kissing those sweet, darling kisses of you, in my head as I recall, on the nights when I’m missing you.
I said this aloud as I finished this poem “**** this stanza ****.”
AF Sep 2020
firestarter and match,
pitching endlessly to become more
smoke, then intense crimson flames,
aglow in my heart.
brick and stone edifices form a
fortress around abodes
leaving habitats adrift
and alone
passing and switching faces -- an
entourage that follows but yet
the girl is alone.
alas, fire ablaze, uncontrollable but
sometimes tame
marking the forest trail and
spreading the damage, sprout and then destroy
like a fiery divine being
destruction of the old path and
a clean sweep of the
trees that once seemed so formidable
the flame spreads with a staunch
persistence, to maybe prove that
yeah, the water is weaker
like a conquistador who
pillages countries leaving them
the flame continues
no concern about the consequence or
destruction, set on being set and
ever aglow, what puts the fierce fire
out anyways?
this started as a tribute to my triple fire placements, some dreams i've had, etc. i am a sagittarius sun, leo moon, and sagittarius rising. i've got a lot of fire inside of me and sometimes it feels like a relentless urge that i must repress 24/7. it's not that i feel misunderstood, just that this fire inside of me has been burning since my very conception. i am ever the more forced to live with it as i grow up and surround myself with different types of people.
brandon nagley Feb 2017
Americana, fair Madonna, tell me what's become of you; star's so bright, your war's are polite, as your ripped flag's red, white, and blue. Oh bountiful cities, mountain-told villages; starlit pillages foreshadow your deathly paths. Some books hold secrets, while cake candles burn tricks to cigarettes of nuclear blasts! Afterthought you are oh country tis of thee; so blessed in your filth, your kilts are images of projected misery. Find an Alcove you castleview kings; your tongues will soon be silenced to the non-mindsense you care to bring! Resemble with eachother patriarchs of hatred; national to all stations, you are the one in control. Forget what mother told you? Did you already sell your soul? Instant inhumanness; gratitude for filthiness, they feel for girly magazines. Rescind your rhetoric you false entity of enemies kings. Perch behind the clouds where the guard's can't get you; where pharaoh's confront you, only God knows all time! Subjection to viewest bozos behind bar-reason rhymes. Where are you angel of light? I see your face; or have I taken your place?

©Brandon nagley
©lonesome poet's poetry
©prison poetry
One of many poems written in my past during a year of prison time. Much time to write behind closed walls and old medieval bars.
I actually switched out the real word to bozos in one of the lines, lol I originally used a-holes but whole word I took it out because I dont like cussing but prison wasn't easy peazee ():
K G Dec 2016
When the sun hits
She pillages tools from the toolbox
Only herself to fix

When the moon sits
Her ocular mislay the bones buried beneath chest
Matters not where she is

Some nights
She's left to claw a dresser with folded oaths
Inflating lungs, forging trust, to lift two toes

Some nights*
The capsules burglarize her gas-tanks war
Stifling her endlessly to the end of the tour
Swells Oct 2013
I can't part water into verses of basic poem:
the classic forms make me choke.
I can't pull the heart out and serve it up
into every wave that pillages the pores
and I do not know how to raise myself from
comfortable fetus to raging sailor.
But I am still alive
and I am sober apart from the fish.
That is enough.
James Leggett Feb 2017
his hands are not coated
by the same coal instilled in his place of work
they arise out of ashes of an unseen fire
wielding its flame in unwelcomed areas

where truth and lies are rooted in the same sin
masking filth over pale skin too afraid of the sun
and telling shadows their worth can never be proven
in the ether of endless night

his rot, his grime which he wears like a badge
safely dissolving his shame
for he breathes in isolated air
which lingers in the pockets of smoke

hiding the last face she showed him
for its disturbance evoked a different life
than the one he'd like to lead
and kept his hands from the pillages of dirt

hands too terrified of wash
to see what's been hiding all this time
when their sense of duty finds its limit
when the work becomes fire
and the fire becomes forever
venturing into the forest of night
taking pity on the poor souls
too blind to see what they've done
Jeune homme ! je te plains ; et cependant j'admire
Ton grand parc enchanté qui semble nous sourire,
Qui fait, vu de ton seuil, le tour de l'horizon,
Grave ou joyeux suivant le jour et la saison,  
Coupé d'herbe et d'eau vive, et remplissant huit lieues
De ses vagues massifs et de ses ombres bleues.
J'admire ton domaine, et pourtant je te plains !
Car dans ces bois touffus de tant de grandeur pleins,
Où le printemps épanche un faste sans mesure,
Quelle plus misérable et plus pauvre masure
Qu'un homme usé, flétri, mort pour l'illusion,
Riche et sans volupté, jeune et sans passion,  
Dont le coeur délabré, dans ses recoins livides,
N'a plus qu'un triste amas d'anciennes coupes vides,  
Vases brisés qui n'ont rien gardé que l'ennui,
Et d'où l'amour, la joie et la candeur ont fui !

Oui, tu me fais pitié, toi qui crois faire envie !
Ce splendide séjour sur ton coeur, sur ta vie,
Jette une ombre ironique, et rit en écrasant
Ton front terne et chétif d'un cadre éblouissant.

Dis-moi, crois-tu, vraiment posséder ce royaume
D'ombre et de fleurs, où l'arbre arrondi comme un dôme,
L'étang, lame d'argent que le couchant fait d'or,
L'allée entrant au bois comme un noir corridor,
Et là, sur la forêt, ce mont qu'une tour garde,
Font un groupe si beau pour l'âme qui regarde !
Lieu sacré pour qui sait dans l'immense univers,
Dans les prés, dans les eaux et dans les vallons verts,
Retrouver les profils de la face éternelle
Dont le visage humain n'est qu'une ombre charnelle !

Que fais-tu donc ici ? Jamais on ne te voit,
Quand le matin blanchit l'angle ardoisé du toit,
Sortir, songer, cueillir la fleur, coupe irisée
Que la plante à l'oiseau tend pleine de rosée,
Et parfois t'arrêter, laissant pendre à ta main
Un livre interrompu, debout sur le chemin,
Quand le bruit du vent coupe en strophes incertaines
Cette longue chanson qui coule des fontaines.

Jamais tu n'as suivi de sommets en sommets
La ligne des coteaux qui fait rêve ; jamais
Tu n'as joui de voir, sur l'eau qui reflète,
Quelque saule noueux tordu comme un athlète.
Jamais, sévère esprit au mystère attaché,
Tu n'as questionné le vieux orme penché
Qui regarde à ses pieds toute la pleine vivre
Comme un sage qui rêve attentif à son livre.

L'été, lorsque le jour est par midi frappé,
Lorsque la lassitude a tout enveloppé,
A l'heure où l'andalouse et l'oiseau font la sieste,
Jamais le faon peureux, tapi dans l'antre agreste,
Ne te vois, à pas lents, **** de l'homme importun,
Grave, et comme ayant peur de réveiller quelqu'un,
Errer dans les forêts ténébreuses et douces
Où le silence dort sur le velours des mousses.

Que te fais tout cela ? Les nuages des cieux,
La verdure et l'azur sont l'ennui de tes yeux.
Tu n'est pas de ces fous qui vont, et qui s'en vantent,
Tendant partout l'oreille aux voix qui partout chantent,
Rendant au Seigneur d'avoir fait le printemps,
Qui ramasse un nid, ou contemple longtemps
Quelque noir champignon, monstre étrange de l'herbe.
Toi, comme un sac d'argent, tu vois passer la gerbe.
Ta futaie, en avril, sous ses bras plus nombreux
A l'air de réclamer bien des pas amoureux,
Bien des coeurs soupirants, bien des têtes pensives ;

Toi qui jouis aussi sous ses branches massives,
Tu songes, calculant le taillis qui s'accroît,
Que Paris, ce vieillard qui, l'hiver, a si froid,
Attend, sous ses vieux quais percés de rampes neuves,
Ces longs serpents de bois qui descendent les fleuves !
Ton regard voit, tandis que ton oeil flotte au ****,
Les blés d'or en farine et la prairie en foin ;
Pour toi le laboureur est un rustre qu'on paie ;
Pour toi toute fumée ondulant, noire ou gaie,
Sur le clair paysage, est un foyer impur
Où l'on cuit quelque viande à l'angle d'un vieux mur.
Quand le soir tend le ciel de ses moires ardentes
Au dos d'un fort cheval assis, jambes pendantes,
Quand les bouviers hâlés, de leur bras vigoureux
Pique tes boeufs géants qui par le chemin creux
Se hâtent pêle-mêle et s'en vont à la crèche,
Toi, devant ce tableau tu rêves à la brèche
Qu'il faudra réparer, en vendant tes silos,
Dans ta rente qui tremble aux pas de don Carlos !

Au crépuscule, après un long jour monotone,
Tu t'enfermes chez toi. Les tièdes nuits d'automne
Versent leur chaste haleine aux coteaux veloutés.
Tu n'en sais rien. D'ailleurs, qu'importe ! A tes côtés,
Belles, leur bruns cheveux appliqués sur les tempes,
Fronts roses empourprés par le reflet des lampes,
Des femmes aux yeux purs sont assises, formant
Un cercle frais qui borde et cause doucement ;
Toutes, dans leurs discours où rien n'ose apparaître,
Cachant leurs voeux, leur âmes et leur coeur que peut-être
Embaume un vague amour, fleur qu'on ne cueille pas,
Parfum qu'on sentirait en se baissant tout bas.
Tu n'en sais rien. Tu fais, parmi ces élégies,
Tomber ton froid sourire, où, sous quatre bougies,
D'autres hommes et toi, dans un coin attablés
Autour d'un tapis vert, bruyants, vous querellez
Les caprices du whist, du brelan ou de l'hombre.
La fenêtre est pourtant pleine de lune et d'ombre !

Ô risible insensé ! vraiment, je te le dis,
Cette terre, ces prés, ces vallons arrondis,
Nids de feuilles et d'herbe où jasent les villages,
Ces blés où les moineaux ont leurs joyeux pillages,
Ces champs qui, l'hiver même, ont d'austères appas,
Ne t'appartiennent point : tu ne les comprends pas.

Vois-tu, tous les passants, les enfants, les poètes,
Sur qui ton bois répand ses ombres inquiètes,
Le pauvre jeune peintre épris de ciel et d'air,
L'amant plein d'un seul nom, le sage au coeur amer,
Qui viennent rafraîchir dans cette solitude,
Hélas ! l'un son amour et l'autre son étude,
Tous ceux qui, savourant la beauté de ce lieu,
Aiment, en quittant l'homme, à s'approcher de Dieu,
Et qui, laissant ici le bruit vague et morose
Des troubles de leur âme, y prennent quelque chose
De l'immense repos de la création,
Tous ces hommes, sans or et sans ambition,
Et dont le pied poudreux ou tout mouillé par l'herbe
Te fait rire emporté par ton landau superbe,
Sont dans ce parc touffu, que tu crois sous ta loi,
Plus riches, plus chez eux, plus les maîtres que toi,
Quoique de leur forêt que ta main grille et mure
Tu puisses couper l'ombre et vendre le murmure !

Pour eux rien n'est stérile en ces asiles frais.
Pour qui les sait cueillir tout a des dons secrets.
De partout sort un flot de sagesse abondante.
L'esprit qu'a déserté la passion grondante,
Médite à l'arbre mort, aux débris du vieux pont.
Tout objet dont le bois se compose répond
A quelque objet pareil dans la forêt de l'âme.
Un feu de pâtre éteint parle à l'amour en flamme.
Tout donne des conseils au penseur, jeune ou vieux.
On se pique aux chardons ainsi qu'aux envieux ;
La feuille invite à croître ; et l'onde, en coulant vite,
Avertit qu'on se hâte et que l'heure nous quitte.
Pour eux rien n'est muet, rien n'est froid, rien n'est mort.
Un peu de plume en sang leur éveille un remord ;
Les sources sont des pleurs ; la fleur qui boit aux fleuves,
Leur dit : Souvenez-vous, ô pauvres âmes veuves !

Pour eux l'antre profond cache un songe étoilé ;
Et la nuit, sous l'azur d'un beau ciel constellé,
L'arbre sur ses rameaux, comme à travers ses branches,
Leur montre l'astre d'or et les colombes blanches,
Choses douces aux coeurs par le malheur ployés,
Car l'oiseau dit : Aimez ! et l'étoile : Croyez !

Voilà ce que chez toi verse aux âmes souffrantes
La chaste obscurité des branches murmurantes !
Mais toi, qu'en fais tu ? dis. - Tous les ans, en flots d'or,
Ce murmure, cette ombre, ineffable trésor,
Ces bruits de vent qui joue et d'arbre qui tressaille,
Vont s'enfouir au fond de ton coffre qui bâille ;
Et tu changes ces bois où l'amour s'enivra,
Toute cette nature, en loge à l'opéra !

Encor si la musique arrivait à ton âme !
Mais entre l'art et toi l'or met son mur infâme.
L'esprit qui comprend l'art comprend le reste aussi.
Tu vas donc dormir là ! sans te douter qu'ainsi
Que tous ces verts trésors que dévore ta bourse,
Gluck est une forêt et Mozart une source.

Tu dors ; et quand parfois la mode, en souriant,
Te dit : Admire, riche ! alors, joyeux, criant,
Tu surgis, demandant comment l'auteur se nomme,
Pourvu que toutefois la muse soit un homme !
Car tu te roidiras dans ton étrange orgueil
Si l'on t'apporte, un soir, quelque musique en deuil,
Urne que la pensée a chauffée à sa flamme,
Beau vase où s'est versé tout le coeur d'une femme.

Ô seigneur malvenu de ce superbe lieu !
Caillou vil incrusté dans ces rubis en feu !
Maître pour qui ces champs sont pleins de sourdes haines !
Gui parasite enflé de la sève des chênes !
Pauvre riche ! - Vis donc, puisque cela pour toi
C'est vivre. Vis sans coeur, sans pensée et sans foi.
Vis pour l'or, chose vile, et l'orgueil, chose vaine.
Végète, toi qui n'as que du sang dans la veine,
Toi qui ne sens pas Dieu frémir dans le roseau,
Regarder dans l'aurore et chanter dans l'oiseau !

Car, - et bien que tu sois celui qui rit aux belles
Et, le soir, se récrie aux romances nouvelles, -
Dans les coteaux penchants où fument les hameaux,
Près des lacs, près des fleurs, sous les larges rameaux,
Dans tes propres jardins, tu vas aussi stupide,
Aussi peu clairvoyant dans ton instinct cupide,
Aussi sourd à la vie à l'harmonie, aux voix,
Qu'un loup sauvage errant au milieu des grands bois !

Le 22 mai 1837.
Andrew Guzaldo c Jan 2019
“With what stillness at last you appear in the valley,
Join your divine sounds filling the empty vessels of night,
As pillages silently alight upon the shrine you behold,
First sunlight reaches down to touch the tips of pedals,

Her eminent auspicious arm band lusters dulcet canticles,
Sublime reaches things with aptitude able to shrill aft,
Dwells of brilliant wires laurels hymns devout in tune,
May we soon again renew that song singing endlessly?

Abaft her green eyes omens mayhap as emissary divine,
The bewildered by visions apparitions beside a hidden perch,
It seems that the resonance of a dove calls from far away,
Placid content sung before the colored cathedra naiad,

Fronds not ado had not noticed the presence of a naiad,
I know not where this solemn revelry odyssey would end,
My conscious mind we have much to discuss young naiad,
I abiding with heath musing carried by the scent afore me,  

Inexorable time that passes quickly as time has stride away,
Sing endless morn of light with the naiad piqued at my soul,
Steadfast heart draws me out of labyrinth and takes Naiad hand”
  By Andrew Guzaldo 1/04/2019 ©
By Andrew Guzaldo 1/04/2019 ©  #Poem#146
nico papayiannis Nov 2016
The tedious tenacity of time as it skips by, carefree and solitude it destroys your dreams

Boredom breaks the boundaries of beauty, this ugly face of reckless haste rapes and pillages prosperity

In a mess, in a confused state of your own mess you wallow and whine for the days of the innocent and intrepid mind,

To have become something that bears no resemblance to the visions of youth can only strike you down,

With the power of inert capabilities you are forced to stare into a world in which you have zero compliance, a world in which the greatest lesson would be one of self reliance

Obsessive compulsions drive the lifeless machine, its not destiny , its not fate, but it is the manic madness that surrounds breeding hate,

You search but find not the ability to make a change for the good, so the good changes you before your very eyes, anger, frustration, endorsements of the choices forced upon us

The course is set , and the way is blurred, barriers of bewilderment block the boundaries of your heart, slow but sure , as time rages so does the anarchic rebellion burn bright as out of the aftermath of responsibility comes the raw reasoning of liberation

Time shall not take my heart and mind away
As into the dark of my life I stray
And as the welcoming palm of wisdom is embraced
So the savagery of time is replaced
Tamed almost to perfection
Niqolet Lewis Mar 2017
He stepped forward
said this was his one chance
to say what he had to say
That he wasn't there
but that he’s here now
and he’s got a lifetime to make up for it

He knew my fears before I spoke them
what is my truth
is it the kind that cuts and pillages
Because I have
and I do
I have robbed that old lady at will
I have broken through stained glass doors
I have rained fire upon all those who stood in my way
I have taken what I wanted
I have bent people at mercy
I have lied
I have promised
and I have broken
so ******* righteous
What makes you think you're like him?
What makes you think Im not?

He said She’s not like him
four generations of heart ache
Of miserable broken pairings
Four generations of devastation
he said you've saved her
You've saved this family

He said she's not like him
she wont run
She’s got a father like smoke
but she’s water
He Said she’ll stay
She'll be here till the end
There'll a wedding with two dresses
but one father
Because her's is gone
like smoke
He said my son is too selfish
You'll never find the peace you're looking for
so just don't go
He says he If he was a better father,
I would of had a better father
and I'd have a different life
I wouldn't need to be this person
but its too late
Because I am
and this is my truth now
You played your part
and now I guess I'll play mine
sophie b Sep 2015
let me apologize in advance for the way my hatred burns and pillages every civilization in its wake.

it appears that the shell of the broken, mangled old-me has escaped her cage after being exiled for what seemed like eternity;
she's back to lick my wounds and heal my imperfections once again.

for two years i managed to function as a real person.
the naive little girl i am, i found sunshine in the warmth of your gaze,
i allowed your blinding rays of hope to dry every drop of rain that leaked from my soul-
you truly were This Little Light of Mine.

and then your lips selfishly decided they needed hers.
your most sacred monument developed an insatiable ache for her tongue.

less than 48 hours after i gave myself to you for the first time,
you ripped me to pieces as if i were nothing more than a failed attempt at a poem expressing anything other than loss,
or the paper heart your first lover gave you on Cupid's birthday.

i've been hungry my whole life, and though our fairy-tale may have disappeared in the blink of an eye, the entirety of the infatuation fed more dying fragments than i'd ever realized i was composed of.
xmxrgxncy May 2016
Just because I can't sew my own shadow back on
doesn't mean that I have failed
For where the soap I use won't tack on
there's room for it to be nailed.

For one day I will be a being
that pillages and loots and harms
the hearts of many young girls that I'll be seeing
And my shadow will run from their arms.
ConnectHook Apr 2023
Don’t it always seem to go
That you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone
They paved paradise and put up a parking lot

                                                                    Joni Mitchell

Fighting their wars in business suits
Blowing up peasant villages
Lying, While the Pentagon loots
Our failing empire pillages.

The wonder boys from Ivy Leagues
Look good on paper, making war
Their covert actions and intrigues
Exhibit what they tax us for.

Patriot boogey-man ** Chi Minh
Was armed by US in forty-five;
Then made the foe as we sent in
Our troops. And some returned alive.

The Dulles brothers, with their spooks
Testing strategies, had a ball
Dropping ****** on the *****;
Earth turned into a shopping mall.

And now, some puppet in Ukraine
(a Chinese laundry for their cash),
Requests more arms. So please explain
Before Crimea burns to ash.

That’s all. Their only long-term vision:
Body-counts— first bomb, then Starbucks.
Spectacles on television;
Do not question Daddy Warbucks.
inspired by recommended read:
JFK: The CIA, Vietnam and the Plot to Assassinate John F. Kennedy
by Fletcher L. Prouty
ISBN 13: 9781616082918
Khayaal Chetty Jul 2017
"Winter is the thief of my happiness"
Someone once said this to me
She enters as if welcomed and
pillages my lifeforce until there is none left
She devours the flowers in her hunger frenzy
She, like the hurricane, leaves nothing in her wake: trees bare, icy forests with no sign of life and much worse, it is as if the sun itself was engulfed

In a world of winter there can be no other
No life
No laughter
No peace in that frozen emptiness
Imagine living in that icy tundra
Winter is desolate and dreadful
Winter is fever and death
Winter is unnecessary and should be removed and forgotten

But she disagrees:
I am the misunderstood empress
I feed on misery and give joy
Do not go on only what I say think back now  
Imagine one day in my season
Freezing? Perhaps...  Do you see it?
Your breath floats above you, clouding your vision
Now you drink from that hot mug
Hmm that tea could never grant you the same feeling as it would in those other seasons
I bring life - for, it is I, that allows all to rest
To begin anew
I bring rest - for all things cannot continue indefinitely without consequence
The rest is required for future plans

Summer, that dreadful devil,
He has poisoned your well so to speak
He has bribed you to spite me
He feeds you with luscious fruits and evergreen trees
The sun scolds your skin and still you are blinded
I am misunderstood - you do not see me for who I am
You see me in the bigger picture for
I bring cold - that comfort you feel when you are just becoming warm
That rather fantastic visage of an overcast day
That is me

Winter proclaims to be the queen of new beginnings
There cannot be a new before removal of the old
I am the passing of time
Without me, a world entirely run by that Solar dictator, would be horrid
Reluctantly she returns to her kingdom for no one listens to her
Summer has won the battle but the if it is a war he wants, then a war he shall get ...
Michael Kusi Nov 2017
We were bred with much love until the ref said to touch gloves.
When they said to grow up, we put on suits to rush much.
We talked about being men that our daughters wouldn’t want to be with.
Our tribes had sons, and the saying was to not follow how we lived.
Because our role models were songs and movies, all with guns and girls.
But now we have a legacy so we want to make our sons our world.
Because when our son comes home with a problem, it is now the village's
And we don’t want society to take our young one out for pillages
We can sit down with our children, and tell them the birds and the bees
And if Mother asks how you knew this, you never heard it from me.
Someday May 2023
Please never leave me again
In my mind with myself,
Please never let go of my hand
Like I know you have to,
Please stay within my castle walls
Where I need you so desperately

Be the last thing that prevails,
The last thing I am -
Outlive the parasite
As it's outlived me,
Replace it once more with a person

How can you co-exist with my parasite,
How can something so good co-exist
With something that destroys and pillages,
How can my last hope co-exist with my poison,
How can you live by so much pain?

The last thing I want to see is you before I fall asleep
For one final time, before I'm at peace,
I want it to be you that lulls me to rest
In five years' time

How can you want beneath my skin
As much as they all want out of it?
If I opened a wound, would they finally leave
And would you crawl inside and stay?

Why are you too far for my words to reach?
Through a screen and through delay,
Like we're worlds apart,
Waiting for your words is like awaiting diagnosis

I need you
Like a meal needs salt,
Like a pen needs ink,
Like a song needs melody,
Like a book needs an ending -
I need you at my every step,
At my every word,
I need you
To let me breathe
And to make me believe
My breaths are worth taking

You untangle the threads of my mind
Like nobody else could,
Or ever shall do again after you -
You're my only future and my only present,
My only option and my only choice,
You're the last thing that must prevail
When I'm reduced to anxiety and compulsions,
You're the last thing that must stay
When everything else I've given up,
You're the last piece of truth
In my whirlwind of lies,
You're the last bit of reality
I can recognize

I need you beneath my sandpaper skin
So I never have to walk myself home again,
So your words are my words
And my thoughts don't matter
And whatever happens, I'm not crying alone

Once I'm tired of crying
And tired of breathing
And tired of solving
My parasite's thoughts,
Will you let me go
To wherever is peaceful,
Will you let me break
The chains on my wrists,
Will you let me rest
And dissolve into nothing,
Will you let me rest
In the peace I deserve?

I need your voice to echo through my mind,
I need you nearer than humanly possible,
I need you to erase all the things that hover
On silk threads above my marble floor,
And I need you to hold onto everything you see
That looks like a piece of whoever I once was,
And I need you because I am nothing
And if I am to be something, I want it to be you

Will you reside in my ruinous mind?
Can you make it a home, eventually?
If I can't again be a person or a whole,
Will you remember me fondly?

Please don't let go of my hands again,
Please don't leave me alone anymore,
I need you to stay, my hope, my future,
My last few moments of peace
I think Duolingo is threatening me
Written; 2023.apr.7.

— The End —