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Johnny Davis Oct 2016
Milly has a candy house
What an invisible little house
Milly told me it was not a solitude
It was a gift from the childhood
Milly painted it red and blue
With her little scalpel
See, All the puppets were doomed
Milly danced to her favourite tango
and suddenly all the puppets sang to the moon
“It’s late, Milly you should go to bed.”
Milly heard that
“Milly please don’t be sad”
Puppets turned to candies and said
“See you again”
Milly’s candy house and her little friends
What if I told you, red meant blood and blue meant mood.
Puppets were the poor humans and the house was made of bodies.

Was it still a cute poem?
Oh fair Milly Brandon, a young maid, a fair maid!
  All her curls are yellow and her eyes are blue,
And her cheeks were rosy red till a secret care made
  Hollow whiteness of their brightness as a care will do.

Still she tends her flowers, but not as in the old days,
  Still she sings her songs, but not the songs of old:
If now it be high Summer her days seem brief and cold days,
  If now it be high Summer her nights are long and cold.

If you have a secret keep it, pure maid Milly;
  Life is filled with troubles and the world with scorn;
And pity without love is at best times hard and chilly,
  Chilling sore and stinging sore a heart forlorn.

Walter Brandon, do you guess Milly Brandon's secret?
  Many things you know, but not everything,
With your locks like raven's plumage, and eyes like an egret,
  And a laugh that is music, and such a voice to sing.

Nelly Knollys, she is fair, but she is not fairer
  Than fairest Milly Brandon was before she turned so pale:
Oh, but Nelly's dearer if she be not rarer,
  She need not keep a secret or blush behind a veil.

Beyond the first green hills, beyond the nearest valleys,
  Nelly dwells at home beneath her mother's eyes:
Her home is neat and homely, not a cot and not a palace,
  Just the home where love sets up his happiest memories.

Milly has no mother; and sad beyond another
  Is she whose blessed mother is vanished out of call:
Truly comfort beyond comfort is stored up in a mother
  Who bears with all, and hopes through all, and loves us all.

Where peacocks nod and flaunt up and down the terrace,
  Furling and unfurling their scores of sightless eyes,
To and fro among the leaves and buds and flowers and berries
  Maiden Milly strolls and pauses, smiles and sighs.

On the hedged-in terrace of her father's palace
  She may stroll and muse alone, may smile or sigh alone,
Letting thoughts and eyes go wandering over hills and valleys
  To-day her father's, and one day to be all her own.

If her thoughts go coursing down lowlands and up highlands,
  It is because the startled game are leaping from their lair;
If her thoughts dart homeward to the reedy river islands,
  It is because the waterfowl rise startled here or there.

At length a footfall on the steps: she turns, composed and steady,
  All the long-descended greatness of her father's house
Lifting up her head; and there stands Walter keen and ready
  For hunting or for hawking, a flush upon his brows.

"Good-morrow, fair cousin." "Good-morrow, fairest cousin:
  The sun has started on his course, and I must start to-day.
If you have done me one good turn you've done me many a dozen,
  And I shall often think of you, think of you away."

"Over hill and hollow what quarry will you follow,
  Or what fish will you angle for beside the river's edge?
There's cloud upon the hill-top and there 's mist deep down the hollow,
  And fog among the rushes and the rustling sedge."

"I shall speed well enough be it hunting or hawking,
  Or casting a bait towards the shyest daintiest fin.
But I kiss your hands, my cousin; I must not loiter talking,
  For nothing comes of nothing, and I'm fain to seek and win."

"Here's a thorny rose: will you wear it an hour,
  Till the petals drop apart still fresh and pink and sweet?
Till the petals drop from the drooping perished flower,
  And only the graceless thorns are left of it."

"Nay, I have another rose sprung in another garden,
  Another rose which sweetens all the world for me.
Be you a tenderer mistress and be you a warier warden
  Of your rose, as sweet as mine, and full as fair to see."

"Nay, a bud once plucked there is no reviving,
  Nor is it worth your wearing now, nor worth indeed my own;
The dead to the dead, and the living to the living.
  It's time I go within, for it's time now you were gone."

"Good-bye, Milly Brandon, I shall not forget you,
  Though it be good-bye between us for ever from to-day;
I could almost wish to-day that I had never met you,
  And I'm true to you in this one word that I say."

"Good-bye, Walter. I can guess which thornless rose you covet;
  Long may it bloom and prolong its sunny morn:
Yet as for my one thorny rose, I do not cease to love it,
  And if it is no more a flower I love it as a thorn."
Max Neumann Jul 2021
stuck between pride and ****** mood
lurid lights, laughter, ladies, lively lips
we are 96 souls away from the magic
and we nevah wake up or get up, nope

i swear on my momma's grave and pray
may she rest in peace with good ghosts
wise man told me to wear a black suit
me, tho', forgot if i did so, can't help it

was i trippin from dawn to dusk again
probably but ya gotta triple that time
and consider the weirdness of my speech
dem words stumble other words upon

meanwhile me and milly made luv to luv
luv laid back like rasta villages, jah songs
she's spreading her legs and licking
13.8, worship the fountain, that's basic

gangsta poetess & burglar, membah 108
while meetin milly, i imagine her naked
64 minutes later, lolling on silver satin
the lips such big perfect matches

by the end of the day we float over glaciers
our months vanish within a few days
hihaho, tickling trip, totally toony, truly
milly and tizzy equals eccentric & woozy

steering dreams, mysterious mixtures
golden goblets, served on light tables
we falling into the floor, a voltgreen maze
wondaland's gardens, we reach 'em

frozen loops of yummy yearning, yeeeah
all dem blankets and pillows, hundreds
in a bed spacious like a football field
a quarter of milly's back is my tattoo

parking lot at 4:16 am, 24 k bracelet
gotta look at it under the light of the sun
reminds one of eazy legs & adorable greg
we come, observe, read, blast and leave

stuck with mental blankness, in limbo
block party of creation 96, 2056 souls
oh my, sweaty forehead, i'm so cold
burning bloodshed, beasting bloodbath

marriage of mystery and skyline tales
sparkling are the eyes of yayo vampires
8 days awake, bangin in sky dunes
schmock, dinosaur, sole talker
sadgirl Aug 2017
in new york, we milly rock
dance close enough to smell
each other, far enough

to never touch,
i have my own funny
stories about us,

our party tricks
and burning soul,
we need jesus, don't we?

but oh, what lies we tell
we both know this life will ****
us before anything (or anyone) else

but i'm back in brooklyn,
caught up, dress to impress
pop up, car skid

you loose your mind
we move away from brooklyn,
now we live on the face of the sun

we are not lovers
we just scream at each other not
to switch sides,

without commitment, we are
nothing, we need moderation,

i try to wash you out
of my mind
spoiler alert: i can't

i'm still stuck on those days
back in new york
when we milly rocked
Inspired by Playboi Carti and Morgan Parker.
St. Catharines light in the afternoon: lead oxide, pink white, dry mud shadows.
They lay on her living room carpet and Anthony gloated over Milly
Her cotton nightgown, her long back, and round shoulders: proof at last.
"So this is gloating. It is better to gloat than to doubt. It took me a long time."

Her clean faded quilt brought from the balcony rail: it
Smells of clean laundry and cold air and the thrill of their power.
He’s proud to be the lover of a heroine,
And happy that he can see her this way.”

Picnic kisses tasting of smoked oysters and beer.
There were never friendly kisses of love before?
"Milly, I love hearing how you defied the adults."

He told Hansel and Gretel to her child, who had strep throat,
And told it again, knowing it would work,

Seeing the bookshelves, seeing her notebooks,
Knowing that he would have his life after all:

                      The mispronounced words of a solitary reader,
                       The red skirt on the chair, the gold necklace of coins.

                   Paul Anthony Hutchinson
Copyright Paul Anthony Hutchinson
Who knew someone so beautiful
Could be hurting so badly
Most precious human being around
That i wish you could see
The book i long to read and understand
The smile which i hope could be real one day
Amazing eyes hiding hurtful memories
My only wish is that you are set free
I don't want to be your saviour
But i wish you  would believe in me like i believe in you
Let go and let me catch you
Protect you from the outside world
Pick you up whenever you fall
Let me be the one to hold you when you don't want to hold on anymore
Just let me be that one for you
Max Neumann Oct 2020
this whole world is like a pit
by your side, i'll find a way

prosperin' in times of sadness
people are loaded with madness
questions in their eyes, a quest
by your side, i'll be blessed

lord, i wanna be good, so good
lord, i wanna die in the hood
baby, take a trip with me, soul dealin'
we were sick, now got feelings of healin'

don't get me wrong, don't tell it everybody
yet i'm not flawless, a human being, a body
lord, i wanna be good, so good
lord, i wanna die in the hood

lead me through the valley of my fear
lead me through the valley of my tears
o lord, holy almighty, you sent me milly
do i deserve her? am i worthy?

ya know me, a friend of forties, a slowie
fan of bowie, jeezy, straight up deezy
i don't respect the "i", but my woman
o lord, holy almighty, you sent me milly

the beginning of a journey, the winning
just the beginning, i'll be fightin' waterfalls
all in all, i'll crush the chinese wall to be
with you girl, not my new girl, but my true girl

funky like a whirlwind, my head is spinning
people waitin: what about him, ain't no sinnin'??
don't have to to do that, cause i am tru dat, so in it
my head is spinnin', lord i wanna be good

i wanna live and die in the hood, maybe in the woods
you sent me milly, this is not to be misunderstood
embers in her eyes, and a nice-hearted smile
lord, do i deserve her? am i worthy?

ya know me, a friend of forties, a blowie
o lord, holy almighty, please bless us...
Voilà le banc rustique où s'asseyait mon père,
La salle où résonnait sa voix mâle et sévère,
Quand les pasteurs assis sur leurs socs renversés
Lui comptaient les sillons par chaque heure tracés,
Ou qu'encor palpitant des scènes de sa gloire,
De l'échafaud des rois il nous disait l'histoire,
Et, plein du grand combat qu'il avait combattu,
En racontant sa vie enseignait la vertu !
Voilà la place vide où ma mère à toute heure
Au plus léger soupir sortait de sa demeure,
Et, nous faisant porter ou la laine ou le pain,
Vêtissait l'indigence ou nourrissait la faim ;
Voilà les toits de chaume où sa main attentive
Versait sur la blessure ou le miel ou l'olive,
Ouvrait près du chevet des vieillards expirants
Ce livre où l'espérance est permise aux mourants,
Recueillait leurs soupirs sur leur bouche oppressée,
Faisait tourner vers Dieu leur dernière pensée,
Et tenant par la main les plus jeunes de nous,
A la veuve, à l'enfant, qui tombaient à genoux,
Disait, en essuyant les pleurs de leurs paupières :
Je vous donne un peu d'or, rendez-leur vos prières !

Voilà le seuil, à l'ombre, où son pied nous berçait,
La branche du figuier que sa main abaissait,
Voici l'étroit sentier où, quand l'airain sonore
Dans le temple lointain vibrait avec l'aurore,
Nous montions sur sa trace à l'autel du Seigneur
Offrir deux purs encens, innocence et bonheur !
C'est ici que sa voix pieuse et solennelle
Nous expliquait un Dieu que nous sentions en elle,
Et nous montrant l'épi dans son germe enfermé,
La grappe distillant son breuvage embaumé,
La génisse en lait pur changeant le suc des plantes,
Le rocher qui s'entr'ouvre aux sources ruisselantes,
La laine des brebis dérobée aux rameaux
Servant à tapisser les doux nids des oiseaux,
Et le soleil exact à ses douze demeures,
Partageant aux climats les saisons et les heures,
Et ces astres des nuits que Dieu seul peut compter,
Mondes où la pensée ose à peine monter,
Nous enseignait la foi par la reconnaissance,
Et faisait admirer à notre simple enfance
Comment l'astre et l'insecte invisible à nos yeux
Avaient, ainsi que nous, leur père dans les cieux !
Ces bruyères, ces champs, ces vignes, ces prairies,
Ont tous leurs souvenirs et leurs ombres chéries.
Là, mes soeurs folâtraient, et le vent dans leurs jeux
Les suivait en jouant avec leurs blonds cheveux !
Là, guidant les bergers aux sommets des collines,
J'allumais des bûchers de bois mort et d'épines,
Et mes yeux, suspendus aux flammes du foyer,
Passaient heure après heure à les voir ondoyer.
Là, contre la fureur de l'aquilon rapide
Le saule caverneux nous prêtait son tronc vide,
Et j'écoutais siffler dans son feuillage mort
Des brises dont mon âme a retenu l'accord.
Voilà le peuplier qui, penché sur l'abîme,
Dans la saison des nids nous berçait sur sa cime,
Le ruisseau dans les prés dont les dormantes eaux
Submergeaient lentement nos barques de roseaux,
Le chêne, le rocher, le moulin monotone,
Et le mur au soleil où, dans les jours d'automne,
Je venais sur la pierre, assis près des vieillards,
Suivre le jour qui meurt de mes derniers regards !
Tout est encor debout; tout renaît à sa place :
De nos pas sur le sable on suit encor la trace ;
Rien ne manque à ces lieux qu'un coeur pour en jouir,
Mais, hélas ! l'heure baisse et va s'évanouir.

La vie a dispersé, comme l'épi sur l'aire,
**** du champ paternel les enfants et la mère,
Et ce foyer chéri ressemble aux nids déserts
D'où l'hirondelle a fui pendant de longs hivers !
Déjà l'herbe qui croît sur les dalles antiques
Efface autour des murs les sentiers domestiques
Et le lierre, flottant comme un manteau de deuil,
Couvre à demi la porte et rampe sur le seuil ;
Bientôt peut-être... ! écarte, ô mon Dieu ! ce présage !
Bientôt un étranger, inconnu du village,
Viendra, l'or à la main, s'emparer de ces lieux
Qu'habite encor pour nous l'ombre de nos aïeux,
Et d'où nos souvenirs des berceaux et des tombes
S'enfuiront à sa voix, comme un nid de colombes
Dont la hache a fauché l'arbre dans les forêts,
Et qui ne savent plus où se poser après !
Pourquoi le prononcer ce nom de la patrie ?
Dans son brillant exil mon coeur en a frémi ;
Il résonne de **** dans mon âme attendrie,
Comme les pas connus ou la voix d'un ami.

Montagnes que voilait le brouillard de l'automne,
Vallons que tapissait le givre du matin,
Saules dont l'émondeur effeuillait la couronne,
Vieilles tours que le soir dorait dans le lointain,

Murs noircis par les ans, coteaux, sentier rapide,
Fontaine où les pasteurs accroupis tour à tour
Attendaient goutte à goutte une eau rare et limpide,
Et, leur urne à la main, s'entretenaient du jour,

Chaumière où du foyer étincelait la flamme,
Toit que le pèlerin aimait à voir fumer,
Objets inanimés, avez-vous donc une âme
Qui s'attache à notre âme et la force d'aimer ?
C J Baxter Jul 2015
From a window on the third floor of an old abandoned brick building, I would smoke till my lungs felt near to collapsing. I went on my own, and I told no one of it: not my friends nor my family, nor any passing creature. I would sit there from when the sun first started to die until the cloak of night had fallen and enveloped the city, and the lights ( those maddening lights) would set the black fabric ablaze in the sky. They danced like ash eagerly above a fire, and promised such heat and hope; and my city needed hope, as gas filled girls and powdery boys had lost their way, covered in glitter and thinking they would sparkle forever. I shined less brightly myself, but I knew that would one day be my blessing.

One night, in the middle of Winters grasp, I set off home through my cheap shiny city, and I couldn’t shake the ache in my chest; It could have been the twenty snout I had just rattled into my lungs, but the pain was in my head too: My head and my heart were talking with the solemnity of a wake. I walked till I seen the the old granary that lay helplessly, then half bulldozed into the ground. Such beautiful, strong and defiant brick was to make way for glistening plastic houses that seemed more designed for mannequins and letting agents than human beings of Glasgow.  And the clyde seemed to twist in the turmoil of agony as it too watched the tearing of it’s town.  

So I set off, with my chest growing heavier, and feeling my will collapse until I reached the bank of the river, stripped off and jumped in…We’ve drifted off together ever since.  

Twenty years later, and I live in the penthouse atop the plastic mountain that hangs grotesquely over the sickly clyde. It’s the price I have to pay to be close to my love- I wouldn’t blame you for thinking my love to be the river, for it is in many ways, but I am referring to my fiancé Milly, who’s parents own properties all over the city and were very insistent that we live in a good area and a good house, which of course stripped my mannish integrity to zilch.  Milly is warm, understanding and organically beautiful. She puts up with my endless wandering and lack of love for anything new, brushing it aside with a smile, and is always there to carry me.

The day I asked her to Marry me, I took her to the spot we had first met: The banks of the river where I was lurking like a little creep  scrawling angst-filled and childish poetry, and she was walking home from a night of glitter and ecstasy.  We chatted for ours that night, and she dared me to jump into the river. I did and she followed. And the day I asked her to marry me she cried yes and then took the ring from my hands and threw it into the river.

And we've drifted ever since.
Romantic Surrealism
Tim Isabella Oct 2015
I read the last sentence of every book I ever hold long before I ever even read the title, or the author, because, as a writer, and as a human being, endings are the hardest thing to write, and because I still don't know how to say goodbye to you. I remember when I read the text message telling me what had happened, what you'd done, I laughed to myself about what an ******* I thought you were, saying something like that, and then I went to bed. I remember thinking that I was playing along, going with the joke, not believing for days that you were ACTUALLY unlucky enough to ACTUALLY pull it off. I remember my heart beating painfully and in reverse while reading everyone's best wishes to your mother, and I very vividly remember the way a little piece of me then bolted for the nearest exit, like a punk rock kid running from the police. I remember walking into your funeral, and a small twelve year old boy with long hair and glasses, who told me how much freedom he felt from punk music, looks me up and down as if he was a bouncer, or there was some type of criteria or dress code I'd missed. The kid spots the long knife on my leg hanging from my belt and the red anarchy symbol on the silver ring I was wearing that now lays on your grave, tied to a metal flower, next to a cross I'd flipped upside down, and says to me with such conviction, without a doubt in his mind, "Sweet blade. You were Jon's friend." as a bold and obvious statement, not a question. I remember walking in slowly and not being able to make eye contact with a single person in that room, because I felt so guilty, and I had so much shame for laughing at that text. I remember dreaming recently that you called me on the phone and told me it was all some giant, year and a half long prank that you somehow managed to accomplish. It's a little frightening to think about, sometimes, I think, because I've been there before, y'know? I've been there, I have I've stared down the barrel before, I was just too scared. I took my finger off the trigger and threw the gun off the bridge I was sitting on. I called 911, and told them what happened. They couldn't find the gun, but I caught weapons charges. So many people, like me, in my life, so many people I've met in those program, in those hospital, in situations like mine, they're dead or they're drug addicts, but me, I'm still standing. I'm still standing. I'm. Still. Standing.  It'll be your 21st birthday in a few months, and we can't even go get a drink together. I'm sorry I didn't see the signs. Why didn't you reach out to any of us? I would've answered the phone for you. I'll never ignore a phone call. We met in hell, but we got through it together, and you, my brother, you will never leave my mind. I think you've figured out a way to live on forever, it was by living a life that no one could ever forget. So this is for you, Jon, and for Liam, and for Milly. Tell Cobain I say "what's up?" I love you. I miss you. All.
This one is for my brother Jon who took his own life in April of 2014.
phil roberts May 2016
I used to work with a guy
A good friend of mine
He was as sharp as anyone I knew
Nobody's fool at all
With laser eyes and brain
He missed nothing
A hard and shrewd man was he

In his slightly younger days
He had been a member of the Samurai
The local biker gang
He used to go around
With a dead mouse sewn
To the shoulder of his leather jacket
Doing the things that bikers do

One day we were hand packing
Half a dozen or so of us
Working quietly, for once
All of us elsewhere in our heads
It's the only way to cope with the boredom
Steve was next to me and I heard him
Singing to himself unaware of listeners
And what was this shrewd hard man singing?
"Milly Molly Mandy as sweet as sugar candy....."

                                              BY Phil Roberts
Max Neumann Jul 2021
take a close look at daniel blue: thievin'
tommy's wallet floats thru his garden
camouflage of a secretive spirit, bricks
and daniel does it all for loads of blow

milly meantime desperate since
her square drawings grow into strife
but that's how she acts out, love ya girl
yayo, tho, remains the white magic...

catch my thoughts, old friend, come over
yesterday's enemy, now platin mutants
lay down, relax, breathe deeply, 16 seconds
eagerly governing are kingpins & eagles

feel me in the midst of purple mist
among dusk, dawn, and dusk, 108 hours
insomnia, trance, return, greed, insights
months vanish like hours, but still here

you get me? this is much appreciated
this is a highly desired lifestyle, kiddo
especially when the mouth ironly hurts
and you spot the shadows of memories
Max Neumann Oct 2020
i trust in you and you love me
forever protected, the umbrella
maybe i'm scared, here and there
i, then, close my eyes and speak to you

you, then, answer me and calm me
we don't need any poetry, God
it's you and me, it's you and me...
YOUR SON, Mikey, Tizzop, Max

protect my mom and my dad,
my brothers and sisters
Elias, Christoph, Katharina, Chris,
Alin and Valerie, Andreas, Dennis

Nicholas, Eden, Beza, Milly, Janet,
Albin, Richard, Robin, Davis, Gisi

i do thank you from the bottom of
my heart and my soul.
forever yours, Mikey, Tizzop, Max
I gaze into the distance,
silhouettes of cranes stand elegantly on crystal water.
Behind me, moonlit mountains crouch with their
caves and rocks.
And the spirits, charged atoms, flutter
with the wind.
Beneath me, only hope, immortal like Styx
cracked beckoning
as I cross to that other time.
I search for my dreams, one lost between
dark branches.
But in vain; battle, battle, clammer, gather,
I am still….
To fall into the rupturing sky.

-milly and jonte
Joy Oct 2019
Milly laid out
brown paper bags from the delli
opened wide on her doorstep.
Ivy put plastic containers
with the lids off
on her windowsill.
Milly told me she was catching
the last rays of sunshine.
Ivy said she was collecting rainwater
Derrick Jones Mar 2021
Sun and moon

Flower and bloom

This is a cartoon

But also in tune

With reality

The stream flowing freely

Merrily, dreamily

The me flowing me-ly



We are Grist for the Mill

That’s the gist, I’m just a shill

In the mist, I don’t shoot to ****

I aim my arrow with love

To heal, I wield this skill

And I point my pistol high into the sky

I will throw away my shot

Again and again

So that others know where to aim

I am but a photon blasting into and out of the sun

I am all and I am one

Just begun, yet fully spun

Not just having fun, I am become
Thank you for being. If you would like to see more of my poetry, essays, and other writings, check out my blog on Medium:
Carmelo Antone Jan 2013
The gun at my hip is ready to make you disappear,
The club your ancestor loved is no match for mind I run,
Think you’ve got the better of me,
Let’s wait and see who welcomes another day of agony,

Life is rough and resembles damnation,
From conception,
Making it to your twenty’s, ******* impressive,
I would have aborted your ***,

Just a dramatic demon,
Despite the deaths of other humans,
Across the ocean,
Far from where I hide,
Far from where I can see,
Where I would mind,

Out of sight,
A place where the bodies lay,
Where militaries fill graves,

Land of the free, land of the incubated,

Belated by your brutality,
Why do you think I reach for my 9 milly’

Betrayed by your humanity,
Why do you think my trust in you diminished?
Because you are ******* human,
And Darwin wasn’t dimwitted,

Ignorance graced by intellectually \ lives,
Sprinkled amongst the ash,
However I feel like I should last,

What was I talking about?
That’s right your demise,
At the hands of you despise,

But this shouldn’t be a surprise,
Since you spawned this stupid stride,

I feel like picking on those who can’t find their way out of a compromise,
I don’t mean to pry,
But your confessional is so humanly inviting,
I’ve gotta criticize your justifications for the way you live a life,

The fact you can’t forget the dollar,
The fact you still pop a collar,
Who the **** do you think you are,
You are just a bump in the modern mold,

What am I saying?
Oh yea you’re the prey and I seek relief,

I believe in the possibilities of this species,
But evolution out grew a generation of intellectuals,
So who is going to take the helm?
And make sure we don’t end without spewing a few words,

A generation enslaved by self-entitlement,
Nothing is given to you my son,
You’ve gotta reach for you guns,
And earn your stripes,
Max Neumann Oct 2020
to love a person, is a risk
rejecting this risk, means to
reject love -- what does this mean?

i love a girl called milly
she likes her cousin and
sometimes, i'm scared

imagining her soft skin
these hands, touchin
anotha dude; FUCKK!

but i be good, my friendz
cause i called popz
his old voice calmed me

my popz has become a real
friend by now; he's experienced
listen to dem old ones

you be good, too..
Fo' Life

— The End —