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David Ehrgott Aug 2015
The Twenty-nine Janes

Jane                             Jane                                   Jane

             Jane                                Jane

                            Jane                                                                Jane

           Jane                                                 Jane                      Jane


                                                      Jane                              Jane
                                Jane                                   Jane                              Jane

Jane                                             Jane

                Jane                                                                Jane

Jane                                                           Jane

                            Jane                                                                    Jane

Jane                                             Jane                       Jane
brandon nagley Oct 2015
( old Irish version)

i. Queen Jane, tá lá atá inniu an lá, an dara bliain mí ourn.

ii. Queen jane, looketh mé ar aghaidh chuig eternity leat.

iii. Queen Jane, ealaín muid mar an gcéanna á s.

iv. Queen Jane, ar feadh an tsaoil chomh maith le; Infinity.

v. Queen Jane, sonas neverending suthain.

vi. Queen Jane, tá a chruthú bás a fháil le sciathán ar síoda.

vii. Queen Jane, gan teorainn flyeth againn ar an Cosmos.

viii. Queen jane, amour ourn 'láidir, TIS lánmhaith.

ix. Féadfaidh na spéir s cairde dúinn, le toast.

x. Dhá mhí sona, an anam mianach, Jane mianach, mianach Reyna.

( English version)

i. Queen Jane, today is the day, ourn second month anniversary.

ii. Queen jane, I looketh forward to an eternity with thee.

iii. Queen Jane, we art the same being's.

iv. Queen Jane, a lifetime plus; infinity.

v. Queen Jane, perpetual neverending happiness.

vi. Queen Jane, immortal creation's with wing's of silk.

vii. Queen Jane, boundless we flyeth the Cosmos.

viii. Queen jane, ourn amour' is strong, tis upmost.

ix. May the heaven's grace us, with a toast.

x. Happy two month's, mine soul, mine Jane, mine reyna.

©Brandon nagley
©Earl Jane nagley dedication ( Filipino rose)
©Lonesome poet's poetry/hari and Reyna poetry.
brandon nagley Aug 2015
Mine Jane
O' mine jane;
How I canst not waiteth
To seeith thine face.

Mine Jane
O' godly jane;
Ourn bones shalt locketh
Inside, between ourn hand's.

Mine Jane
O' darling jane;
When we do meeteth
I shalt removeth thine old stain's.

Mine Jane
O' angelic jane;
Douse me in thy slaver
Showeth me that amour, thou hath written on paper.

Mine Jane
O' **** Jane;
Bringeth thine leg's closer
Maketh me beg, pull the blonde on mine head, be the chauffeur.

Mine Jane
O' goddess jane;
Throweth me down, back to the ground
Jump on me, childplay.

Mine jane
O' Filipino Jane;
Calleth mine name
I'll yet back louder, us both bursting in hott flame's.

Mine Jane
O' masterpiece jane;
No word's, hush love
Taketh me again.

Mine Jane
O' mine Filipino rose;
Who careth what other's think
The whole world already knoweth.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane nagley dedication
slaver means saliva in old tongue for you who don't know (:
Terry Collett Apr 2015
Jane passed the church, walked past the gravestones of those long dead, smelt the scent of flowers, heard the songs of birds in nearby hedgerows and trees. Benedict said to meet her there the day before while leaving the school van, about midday he had said. She had cycled from the vicarage where she lived with her parents, down through the narrow lanes, passed the water tower by the farm, riding carefully past the cottage where Benedict lived with his parents and siblings, on through narrow lanes until she had reached the church. She was happy to be meeting him again, from the time she had awoken that morning she felt a sense of excitement at seeing him, being in his company. Her mother had asked where she was going and she said to meet Benedict at the church on the other side of the hamlet. Her mother smiled; she liked Benedict, he was trustworthy, unlike some of the boys round about whom she would have felt uneasy about Jane meeting...Benedict sat in the churchyard in the corner away from the nearest grave, where the name and date had worn away over the years until just a few words remained visible. He looked around him, studied the shapes and size of the gravestones, many had become dilapidated over the years, but it was peaceful and he liked it being amongst the dead sensing the feeling of being beyond the here and now. He waited for Jane to come. He had asked her to meet him there the day before. She said she would. He looked forward to seeing her, having her  near him, seeing her eyes looking at him, her dark hair, brown eyes, that shy smile...Jane saw Benedict sitting on the grass in the corner, he was looking at the gravestones, his hands around his knees. He was in blue jeans and white shirt and black shoes. She passed a few graves when he looked up and saw her. A thrill of excitement went through her, her stomach churned, her heart beat fast...There she was, standing not far away, Benedict stood up from the grass and went to her and she smiled at him. Not late am I? she asked, putting a hand out to touch his. No, he said, just on time, looking at the watch on his wrist, feeling her hand touch his, buzzing his nerves with her touch...Jane sensed her tongue becoming stuck in her mouth; her eyes scanned him taking in his eyes, hazel bright, his brown hair with that quiff that she loved, that smile so warm and yet inviting. Her hand was in his, warm, soft, his thumb rubbing her skin...Benedict felt alive; felt so here and now that his heart beat so that it seemed it would crash through his chest. How are you? He asked, rubbing her hand, not wanting to let it go, but not wanting to hold it too long. I'm all right, she said shyly, wanting his hand to stay there, to feel him near her, listening to his every word...Jane looked around at the churchyard, saw the flowers on some of the graves, some dying of neglect, some fresh planted. Shall we look in the church? She said, see  the interior? Yes, he said, why not, not seen inside for ages(although he had a few weeks before when the girl Lizbeth had taken him there and had tried to ****** him inside on one of the pews and he had left and declined)...Jane looked at him, seeking to see if he mentioned the girl Lizbeth whom Jane had heard had taken Benedict there a few weeks before. She trusted him, but needed him to tell her about the girl from their school, thirteen like them, but more forward, more dangerous. I heard you were here with Lizbeth a few weeks ago, Jane said, not wanting him to be unaware that she knew, but wanting him to be honest with her...Benedict blushed and looked at her, releasing her hand reluctantly. Yes, he said, she took me here, or rather we came here.  He didn't know what to say, but he couldn't lie, not keep things back. She came to the cottage and asked me to bring her here because she said she was interested in the architectural aspects of the church, but she just wanted to do things, he said looking at the nearest gravestone, feeling unsettled. Do things? Jane asked, looking at him, seeing his blush still there, wondering what he had done. She wanted me to have *** with her on a pew in the church, he said, but that was after we were in the church and she tricked me...Jane caught her breath, brought her hands together in front of her, trying to make sense of what he was saying. *** with her on a pew? She said, the words soft almost choking her. You didn't did you? She asked, not believing she was asking him. No, of course not, I would never have come here with her had I known that was what she was after, he said, gazing at Jane, unsure of her reaction. She felt her heart beating fast in her breast, her mind was becoming out on a limb. How could she think you would? She asked, not sure what to say or asked any more...Benedict felt the world becoming almost too big for him. He wanted to take Jane and say it hadn't been for real that he had been tricked, that he wanted to be near her not Lizbeth. I don't know, Benedict said, I never encouraged her, thought she was interested in the church, but inside she changed and said we could have *** on one of those pews. Jane sensed an unease enter. And what happened then? She asked, looking at him shyly. Nothing, I left the church and she followed and I cycled back home and she followed me, but them rode off, he said, feeling undone, feeling as if the ground was about to swallow him up...Tears were rising to her eyes, she could sense them. Did you kiss her? She asked, wanting to know, yet not wanting to know. No, nothing at all, he said shaking his head, I wanted none of that. She bit her lower lip, tried to hold back the tears in her eyes. She sensed he hadn't, but she needed to be sure. She had heard about the girl at school, but had he fallen for her charms such as they may have been? Why did she want to have *** with you? She asked, blushing at the word *** in her own mouth. No idea, he said, seems to have this fixation with me and ***. She sensed the tears falling from her eyes and on her cheeks. She wiped them off with the back of her hand. Can I trust you? She asked, the tears making her throat feel sore. Yes, he said, I’d never betray you, never. Not with her or anyone, he added, feeling his world emptying like a fish thrown on dry land. She put a hand on his arm, squeezed it, drew him to her and he embraced her uncertain if it was for real or just a gesture. I trust you, she said, wanting him to hold her close to him, sensing her tears rub on his shoulder, dampening his shirt...Benedict held her tight, not wanting her to go from him, not wanting to lose even this one moment in her closeness. He smelt that naturalness about her, an apple scent, fresh air, purity like new snow, blossoms...She kissed his cheek; lips to skin, not pressured, but there wanting to express how she felt, how her heart felt, not lust like the Lizbeth girl, but love, yes, love for him...Benedict sensed her lips kiss his cheek, warm, soft. He held her tight, feeling her body close to his, sensing her soft ******* against his chest as he held her...Jane put a hand behind his head, drew him closer, her lips kissing his ear, his lobe, his cheek again, then she pulled away a little to look at him. I should not have doubted you or your what you would do or not do, she said softly, her eyes watery, her cheeks damp. I heard about her and her visit to you, but I wasn't sure if it was true or not, but it doesn't matter now, because I trust you, she said...Benedict held her as near as he dare, not wanting her to go from his hold. I would never hurt you. I didn't know what she was after. Jane put a finger on his lips. Hush, she said softly. Let us not give her the benefit of thinking she has undone us. He felt his heart pounding in his chest as if someone was punching him from the inside...Jane turned his head towards her and kissed him on the lips. He kissed her, too, his lips pressing against hers. She put her arms around his waist and hugged him as she had never hugged anyone before, her lips sealing him from breath, from leaving her, from going away...Benedict sensed her body so close now that his heart seemed to beat with hers in a duet of thumping inside. His lips felt as if welded to hers, wet and warm and soft and he sensed himself filling with tears, tears he'd not shown or felt before to this degree...Jane took his hand and they walked past the gravestones into the church and sat in a side pew next to each other. His hand was in hers; he rubbed his thumb against her skin, rubbed it gently. She squeezed his hand, turned and kissed him, then sat back and stared ahead. God's house, she said, she should never had thought you would do anything like that here, not in here...Benedict said, not anywhere with her, certainly not here. He recalled that day here with Lizbeth, how she had suggested they have *** on a pew and he taken aback by such a thing and how she thought it quite possible...Us, Jane said, us and not her, not anything she thought possible. He nodded and looked at the altar where a brass cross stood alone. Do you love me? She asked. He turned and gazed at her, his eyes searching each aspect of her features. Yes, I do, he said, as much as its possible to love. She smiled shyly, wiping tears from her damp cheeks. I love you, too, she said... Benedict closed his eyes. He wanted to capture her and her words and that moment for ever in his mind. He wanted being here with her now to over brush the image of Lizbeth here with him those weeks before, to have that image and words of Jane captured in his mind like a camera snapping it all and holding it in frame and picture for evermore... Jane breathed in and out slowly. He had closed his eyes. His hand was still in hers. His pulse pulsed with hers, a gentle beat, a soft thump, a mixture of one becoming two, an uncertainty going, a truth and love becoming true.
David Walker Dec 2012
written and directed
David Walker

the films of
Quentin Tarantino
David Lynch
Rob Zombie

There is method
To his madness

                                                        ­                                                                 ­                  January 2013              
                                              ­                                                                 ­                       first draft

1. EXT. Run down project apartment complex - 3:00 am

A dark, tall figure with long black hair and a trenchcoat opens the already cracked red door.

I'm looking for love in all the wrong places.

                                                        ­                                                                 ­                                       CUT TO:
INT. Apartment 3

A typical roach infested apartment with a kitchen built into the living room. 3 GIRLS are on the kitchen floor. GIRL # 1 one has black hair with big lips and a curvy frame and she is wearing a pair of Tripp pants and a black bra barely covering her ample *****. She has a flesh colored rubber hose tied to her left arm. GIRL # 2 has dyed rainbow colored hair, a nice smile, and a skinny frame. She is wearing a pair of tore blue jeans with smiley faces and cute in jokes written on them, also not wearing a shirt with a lacy blue bra on. She has a spoon with water and black tar ****** inside it which she is heating up with a silver Zippo with the word "Skittles" engraved into it. GIRL # 3 Has long naturally red hair, glasses and an extremely voluptuous figure. She is wearing tight black pants and a black shirt with thin sleeves. She is inspecting a covered syringe with an unsure look in her eyes.

GIRL # 2:
So, do you wanna do it or not Jane?

Snatches the syringe out of JANE's hand.

I'm not sure. How long have you been doing this ****?

Girl #2 takes the orange cap off the syringe revealing a small needle.

GIRL #2:
Since after I graduated. About 3 years. Liz you ready?

As ready as I am for dat sweet tang!

Girl #2 giggles. She sticks the needle into Liz's arm, blood mixes with the brown fluid inside, and she pushes the plunger down. Liz leans back into Girl #2's arms and Girl #2 gives her a kiss.

I love you, Julia.

Well, I love you too.

You guys are so gay!

Save that **** for the ******* customers!

                                                     ­                                                                 ­                                       CUT TO:
Other side of room. A greasy looking MAN with short faded black hair and a scar going from the corner of his mouth to the right ear is sitting in a beat up recliner cleaning his Uberti 1873 Cattleman revolver while smoking a fat blunt and watching some kind of high budget **** with Sasha Grey in it.

Sorry, Mike. It didn't stop you from leaving me and Liz unsatisfied and bored, did it?

LIZ and JULIA laugh. JANE has a nervous look in her eyes.

Very ******* funny you wore out trick! Am I gonna have to smack the sass out yo mouth?

MIKE gets up, puts out his blunt and walks over to the GIRLS gun in hand.

Or am I gonna have to give your little friend a scar like mine.

Mike don't!

MIKE SLAPS JULIA with the side of his UNLOADED revolver and grabs JANE by her hair.

Who the **** are you, anyways *****?

I was walking down the street earlier today and I ran into Julia and Liz. They went to school with my sister I think. Let me go!

So you're a young'n. Well you have some nice big *******!

MIKE RIPS off her shirt exposing her *******. He begins to squeeze the right one. JANE SLAPS MIKE HARD!


MIKE lets go of her hair. Jane runs to the other room grabbing her shirt. LIZ stumbles towards him and PUNCHES him in the nose.

That's it! You little *** dumpsters are dead!

MIKE picks up the REVOLVER, runs to the chair where the bullets are and tries to reload. JULIA wakes from her daze. We see him load 3 rounds. All of a sudden the DOOR gets broken down and the dark clad FIGURE from the scene before pulls out a BERETTA M9 with a silencer attachment. MIKE FIRES 2 shots at him haphazardly missing both. The MAN LAUGHS and FIRES one shot that MIKE's crotch catches.

                                                       ­                                                                 ­                                       CUT TO:
2. INT. Next door in Apartment 2.

A MAN and WOMAN in their early 40's are smoking a joint and seem disturbed by the gunfire.

What the hell was that?

Sounded like gunshots. Do you think we should call the cops?

**** no! There is a pound of chronic in the bedroom closet! Just pray whoever it is doesn't come over here!

Okay. Are you gonna pass that?

                                                          ­                                                                 ­                                     CUT TO:
3. INT. Apartment 3.

The smoke has cleared. MIKE is begging for death and BLEEDING out everywhere, JULIA is in a daze, dumbfounded by what she just witnessed, LIZ is cowering in fear, crying, and JANE just came out of the bedroom with her TORN SHIRT on and a terrified "Oh my God" expression. The unknown assailant has a devilish grin upon his face.

Godfuck! **** me you sunuvabitch! Godda--

The MAN obliges. He fires a single shot into his RIGHT EYE.

Well, looks like I got here in the nick of time!

W-Who the **** are you?

That is of little importance right now. Who are you foxy ladies?

M-My name's Julia. That girl over there (points to Liz) is Liz, and the ginger is Jane.

What pretty names! Well, I have a question. Will you three lovely young ladies gather round that despicable looking chair and listen to what I have to say, or are you going to run? Keep in mind I have rope in my trenchcoat and the fact I mean you no harm. I am just a lonely man with a story to tell, and the way I see it, what with that bruise on your sweet face, you kinda owe me.

I think we can stay. I just wanna know your name.

Ahh, but I am a man of many names. My christian name is Derek. You don't need the last for now.

DEREK walks to the chair and sits down. He waves the GIRLS over.

C'mon I just want to tell my tale. Look, I will put the gun under the chair as a sign of good faith that neither you girls or I will start shooting the place up again. Are we square ladies?

What do ya say guys?

They gather in the kitchen.

This guy has a ***** loose.

Yes, but he saved us from our ****. We should humor him.

I think he is hot!

LIZ and JULIA just stare at JANE.

Sorry, but he is.

So it's agreed. We will listen to his story, silently pray he doesn't **** us and leave afterwards.

The GIRLS walk to the chair. DEREK has lit the blunt.

Ahh, so you have decided to join me. Good. Do you guys wanna hit this?

LIZ and JULIA shake their heads no.

I will.

Great. Now, where do I begin. I suppose everybody's roots stem from childhood, so lets go back, oh say, 20 years ago.

                                                           ­       FADE TO BLACK        
Against black, TITLE CARD

October 15th 1995.

                                                          ­                       CUT TO      
4. EXT. Suburbia circa 1995.

There are three boys between the ages of 6 and 9 playing in front of a grey HOUSE with a white MINIVAN in the driveway. Little DEREK is a scrawny 6 year old boy with short brown hair and a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles action figure in his hands. The 2 other BOYS ages 7 and 9 are picking on him and trying to take away DONATELLO.

Leave me alone or I will whoop your ****.

BOY #1:
Whatever! You are scrawny and lame. Give us your Ninja Turtle now or we will beat you up!

BOY #2 picks up a STICK and starts hitting DEREK with it.

BOY #2:
What are you going to do? Get your daddy? Oh, wait...that's right, you don't have one!

The 2 BULLIES start laughing. A look of hatred fills young DEREK's eyes. He catches the STICK and slaps BOY #2 in the face with it. He then tackles him and starts beating him mercilessly. BOY #1 runs towards the PORCH and knocks on the DOOR. DEREK'S MOM answers. She is in her mid 30's with brown hair and casual clothing on, smoking a cigarette and drinking a cup of "coffee."

BOY #2:
Derek's beating up Josh again!

Well, good for him! Bet that little pecker snot deserved it too. Now, Brad...why don't you take you and your friend on home before I tell your dad you play with Barbies.

My mother was a sweet ol' broad!

Okay, Ms. Walters, but you do know you are going to have to pull him offa Josh right?

(sighs like Brad)
I suppose.

DEREK'S MOM and BRAD walk to the front yard and GASP when they notice that DEREK has knocked out 2 of JOSH'S baby teeth, both in the front and broke his nose, which is bleeding profusely.

Derek Charles Walters! Get the **** up offa him!

He hit me with a stick!

Well, now I'm about to!

She picks up the STICK and beats his *** with it several times.

******* *****!

DEREK'S MOM, infuriated throws the stick down and SLAPS him across the face. DEREK runs away.
He runs to a wooded area in the back yard as far as his legs can take him.

Do not weep, for on that day, I met God and Satan incarnate and it turns out they existed singularly in my head.
                                                           ­                                                                 ­                          CUT TO:

5. JANE:
Like a conscience?

Much more. These guys are in the room right now and only I can see him. Satan led me to you guys tonight! Who knows what kind of CRAZY hijinks are in store!

That's it I'm outta here! C'mon gu--

DEREK fires of his M9 1 time.

Now, listen to me you dykey, ****** *****. I have 3 more rounds in this ******* and one
of them is reserved for you if you don't sit your tight *** back down.

JULIA sits back down scared to death. DEREK regains his composure and is "all smiles" again.

Phew! I don't want to hurt anybody. I just want someone pretty to listen to my ******* story. ****, if you want, I will ask you guys about yourself later on, but for now I'm going to introduce you to my best friends.

Who are they again?

Ah, you were trying to pay attention. I will remember that. They go by many names. One can be called "God", "Heroic Harry", "The White Knight", whatever you envision as good, this **** is it. He is the reason you guys are still alive.

And the other?

Ahh, him. He can go by "Satan", "The ******", "The Angel of Death." He's the reason ol' crusty here no longer bothers you.

So you're basically ape ****, right?

Pretty much! Now where was I? Ah...yes

                                                       ­                                                                 ­                                    CUT TO:

6. INT. Small wooded area behind the house --- Early evening.

DEREK has made himself a nice little HANGOUT in the woods! there is a trunk with tons of comics in it, an arsenal of sharpened sticks and rocks, Batman action figures, and a Game Boy Color. He is drawing a picture at the moment.

There I was in my element. ****** at my mother, then all of a sudden, a deep, angelic voice rang out.

(OS...of course)
You don't have to hate her, you know. She loves you.

And then another, this voice sounding more playful and mischievous then the other.

But, for how long? Do you think she meant to have you?

Where are you guys?

And then they appeared.

A 13 YEAR OLD BOY with BROWN hair and a FLANNEL overshirt over a Nirvana T-SHIRT with baggy torn blue JEANS with stains on them appears.

BOY #1:
Don't hate your mom.

But, watch her close.

DEREK turns his head. We see another BOY roughly the same age with slightly long BLACK hair and a TRENCHCOAT over a Nine Inch Nails T-SHIRT with tight black CHICK PANTS with a CHAIN leading from his pocket to his BELT. He has a lip piercing and he is smoking a cigarette.

Who are you guys?

BOY #1:
Just think of us as older brothers your mom can't see.

Wow! I should introduce you guys to my friends!

BOY #2:

Why not?

BOY #2:
You are the only person that can see us. Don't go telling anyone and don't talk to us in front of anyone. People will think you are nuts!

BOY #1:
Think of us as two ghosts that give you advice. Don't listen to him though, he'll get you in trouble.

BOY #2:
Shut up! Or I will kick your *** again.

BOY #1:
Not in front of him. He doesn't need to see that ****. Not now

What are your names?

BOY #1:
That's up to you.

I'll call you Joe, and him Jerry.

Works for me, for now. Call us whatever you feel like calling us whenever you like. If you wanna call me ******* and him poophead, go right ahead.

Okay, but for now you guys are Joe and Jerry.

We are going to leave now. We will show up when we think the time is right. Sometimes you will see us others you won't, but we are always with you.

Even when you ****.

                                                          ­                                                                 ­                     CUT TO:
7. INT. Apartment 3.

And then I went back home and they disappeared. I reconciled with my mom and for the next few weeks I didn't see them. Brad started hanging out with me again and school was good. The years go by and still no sight of them. 4 years pass by. It's 1999 and my tastes changed. Instead of Ninja Turtles and Batman it was KISS and Freddy Krueger. By this point me and Josh had made up and Brad was in middle school. And so we go to where me and the voices meet again.

8. INT. Taft Elementary
A class of roughly 25 children in your average 5th grade home room with a stout middle aged gentleman teaching. JOSH and DEREK are in the back row sitting side by side.

...And that's how the metric system works.

(to Derek)
Dude, did you check out RAW last night? The Undertaker crucified Stone Cold!

**** I missed it. I was doing homework.


What did you say Mr. Jarvis?

Sorry Mr. Cannib. I forgot to do my homework.

Josh, Derek, outside!

The old man had taken kids out of the classroom before and they always came back with tears in their eyes. As we walked outside I heard a familiar voice.

If he touches either of you, kick him in the nuts!

I told you boys too many times! None of this **** in my classroom! Josh get over here you little *****!


Hey ******* keep your hands to yourself!

CANNIB begins to throttle JOSH. DEREK pushes him off of JOSH and KICKS the TEACHER in the nuts with FURY about 3 times and jumps on top of him while JOSH watches holding his neck.

(OS) While we see Derek's mouth moving

Look here, *******. You think you can be called a teacher for drinking on a farm, ******* cattle and beating children so you can have Summer vacation every year? *******, you spiteful sad man.

DEREK SPITS in the *******'S face and begins to PUNCH him when JOSH pulls him off.

Dude, the door outta here is right there. Lets go to our lockers, get our **** and get outta here.

(Breathing heavily)
Did I just do that? What the ****? Let's get out of!

                                                    ­                                                                 ­                                           CUT TO:
9. EXT. Taft Elementary
A bunch of playground equipment next to an alley with a fenced in field. JOSH and DEREK are walking down the alley. It is sunny outside but about to rain.

That wasn't me that did that.

If it wasn't you who was it?

It w...

It reall
Terry Collett Jun 2015
Cows mooed. Birds bubbled in a nearby hedgerow. Butterflies fluttered by. A Gatekeeper, Jane said, pointing to a butterfly fluttering by. Benedict watched as the butterfly fluttered along ahead of them. Wasn't sure, he said. He caught her out of the corner of his eye. Dark hair, let loose, shoulder length; blue flowered dress short sleeved. I ought not to say whom you can see and whom you can't, she said, pausing by the hedgerow, looking up the narrow road leading to the small church, if you want to see that Lizbeth girl it's up to you, she added. Benedict looked at her. She comes looking for me; I don't go looking for her, he said. Her eyes looked at him: dark eyes, warm, searching, honest-to-God eyes. What does she want with you? Jane asked. A sound of a tractor in the distant field. Whatever it is she won't get it, he said, eyeing her lips, how they part slightly, her teeth, small but even. She seemed hooked on you, Jane said. She looked at Benedict's quiff of brown hair, his hazel eyes. Guess she is. He tries to push thoughts of Lizbeth ******* in her room a few months ago and how she wanted him to have *** with her and he didn't want to and didn't. Much to her annoyance. He pictures her body semi-undressed, her bed waiting for them. He couldn't. Jane frowned. I had a word with her in the girl's toilet at school, Jane said, she showed no shame in wanting to have *** with you; I couldn't believe any girl could just do that. Benedict sighed. Some can and do, he said, I didn't want to and so didn't. She seemed relieved to hear that and walked on and he walked on beside her.  Why didn't you? She asked, have *** with her? He thought before answering, didn't want to say the wrong thing. He heard the cows mooing louder as they walked up towards the church lane. I wouldn't, not just out of lust, he said. If you loved her would you? She asked. He didn't love Lizbeth, he liked her for reasons he couldn't quite fathom, but it wasn't love. Don't think so, he answered. She was quiet and they walked on up the narrow lane. A blackbird flew over their heads. The smell of flowers was strong. Cow dung from the farm was as strong. He studied Jane's hand near his: slim, fingers narrow, neat nails. Do you love her? Jane asked. No, he replied. He wanted to say he loved her, loved Jane, but it was a big statement to say and he didn't want just to blurt it out. They entered the churchyard. The small church was nearby. Lizbeth had been here with him twice or so. Once suggesting they have *** on one of the church pews. Narrow wooden pews. Would she have? He asked himself as he and Jane walked past old tombstones. He guessed she would, but he couldn't, not there, not anywhere. Jane paused by a grave. He was a tractor driver who died when his tractor fell on top of him, Jane said, pointing at the grave. It looked new: new stone, fresh dug earth, flowers. O my God, he said, how sad. Yes, it is, she said. His wife and children had to leave the tied cottage afterwards. Benedict caught her perfume as she leaned near him. He couldn't identify the flower smell. He couldn’t imagine her wanting him to have *** with her anywhere. Yet, oddly he felt he could with her, but he knew she wouldn't so it was safe to think it. But not like Lizbeth who was gagging for it-to use her expression-, but out of a love feeling, maybe. No, he couldn't imagine Jane doing such. What did you think when that Lizbeth girl brought you here? Jane asked. Thought she was just going to show me around the church; she said she was interested in the architecture, he said. She lies good, Jane said. He nodded. They walked on around the church, walked past other graves, older, moss covered stones. Were you tempted to have *** with her on one of the pews? Jane asked. Of course not, he replied, looking straight at her. Never dawned on me that she'd want such a thing. How could she even suppose you would? Jane said. Because she wanted to, she imagined I must want it, too, he said. But on a church pew? She said, her voice having tones of disbelief. He sighed. I know and when I said people might come in she said serves them right for coming in, he said, trying to recollect her words exactly, but couldn't. Jane opened the small wooden door of the church and they entered. It was cool. The walls were white painted. The windows were painted with religious figures. This is God's house, Jane said, she shouldn't have even thought of such a thing. Benedict looked at the altar end. A small crucifix stood on an altar table with a white cloth on it. He looked at the side pews. He tried to find the one he sat in with Lizbeth and she suggested having *** there. It made him go cold thinking of it. Jane walked to the altar end and sniffed. Incense from Sunday, she said. He smelt it too. He smelt her perfume more. She was close to him now. Her body was inches from his. His body tingled. He knew he loved her. He wanted to say so; wanted to say it loudly to her, but it was the wrong place. He looked at her body encased in the dress. Slim, narrow, her ******* were small, but tight. She was curved. He looked away. He knew he ought not to think of her in that way, least not here. Let's sit and pray, she said, and walked into one of the side pews and sat down. He sat next to her, pushing thoughts of Lizbeth from his mind. Keeping the image of her lifting her skirt and showing him a glimpse of her thigh from his mind. Jane had closed her eyes in prayer. She was a parson's daughter; prayer was natural to her as breathing. He closed his eyes. Smelt her perfume mingled with incense. How did one pray at a time like this? He thought, pushing Lizbeth's thigh from his inner eye.
brandon nagley Oct 2015
Dear Jane Sardua Nagley;

Hello dear queen, I just wanted to write you a love letter just in case anything is to happen to me. I'm trying not to sound nor be a pessimistic being mine love, though with all the health issues I have going on right now and worries on mine mind,it's truly hard to be positive. When daily ( literal demon's attack me) as they do you mentally and emotionally and me physically spiritually and in all form's, ( as who cares if others believe in that or not!!!) As tis you have seen the proof physically and what happened with us the one time face talking on Skype. The breathing coming through the line. Yeah as you and I more than know!!! Anyways what I'm writing to say is though things haven't been most positive for me health wise and things im dealing with as you are dealing with alot; The true positivity that I do have is you Jane. YOU!!!! Yeah I said it queen. YOU ( mine soulmate), YOU ( mine life) YOU ( mine all) YOU ( Mine love) YOU ( mine air) YOU Earl Jane Sardua ( Nagley)!!!!!!! See you always say to me that you don't do enough for me, that you say you aren't good enough for me, that I deserve better is what you tell me.... And that you are worthless you say at times...... !!!!!! Jane nagley!!!! LISTEN TO ME OK? Loll... You ARE MORE THAN WORTHY OK? MORE THAN!!!!! You are PERFECT!!!!! MORE THAN!!!! You are ****!!!! MORE THAN!!!! You are the positivity that surrounds me!! You are gods light and his messenger to me!!! I don't even deserve someone so spotless and beautiful and pure and angelic and amazing!!!! And someone so godly beautiful inside and out Jane!!!! Your inside is more than wonderful and attractive!!! And glowing!!!! Why do you think all people circle around you Jane? *** there's a bonfire!? Lol NO!!!! Because you are bright and a light and everyone from here to heaven can see that!!!! People adore you!!! God cherishes you!!!! I want,need, yearn, and desire only YOUUUUUU!!!! Not thy friend's, not noone here not noone anywhere!!! There's one queen who owns me and who I'm with and need and want hear me yet! Listening? Lol the Queens name is earl Jane nagley!!!! it's YOU!!!! Noone else YOU I'm in mad love with!!! and I don't care who doesn't like us.. And I don't care who sees our love!!! Because our love is something others wished they'd have yet do not!! Yet I pray others can find a love like our's!!! Because I've never been so happy in mine life!!! I've never known love before, fact is as I told you!!! Before you I reached out for any quote ( love and affection I can get) ànd I was never truly loved!!! I never truly felt love from anyone nor did I actually ever love anyone else!!! It was out of lonesomeness I reached out to others!!! Because as human beings we reach out in our loneliest hour's, as the amazing part I told you I cried and prayed to God even with others to send me mine real true soulmate!!! One who will love me for me and me inside and me for mine mistakes and faults I have because I'm far from perfect as you say im some perfect being haaa! lol.... But you know how amazing God is Jane? See people always question God asking him why isn't their prayers answered by him? And why isn't he listening to them.. Or hear them? He does hear us. and alot of times God gives us the ànswers back right in front of us and we don't even know it or he'll give his answer not the way we want it meaning not on our own time but his and not always the way we want our prayers answered.. As I kept praying for years as many do and pretty much gave up!!! Then after I got out of prison in mine loneliest lowest time!!! That's when it happened SLAP BAM!!!! On mine doorstep!! Mine angel God sent me!!! The soulmate I learned for years.. Since before mine birth was sent to me Jane. The one who's look's mind soul spirit and voice hair eyes lips thinking all I ever wanted... YOU!!!! And you are always so afraid I'm going to leave you because you feel I deserve better and that you aren't good enough? Are you kidding me? YOU are MORE than worthy and good enough, and I'm never leaving the answer to mine prayer that God finally gave me!!!! Even in death I shall find you... We will meet in this life no matter how long it takes and no matter if we can't talk for a while at times.. I'm NOT leaving you mine Filipino rose!!!!! I'm going nowhere Jane!!!!! I'm so happy with you, I've never known happiness until you fell from the heaven's!!!! You are mine only peace other than God!!! You are mine comfort, best friend, soulmate, mine lover, mine ALL!!! and this is a letter for all to see to bend on mine knee's for mine queen, in front of your throne: to tell you....

for doing all for me noone else has or ever could....
You are me
I am thee.
I'll forever Love you earl Jane nagley
And honestly daily mine love grows for you.. Dont know how when I'm already madddddddd for you!!! Lol this hearts gonna pop because I love you sooo much and I wanted all to see this to show you that you are worth more than anything on earth!! You are many other's angel to not just me!!!!
Especially mine!!!!!!
And mine other half
Mine half
Me period
As I am you.. ..
You are me!!!!

With love forever and always
Your king
And soulmate and lover.....

Brandon Cory nagley

©Brandon nagley
©Earl Jane Nagley dedication ( Filipino rose) soulmate
©Lonesome poet's poetry
John F McCullagh Dec 2011
Spot, that lucky dog, is dead.
He did not live to see
what became of **** and Jane.
Let me relate their history.
**** and Jane now were in their teens
Vietnam was our national hell.
Jane mourned her fellows at Kent State.
****'s squad stormed Hue's Citadel.
**** came back from Vietnam
a changed and distant man.
In sleep he'd mutter, toss and turn,
crying out like one who's dammed.
Jane became a feminist and
in protest burned her brassiere.
****, in monosylables
proclaimed he loved Jane dear
Soon Jane was having fun with ****
in the back seat of his car.
A different sort of fun, I think
than they ever had before.
They both tried marijuana
and both of them inhaled
They were discreet, unlike their friends
and avoided time in jail.
They lived together for  a while
Eventually they married.
The product of their union was
two boys named Tom and Harry.
**** got work at Chysler
standing right beside his Dad.
He figured he was set for life.
He became a Union man.
Jane became a lawyer
working for A.C.L.U.
**** and Jane would often argue
about the causes she pursued.
By now the boys were growing up
and spending time with Dad
Out at Tiger Stadium
they had seats in the grandstand.
It seemed everything was perfect.
Of course everything was not.
**** and Jane fought frequently.
Her career was getting hot.
She no longer had much fun with ****;
the passion had grown cold.
Cialis was not invented yet
and **** grew fat and bald.
Jane began to question why
she  ever chose to marry.
Jane stopped having fun with ****.
Jane  now has fun with Sally.
American baby boomers learned to read from a series of books that were titled fun with **** and Jane. they were simple tales of two friends **** and Jane and his dog Spot.   This is intended as a comic piece outlining their live after we left them in grade school
brandon nagley Aug 2015

Earl Jane, oriental poetess, thou art so down, that's why I writeth this, Earl Jane, best friend of Friend's, thine heart's open as thou doth not pretend, as so many other's do; Earl Jane, thy hand's writeth as a muse, thou art not abjected in mine room, welcomed


Earl Jane, lover of all being's, agone wherein thy heartbreak Sting's, I shalt taketh thine wound's mine friend, kind, gentle, thy charity with none end, thou shalt filleth thy dream's unlike other's thinkest, thou shalt glaze the moon in color's, I'll watcheth


Earl Jane, afoot beside me, its thee I shalt helpeth and guide
I seeith the passion and compassion in thine eyes, as thou art free
Earl Jane, poetica dream, taketh the rope off from around thy neck, ourn savior saved thee, as I'm here for thee to protect.


Earl Jane, I knowest whence thou came: from the before life of this, wherein romantic's met the poetic flame, earl jane, Asiatic bird, let thy anguish cometh out in word's, and jot and scribe thine soul down as it glide's, and frolic for new tommorrow.


Earl Jane, is this helping thine sorrow? Art thou smiling now as thou shouldst? Just look at mine face if thou needeth a laugh, we both knoweth its stained, like church rose glass, I knoweth right now that thou shalt laugh, art thou smiling now? Dearest friend...

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane dedication/ friendship poem
I accidentally deleted Janes last friendship poem I made her but today she needs it... Anyone who knows her tell her a hello and u do care... For you who don't she's amazing and the most wonderful of people.. So you can tell her hello to and compliment her ,(:::
brandon nagley Aug 2015
Dear Jane:

This isn't some romantic love poem as I always do for you, or even some made up rhyme that may sound good for some... As some do know as well as you, these poems I write aren't for the fun of it and there not to fill space and boredom time as many do, its mine sincere love as you know...and Jane, I know lately queen you've felt for year's now, especially after your last ex-man, that you aren't good enough or worthy to God or even for me, or for family , or for anyone..not even for YOU!!!!.. You see yourself as nothing more lately as a useless being just breathing and none worth and you feel as if garbage... Well mine soulmate, mine Reyna, mine earl Jane.....

Can I tell you this?
You ARENT some piece of trash or garbage as your ex and others made you feel. You ARENT worthless or useless. You have a purpose, and that purpose is to love God first as you know because he first loved you, and as all beings to love all family , being's, people, friends, everyone and forgive always!!!!l despite what monstrous conditions you have been through Jane.and fact is nothing against the other poets in here but I love all poets here , hope they don't take this wrong way, but I don't care if this is liked, this is about mine love for you and giving you truth on your worth, its not meant to be liked, this is meant to show u your soul and bodys worth queen Earl Jane!!!! Here's the fact ever since I met you I saw a light in you, a light that just struck me, I felt as a blind man seeing for once in his sad life. You have given me hope, and life, and the well of living Waters, because when I first talked to u Jane, I saw God inside you and honestly u want Truth? U always say people look up to me yes? Well here's the facts Jane... You always say you look up to me.. Fact is I actually look up to u for guidance. . for help alot when I'm down and lost at times... As an angel you are, and u are mine saved me when I first met u.. And u save me daily from many demons that try to come at me spiritually and in all ways.  You help me see mineself better.   Fact is YOU are the one who makes me wanna do better. And noone has done that ever Jane..  EVER!!!!!! And when someone can make us wanna do better we would be foolish to let such a king or queen go.  As u know I'm never leaving you as you are so afraid I will... As u see I'm not others.. As I see you more than aren't others !! U are a God sent creation to me for a reason, we met for a purpose as for me to guide u and show you things, and for u to guide me and show me love mankind knows nothing of.. ! You are mine life world and love.... And I cannot (repeat this) cannot thank you enough jane for saving a lowly peasant as me, though u call me your king.... I am your soulmate a lowly being in the presence of a seraphim... How was I soo blessed ? Lol don't ask me .. But finding u and knowing I've known u for ages now as I've been waiting for ( YOU) not another... Is the most grand feeling finding mine  other half.. Mine lost soul and spirit I've been seeking, and have found her again ( YOU) so when you say u have no meaning or purpose, never forget . our God is leading u through all this hell., and look at you.... Your almost an engineer at such a young age... And a miracle to me, to your mum, dad, brother, sisters, family, to those u just come across on daily basis .... They like me can see your aura and how brightly it shines and how much an angel you are.... To so many of us... So when u feel like trash and garbage as your ex and past has made you feel... Plz read this, and know this Jane.... You saved mine life... And to God and you mine ( angel) I'm more than greatful daily and nightly, and I don't think you'd call that trash... I think that's called u are the most amazing being and soul, and cherub I've ever met and will ever meet .. And I will spend daily when u are down out, and depressed, taking the time... To make u smile if even once .. Because you have no idea,

How much I love you queen earl Jane..
Mine best friend
Mine soulmate
Mine Reyna
Mine all....
So when you feel like quote: trash.... Take a look at this
And see you saved and save mine life daily
As all others who know you.....

I love you more mine Filipino rose...
I love you mine queen
I love you
Mine Reyna.....
Mine earl Jane........

Sincerely Brandon Cory nagley

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane dedication/letter to her
Mark Motherland Mar 2019
Part One - Missing presumed dead

Apparently Alec was missing presumed dead
at least that was what the obituary said
how then he got married is still a mystery
life after a very dark period of history

               Jane plodded head down through another long day
               solitude complete in a strange kind of way
               while Kestrels are tacked to an untamed sky
               she screams "Dear Lord wont you please tell me why"

young Alec stood well over six foot tall
legs full of shrapnell disfigured and all
willing to give all for a meagre days pay
a young man with half of his face blown away

                Shepherdess Jane sat under sad twinkling stars
                it was plain to see she had her own mental scars
                the Ferryman's Daughter, she was so kind
                different from the others, Jane was blind

when the bells of victory began to ring forth
it was too much for Alec, he headed up North
up to the North where the bronze fields shone
but Alec's old personality had gone

                 there in the North a young Shepherdess called Jane
                 did dry Alec's tears and soothed his deep pain
                 Her voice rolled over hills in a plaintive wave
                 as they assumed Alec lied in an unmarked grave

In time they married, Jane bore Alec a Son
but talk about the war, Alec would have none
all that he said was "between you and me..
I've seen things that no man should ever see"

                 flashbacks in his mind of the dead still ringing
                 offset by his young Wife's ethereal singing
                 somewhere around the Somme young Alec lay dead
                 at least that was what the obituary said.

Part Two - The Ferryman

The Ferryman vowed he would find his girl
he picked some roses to place in the top room
searched high and low to find his precious lost pearl
swore he would have her back before the flowers bloom

treated like a slave, a young girl in her prime
the Brothers got away Jane was left behind
her body it did whither through the passing of time
She was different from the others, Jane was blind

worked as a Milkmaid her hands would get so sore
under constant threats she still searched for the spark
work never done a family waits on the shore
although Jane was blind she could see in the dark

the moon shone bright on the path to the Ferry House
the gusts picked up on the night Jane ran away
salty wind and sea shanty's awakened the grouse
as Jane finally gets her break from the play

He scoured every square inch of the land
yet couldn't ask why? Or search into his past
at the Wayfarers Inn they'd got it all planned
released from a cruelty that could no longer last

the night the Father died Gaelic psalms they sang
a lonely house still stands like a watch to nature's will
when they buried the Ferryman the church bells rang
the flowers in the attic, they stand there still.

Part three - The Inn (recapitulation)

The Ferrymans lantern swung in the pouring rain
he heard that his Daughter had made it to the Inn
the audience sang to the Drovers refrain
midst discarded cigarettes, rolling dice and gin

Jane had long picked brambles from thorn covered vines
lived an intoned existence yet she had her plans
though Jane was blind she could read between the lines
a chance to escape, she grabbed it with both hands

the Inn's cosy light shone at the end of the lane
to Whiskey Jack, Jane's elopement had come to light
she had nothing to lose and everything to gain
Jane's now with Alec and has recieved her respite

see him dramming away yarns, bereft of what's true
then screaming his lies to the starry sky above
but tidal subtleties are demanding their due
his heart had long died to the trueness of love

the landlord played the piano and felt every note
the Ferryman's lantern swung in the pouring rain
given up his search, now in want of his boat
regular at the Inn but never seen again

he knew that yesterday would never come back
sailing aimlessly like a throw of the dice
he knew there would be no-one to take up the slack
the doomed Mariner paid the ultimate price.
On the North coast of Scotland on the Ard Neakie peninsular, there lies an old Ferry house, built before the road in 1830. Sadly it has long fallen into desuetude. On the other side of Loch Erribol lies the Wayfare Inn, now a holiday let. My imagination knows no bounds.
brandon nagley Oct 2015
Mine existence;
Mine quintessence;
Mine crème de la crème;
Thy name is the most incorporeal;
Mine ticker tick tock's, as a clock: time eternal.
I yearn for thee;
I don't deserveth thee;
I'm on mine knee's;
I'm begging please
I'm beseeching thee;
To cometh closer
Layeth thy head down
Upon mine chest
Falleth asleep
With me.
I loveth thee.
Mine soulmate;
O' dearest love
O' dearest love.
O' how whole I am with thee
Mine dove.
O' dearest Jane.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry\ Hari-Reyna incorporated
©Earl Jane nagley dedication ( Filipino rose)
Emily Aug 2014
her grandmother’s hand feels like an overripe peach and there’s not much behind her glossy eyes. the nursing home smells like disinfectant and the powdery smell of old women. jane tucks her feet under her chair as she watches the vacant stare on her grandmother’s face and wonders if her grandmother will notice when she stops coming. the soft buzz of television and the chatter of nurses feels very far away and the room feels too big for the two of them. jane’s grandmother raised her when her own parents were too drunk or coked up to remember they had even had a daughter and her first, second, third stroke had left her soft and empty. jane kisses her forehead, leaving a strawberry-colored mark on her grandmother’s pale skin and she slips a paperweight from the nurse’s desk into the pocket of her dress

the coat is heavy and camel-colored and hangs off jane’s small figure, nearly obscuring her. the collar nestles under her ears and she’s warm, even in the chill of the dusty second-hand shop down the street, with the watery-eyed cashier who watches her suspiciously and waits for his cigarette break. the weight is comforting and she hugs it in closer to her before removing it and stroking the shiny polyester lining. jane waits a few minutes before she pulls out a bundle of carefully stacked bills and quietly buys the overcoat without making eye contact.

at home, jane’s neat handwriting fills the last page of the journal she’s been keeping for the past few months. from her desk drawer she pulls two more of the same. the details of her life coat the pages and it occurs to her how small, how ordered, how utterly unremarkable her days have been. this elicits no real emotion and jane pours herself a half glass of wine and lies on the couch, fully clothed, and breathes so slowly her chest hardly moves. she wonders if it will hurt.

she places the coat on her neatly-made bed and stands in front of her bathroom mirror. her hair is long enough to touch the waistband of her skirt and it tangles over her shoulders and back like a mass of seaweed before she gathers it into a ponytail and snips it off, just beneath her ears. there’s nearly ten inches of her soft hair in her fist and in the mirror jane looks sharper and meaner than before. she takes the same scissors and cuts a slit in the hem of the coat and drops the hair into the space between the lining and the thick wool. next falls the paperweight, the journals, a bottle of pills she will no longer take twice daily. the coat is sewn up with small, neat stitches.

down the road from the home is a wide stretch of anemic sand and silvery water. the breeze off the ocean tugs and twists the coat like the hands of insistent children yet jane walks solidly on, feeling more opaque than she has in years. the rocks along the beach are smooth and slightly warm from the sun and she slips the most beautiful into her pockets as she nears the sleepy waves of the shore. jane never stops walking. her shoes are the first to become soaked but soon the water infiltrates her hemline, her waist, her chest, her neck. the short strands of her once flowing hair float momentarily before the water slips over her head like a sheet. jane’s body does not float, does not struggle, does not resurface.
brandon nagley Nov 2015
This is a quick little quote I thought I should post by mine queen earl Jane..  Lol it's a funny thing she said I would like to post.. She make's me laugh hard with her comments sometimes. A very funny queen and always gives me the giggles...  This quote from her comes from s
he keeps telling me she wants to work out for me to quote " look good" though in actuality I told her to hush lol because she is already very beautiful, elegant, and **** beyond mine thought process and beyond mine comprehension.. She's completely perfect to me as is. Though she keeps insisting she works out to flatten her belly to look good for me!!!! Lol she is already a doll... I told her not to work out for me since she already look's godly stunning. I told her if she want's to work out to do it for her to feel good about herself and for her to be happy doing what she wants to do..  Here's her quote. And our convo.... Enjoy lol. Sunday night fun!!! (::

Jane-I better make my tummy smaller than making my voice bigger. Loolll.... I wasnt able to do the work out this morning. Am gonna do it tonight

Me- LOL, Queen u look wonderful. Just work out to be healthy and to feel good about yourself. Don't need to for me. U are already amazing looking to me. Duhhhh....

Jane-I will feel good if tummy is smaller and if i am beautiful. Loolll... Lool so i better do it. Haha.. Its exercise too. Duuuhhhhh......

Me- lol your funny you already look amazing woman!!! Hush! Or I'll ****!!!

Jane- I am not amazing looking... Since we will meet til i become engineer, i wanna look good those times.. Coz u might RUNAWAY if i dont do anything for myself. :( :(

Me- Jane, you already look good so hush! You are the most beautiful woman I've seen in mine life, And ONLY beautiful elegant apple of mine eye queen ever!

Jane- Thank you, but i wanna be better. Its not wrong to be better right??? Am not doing any lypo suction or adding silicone in my **** and *******!!! Looolll. I will just work out,be fit, toned, be better and be beautiful...Lool. Nothings wrong with that right?? Hahaha!

Me- lol silicone to **** LOL.... U are already amazingly looking! But if you wanna work out , go for it hahah!! Will make you happier hahaha!!!

Jane- Loooll am laughing alone here. Looll ....
Its better than putting CRAPS in my body right??!!! Dont wanna be a walking plastic. Looll

Me- LOL craps? should make a poem about that, called walking plastic... I should post that in HP seriously, quoted by you. Lolll!!!

Jane- Yeah you copy our conversation and paste there. Haha. It will be trending. Looll...

Chat goes on. Lol just gives me a laugh her line saying... Quote
(Its better than putting CRAPS in my body right??!!! Dont wanna be a walking plastic)
Also her quote: ( Am not doing any lypo suction or adding silicone in my **** and *******)

LOL I love you so much Jane Nagley!! You make me laugh so hard baby!!! I love you more...
Don't care if anyone reads this you said to post it so I did lol oh well... I love you moreeeeeeeee queen!!! Me more!!!

©Brandon Nagley \Earl Jane conversation on November 22nd,2015.....
Ankit Dubey May 2019
jindagi na jane kis mod pe khadi hai,
na rasta dikh raha hai,
na manjil hi dikh rahi hai,
dikhta nahi najara ,
na hi koi aas dikh rahi hai,
hai jindagi tumhari,
ise apna tum bana lo,
jindagi na jane kis mod pe khadi hai......
na tum dikh rahi **,
na tumhara aksh dikh raha hai,
besudh hua ja raha hu,
yaad aa rahi hai,
chirag dil ka jala bhi loo to,
ankhen hai nam itni,
k roshni bhi bujh rahi hai,
jindagi na jane kis mod pe khadi hai.....
na sath chootta hai,
na sabra tootata hai,
na aate ** tum kareeb hi,
na doori hi kargar hai,
na yaad teri jaati,
na bandish hi choot pati,
ab aur na rulao,
k aanso b ro rahe hai,
jindagi na jane kis mod pe khadi hai....
tera yakeen bhi hai,
fir b hai dard footta ,
tu hi to rahnuma hai,
tujhme hi alam-ae-tasavvur,
na ji sakunga tum bin,
hai kar diya muqarrar,
mere kareeb aao,
dard badhta hi ja raha hai
jindagi na jane kis mod pe khadi hai.....
ab mujhme fanaa ** jao,
mera vajood tera ,
tera har wakayah hai mera,
tu hi to ishk-ae-rangat,
hai khuda ki tu inayat,
jo likhi hai usne aayat,
tujhme hai rooh meri ,
meri har aarjoo hai tu hi,
bas karo hajoor mere,
meri saanso ko rok lo tum,
sath chootta hi ja raha hai,
jindagi na jane kis mod pe khadi hai.....
ab rah gayi na himmat,
k ji sakun tere bina,
aao kareeb aao mujhko tum bacha lo,
mai ** gaya hu farkat,
kisi aur ki wajh se,
na husn ki hai chahat,
na ****-o-sangmarmar se dillagi hai,
tujhme hai rab mera,
bas tujhko hi chahta hu ,
tujhko hi mangta hu,
rooh se rooh tum mila do,
kuj aur na mangunga,
meri jindagi me aao,,
rag rag me sama jao,
tere bin nahi hai jina,
maut kareeb aa rahi hai,
jindagi na jane kis mod pe khadi hai.....
hai akhiri ibadat,
deedar-ae- rahnuma mai kar loo,
vo usko ek pal k liye chod de,
mai sirf apna bana k bahon me unko bhar loo,
jindagi hui khush,
bas god me aankhen band ** jaye,
saanse bhi ruk jaye,
har pal k liye tere kareeb aa jaun,
bas tujhse lipat jaun,
har pal k liye so jaun,
jindagi na jane kis mod pe khadi hai....
koi shikwa nahi rahega ,
tera kisi ka hona,
kisi aur ki fitrat,
kisi aur ki amanat,
ab himmat nahi hai mujhme,
k tumhe kisi aur ki banau,
chala jaunga mai ek din,
bas shant jindagi me,
ek nayi hi hogi duniya,
bas tum aur mai honge,
na koi aur hi rahega,
na koi hak kisi ka hoga,
bas mujhme bhi tu hoga,
aur tujhme bhi mai rahunga.......
twindrill Aug 2022
she was my jane doe, my everything.

we flew to arizona.
she was my partner, my lover, wondering what i could be thinking about.
her. a different kind of her
"not now," she thinks,
"what about jane doe?"
i understand, and oblige.

the light stirs
we crash down and fall and almost burn
but live
others were not so lucky.

when we fell, i thought about her.
my jane doe.

this place wasn't a place of god, no matter what it said
the things they did to women

it reminded me of what they did to her,
my jane doe.

her, my partner, my lover
was gone, but i still found her.
we walked and knew we would lose each other again,
no matter how much it hurt us

the light continued to stir
and when it did
i saw her,
my jane doe,
my everything.

it happened so many years ago
we were children
young souls destined to go to heaven

if we were good.

if we weren't, they would lecture us, punish us.
yours was undeserved,
my jane doe.

i tried to be good. i tried to not say a word.
i knew what sin meant,
but i knew even more of your love for me


the prophet said it was love when he slaughtered the women and children.
the heretic said it was love when she played with me like she did all those years ago
they didn't know. they'll never know

but i knew
when i knew you were there,
my jane doe,
my one and only,
my everything.

the child was you, the one who came back for me,
my jane doe.

it was nobody's fault; not yours, not mine, but his?
there is no doubt.
there is nothing.
but you,
my jane doe.

one last stir of light
we would be one again.

now i lie here alone
where artificial light stirs
where voices mumble
and when two people say

they have plans for me.
outlast 2 tribute.
tw: ****** assault, child abuse.
Marian Mar 2014
Lady Jane is sweet
Lady Jane is dear
I always like to whisper
Right into her little ear

Lady Jane is cute
Lady Jane is funny
Sometimes she'll come
And lay down on my tummy

My Lady Jane is a princess
My Lady Jane is a Queen
And her beauty even from
Great distances can be seen

My Lady Jane is a fairy
My Lady Jane is fair
And if look closely you can see
The wind blowing her silver hair

My Lady Jane will mew
My Lady Jane will purr
And in all the world
There's not another cat like her

This is written for my cat Lady Jane!!! :) ~~~~~<3
She really is a Princess!!! (: ~~~~<3
I love her so much!!! :) ~~~~~<3
Anyway, I hope you enjoy this poem, my HP friends!! (: ~~~~~~<3
Lauren Pope Mar 2014
The others never got to Jane
quite like tequila had.
While sober one might think her plain,
Jose turned good girl, bad.

In a haze of salt and lime she
thought herself a hero.
A partying vigilante,
but powers? She had zero.

That never stopped Jane in her tracks.
She thought herself quite brave.
Jane’s friends disagreed with these facts,
and wished she would behave.

On the night before prom they drank,
Each kid grabbing a brew.
Jane grabbed her bottle with a “thanks”
and drank the whole night through.

The tequila was pumping through
her veins and Jane felt strong,
as she did a slurred rendition
of her favorite song.

Though the words were a bit muddied
and she was quite off key
the group all sang along with her,
the crowd howling with glee.

“I’m strong!” They stared. “And you know it!”
The drunken hero rose.
One boy yelled, “She’ll fall and eat ****!”
They watched, all on their toes.

“She’ll try and fly again.” one said.
Tequila Jane was nuts.
“Last time she slipped, and fell and bled!”
***** made Jane a klutz.

“Get down from there!” her friend growled,
grabbing her by the hand.
“Back off man! Total party foul!”
Jane squealed, trying to stand.

But the liquor was too much, those
the shots had made her woozy.
Jane passed out, thus the story goes,
of our favorite ******.
For a class. Please enjoy.
brandon nagley Oct 2015
Dear Mrs. Nagley

Oh my dearest mother-in-law,
Did Brandon my king write you?
I am in my utmost state of agitation,
I don’t know what to do, I’m going “non compos mentis”.

Did he left a letter for me before he go?
He said he’ll be in my arms for less than a week,
Oh my goodness it’s been more than 2 weeks!
Oh, this throe is burying me alive in my grave.

Mother-in-law, Oh, mother-in-law,
I am in extreme dejection,
Oh where is my soulmate, my king, my all?
Where is he, please tell me where is he.

Please assure me nothing bad happened,
Oh this eyes shed bucket of tears,
They’re swollen and I am so weary,
Please mother-in-law, tell me what’s going on.

Sincerely your daughter-in-law
Earl Jane Nagley
September 27th, 1876

(Mrs. Nagley's response letter)

Dearest daughter in law Jane........

He left over two week's ago, didst he not correspond?
Mineself either hath no way to knoweth;
I'm worried mineself, me and his father,
We hast not heard one word from ourn son, dearest daughter.

Do not fret Jane, maby mine son's cruise ship is late
If he doth get there, telleth him to write his mum;
I'm crying now from this stress, there art no word's to calm,
Me and his father heard a storm was coming in, I'm anxious.

We need to hath faith mine son wilt maketh it.
Maby the captain's running late, maby the ocean's shaking;
Mine baby is strong, as I prayest he mayest hold on to the thunderous lightning that's hitting the dawn, I want mine son.

Im on mine knee's now, begging God to bringeth him to thee
If he dost not maketh it to thee Jane, mine daughter and sweet;
I wouldst not knoweth what to do without thy king, mine son!
I'm beseeching Yahweh's mercy, mayest god protect his ship run.

Your Mother in law, Juna Nagley............
October 9th, 1876


Dearest daughter in law Jane.........

Me and mine husband hath received news on mine son, and thine king, I'm heartbroken to telleth thee, but the ship succumbed to the storm's ferocious sting; I prayed and begged to god, yet mine son no longer couldst cling, he passed at twenty-seven. The front half of the vessel broke into many pieces, the lightning struck the sail as tis all the men were flung west and east: Mine baby found some wood to grasp onto, though shark's were around, as ******* they made there move. He was taken by the man-eater's and sunk into the deep blue. O' how saddened I am, O' how I miss mine son, this ****'s mine soul and break's me in ways more than one...... Here is the letter mine son left when they found him floating by the blood of his vest.
Sincerely mom ...
October 16, 1876

( Brandon's letter to his wife Jane Nagley)

Dear amour', I canst not write thee much, mine limbs art bleeding out from the shark bites and cuts. Mine ship went down, as tis this is God's will, please if thou shalt get this letter please knoweth thou art mine queen, mine body shalt be renewed in the presence of the Lord's feet; thou art not losing me, remember? No goodbye's, if I'm to goeth now and if I'm to die, smileth for me lass, drieth thine eye's; I'll meeteth thee in the third celestial, i'll meet thee there.... By the pearly gate's. On cloud nine.

Thy king and soulmate, always and forever

Brandon Cory nagley........
September 23rd, 1876........

©Brandon nagley \Earl Jane Nagley duo
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Hari-reyna incorporated
This is a duo me and mine queen Earl Jane Nagley wrote together.... Its a poem about me going off on a ship to go to the Philippines to see Jane..! And Jane writes mine mother because she's worried because mine ship didint make it to her... So Jane writes mine mother ( Jane's part is her writing mine mother) mine part is me playing mine mother.. And I also play part of me writing mine last letter to Jane while dying holding onto piece of wood. Kind of like titanic in a way,.. Enjoy,,,
I think about her all the time
The look in her eyes and the way she smiles, and I wish
That someday, somehow I could be her star
To hold her close and keep her warm when it rains
But for now, all I could do is wait
For her to notice me, a girl I call Jane.

She was the first girl I noticed, this girl I call Jane
After a year full of misery and wasted time.
Like a pretty rainbow after the rain,
She came into my life~breathtaking yet so unreachable like a star
So I tried to hide how I felt and made myself wish
That she was never worth the wait.

I try hard each day to avoid looking at her eyes, like stars
They shine so brightly even when it rains
And it never gets easier every time
To just sit around and hope and wait
For her to notice me, that girl I call Jane
But I can dream, can't I? I can dream, and I can wish.

The moment finally came when I could no longer wait
For the girl forever, the girl I call Jane
So I sent her a message~a secret wish
That I'd be worthy for a minute of her time
And one fateful night when everything went right, we talked about the stars
As the seconds turned into hours while I stood there in the rain.

But the sun has permanently set in my life, and permanently it rains
Permanently I'm left with nothing but to permanently dream and to permanently wait
On a bed of nails without her, without Jane
And every night as I close my eyes, I'd wish
For another chance to be with her~another time
But I'm not the one that she wants; I'm not her star.

And if God could grant me just one wish,
May she crash into me like a shooting star
Because my heart's gone cold from all this wait
From all these thoughts concerning Jane
But if this love is a thunder, then bring on the rain
To help me drown her out for the last time.

Tonight I'll look up at the sky and make a wish upon a star
But until the day it comes true, I'd wait here forever patiently in vain under the rain
For time to find me a place in the diary of Jane.
brandon nagley Mar 2016

Yeshua Ha'Mashiach, enlighten me and Jane's way,
For the juncture through the gunchern
Is wailing, therein the opening of the seal's
Art displaying their stage.


O' cornerstone, which the builder's hath refused, I beseech thee, and thy protection, sendeth me and jane thy perfect correction;
Fixing ourn sight's on thee.


O' heavenly dayspring, we seeith the harbinger's of the time's, in the great high blue, underneath the crumbling glue, of planet earth's loam confine.


O' door to everlasting life, showeth thine light betwixt me and Jane's life. Helpeth us to showeth other's what's right; in the midst of this global panic. Helpeth us to show thou art the one and only way, the path narrow, not broad, the road to Paradise wherein prophecies art coming reality, from the word's of thine father God.


O' king of king's, and Lord of lord's, mayest thou maketh a way for me and mine lass, showeth Jane we hath a bigger purpose. Not just to love eachother, but to showeth Thine amour to one another, to Christian sister's and brother's, and those with no vision, and with none hope. Worketh through us, to be thine cloud's that float- to sprinkle promise; to those without.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry \prophetic poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( Filipino rose)
Yeshua Ha'Mashiach - is the name Jesus would have been called by in Hebrew and Aramaic tongue. Meaning ( Jesus the anointed one, or Jesus the Messiah.)
Gunchern- is a word I created meaning ( broken firmaments, or broken sky's.
Juncture means- a particular point in events or time....
Seals meaning - seven seals of the bible.- The Seven Seals is a phrase in the Book of Revelation that refers to seven symbolic seals that secure the book or scroll, that John of Patmos saw in his Revelation of Jesus Christ. The opening of the 7 Seals of the Apocalyptic document occurs in Revelation Chapters 5-8 and marks the Second Coming... Also there are seven trumpets as well.
Therein- in that place.
Cornerstone- meaning : (Psalm 118:22) The stone which the builders refused is become the head stone of the corner. The cornerstone is Christ who the ancients refused... and others still refuse today. Yet he is the cornerstone not just of the church. But of all....the one who offers salvation. The one WHO IS the only way to salvation... For as our word sais. ( there is none other name under heaven by which men MUST be saved.)
Dayspring means - (Luke 1:78) Through the tender mercy of our God; whereby the dayspring from on high hath visited us,... ( meaning jesus that came to die for our sins.
Loam- a fertile soil of clay and sand containing humus.....
Harbingers- forerunner of something, warnings, signs.
As Johnathan Cahn explains about our coming financial collapse that leads back all way to ancient isreal in his book the shemitah also found all over YouTube as wallstreet knows it's meaning and has a while every time shemitah date was on, financial collapse has came over the last 100 years either on the shemitah date. Or months after every time!!!!! As their is coming great economic collapse worldwide... This has gone back to time of the ancient Jews who defied God by building tower of babble.. Jonathan Cahn spoke of the ( nine harbingers that already occurred in America since 9/11... Matching everything the ancient Jews did when they built tower of babble. Note; Johnathan Cahn is Jewish though is a convert to Christianity a prophet Id call him of today's age speaking of christs truths. And how ancient Israel is being played out in America 100 percent. For any Christians suggest you watch Jonathan cahns( the shemitah ) and if can find him on youtube with shemitah in cbn show. He shows what america did just as ancient jews did....showing coming collapse. as If you look around the globe you'll see the world is collapsing money wise... And it will collapse and be apocalyptic!!! As wall Street bankers are saying and all over the globe economists are saying SELLNOW because they knows what's coming .. Shutdown of the world's economies leading into new world order and an Antichrist to take over ( bringing in martial law as all are seeing being practiced in their streets by police in military gear.. As dhs just bought 1.6 billon rounds of hollowpoint tip bullets ( for a reason) as USA gvt just bought 50,000 guillotines. 30,000 in Georgia. 20,000 more all over USA military bases as soldiers are letting that outta the bag... Before calling me crazy look it up... News is out there... As there are thousands of coffin liners stacked in Georgia!! Pics all over web and news well known long time let out... This is what's coming this is what matches revelation of an Antichrist beheading many during new world order ... Stated revelation 13 mark of beast... And the ten king meaning what united nations already has set up. Ten kings are gonna be ten division world when new world order hits. As USA Mexico and Canada will be one nation. Big reason the walls don't matter anymore for protection. There is no protection. Elite want a one world order with a one world religion... What false messiah Pope's been pushing to whole world bringing all religions as one... As pope Francis was predicted by two Malachi's to be last 113th pope. As signs of what he sais and does shows he is contrary to gods word 100 percent!!! As same day pope was elected an asteroid the size of the empire state building passed. live on CNN. Sign from heavens... Also another asteroid hit in Russia same day causing damage. as pope was elected March 13 2013. All thirteen as you know anything about 13 always been a bad number spiritually and biblically. Showing another sign.... With ten division world coming during Antichrist and false prophets reign together.... Ten nations . look up united nations ten division world  map already created and ready to come to play. Look up online YouTube why Obama just bought a 4.9 million dollar mansion in UAE. In Dubai. And( 7 year tribulation) when many won't accept the mark of the beast... Antichrist mark.. Already created Obama's new healthcare Law... It's called RFID chip. Will have all your health information on it... Also money info... And you won't be able to buy or sell If left here during tribulation. Unless having that mark. One issue. If you take this mark of the beast ( Antichrist) you will be branded Satans own in other words for taking that mark... This is reality... Already implemented in baracks own healthcare bill. As bilderbergs ( secret society) real group well known... Member Henry Kissinger one of many... Said by year 2017. They want all humans chipped. as bible sais in the right hand or forehead. Already being used... Soildiers have it in their arms... To scan at stores... Monkeys are being subject to experiments of the forehead chips being practiced on in labs... This is not underground no more!!! This is reality.... And in wanting what's coming... What John the Revelationist said years ago.. And prophets before him... And Christ spoke. I'm just relaying their message what's happening in your world now and what's coming... Awake... Awake to truth. Open thy eyes.... Don't be blind anymore....find Christ!!! Find him many I know won't like this poem because either not their style that's fine. Or because they call us Christians ( nuts, Wacko) lol though every prophecy spoken of is happening now!!! Right before thy eyes!!!! And many are being deceived by the world. And things of it!!! Though prophecies already came true. And still are and more is coming!!! More bad!! Every religion main ones believe their messiah is going to show between 2012-2016... Every religion but Christians .. This isn't a messiah coming... It's an Antichrist!!! The son  of perdition the false one...I suggest for you Christians learn what's happening... Look up RFID chip by 2017. Look up Johnathan cahns the shemitah!! Look up Tom horns ( zenith 2016) part one and 2 he speaks on who masons really are... And what their goal was all from beginning... And what mayans really said about 2012... Not that there would be end of world. But a new and last cycle occurring starting 2012. As internet liked to spread to many rumors during that time... Plz look this stuff up. Factual stuff....see what syria war really is about... How all gameplayers in bible are set up in Syria now. For bigger coming war.. Check out which shows why USA is in Syria and why? Not for isis!!! Find out facts!!!

Look up RFID chip by 2017 all over internet and YouTube. Social media.
Look up house bill HR3200 for RFID chip.
Look up NBC news even telling you in broadcast for news. Americans being chipped by 2017. Look uop bilderbergs telling you SAYING 2017 they WANT all chipped.
Look of Barack Obama buying house in united Arab Emirates. UAE. In Dubai worth 4.9 million dollars.. Which btw is legal to do as president you can't buy a home overseas as a president..
Look up Barack Obama Antichrist facts all over web.
Look up last pope Francis ( false prophet) church deciever said by saint Malachi over 500-800 yrs ago. Last 113th black Jesuit pope. Black dont mean skin.and Francis is first and only Jesuit pope as predicted. Also said by father Malachi a priest who said same thing of Francis.
Look up Muslims by thousands having visions of Jesus Christ right now all over middle East in HIGH numbers.... Christ is telling all who he loves equally in middle East through visions\ dreams to Muslim people to ( come to him he is the way truth and life) biggest reason Muslims are converting right now to Christ. Look that up online. As mainstream news don't tell what's happening because their run by six major elite corporations. Six elite men running your mainstream news and media. As Rockefeller owns Washington post. New York times. CNN, fox news, msnbc, mainstream news he works through. One who pushes for new order. Through council of foreign relations. Trilateral trade commission... So on. Just like the rothchilds own fifty percent of worlds money... Their worth 500 trillion meaning rothchilds worth!!! Running world with Rockefellers, and bilderbergs 500 richest families in world... Also look up skull and bones society as George Bush SR and his son and **** cheney and John Kerry all were in that secret elite society in Yale started in 1832. Well known group....
Look up near death experiences all seeing Christ... And his father God on a REAL THRONE!! In A REAL THRONE ROOM... As bible said Christ is always on right hand of his father...children by dozens seeing JESUS also called real name ( Yeshua) in gods throne room and in heaven period. And seeing angels by massive numbers... Suggest you look up ( heaven is for real, with colton burpo who died left his body in appendix rupture at hospital. He told his dad what his dad was doing while colton was in surgery. Seeing his dad way across hospital yelling at God! His dad being a pastor. Colton saw christ in heaven. Also seeing his sister in heaven who came up and hugged him. A sister he never knew about *** she had died prematurely in coltons mothers womb at Birth. As he told his mother as she asked him what was your sisters name you saw??? Colton said " mum you didint name her yet, she told me so.." As mother was stunned *** parents never named his unborn sister!!!! Colton met who he called "pop" his grandpa who was his dad's dad. Who died long ago. Coltons dad freaked... Colton said yeah dad pop told me how you and him used to shoot guns and work out ijn the field. How would a young boy five know this? Actually around four of age .. *** I was REAL!!!! Coltons dad them asked colton, ' son what did POP look like" colton saw pic of pop when pop the grandpa was older... Colton told his dad.  That's not pop. Then coltons dad showed colton younger pic of pop with no glasses!!! Colton said YA DAD that's POP!!! As everyone who dies and comes back say were all usually around age of thirties early to mid thirties!!! Ironically *** I think we're seen like that up there do to Christ died 33 years of age .  mine own guess and makes sense...not to old not so young.. As many are seen all ages there... As well but also many describe around thirties... Alot!!! Colton describes like all do, the singing angels who thousands sing all at once in gods throneroom!! Which every story I've watched or read all say the angels singing is beyond mind blowing... One man put it in a heard more match him. He said imagine all the world's radios turned on all at once..all the most beautiful tunes turned on at once. To us humans we wouldn't be able to understand all songs at once. And couldn't comprehend all lyrics at once from all songs... He said but up in heaven. A thousand songs even angels can sing at once ( which btw are all happy songs, no sad singing there. Complete peace. No fear. Pure love and joy as bible speaks of. All tears would be dry there, and no guilt. And no remembering past sins.  Or wrongs from you or others..) Anyways angels sing a thousand songs at once. Though YOU can comprehend each song and all lyrics to each song... Because the soul is no limited as body is.. So can do way more!! Someone else stated this, it's like all the earths choirs together. Times infinity. Beautiful beyond words of a humans mind!!! People Seeing a real heaven. Also a real hell. Listen to what they all say Christ sais... ( tell mine people I'm coming SOON) tell others to love another... Tell them I'm COMING SOON!!! As many see angels in death experiences.. I don't like it called ndes when their not near death their dead... Brain-dead and heart for minutes even up to hour... Or more!!! This is reality... The ones who pass and come back don't speak of Muhammed or Buddha!! Or Hindu dieties ( demonic beings) all these false gods... They only speak of Christ... May say oh just made up stuff.. Yeah so made up all these peoples stories collide in same direction. All different in one way or another... Though all same seeing Christ. Weather their Buddhists. Muslims, Christian. Atheist, no God. Not sure of God... Scientifically minded people... All see Christ!! All say same thing... Or match stories with angels.. Hell, heaven!! God!!! See loved ones gone for years whether mum or dad.. Or generations of family waiting for them!!! describing all same thing... Heaven and hell are A THOUSAND TIMES more REAL!! WITH SIGHT, TOUCH. SMELL. TASTE. FEEL. JOY IN HEAVEN! Pain in hell .... All senses you are billion times more real because your in real form soul. Not limited body!!!! This is reality!!! Pay attn to what all say... This isn't made up comedy!!! This is reality!!!! Even those who deny God their whole life... If you notice while on their death bed... INSTINCTIVELY KNOW there's a God. Because they cry out for God alot to save them. Though I thought they were atheist? And agnostic?? This is truth!!! Find Christ ¡!! I won't be politically correct!!! I won't hide truth!!! I love all beings... And want all beings to see Jesus Christ ( Yeshua Ha'Mashiach) is the way truth and life...and no man comes to the father God.( but by him)).... Pray you find Christ and find him soon...because alot is coming to planet earth... And many will be deceived. Scared... Not knowing who to turn to. Turn to Christ now... While there's still hope and time... Bible said anyone who calls on the name of the Lord, shall be saved... We must believe Christ died on the cross... Rose again the third day. Was born of a ****** màry... We must believe Christ is who he said he is.. As proof now shows by the buckets archeology wise.. Physically wise.. scientific wise... All facts show... We must believe it's by gods grace we are saved.. Not by our works that any man should boast the bible teaches... But by Christ dying on the cross for our sins.. We have a chance to come to christ for salvation. Because gods mercy and gift and grace to us. Through his son Jesus... Want to accept Christ? Or know more of him??? Inbox me... Because the time is short... The world knows it... every religion knows it worldwide.. Jews know it. Muslims know it... Everyone!!! This is reality!!! I pray you make the right decision today... If wanna find salvation in Christ and trust him as Lord and Savior look up online prayer of salvation and what to pray... And you must believe Christ is your Savior... Born of a ******. A sinless son of God who took on flesh form . died on the cross... Which nails of his are in museum in Israel found in priest who killed Jesus Caiaphas tomb. The crosses of Christ the murderer and the thief three crosses were found during Helena( ceasars) mother. During her hunt for the cross of Christ and the two next to hims crosses. written down she did find those crosses... That's where she built over a pagan place a church of christ which is known as chapel of St Helena in Jerusalem which is built in the lower level of Church of the Holy Sepulcher.... This is reality friends!!! So much facts I could give you it's mind boggling!!! I've studied prophecy for over 12-13 years... Biblical prophecy, as other religions prophecy to match to gods word in bible... And it's all coming true... It's all happening at an alarming rate!!! Christ spoke of the wars and rumors of wars!!! Just click the tv on... See that happening. Bible spoke of syria happening now one of many things before christs calling of his people ( rapture) and his return second time to earth.
A Prophecy Against Damascus in Isaiah...
17 A prophecy against Damascus:

“See, Damascus will no longer be a city
    but will become a heap of ruins.

Syria is in ruins and is
brandon nagley Dec 2015

Brandon and Jane
One heart pumping their blood;
Soulmates, eternal love.


Brandon and Jane
Names written on alleyway wall's;
Undiscovered by man,
Treasure's of God.


Brandon and Jane
Revealed for all to seeith;
Manifested to the naked eye
To her I seek to pleaseth.


Brandon and Jane
Together interconnected glow;
Ourn flower garden is planted
We art the growers of touching soul's.


Brandon and Jane
Mine flesh is her flesh, as tis her's is mine.
Mine pain is her pain, as tis her's is mine.
Mine name is her name
Filipino divine.
A kingdom with an empress
Jane sardua, lady of time.


Brandon and Jane
Coalesced in sacrosanct lullaby's;
As newborn infant's, and before the age
Of man we were to find. To find one another
In a moment's blinking eye, I kneweth her, tis
She kneweth me, I searched the beaches and thus
The sea's, as I landed in Clarin, Philippines;


Brandon and Jane
Forever to be,
Of soulmate
Seeds. Together

©Brandon Cory Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane dedication ( Filipino rose) poetry
Scintilla means - trace. Or trace of sparks .
Serene is peaceful.
Sacrosanct -(especially of a principle, place, or routine) regarded as too important or valuable to be interfered with. Also meaning like something sacred.
The two Greek titles or are just ways of writing it in Greek. Enjoy
Terry Collett Nov 2012
Jane fainted in the town
by the coach
on Saturday morning
and her mother

and other women
were around her
and you stood
a little way away

wondering what
had happened to her
I think it must be
that time of the month

you heard one woman say
her mother said
but she’s not usually

like this
she added
will she be all right?
you asked

bending down
next to one
of the women
who had gathered

her mother looked at you
and said
yes it happens
at certain times

of the month
oh right
you said
none the wiser

gazing at Jane
at her dark hair
her eyes closed
her features

white and sweaty
best give her some air
her mother said
and you all stood up

and her mother
fanned her
with her hat
then after a minute or so

Jane opened her eyes
and said
what happened?
I went all funny

and everything went white
you fainted
her mother said
waving the hat

in front of Jane’s face
I want to get up
Jane said
and so you

and her mother
helped her
to her feet
and she leaned

against the wall
of the bank
and looked around
she’ll be all right now

a woman said
it happens
another said
after a few minutes

they went off
to the shops
leaving you
and your mother

and Jane
and her mother
standing by the coach
I’ll be all right now

Jane said
her mother said
and you all walked

along the street
to the shops
Jane walking behind
with you

her hand stealthily
reaching down
for yours and giving it
a little squeeze

then releasing it again
looking up at the sky
which had become dark
threatening rain.
Ysabelle Vilo Jun 2017

Ang hirap mag mahal ng lalaking may girlfriend pang isa oo si Mary Jane.
Si Mary Jane na lagi niyang tinitira.
Si Mary Jane na kahati mo lagi sa oras niya.
Akala mo ikaw ang dahilan ng kanyang saya pero si Mary Jane pala.
Si Mary Jane na takbuhan niya tuwing may problema siya.
Si Mary Jane na sandalan niya sa lahat ng bagay na hindi niya kaya.
Si Mary Jane na nag bibigay ng lakas ng loob sa damdamin niyang napaka hina.
Si Mary Jane din ang unti-unting sumisira sa buhay niya. Hindi niya alam pero sirang sira na siya.
Oo nga pala si Mary Jane ang una niyang nakilala hindi ako na pumapangalawa lang sa puso niya.

Earl Jane Oct 2015

Dear Mrs. Nagley

Oh my dearest mother-in-law,
Did Brandon my king write you?
I am in my utmost state of agitation,
I don’t know what to do, I’m going “non compos mentis”.

Did he left a letter for me before he go?
He said he’ll be in my arms for less than a week,
Oh my goodness it’s been more than 2 weeks!
Oh, this throe is burying me alive in my grave.

Mother-in-law, Oh, mother-in-law,
I am in extreme dejection,
Oh where is my soulmate, my king, my all?
Where is he, please tell me where is he.

Please assure me nothing bad happened,
Oh this eyes shed bucket of tears,
They’re swollen and I am so weary,
Please mother-in-law, tell me what’s going on.

Sincerely your daughter-in-law
Earl Jane Nagley
September 27th, 1876

(Mrs. Nagley's response letter)

Dearest daughter in law Jane........

He left over two week's ago, didst he not correspond?
Mineself either hath no way to knoweth;
I'm worried mineself, me and his father,
We hast not heard one word from ourn son, dearest daughter.

Do not fret Jane, maby mine son's cruise ship is late
If he doth get there, telleth him to write his mum;
I'm crying now from this stress, there art no word's to calm,
Me and his father heard a storm was coming in, I'm anxious.

We need to hath faith mine son wilt maketh it.
Maby the captain's running late, maby the ocean's shaking;
Mine baby is strong, as I prayest he mayest hold on to the thunderous lightning that's hitting the dawn, I want mine son.

Im on mine knee's now, begging God to bringeth him to thee
If he dost not maketh it to thee Jane, mine daughter and sweet;
I wouldst not knoweth what to do without thy king, mine son!
I'm beseeching Yahweh's mercy, mayest god protect his ship run.

Your Mother in law, Juna Nagley............
October 9th, 1876


Dearest daughter in law Jane.........

Me and mine husband hath received news on mine son, and thine king, I'm heartbroken to telleth thee, but the ship succumbed to the storm's ferocious sting; I prayed and begged to god, yet mine son no longer couldst cling, he passed at twenty-seven. The front half of the vessel broke into many pieces, the lightning struck the sail as tis all the men were flung west and east: Mine baby found some wood to grasp onto, though shark's were around, as ******* they made there move. He was taken by the man-eater's and sunk into the deep blue. O' how saddened I am, O' how I miss mine son, this ****'s mine soul and break's me in ways more than one...... Here is the letter mine son left when they found him floating by the blood of his vest.
Sincerely mom ...
October 16, 1876

( Brandon's letter to his wife Jane Nagley)

Dear amour', I canst not write thee much, mine limbs art bleeding out from the shark bites and cuts. Mine ship went down, as tis this is God's will, please if thou shalt get this letter please knoweth thou art mine queen, mine body shalt be renewed in the presence of the Lord's feet; thou art not losing me, remember? No goodbye's, if I'm to goeth now and if I'm to die, smileth for me lass, drieth thine eye's; I'll meeteth thee in the third celestial, i'll meet thee there.... By the pearly gate's. On cloud nine.

Thy king and soulmate, always and forever

© Earl Jane - Brandon Collaborations
♥ Lovers Incorporated
fourth collab with my king Brandon <3

I suggested to Brandon to have  a collab with him again, he gave me this idea,... though this is sooo much heartbreaking, it turned out to be interestingly amazing and genius! i knew he is genius :)))

i love you lots Brandon! me most! <3 :)))
Juno Sep 2021
She earned the title Nine Days Queen,
But hitherto, she was just Jane.
Just Jane, and she had no idea
That when she married the son of a duke,
A plot was forming around her to steal the crown.

A crown she did not yet wear,
But inherited when the King was gone.
She rose to power instead of Mary or Elizabeth
Through an amended line of succession;
She was never meant to be Queen.

The plots and plans and goals of others
Led to the end of Lady Jane Grey.
Mary conquered the throne with little effort
And Jane was one of many to be sent to death
By the woman history calls ****** Mary.

Nine days was the length of Jane’s reign,
Unscrupulous were her advisors.
Just Jane, she had no idea what she was:
A pawn in the games of those around her,
And she was never meant to win.
In English class I had to write a poem about Jane Grey, so here it is.
brandon nagley Aug 2015
Filipino immortal of time
I'm courting thee now;
And making thou mine

We both kneweth
This day wouldst arrive;
Now taketh mine hand, stand by mine side.

I hadst amour'
For thee, for so long;
Now let's maketh, the sweetest amare song.

Ourn affection, tis obvious
For all to see;
We art the real deal, not some farce dream.

As tis we shalt meet,
As thou shalt get that engineering degree;
I'll taketh a trip, or we'll meet in between.

I'm courting thee now,
Tribal of tropic's;
I'll get ****** in thy saliva, bodie's close, bliss the main topic.

None material's needed
As ourn belief's state;
Ourn devotedness, not some internet kiss, everlasting mate's.

So now thou shalt knoweth
Thou hath been courted;
To showeth thee mine love, and to me thou art more important.

Other's shalt judge
As other wilt mock;
Yet we shalt be happy, in romantic cot's

Even if we art poor
With none food on the table;
Ourn love shalt speaketh loudly, none words needed, nor label's.

We shalt write poetry
As it becometh true;
Sweetest earl Jane, just wanted to sayeth, I loveth thou more to.

Tagalog language, thou shalt teacheth me better
Queen earl Jane;
This is thine courting letter.

I'm not all the other's
As thou doth see;
I am thy Hari, thou art mine Reyna, in whom I believe.

As I knoweth thou don't feeleth
Good enough for man, nor God;
Just wanted to telleth thee, thou art mine, and God's all.

I just wanted to let thee knoweth
I looketh up to thine light;
Thou inspireth me so much, as to other's, thou art vital to life.

So when thou feeleth down
And wanting to leap out of thy brawn;
Remember tommorrow ill be here, as well as ourn own god.

This is mine courtship letter
As now I'm courting thee;
We both want it and need it, mine best friend, life, and queen...

I loveth thee so much
We both none more canst hide;
Thou art mine Earl Jane, thou art mine life....

To thee; dearest Earl Jane..................

©Brsndon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane dedication/あある じぇえん
We both knew this was coming queen..... Now is real... Not as some dream... I love you Reyna..  Mine Filipino rose... As you know I don't love u outta lonesomeness. Anyone can do that... We both know this has been coming... Lol love u more queen Jane...sweet Jane... We can't hide if no more love... I love u.. And not scared to be open no more ...

— The End —