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Chandre De Wet Nov 2014
i cannot believe nor understand
but just revel in your love
your perfection compared to my frailness
your purity compared to my multicoloured past
I just cant get to grips with it
but i am so blessed, so amazed, so humbled
and though i cannot figure it out
and definitely dont deserve it
I'm letting you define me
I'm letting you rewrite me
I'm letting you determine the steps

in your arms
in your presence
accepted in you
why do i search elsewhere
there's only one perfect gentleman
and I'm so grateful that you have chosen me
that you have graced me with your presence
that you've picked my heart for your love

may i never stop walking beside you
may i never let go of your hand
may i never stop looking into your eyes to define me
you are perfect, i am not
i can't see the way you see
i dont know the way to go
all i know is you've chosen me as your lady
and you are my perfect

i end this poem saying
here am i
have my whole heart
my mind, my soul
define me, redefine
lover of my soul
i will never be what you are to me
but fortunately i have an eternity to try
love you gentleman
of my heart
TheBrokenSoldier Oct 2014
Marching, Marching on.
That Broken Soldier
Unfix-able, Never to be intact again.
After to many years of fighting.

And yet still fighting,
That Broken Soldier.
Fighting the never ending fight.
Slowly falling, still, ever fighting.

But he is crumbling,
That Broken Soldier.
Falling apart by the day.
Left in an eternity of frailness.

Becoming less human everyday,
That Broken Soldier.
Solemnly stewing on his personal madness.
But that Soldier fights on.

Still fighting,
That Broken Soldier.
Fighting the never ending fight.
Slowly falling, still, ever fighting.

But his will wavers,
That Broken Soldier.
Is the fight worth fighting?
Worth the deathly blows thrown every day.

Soon none will be left,
of That Broken Soldier.
Soon the fight will be done.
Soon the last hurrah will sound.

The last Hurrah,
from That Broken Soldier.
Giving up the fight.
While letting go, his life.

For his life,
That Broken Solder,
Is his fight.
His fight soon lost.

But still fighting,
That Broken Soldier.
Fighting the ending fight.
Slowly falling, still, Not Ever Fighting.

Not Ever Fighting,
That Broken Soldier.
Not ever more.
The Fight is lost.
Lost is The Broken Soldier
Jude kyrie Jul 2018
My mother used to bake cookies with me when I was young
Intricate designs of colored icing that varied with the seasons.
They were always perfect and looked far to good to suffer the crime of eating.

For half a century I always baked cookies for the holidays
Whilst my children grew tall and independent with no apparent
Interest in baking

As the pale blue winter light falls into my kitchens I see myself
Cutting shapes and painting colors a silhouette on the shadows of the wall.

Placing the last cookie into a Christmas scene can I
Arive at the hospital and sit next to her in the ICU
I see her frailness the alarm in her eyes as she recognises me
But is yet unable to enunciate her thoughts.

Silence as loud as thunder fills the room the seams of the walls are stretched to their limits.
The outer limits beep of the monitor acknowleging her heartbeats
Counting down each one until the last.

I miss our intimacy in that long ago kitchen
And  the random thought enters my mind
I am her only child and she is my only mother.

The monitor rings an alarm a code blue
Signalling the end of her like the end of a football match.
I feel the loss of her like a razor blade cutting my flesh.

And as I leave her for the last time
There seems to be a a mortality in the measured unknown days ahead and the cans of cookies yet to be baked.
By mom
Jackeline Chacon Aug 2014
Blue is the deepness of the oceans
Blue is the frailness in emotions

Blue is the touch of winters cold air
Blue are the colors I like to wear

Blue are my secrets locked away
Blue are the melodies of a rainy day

Blue is the color of the mellow skies
Blue is the sadness in my eyes

Blue is the soul of what is dead
Blue are the memories in my head

Blue are the damages left in my heart
Blue are the beauties of what I call art

Blue is the spirit of all my vitality
Blue is the look of my personality

Blue is my life and all that I love
Blue is all I'm made out of
Teach me how to forget thee!
Ah, 'fore this silky moon do I pray,
so t'at th' sky shalt forgive me
andth grant but forgiveness to me
for the love I've thought of today.
T'is is still the love of thee,
and 'tis but translucent little soul
t'at refuses to leave the barren crates of
my heart. What a pampered, but
captivating creature! And what a shrill doth
it send through my spines!
O my thee, I beg, I beg with thousands
of teardrops that I shalt soon be freed of this love-
and it be carried away by some seething
clouds. But never shalt it leave me-never! T'is is
also but my delirious-and conscious expectation,
as realise do I hereth-t'at I shalt never enliven
myself again, without thee.
Everyone doth t'eir own stories, as special as t'ey are-
but mine, with thine, areth united together, bound
to each ot'er like crazy, as we mutually thirst for
one another more and more!
How t'is greediness shan't liberate me, and my doings-
from t'ese thoughts of thee, never!
For I am still incapable of heaving my legs
without thee-I am but a stiff lass, and paralysed
areth my senses-and their untarnished caprices,
in the moonlight and as the sunlight arises
on the following day when I ameth without thee.
How I disdain such contraventions! As my love is now
threatened by acute ambiguity-andth I know not
whether thou shalt ever miss or not miss me. But still
I do love thee! And as long as I breath I shalt
but long for thee-I am deafened by thy charms; and
pacified only by thy presence. I am calm and weary
in thy arms! But why ought it to be so difficult
to pour my love? Why is it that I am not to be destined
to cross thy paths-especially on t'ose days of precarious solitudes-
why wert thou but away from me? And even now, why can I
only think of thee-as an untouchable apparition,
whom I can cherish only in my dreams? My
dreams, my wild dreams, areth but vain resemblances of t'ese
superfl'us thoughts. My thee, my thee, I should desirously admit t'is:
thou art still th' only one I love, and shalt always be! Thou knowst,
my love, thou knowst it impeccably-look at my delicate
hands-yes, t'ese feeble hands! T'ese loving hands, my love!
T'eir young beauty is marred by thy absence-
here and now, unripe as it was, but
abhorred by thy demure unexistence-it withered and
wasth frightfully sent into unsullied gloom. Look at 'em-
how derived from isolation t'eir frailness hath been-
hark to t'eir suffering silence, my love! T'eir palms areth
but now lined with traces
of paleness, sullenness, and ferocity. Ferocity for pleasure,
my dear. Ferocious, and wicked desires for thy love-thy
love, only! But why doth t'ese things needta happen? What isth
my mistake-so t'at I cannot caress thy real flesh-but
th' picturesque one in my imagination-ah! Thou should believe me-
my love! I would love thee fervently-and greedily, I would kiss thee
just like a ****** rose cooes at its doubtful morning-I would
cuddle thee in my arms-as I hath always longed to do!
I would sit 'fore thee under brimming candlelight, andth th'
innocuous tree next to us-andth gleefully relate thee stories
of wondrous and adventurous affection. T'at affection so dear-my love!
Hark to t'eir tale-and th' heartwarming melodies of th'
nightingale. Th' nightingale t'at shalt bring mirth into our
bogs-bogs of endearment, fragments of promises, and rainbows of
glows-all t'at marks but our very own
chained love. Our forever love! Andst our eternal union-
just as thou and I shalt shoulder together. But wherefore art thou,
my love? Swarms of gentlemen hath I seen-with feather caps
and grinning lips in morning scenes-but thou art still th' one
t'at I seek, and long to heareth; how thou shalt fast bound down
th' stairs, and blend into th' sunny morning walk-for another flood of
salubrious errands-as every day shalt we do, until old do we
grow together, as one union, and one single, generous eternity.
Thou art th' only one I love.
Conor Letham Dec 2013
Look at your spider legs

clambering out like that
as though your crab cage

has stayed too still, sat
too long as a street tumour
spat up on the pavement.

You must miss the frailness
of the skin that sheltered
your birth, the patterns
strewn across the sheets

in blurs of stripes and dots,
colours and tones. But now
it's a sickly sight, those ribs
scuttle like limbs pushing
through a shell that suited

your broken spindles just
fine. Maybe you need a fix
of a skin to get you in shape,
web the joints in the hope
someone will hold you again,
your handle gripped in hand.
Based off seeing mangled umbrella spokes sticking out of a bin.
Frisk Nov 2014
from this distance, the town looked like paper shaped
into origami buildings. you could tell that everything
has it's own hue of smoke and mirrors, even though
all of us are made out of the same material.

the buildings were built to fall apart eventually,
like a tooth pick and marshmellow tower, and
it's all because the fragility of these things we
don't notice. we do not notice the frailness
of these things because we are desensitied
to the idea of things lasting forever.

you could see how fake everything has became
like a fog enveloping the town from this distance.
nobody notices the big picture because the small
things are always more difficult to ignore.

everything was made of plastic and paper, and the
only thing that wasn't fake were the memories
behind this town. people don't strain their necks
when looking back at this flash frame town.

they don't feel the need to.

- kra
OC Nov 2018
Nights like this
make me want to drown in you
to feel your surging body
flooding over me as the tides
rising and crushing down
to **** in your salt
and scorch my lungs
hot and wet
raging and rocking me about
I plunge into your ocean
lost, blind and blurred
sinking like a stone
floating like a feather
gently rocking in your darkest depth
on muffled, distant thunders
to the frailness of oblivion
from the  calm of this abyss I am
like foam onto your shores
Had our first storm of the season the night before
Cerasium Aug 2016
The life
The heart
Such fragile things upon a being

The slightest crack spreads through
Forming greater till it all
Comes to a shattered mess

The time one spends
Trying to mend what once was whole
Will never fully take the pain and sorrow
Which will yet come to it

One can wish to harden one's heart
To prevent the slightest crack
But even the diamond can shatter away

For the heart is of that diamond
Beautiful and pure yet can break
With just a simple gesture.
Marshal Gebbie Jul 2016
Blame placed be seen worthwhile
Dearth of substance, forthright style.
A lightness of touch with sledge hammer grace
Paradoxically, artful, smiling face….
Anxiously generous yet whimsically mean
Frailness-ness sought ….now secretly seen,
Quandary thrown to Iraq's lost trust
Now loudly scowls with Mozart’s bust.

For be he rich or be he poor
This secret’s worth is out the door
For they, from whom this thing be kept,
Conveniently from this room…be swept.
Swallowed realizations dawn
This man, revealed, is but a pawn
A fragile lace at ******’s groin
Torn away….to be purloined,
Acute Embarrassment’s hot blush
Now camouflaged in angers flush.*

Pukehana Paradise
11 July 2016
Writhing within the Blair camp @ the Chilcott Report
showing, undeniably, Britains slavish following of  G.W.Bush's illegal and unwarranted
Invasion of Saddam Hussein's Iraq.
N Nov 2018
I never understood what people meant when they say you can make a home out of a person.

I never understood what people meant when they say you can make a home out of a person until the day his smile began to look like the welcome mat to his eyes, and his fingers running through my hair felt like they've never belonged anywhere else.

I've written about love before him.  

I've written about hands on my skin and lips whispering the sweetest of words into my ear.
I've written about tongues that ran down my neck like honey.
I've written poems describing the motions of falling in love; comparing it to storms, and then comparing it to a summer day...

and then comparing it to pain.

I've written poems about April turning to June and winter turning to spring;
but I've never had a favorite poem of mine.
I've never had a favorite month or a favorite season or a favorite sound or even a place that felt like home. 

 But now I do.

We wake up to the sun slipping through the shades of his window; it's routine.
Time doesn't exist between him and I.
I turn to him, forcing my eyes open so they can trace the line of his jaw, the curvature of his lips, the frailness of his eyes slowly awakening to meet mine.
At this moment, I've found the one place that's home; and it isn't made of bricks and baseboards.
Home is curled hair, deep brown eyes, and a crooked smile.  Home is the hand that holds mine. Home is his voice when he tells me he loves me.

I thank July for bringing me love.

I'm thankful for the goosebumps he leaves on the surface of my skin. I thank the sound of his laugh for restoring the life in a part of me I thought was dying.
I've never written about love before him. I've written about hands that have touched me just to take parts of me with them when they leave. I've written about the motions of losing myself in someone who destroyed the most innocent pieces of me.
Love has never been so hopeful, so consistent, so pure.

This is my favorite poem. Home has soft eyes.
Like the sandgrains on the stretched palm
with the wind have flown the years
the tides rolled back the sea is now calm
It's biding time on this heavenly sphere!

Yet I've started loving this life more
more than all that spent up before
with a growing desire to have it fullest
sowing hope's seeds to reap its harvest!

Inevitable frailness though makes it hard
more than the yore I dream step forward
still seek the way to get through the dark
explore the mist on unknown embark!

I stretch my hands for the farthest shore
roam mind's cavern for still unlocked door
churn up the residues of time on this side
ride on the comeback of sea's one last tide!
Dear Jan 2013
Hold on my lover
To the strings that bind me in your heart
I am bleeding raw without cover
Blank eyes
They won't see us wander.
Starving crystalline structures
Hunger for open minds to see them dancing
Tryptamine, entheogenic wonders
Reveal the frailness of being here
What has passed,
Well it's not gone
Just transferred
Where the stars never fall apart
Rounded rhombuses relieve my worry
Help me feel his spirit sustains the death of his body
Hope of Heaven can blind us from the present
Here he is to still be experienced
Overcome by his lost son's loneliness
But in the light of his death
He'll find the love he couldn't clasp in human hands.
So let go now, my father
To your measured idea of the souls embark
It's infinite in its immanence
Guided by what is always seen but never noticed

Rest in peace, my brother.
AJ Sep 2013
autumn leaves and a monarch butterfly
if they don't separate, one of them will die
they're beautiful together, but death has beauty too
the butterfly loves fall, the way i loved to fall for you
i'm just a dying butterfly in an autumn bitten tree
the leaves are slowly dying and i will too if i don't leave
because all the praying and the crying has already taken its toll on me
but how am i to leave you when you are so weak
but somehow despite your frailness you keep dragging me down too
if it weren't for your ailment there wouldn't be such a feud
inside my mind, my thoughts are waging war
should i stay or should i go? what's a love struck girl to do?
if i stay, both our lives are lost, but if i go i will lose you
could there ever be a bigger cost? there's just so much to work through
if you really loved me how could you want me to stay?
if you really loved me how could you send me away?
Sora Oct 2013
I want to see the beauty
Of the winter skies crashing, drowning the soft summer night waves
I want to see the frailness
Of the leaves cracking beneath the tires, the feet, the paws
I wish to see happiness
Casting it into the purple grey skies too far for me to grasp between my sleek, scarred fingers
I want to see history
From the little flag crushed in the season's frayed grass. The pink seeping into the roots of the stripes and stars. My muddied blood.And I wish to see the wishing well sparkle in my war-zone eyes, as I toss not just a penny, but a past for my future.
JP Goss Jun 2015
“For God’s sake, let us sit upon the ground
And tell sad stories of the death of Kings.”

The smell of fresh grasses lefts stifled underfoot,
A thousand tiny voices, wheaten, bug, or no,
Can call up to the elderly trees, whose white palms
Gave surrender only moments ago to this wandering eye.
To think, I am but that hole of many in a chain
Of lattices made only by their breakage,
For I relinquish myself to the spirit or biology
Two gods my life’s work has been to destroy.

The sun comes through that shattered mat of life
A fallen crest, defining the morose bedding of
Victim and trap, so that I may hear it speaking;
Strung up and dragging on its gaunt, breathless rot
It claims a stupid animal lived in this body once,
Relinquished itself by flight to the unwavering, silky
Thread of beautiful frailness, or motionless spectra,
Thus, it deserves to lose what it did not want
Since it did not flee life, it did not flee death.

I wanted to study it more, enchanted by the hollowness
Until water came onto my brow, fell onto my passive lips
Uttering, till then, a prayer to fly from here,
Till my eyes color over and I’ve finally escaped.
But, this motif, I see, is overplayed, too trite
For secular gods who prefer the wiles of game
We, the peak of human life, I the most sufferable of them
I, the most thirsting of my image, tend to consume.
If it were boredom, then plagues would sweep hot winds
Everywhere; thus, it is not, it is the constant reminder,
We are but nothing, but flesh to die, unwitting flies
To the spider’s web.
PK Wakefield Jul 2013
fill my
fill my hands
fill my hands, light.

i'll climb You.

i'll reach each
finger over
each finger over.

i'll climb you up
(if even tinly i'll shall
by minute courage expand
into quickly dying night
the frailness of my body
and i'll clamor
i'll tip


into thy strayingest brightness
my cup
and it will run over with you

it will burn
and, by a thousand strokes of brilliance,
it shall teeter briefly invincible

on awkward skinny youth
it shall stumble deeply radiant folding

each star folding
manifold upon
manifold upon
manifold upon
folding each star

into the hottest crimp:
a kiss foibl'd                         )

clumsily boyness hands
imparting with love most earnest

that spangle will

and climbing fingers
over each

that hurt
will sharply round
rib after rib

till reaches
(in burning Cupid's fiercest glow)

my destroying weakness
with the strength of your inimitable lips
Moth Jan 2021
Listening does not mean learning.
Learning does not mean knowledge.
Knowledge does not mean you are wise.
Wisdom does not mean you are aged.
Age does not mean you are frail.
Frailness does not mean you are weak.
Weakness does not mean you are worthy.
Worthiness does not mean you are entitled.
Entitlement does not mean you are the one.
Dre Guthrie Oct 2013
Write me a love song
to sing me your praise
it may amount to nothing
but sentiments do no wrong.

My body be a flower
to wither in the wind
to grow and bloom and blossom
frailness in each hour.

Weakness is my sigil
yet you ply me with song
and to your words at night will keep
they echo in my vigil.
Bianca Nov 2013
You laid there
Tattered and worn
Out of people's view
And as they passed your nearly corpsed body
Your heart became weaker still and
Your eyes turned to grey
With no one to see
Your frailness and delicacy
Your limp figure cried
And with no one by your side through the tears and the glum
You could do nothing but dread
The bag of bones you'd soon become
SN Sep 2016
I saw a mountain today
But it wasn't real
And I found myself picturing
What it would feel like
If I ever saw them
Forgetting that there are mountains
That I have seen

But some were small
Stuck on an island in the Mediterranean sea
Others taller, overgrown by trees
Meandering a war torn landscape
Like irregular forested pyramids
In between which poverty, anonymity and frailness
Are woven in with the fabric of lost days

Azure dreams of getting away
And viridian primitive, haunting aftershocks
Of history lived by the thousands
Expelled in an endless summer breeze
But more like daze, rippling slowly outwards
All part of an endless wave
Rolling on and on folding us, our histories
Inside its arm

Once I saw mountains
Little stacked triangles of geologic history
Twice I saw mountains
Wishing these were the places that I would always see
Thrice I saw mountains
Now a mountain
Is what I'll be
nivek Mar 2016
The sea is a blue dressed mysterious woman
who has seen most things
and still she is seductively inviting
the frailness of Mankind she knows so well.
Lexie Aug 2016
How can I say words
When I do not even know myself
This sunshine is wasted
On the frailness of my body

Crystals in my eyes
Scrape across my cheeks
Dragging me down
To be set in stone

So many whispers
Dancing in my head
And the secrets
Scream to be free

I cough, and my soul
Jumps through the fabric
Of the world
It is bound unto

Slaves in my bones
Work through the night
They will not die
Without cracking my heart

Shards, embedded in my hands
Hands clasped around my ankles
Ankles covered in scars of gold
Gold burned, into flames of death

Into the night they rise
Screaming for their life
As it falls to earth
To be shadowed in lies

Mysteries clouded in poor judgement
Peace shattered to pieces
Broken, like the silence
That echoes in my cage

Because all who wander
Wander alone
And not all who wander are found
Before it's to late
May Jan 2024
One day, you will wake up to a golden sunset as everyone else is encapsulated by silent sleep.  You remove your blanket and realise that frailness has replaced the strength of your once toned legs. Your feet, a canvas of fine lines, a mere remembrance of the miles you used to walk.A velvet face of beauty  now augmented with crinkles and lines where there was once the light of youth. You reach to brush your teeth and find gaps and realise now that this might merely be a dream. A toothbrush coated with stars and glitter now plain white and softened for your fragile teeth. You slip on your dress which is no longer cinched at your waist  and silky red but decorated with delicate yellow flowers to mirror your ailing self. You hear footsteps behind you paired with dry coughs and heaving and It is not your mother, no. The once leaden magnetism between your spouse has been replaced with dread to face another debilitating version of yourself. You look  into his eyes, now swallowed by crows and find it harder to see the dark, daring almonds of the man who once showered you with flowers and danced with you to the song of the sea. Hasn’t time flown? You whisper into his ear and yet he only asks you to repeat. His ears, once intent to listen to your enchanting voice now forget that the rasps that escape your throat belong to that of his once young, joyous wife. Your story was once sweet, now it is simply one that waits for the greeting of death leaving you incomplete.

Oh, hasn’t time flown?
Diksha Dhiman Aug 2020
My mind was pouring poison in my body
Causing frailness
The notion I was believing that someone else will come and give me an antidote
  Someone will come and pick me up from this poisonous lake
It took a long time to realize that only I can make that antidote
And today I am free swimming in lake of peace.
Yazad Tafti Jan 2022
to hold up a cinderella cloaked daisy
to tenderly sense its petals sandwhiched by your fingers
to watch it die in a undernourished watering vase
rain has not fallen here since sinatra's excusrsions to a gleamish, ruby light toned flapper club
as a flapper holds her poise , you hold the stem of this daisy
your grasp it only to suffocate its xylem, collapse its walls as a canyon has boulders barricade it's river, it's desideratum
watch the petals wear a dress of frailness
watch them lose their sheen
watch them circulate ailments
let them rest in a place deprivingly serene

to **** a daisy
watch its yellow sun centre
your pupils dilate
as you manically squeal with mouth shut joy
to **** a daisy
you can always just pick another one
and make it your scapegoat of a toy
dazed days daisily pass me by
from a crysanthenum to a daisy you still are my petunia
Tom Atkins Apr 2020
It is a strange kind of spring,
autumn leaves, the stragglers and survivors
that clung to the white-clad birches all winter,
have let loose, their yellow leaves a carpet
covering the April grass and its greening.

Typical of New England, there is no continuity of weather.
One day the sun warms your skin like a lover’s touch,
and next day is cold and snowy, cutting like betrayal.

It is a season of plague and quarantine,
a cruel joke, making us all prisoners of fear,
like birch leaves, hanging on, clinging
until the season changes.

I am not a worrier.
I was cured of worry, I believed, a decade and a half ago,
surviving more than I believed I could then,
nothing now seems as consequential.
but I worry now.

I worry for the children,
mine and the ones that surround me.
I worry for the doctors and nurses,
for the people who stock my stores at night,
for the myriad of people I know
who have built their livelihoods,
suddenly fragile, unexpected deaths to the plague.
I worry for the poor. I know too many of them
for them to be an abstraction. No care, no money,
what little life they have crumbles.
I worry about the loud ones, the deniers
and all they touch, proud carriers of disease.
What will become of them?
I worry for the elderly, huddled, too often
already victims of loneliness,
a new vulnerability suddenly added to the frailness of age.
I worry about…. the list is too long.
I pray, but the list is too long, too easy
to leave someone loved out,
until at last I cry out to God in a great groan
that says more than my words,
and I lean into him, knowing he knows,
more than I, the loss and fear and need
for comfort and strength beyond what I have.

I walk across the yellow leaves of spring.
Freshly stripped off the trees in yesterday’s rain,
they are supple and a thing of beauty.
But this will not last. In a few days they will dry
and turn brown, and fall to dust beneath my feet,
no longer survivors, but victims and all that is left to me
is prayer and the power to remember their beauty
and share it, long after they are gone
autumn Mar 2020
i know i shouldn't desire
but i can't help but still crave
the sweetness of your lies
piercing straight through
the frailness of my heart,
the warmth and security
of being in your arms.

and that's a problem of mine
this i know too
to find pleasure in thought
rather than in what's true.

the hazel depths of your eyes
the feeling of your hand
around my thigh
the bruising reminder
that has haunted my dreams
and left me awakening
to the desolate reality
that you're not with me.

and sometimes i believe
that nothing will ever be the same
and perhaps that is so
but since i left it felt as though
our chapter had already been closed.
Harriet Shea Jun 2020
Continuous decay raffles diligently, remorse
never noticed silently in the frailness of equal
respect in an orderly fashion.

Embark against embroidered contempt, bringing
an alternative understanding of ignorance that is
welded in steel without disillusionment.

Insulate material strength using well the power
it carries when used correctly, it never deceives
only remarkable consequences arrive when the mind
does not fight the truth.

Compare each union with another watching how
everything comes together, knowing only love of
self can bring everyone together without a thought
to recover what was, only love shall open a crack
that keeps the light from shining out to cover each
sphere that darkens brighten.

Understanding can starve out evil while goodness
can radiate power to bring harmony among all with
truth and love, ending decay, remorse, and stagnate

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)

— The End —