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Ken Pepiton Oct 2018
Genau, enow, enough

after the confusion,

we all could make a sound, okeh,
and we still

knew a shaken head or hand or fist
had meaning beyond words and noise

my words, their noise, barbarians all, but my
loved ones, still,
my nana Even , none could say a meaningful word

Ah, papa Eber, eber he be waving sayin'

Shhhhlome. wow. a word, I was

re connected re tied re ligamented re tendoned
re nerved re *****
re bled
re breathed
inspire me, expire me, think me immaterial, no mattah

nomattatall we stick together, gone bealright

begrudge me not a bit o'livit ity, a st-utter here'n'there

words, in wars, we always win. We are war's
raison d'etre, as they say, its
rational grounds for existence, its
excuse for being.
words are the instigators, provocateurs

no wordless insult results in war,
words are needed,

fugitabowdit, how long? Seven times? 490 times?


once, each time, no more.
enoughs the evil enoughs enow.

the weapons of our warfare, how can I say,

we see salient leapers trampling the vintage, seeping
from the heel wound in the beguiler's head.
That's results.

Angels sing and dance, they never tremble in the night,
the hope we never lost,
we just forgot, they remember as if it were the same,
yes, today, forever
they whisper,
go on,
there's more to living than meets the eye.

enough has always had a plural, ask Sam Johnson.
AH, short line prose or long line poetry, musing or not, I never knew enough had a plural, the knowing inspired me
DieingEmbers Mar 2013
There's not enough chocolate
to fill this gap


There's not enough tissue
to dry these tears


There's not enough pills
to numb this ache


There's not enough sunlight
to warm me

you did

There's not enough moonlight
to comfort me

you did

There's not enough words
to express how


Miss YOU.
Martin Narrod Jul 2015
Fiery free moments
Are coming for me
They took us to London
Then New York City

As clear as the gel pens
You had while you lived in the sticks
Along with Slip'n'Slide
All the boys you played with
Always paid for your tricks

When the bizarre ill-willing troche
Trap men in their snares, and everywhere
it seems everyone's begin to stare.
Into my eyes (As a tug boat and its bride)
My dad's corduroy ties (In the closet upstairs in the basement)
You wouldn't dare, would you? You wouldn't dare

I embraced the tide that took away our guts
                                                              our stuff
                                            when        enoughs enough
                                                              enoughs enough

So carry around your game in handwritten pamphlets
While you delve into the reasons you didn't want them laminated
When I spoke to Commander Owens ("Let's say the town didn't go wild")
But rather you and I I
Left too long perhaps another time

Remember, Remember
Recital time's at noon
The pianists' laminate cut off the last bar and he's starting in 2(2)
The priest asked Justin if he'd come in earlier too
Venomously he cast aside the bride and groom
So we played Slip'n'Slide for the wedding party in our living room

Dancers start on the left then double-back with the left inside
Turn their bodies, dip their hips, restart and double-back to the right
But before the wedding party, she proposed to him with his favorite song
In the San Francisco Airport arrivals, when he turned the stereo on
Parked at curbside pickup laid down and started Slip and Sliding.
Copyright The Redwalls(TM) 2015
Written by Martin Narrod and Justin Baren
Dark Smile Nov 2016
This is for the forgotten ones
For the in-betweeners
For the never-good-enoughs
This is for my strong people
Who struggle daily to find their footing in a world that seems to take pleasure in seeing them trip
For the second choices
For the I'll-date-her-if-I-have-no-other-options
For those who always feel alone
For my fighters
I understand you and I am so proud of you
It is not easy to live the way you do and yet you are breathing
This is for my forgotten people who simply exist while no one cares
I'm with you and
I care
Izzy Nolan Dec 2011
i used to be sad
i used to be sad
all of the time, gnawing at my nails
and bleeding burden in my mouth
as i daydreamed disasters, always
straying from words like "love."
but you taught me that happiness
is not anything that you ask for

when you see happiness,
you seize every crevice and angle and
corner of it, it is yours -
but only if you do not ask for it

you taught me that
there's too many creeps of sunlight
hiding between raindrops
as they fall,
too many open oceans offering
anchors on their beds to pull
us down under,
too many "not enoughs" and
not enough of anything anymore
because everyone is always

you taught me that
if i want to glide along railroads,
i musn't turn into a bullying engine
that shouts and kicks and pushes,
but i must turn into the girl
who knows exactly what
freedom sounds like

and you taught me all of this,
you taught me
everything about love,
without saying a
written december 2011.
Micheal Wolf Aug 2016
As a child I never knew the colour of my skin made a difference to the person within
I never looked at myself wishing I was someone else
I never had to stand in line or in a place sat behind
I never had to take a seat, at the back that was there only for me
No one ever refused to serve me because my hair was black and curly
No one ever made a joke because my eyes had a *****
I never had to appologise for the colour I was inside but judged on the outside
That's because my skin is white and hides all of me that's inside
It hides the struggles my forebears had for being foriegn and blended black
A mix that was made from love alone when someone said enoughs enough!
So the colour of a loving heart that joins another to give a child is all in all who we are
No white no black just what's inside and no more from fear should we hide
Look inside we are so much more than a label another put on us
Close your eyes we are all the same
Is it so hard for you to love that way?
Emma Brown Feb 2013
We stand,
Drawn ahead by the light,
We seek it,
It shines for us like a seductive saviour,
Because in it, we see repentance.
We walk,
Pushed forward by the screams of our pasts,
We move on,
It is what we are raised to do,
Because looking back would hurt too much.
As is the attraction and rejection of living,
An insurmountable sensation,
Like iambic pentameter of a Shakespearean play,
We are loathe to stray from it,
So we draw from what we have learned,
Our trials, our triumphs, our "not-quite-enoughs",
But we never turn back,
We keep our eyes to the sunrise,
Because we have nothing if not hope,
Of a better day.
Mateuš Conrad Feb 2019
with the most askance inspection
of the most
atomißed of man...

because what does... "fame" look
like in a small town?
i go the shop, the cashier "knows"
me... or at least i have
in possession...
a recognißable face
that can have immediate
   for whatever the worth
of recognition is worth,
                                   these days...

the nooks & crannies
of cliché tactics...
                  two girls lost in the night,
a stumbling wanderer
picking one of them up
after heaving himself
a public park fence...
exposed *****...
         a black cat being cuddled
15 minutes later...
psychotic behavior...
finding the other girl
lying dead-pan face flat
at a bus-stop...
              a phonecall
to one of the girl's father
driving a black cab...
the guys getting home safely,
an IM from one of
the girl's mother: thank you...
the end...

was it necessary of me
write this?
                 don't know...
anything is worth bashing
a blank stare of a page,
intimidating me
to give me prompt...

i can cleave a slice off the meaty
dictum when it comes
to a small town dynamic
compared to biggie big-town
bad boy city...

            i like claustrophobic
"fame"... imbued to a small town
   oh sure... there is anonymity
  but the stage? recurrent...
the audience? non-existent.
the actors?
           blatantly bland
and repeateded beyond
the concerns of: the obvious...
  a granny doing shopping...
goes to the local store...
shops, talks to the cashiers...
returns to her home...
pretends to sleep,
switching on the television,
  counting t.v. personnas...
shadow or shadows...
never mind the fact that she's
         and there's "fame"...
the **** does fame juice-up-to-forget
about dynamic worth of:
the furthered conversation?
   small town...
yeah... you're famous...
when the supermarket cashiers
"know" your face...
or at least "being" recognißed...
   to have to starve for being
recognißed within the confines
of an anonymous crowd...
              like: being eaten alive
by zombies wishing for hyenas...
sordid crap...
  nothing Dickensian about it...
                            crisp cut off from
a missing paragraph...
that never was, that never will
modern, fame,
and that hybrid of the c.c.t.v.
precursor, status worth,
the pre-aligned
sending of a postcard...
or a letter...
'i almost tried to forget minding
my own double' (shadow)...
not that i would ever...
such the nature
of the big big, world...
and such the fate
of the little little, moi...

        big POP and
the little rock...
          one thing to **** against
the wind, one thing alotegether
to **** into a hurricane...
scoops of disgruntled shattering
to attempt to mend...

                        famine in the mouths
of others...
   enoughs pigeons reading
to settle on a scoop of dead-beat
and we, have ourselves,
a democratic event!

           just when... god was never
an imaginary "friend",
or some leftover trait
of infantile leftovers...
         before that?
that parasite, is dislodged from
my mind,
excluded from giving me
some, if any, ontological focus...
i want St. Peter's to be toppled
to rubble...
      until then?
  then... who the **** is infantile
and who has me thinking
of a caged canary, to genesis with?!

big city: seeking fame...
little city: fame as the artefact
of familiarity...
some would call: metaphor:

            fame is not something
you will find,
beside... the clarity of
what big city provisions
you with...
an anonymous crowd...
no... little town?
        more like infamy...
oh for sure...
no kafkaesque novel
accomplice to support you...

anything, anywhere...
as long as it is bland...
    akin to... a supposedly
forgot, addition of,
necessary seasoning,
toying with the basics...
just... as simple as...
salt, pepper, bay leaf...
a whole all spice bud...

should i be seeking fame...
shoot me...
         any if all of...
only the past two years
has the journalist become
the status symbol of
a politician...
       equally not worth
being allowed a democratic
to begin with...

the day when
the word journalist = politician...
some people might
even suspect me of
  i wish it was amnesia...

             priest? long gone...
but of course
there's the propping
of the theatre...
           to ensure no truth
is left to be investigated...
as long as the murals
      the click-bait...
the mosaic sticks?
         as long as
a social contract...
a cordiality is solidified?
what is there to complain about?
apart from a few
   little town
come big city dynamic...
   2 centuries apart,
living, qua: in the same one...
ever fold and unfold
an umbrella
quickly enough
to imitate the sound
of a crow
its wings?
   you know: brrrr...
attempting to shake
off excess water from
the flight tools?
i couldn't handle being
boxed into a stereotype...
as i am...
still flirting with
         baron: anonymous;
once born
to be settled into
a grave...
             having to watch
some people agitate
the dead
        with their mea culpas
of... by the grave
a hubris...

           a recant...
the lighted candle...
the memory preserved...

     hell... with the ******
on the conveyor belt...

       in these times...
even ghosts forgot to haunt...
all the schizophrenics are
like: no...
         beyond this world
beings talking to me?
so much... self-assurance...
everyone is taken
to silently gloat
about their telepathic

      as old as the Cartesian
trinity... what? telepathy...
res extensa...
     extended thing...
   that's called telepathy...

    i'm still trying to find the sort
of language that would
preserve me,
in continuing to burrow
something, resembling...
   and part-decipher (non-verb)...
all in all...
gesticulating between
overt metaphor,
and conscious of & when
a misnomer was
applied to bypass into
a waterfall, -esque,
                 fluidity of expression.

- this **** is not billboard
what does it matter...
should it matter...
or will it ever matter...
          the grand choir composition:
                  its prime identity
of purpose...
    to never make it as text
worthy of a script
accompanied by canned laughter.
DieingEmbers Feb 2012
The Slobber Mouth lives deep down south,
hunting the Ner' do wells.
with candy canes and wooden trains,
with buzzers and with bells.

With fur of green, that's never clean,
and eyes so big and red.
Four filthy paws with unclipped claws,
he fills the woods with dread.

Spiked tail and horns and teeth like thorns,
fixed in a scarey smile.
A ******* nose and ragged clothes,
make up his unique style.

Baiting his traps with midday naps,
false promises and lies.
with wasted hours and April showers,
and soft spoke lullabyes.

Dust bunnies hop but never stop,
and never are they caught.
For they are wise to slobbers lies,
and all the gifts he's brought.
The Mites and Motes in winter coats,
so quickly scurry by.
for they too know never to go,
where Slobbers presents lie.

The feather bed floats over head,
the carpet thick with fluff.
He stamps his feet knowing he's beat
and screams enoughs enough.

He packs his sock and checks the clock,
so soon the house will rise.
Stomping away to sleep all day,
and hide from prying eyes.

Beneath your bed this sleepy head,
sits down to scheme and plan.
Tomorrow night if all goes right,
I'll catch the Bogeyman.

On tippy toes in bedtime clothes,
his teddy in his hand.
He waves goodnight to all in sight,
and leaves for faery lands.
Jeremy Bean Feb 2018
I wish I never saw your face
I wish I never heard your voice
I wish I'd never given chase
I wish I never made that choice

I wish I never felt your touch
I wish we never shared those stares
I wish I said enoughs enough
I wish that I just didn't care

I wish for different circumstance
I wish we never had romance
I wish that I could change my stance
So future love could have a chance
kyle henderson May 2013
The thankful eat what they can,
The never enoughs send back every plate

People need people

Masters need servants

Servants don't need masters

The wants have because they have wants,
Beggars can't choose but they don't choose to beg
Teenagers are unresponsive,rude and destructive.
Mood swings and attitudes are everywhere.
Drama queen stop over reacting.
It's just a phase you'll grow out of it.
Anxiety attack :
there over reacting!
just get over yourself !
Self Harm:
attention seeking!
Enough Enough I can't take it.
A jump off a building, a noose around the neck, swallowing pills, and a bullet through there head.
When will you see, that everything you say is killing me.
Stop being weak, stop crying it will never get you anywhere.
Maybe I'm just not built for this world.
To many wants and not enoughs.
Maybe my body should lay to rest.
Stop over reacting, stop letting them get to you.
I'm trying but its not working.
Stop being a drama queen, GROW UP!
The jump made me feel free
The noose hurt but my last breath didn't
The pills made me sick but I felt better
All I heard was a loud bang but felt nothing.
Society ruined us
I could have a family
I could have fell in love
I could have been a Doctor
I could but never will because I fell victim to the demons in my head and the monsters that ruled my reality.
Just A Teenage Thing?
That thing ended my chances of every being anything I wanted to be.
caution could be a trigger to anyone who is struggling with self harm and suicidal thoughts.
Nat Lipstadt Feb 2016
for my Ian

Sunday morn in San Fran,
chest, a mish mash
of conflicting

that someday will be written...

the titles I have,
but not yet, not now,
his flesh, unentitled,
to the measuring cup of words
to flesh them
into existence

tho solemn sworn,
hand upon the
bible of his beating chest,
oathed to the gods of his conceit,
these too shall be conceived,
pristine and parfait
avant someday,
when he as well,
be a work closer to
the rounding out of completion

poet's inner flesh is a mixology
of Pacific Ocean tide  pools,
amber *** colored,
sea green chlorophyll
of absinthe

contentment muddled with anguish,
the wonder of children's tender undemanded kisses,
topping the texture,
the latency of life

those holy kisses,
wholly unsolicited,
head the list,
conquering freshly reheated
crescents of inextinguishable regrets,
the long listing of life's
never enough, never enough,
never enoughs

day yawns before me,
possibilities are fulsome and many,
what drives me now at
preservation band of forever of this instant of life,
is a dialogue recalled
origin born by the Frisco Bay,
but yesterday

tween my be-loving and be-living and
five year old rambunctious boy,
and his absentee,
would be,
East Coast version
of an itinerant, twice a year,

a conversation
re the possibility of
running away from one's shadow

the bight boy brighter with brimming optimism
viewing the day, and as far as he can see,
all through a prism
"of all things are possible,"
certitude of unblemished youth,
which welcomed as a
body wash for cleansing
an old man's soul

the old man's lungs,
his interior thesaurus,
covered with
ne'er do well shadows,
of hard gained experience,
that are
among his very own uneraseable,,
great unwashed,
misbegotten, missed opportunities,
the impossible dreams unfulfilled

old man knows there is no targeted
radiation or chemotherapy,
can history rewrite,
that proof positive,
can conclude that running hard, running away,
or even running back
to those shadows
that will perforce
travel and travail,
that can e're  prevail,
o'er man-inescapable need
to morose compose upon his
nettled, untitled,
foretold and foreseen,
own decomposition by
the weights of regret,
of those shadows
never to be
caught, erased

but he does not share this knowledge
with the boy*


two fourteen sixteen
7:53 am
Market Street, San Francisco
Valentine's Day
running on Fishermans Wharf,
by the SanFrancisco Bay
maculated -
marked with spots; blotched;
impure; besmirched
Shannon Hughes Jun 2012
Will I fit?
Or will I stand out in this world made for perfects and filled with not good enoughs.
Will they jeer, and judge, and take this time to make themselves feel better?
I am who you think I should be,
Yet I am me,
And I still think I should
Ignore my pains, and wonderings of
Will I fit?
I'm tired of the judgement I face every day,
the what are you doings,  the why would yous, the you don't knows.

I'm tired of the distance that grows between us,
The once a week chats,The Ks, the byes
I miss the days gone by.

I'm tired of the sadness my self inflicted pain,
The bitten tongues, the doubt ,the you're not good enoughs.

I'm tired of this stagnate cycle,
these confused feelings, this constant weight on my chest, theses thoughts of suicide...

I'm tired of all the things I love dying
My family, my friends , my hopes , my dreams.

I'm sick and tired of all these false promises, ideologies and philosophies,
Life gets better, if you try your best you will have no regrets, patience is a virtue, we are one.

I've fought,
To only lose.
I've accepted others,
But been rejected by most.
I've waited for my chance to arise,
just for it to never come.
I've done everything I can to better my life,
to no avail.
I've kept my pain in me from
effecting others around me,
letting it fester never seeing the light of day.
Now all I am is tired,
And I'm tired of Being tired.
I don't know what to do anymore
ymmiJ Mar 2019
I only gave you my heart
Thats sad enough
But you came for another sacred soul
Thats bad eenough
I couldn't give you that which is not mine
So I said enough
But you came a lurking anyway
You never had enough
Souls are eternal gifts from above
I just wanted enough
Becca Brown Sep 2017
The familiarity with which your new lover spoke to me had me desperate for air as the two of you, seemingly unaware of the atmosphere, convened before me on my own bed with such affection that I felt physically nauseous. Maybe, you’ll say, it was just the tequila but no. I know the difference between a feeling in my stomach and the extreme discomfort that is heartbreak, only this is different from the heartbreak I used to know.

The last time I met her, this foul beauty sat atop my chest like an elephant and kept me from my life. She whispered sweet “not good enoughs” in my ear all day long and laughed at how pathetic I was all through the night. She was heavy and dark, then, but today she comes to me hand in hand with something altogether new. I don’t quite know yet how to put my finger on it. The best I can do for you is describe this panicky feeling that they give me.

It starts in the pit of my churning stomach, a tingly sensation like how you feel when you’re minutes away from receiving a reward you’ve waited months for, only warped by a second force like thick, sticky fire. I am scared of losing what we had, though I know that it’s already gone. I know you’re already gone. But I’m still holding onto this thing that I poured my time, energy, and soul into because why wouldn’t I? Artists all have one project that they slave over for years with no true reward or outcome. One that haunts them in their dreams at night and invalidates every other success in their career. It is their personal Portrait of Dorian Gray. I’m lucky, though, because I’m a writer not an artist so my Portrait just so happens to be you, Heartbreaker. My cruel mistress sends you to be in many forms but this time you managed to take a part of me home to her.

It’s not that I loved you more than the others. It’s that I believed in you the most. I trusted you the most. I gave you more second chances than I gave myself when I still thought that a victim was all I would ever be and still you hurt me. Every time you proved that you didn’t truly care about me, I saw it as a challenge to prove that maybe over time you could. The feeling grows in my stomach for several minutes before abruptly exploding to fill every part of me with ash, smoke, and rubble. I am a shadow of who I once was and can no longer make sense of the parts. I make wild, unpredictable movements in an attempt to tidy the space but the faster you move through smoke and ash the further it gets away from you.

These are all of the things I think about as your new lover slips on the end of her sentence and looks to you, cheeks flushed, to be reassured. A whole new set of demons come out to play as you reach for her hand and lay your hot lips on her forehead. I realize with a start that she sees you for the new person that you want to be the way I never can because I spent too much energy on someone else. You are for her what I’ve begged of you for years but that is another pain for another day.

Oh, heartbreak! I know your friend. How silly of me to forget a face. Oh, please, tell jealousy…

Tell him nothing. I will pretend he is a stranger so we may get to know each other all over again. He will be my lover, comforting me over my small mistakes, while you watch on and feel nothing. I will rest here in familiar arms for as long as they might have me.
This is a stream of consciousness style piece that I wrote right after a particularly rough night. It's not edited. These are my thoughts and feelings in their most genuinely raw form. Another version may come later
Maria Hale Feb 2012
So here's to you,
here's to me,
here's to everything we wanted to be.
In a world of the not-good-enoughs,
the half-remembered-maybes,
maybe we can be enough,

you and me.
Myrrdin Jul 2018
I don't want enough
I want more than enough
I want one thousand,
One hundred thousand
I want enough to feel like
Nat Sep 2016
I woke up this morning and it happened
the same thing at first

I looked for you and I found you
(posting pictures to Facebook with your new friends)
(posing for Snapchats of your shots and your beer pong skills, because it's important that people know you're fun!)

I looked for you and I found you
(******* up to others, proving your worth)
(doing what you want in the moment and forgetting about everything else, because you can explain it all away tomorrow)

I looked for you and I found you
and I used to feel
(jealousy, because I have never understood why everyone else matters more than me)
(anger, because I am so tired of the wanting, the waiting, the wishing, the what ifs, and the why am I not good enoughs)

I woke up this morning and it happened
I looked for you and I found you
and finally
I didn't feel
My face is not that of beauty queens

                the indention in my forehead
                         shows that clearly

My hair is not as shiny as most

                        ***** brown and limp

My neck is not that of starlets

                         I have a double chin
                          when I look down

My chest is not that of a model's

              I could pass for a man right there

My stomach is not a six pack

                              having babies
                      stretched me too much

My bottom is not smooth at all

                      stretch marks all over

My legs are not that of a dancer's

                              chicken legs
                       I've heard them called

My mind is not that of Einstein

                      I'm still learning everyday

My heart is not made of gold

                             there are days
                the blackness comes through

My soul is not white as snow

                       it is tainted with life
                   harsh words thrown to it

I attempt to overcome my faults

                       walk as though I have
                    nothing to be ashamed of

But in the back of my mind
There sits the forever

                          Not good enoughs...
Insecurities ****. Tonight more than most.
Susan Shull Apr 2017
Oh sweet astroid giver of relief.
I wish an astroid would hit the earth, everyone goes home together, no one left behind to mourn, to suffer anymore.
Enoughs, enough!
Oh sweet Astroid, I can't leave them behind to deal alone with the terrors of life, please take us all.
jeffrey robin Jan 2016

... cool breezes ( it is so hard

To talk of loneliness )


we would **** each other

( & we do ! )

To avoid the agony


existential terror !

( we are so confused )

Oh dear dear child !


There are some things we've got to do !


What  ?

( softly in due time

Dear child )

:::::: :::::

we are here in these

The days of great tyranny

The slaughter of the multitudes

The freedom of greed


We are human beings

In a state of great alienation

And all common ground

Is being stricken away

This is simply so dear child

And with it we must contend


But we can do so with grace and love

And dignity

And even bring to earth

That peace that we all deserve



( we'll get to it in due time !

Let us please go slow and easy )



Perhaps for now

Enoughs's been said


Time for me to take a rest

And renew my gentle breath

To a state of greater strength

My life has been filled with so many almosts but never enoughs,
That my heart is giving up on ever finding love.
Nothing has ever been special or beautiful or wonderful.

Except for you.
You were always wonderful.
Savannah Charlish ©
silvervi Oct 2024
A series of loves
Then - never good enoughs,
My life went on this way,
I thought each time,
I'll stay.

Driven by hormones,
Blinded by my trauma,
I kept building, recreating
Relationship - drama.

First I'd desperately fall,
For one or for them all,
I would try to please,
For dopamine-increase.

After some decades,
Many disappointments,
Looking at my pains,
Behind all the enjoyments.

Chemicals at play,
Needing sugar rush,
Thought my heart was longing
For a tender touch...
Though it was my brain.

Making me feel lonely,
Yet again insufficient,
Hurting so many,
On my way...

When will it end?
I need to stop.
And to sit with
What will come up.
Styles 12 Apr 2017
She would love to vacuum up
  all the light
from the forever clean sun
and shine it out
into all those    
  hollow places
littered with not good enoughs, belligerent back slaps,
held tight in a corner,
against the ropes
boxing The Hand of Stone.

She would love to
pull the violet sheets of the full moon off and gracefully flit them across the violent whispers of her nail ridden bed hoping to take sharp points out completely.

She could learn to reanimate junkyard cartoons hiding in the dusty hallways of humour.

She could steal garden web gardenias and spiral them into a hidden window that hasn't felt a soft shine hit in two decades.

She could dance around the rim of sunrise and sunset
soaking in the sonorous orbits of smiles' melody.

After that she would soak her aching feet in warm Epson Salt water, glass of wine in hand, not having to think about cleaning hotel rooms.
One day I had writer's block, all I could hear was the vaccuum going *******, so I decided to write about it. I was desperate.
Aussies have a sense of humor
Can be as serious too as hell
Depending on the then situation
You'll know if you know one well

They have limits just as any do
A jokes a joke but keep in mind
If enoughs enough you'll know
When they are not amused its so

Very few little boys they remain
They unlike many soon become men
Never afraid of hard work any time
Been the same since they began

But know they are all easy going
Untill an idiot crosses their line
Then they don't tend to say much

Just give him whats deservered so fine

I remember an aussie had a bad day
And a mouth walked in the bar door
Hows your wife and my kids he said
Minutes later sleeping on the floor

Great guys Aussies born in Australia
Weve plenty from over that ditch
They joke give you a drink mate
Cross a real one life can be a *****

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
Oh if you don't stretch you'll rot
and if you don't talk you'll sink

what a predicament, a quandary
with that rainmaker sound
counting down to the final trickle
when you offer nothing that glows

there'll be faces drenched in confusion
and you'll taste the shadows
so familiar but like oil in the veins

give me that dynamite answer
stop the gurgle of decay
leaving you with a limp

let the responses pour forth
a fountain of spot-ons
or close enoughs
Written: October 2017.
Explanation: A poem written in my own time. Feedback welcome. A link to my Facebook writing page can be found on my HP home page.
NOTE: Many of my older pieces will be removed from HP at some point in the future.
Caela Bay Nov 2019
I lose interest
I lack tenacity
I'm falling back
Into black and blue
Into "I'm not good enoughs"
and giving up without even trying

Summers gone,
  yellow no longer stains the sky
The smell of trees and hot heat
  will not fill my brain for eight more months
It's cold and I'm lonely.
TheConcretePoet Nov 2019
this is for the forgotten ones.
for the in-betweeners.
for the never-good-enoughs.
this is for my strong people.
who like me, struggle daily to find their footing in a world that seems to take pleasure in seeing them trip.

for the second choices.
for the i'll-date-him/her-if-i-have-no-other-options.
for those who always feel alone.
for my fighters.

i understand you and i am so proud of you.
it is not easy to live the way you do and yet you are breathing.
this is for my forgotten people who simply exist while no one cares.
i'm with you and .....
i do care.

i am
more bi-polar
than i care
to admit.
but ...
i do
admit it.
i'm the one
that struggles
to fit in.
and i am
with that too.
This if you believe it or not is a fact
The ones that are ****** killing all
The only earth that we can call home
Families children their beck and call

They would not be there if all acted
As one and said hey enoughs enough
All those uncaring souls voting them in
Who without a doubt don't give a stuff

All those voting for them guilty as they
By doing so you too are a part of it too
Taking away your own childrens futures
Religions part of war as politics through

Once cities now ******* heaps mount
Racism religion politics greed gone mad
None of our business how many they say
The once life loving human race now sad

Supporters of these actions Karms knows
And natures already made up its mind
All voters supporters your to blame also
Careful what you wish for don't look too far behind

terrence michael sutton  
copyright 2018
Ayush Feb 2020
how would you feel , if you let yourself to be concealed?
will you get the nightmares or the scars would just ne healed?
have you ever just paused walking on ther stairs?
The crowd closed in all around bringing you to tears
You searched for the moon, thought went too far
But have a look around darling, landed on a star
you speak, you scream to pount out your ambition
Ever gave it a thought? Do they want to listen?
Was it the scream that came out loud or was it the voice you wishper
oh ups and downs greets enoughs, one hell of a rollercoaster
Here I standc carrying all your fame and your shame
If they say a one word poem , I'll write your name
Your flaws are known, they're pretty beautiful I'm sure
I believe you're a happy ending , not everyone can wait for
Never been so easy to seek a persobn in darkness my friend
I know your story reached the bottom page
But I promise you that its not even near its end
Maria Williams Oct 2023
I'm losing.
But the loss is drawn out.
Time is precious
Because all we have is the moments
Between when you found out you were dying
And the moment you'll forget me.
And I regret losing time.
I regret the nots
I regret the enoughs
When I should have kept my mouth shut.
I regret not having time

— The End —