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David N Juboor Dec 2015
My mom
Tells me I'm a gift.

She says love
Is what keeps the atoms
In you and I
Is the moment
She caught my
Father's eye
Is the day
My grandfather died
With a candy kiss on his cheek
She had never tasted something so sweet.

When we were little
We played kickball,
The ground is lava
And hide-and-go-seek.
As I grew I knew most days,
It was harder to find myself;
Let alone somebody else.

And I have been around
Enough center city playgrounds
To see the rich
Pump every bit of spare change
In their veins fighting
A cancer that they
Never learned to put in their past.
To see the poor
Wage wars with themselves
Trying to pick up
Way too much,
Way too fast;

Nobody really knows how to make love last.

So put your prism your heart
Beneath the moonlight.
Refract the wavelengths
Of your wonders
Into ROYGB-eautiful like the sea,
It took a lot of jellyfish to let
people see through me.

And even more mirrors
To find a place I was comfortable
Praying in.

Fraying in doorways
Where I learned hope,
Is looking both ways
On a one way street
Cause it can be so easy to thank God
While you still have bread to eat.

I have never prayed
So hard for a healthy meal
Than the days I remember
The heart is a muscle;
And sometimes the only
Thing we need
Is to "work it out."

And I know that some days,
My doubt hangs my
Smile like Jesus Christ
I never quite learned
How to bleed right.

But if there's one thing
I found from cleaning
The crosses out of the
Empty hallway of my character
Is that you haven't experienced loss
Until you've held two outstretched arms
For years waiting for your innocence to come back.
Nothing, weighs more than the guilt of your past
And nothing throws punches
Faster than the ghost of who you used to be.

And I know it's hard
To stop looking for yourself
Under every bed you
Left nightmares in
And I know it's hard
To be comfortable
In your own skin

But sometimes bars
Aren’t the only thing
That builds a cage
And sometimes
The only way to live
With yourself
Is to stop digging
Your own grave.

You can spend years
Listening to morticians
And never get grounded.
Surrounded by the
Square roots we all share,
By the same air,
We've all got to learn to let go.

To learn that
Holding your breath
Has never been how
Living things
Learn to
"We're all hurtling towards death, yet here we are for the moment, alive. Each of us knowing we're going to die, each of us secretly believing we won't"
Toni Sep 2014
.                  Beautiful
   ­               iDeal

            ­      fAir
Leo-chan Feb 2015
We are young and emotional and we are crazy in love, every time I say your name my breathing starts to thicken and my mind goes blank. When are lips first met I didn't know what I was doing but I knew it was right and we both wanted it. When it happened I felt like I could do anything in the world right at that moment, I felt like I was free. You make me happy and without effort too. Every time I think about your beautiful smile my body starts to tingle and my temperature increases. I tend to think to myself "How did such a beautiful human being fall in love with me?" I don't know how or why but you just did and honestly I couldn't ask for anything more.

I'm glad you came into my life, and I never want you to leave. My beautiful girl.
Nina McNally Nov 2017
Back to the beginning;
A** time when we didn't know anything and
Cared for each other no matter what. Not
Knowing who

They are, but not caring about that.
Only knowing we're all in this

Beautiful world, living
Each day
As it is. Can we go back to that?
Understanding that the past has past, but
Time is forever and we should learn from it.
In this world, we got this one life and we should never take it
For granted!
Understand we're all living this
Life together! Let's make it a peaceful one!
McNally/Flanders, Inc. 2017.
Wrote this acrostic at the beginning of a work day earlier this month.
Sometimes these don't make a lot of sense but the message is clear; PEACE!
We're all in this together!
Song title- Sofia Carson
Àŧùl Mar 2017
She left him to rot in his dear loneliness,
He spends his life trying to move on,
Exhausted he is with all his love.

Into the depths of loneliness he's lost,
She moved on easily but he could not.

A** perfectly straight man he is.

Loving her through his times,
Excelling through wit & work,
Setting her as his ultimate aim,
Beautiful she was a young dream,
Into hers all his life got pent up,
A new lease of life he searches,
Now is the time to be happy.
My HP Poem #1470
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Feb 2017
Beautiful so much & she is cheerful,
Her soft & creamy blush is so lovely.
Unto her my attraction is wonderful,
My crush she is a new bubbly crush.
I** will for her be mine I'll be dutiful,
Kind she is so attractive and plush.
And I will be realistic about future.

Fulfilling my duty I will never rush,
United as friends we are going along,
Loving her through the unseen I am,
When I will be successful, I can stand.
Atul is respected by her & it's obvious,
Never promised anything improbable,
I am definitely up for working so hard.

I have found an inspiration for work.

A sunrise is imminent after this night,
Slowly will vanish this darkness,
Surely he has learned in life,
United we stand together.
Redness in your cheeks,
Especially brightens your eyes.

You will never find me gone,
Onto another attraction,
Up above the limits we'll go.

Too much expecting I won't be,
Hunting your freedom I won't be,
Atul will succeed for his parents,
Then you can join him here.

I am glad that you are the inspiration.

Well-versed with life I am now,
In an Indian angel I put my trust,
Linked deeply can be our destinies,
Land of dreams be our destination.

W** I wait for is your beautiful heart,
As for the added benefits I will get,
In my lovely but lonely life I am,
Tthrough crests I have no companion.

Far from grief I am right now,
On the cusp of beauty I relax,
Really I know my final destination.

Youthly are your ways today,
Ostensibly my love for you is seen,
Understandable is your caution.
Bhumika Fulwani, I assure you that I will wait for you.

My HP Poem #1406
©Atul Kaushal
The Good Pussy Mar 2015

                               iful Beauti
                              ful Beautiful
                      Beautiful       Beautiful
                Beautiful Bea  utiful Beautiful
                 Beautiful B       eautiful Beau
                    Beautiful           Beautiful
Julie Butler May 2016
I'm in a little bit of a rush here
still I'm
trying much softer /
speaking in grey, untying my
biting the side with your name on it /
be something other than beautiful
say something other than rain
liar's lullaby, a
fool's morning
feeding off the extra
& I'm to do it over again ¿
twice removed.
in your shoes.
under my spell.
over coffee.
put on the Beach Boys this time
drink *****
stay up 2 hours longer
I'll see you again, I swear
when there is, less grass and
when you call her
do it in the other room
the cold one, way in the back
Nina McNally Jan 2014
Hey everyone, what's going on? Why is
Everyone running around going nowhere fast?
Yelling into their phones, driving crazy-what's going on?

Yesterday seems like forever ago and
Other days seems like they will never come.
Underneath the stars, I sit, & wonder if people even
Notice the beauty around them or if since they're
Going to fast they miss ever little
Beautiful thing around them?
Life is short. Live for the present!
One day you'll regret it.
Once today is gone, you'll never get it back.
D**on't regret. Live for the moment. Love each other!
©2014 McNally, Inc. Title from the song The Phoenix by Fall Out Boy.
Ceyhun Mahi Mar 2018
A ngel
U nique
D ainty
R ighteous
E legant
Y ears

H eroine
E loquent
P riceless
B eautiful
R ise
N oble
A tribute.
Kimmy-Nichole Apr 2011
my situation as of present day:

.Finally. It could still be.
I wanted to be devoted
simply yours and only yours,
I was in love.
so self absorbed in your skin
I wish I was in your soul
lost in your eyes
with every blink of your b eautiful blues
I see what you see,
The life you and I used to talk about.
Àŧùl Dec 2016
A 2° acrostic.
HP Poem #1311
©Atul Kaushal
Shelby Young Oct 2012
B** eautiful
L iquid
O n the floor,
O verflowing and seeping beneath the
D oor
For them
she is a
dark, vile, and cruel

A living embodiment
of vanity.

For me, she is a WITCH
and a *****.

C-ontrol of

H-ell of a Woman
Sometimes we judge a woman by her outward appearance without even bothering to look behind the curtain.
Allison Meyette Nov 2014
I always

Stop and
Unwisely about
Males and their

All over my words, feeling like I
Others for

You with incessant, mindless questioning
I don’t know what to discourse
I do know I want to

Kindly sit
Silence and

Until my lips turn red, my eyes blur, and my breathing
Consoles me,
Through the
Cadences of your
Mote Nov 2022
(god the fruit is hungry)

you’re so b (beasted? bound?) eautiful.
did i do this to you? did i create you? did i pluck you from the soil? did i feed you the milk of goats? the first mestiza born with snakes for hands and a vulture for a soulmate...!
did i do this, swamp, swamp, ghost…?

— The End —