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Jon Tobias May 2014
Today I wanted to buy the copyright to the process of hallelujah
******* in joy the same way whales eat krill
You just bottle it up inside your lungs until you have enough

Inside my fridge I have vacuum sealed jars of hallelujah
There’s nothing religious about that
Jars labeled things like
Loss of virginity
Rob lived this time
The homework is complete


It’s the same way prayer works
Pulling bits of god like an inhale

I want to hyperventilate on your hallelujah
Like a gospel choir on speed

It collects
Over time
For instance
It was maybe a month in to sleeping at Delia’s and Toffer’s house
Before I realized
I didn’t have to sleep in my car anymore
You go into the bathroom to **** and realize
A jar labeled
Found a Home for now

I know science can do this
For the sake of all that is a monument to a single life
So that on your death bed, or at your funeral
Everyone there can hold a jar

Cold and warm at the same time
Vibrating in their palms
In violent joy
Like mozzletoff cocktails
They are thrown
And when they shatter there is a song
That has been collecting for years

The same word in different tonal joys

Your life

Every good moment

Olivia Kent Jun 2013
Posted by Olivia Kent on June 4, 2013 at 3:11pm
View Blog
Suffer not thy children,
In a waiter service world of injustice,
Nothingness in a world of tragic poverty,
In a drizzle of tears,
The children drown
Emaciated children,
Not smiling as they die,
In world of war-craft,
A little more each day,  
Not smiling as they should,
Living in a punitive  world of cruelty,
Where craft of war is rife,
Imagined in heads of strangers,
Piercing with horror,
Ears sickened,
By violent imagery envisaged,
Emaciated child,
*** bellied,
Virtually lifeless,
Dead before death,
Life blood vanished,
Without request!
There is no youthful exuberance on this face,
I don't live in this place!
Copywrite Livvi Kent 04/06/2013
I become more erudite at night.
I feel a sprite within me ignite words,
by candlelight I feel the old masters lift their quills,
place nib in ink and nib to paper.
I invite their words and imagery to suffuse me,
use me in this modern world.
Make new what once was old.

Where nib would glide I touch my screen,
watch avidly as sentences appear,
magic symbols transformed to meaning,
like runic stones of old, or bones thrown for reading.
My words by candlelight enfold and embrace me,
in the knowing language of the poets, bards and storytellers.
Tonight, I delight at my copywrite scribed by candlelight.
23:39 BST
Everyone trying to explain
                I try but can i afford to?
                  Leaving for good , in ink

Wait a minute
Is this even legal?
Money baths
Coke plates
From royalties?
Heroes , ******
All the same
I love you.

                         I know what it lookslike
                       Cliches and cheap flowers
                       Conversations gone cold
                        Some of you haven't met
                         I just wanted something
                      That was meant to happen
          Everything pure gets ****** in
The end
Solitaire Archer Jan 2010
The Question

It happened again..a throw away question really these days ...
What Path is yours?
At once the rote rose in my throat ....
Witch Wiccan Solitary Electic and I stopped .. dead

Its true I am all these things and more to be sure:

I chose ...
Wicca because I am tied to the beliefs the ebb and flow rebirth and renewal
Witch because the practice makes my heart fly and soul dance every scent , stone and candle
Solitary because even though I have found so many Sisters and Brothers on my way
I have no stomach or strength for politics.
Electic..ah well here my problem lay
I love the freedom choice does bring
ButI am also a teacher...
I love the A B C's and 1 2 3's I love to do an intricate ritual from begining to end and feel the soft touch of the past as each step taken I understand that this dance has been stepped before decades past

It brings me great joy and comfort to know the dance I dance and the Names I use have been on the sweet breath of those who have gone before me.
So Tradition has a part on my Path after all ....:)
So who am I
I am Air and Earth Fire and Water
I am Past and Future
I am Mother and Babe
I am New and I am Aged beyond all Time
Come Join me in the Dance of the Circle
Teach me your Ways and I will share mine
Together we will Honour our sweet Lady with our gifts and talents
and we will know Joy in the Journey
I am
Solita Shadoewalker
These are my Words and this is my Way

- From Night Thoughts
Olivia Kent Aug 2013
Lady of dance so eloquent, Flamenco born from her wombs' true intent,
Castanets clatter, as tambourine rattles,
with excitement, accrued within whirls,
she prances and dances within circles, all flashing,
to reach her prince charming, was truly so dashing, her hair rolled up in a tight fitting bun,
As she swirled up to reach her finale, twas said,
she was here no longer, she was truly dead,
she deceased many years, hence past,
For every so often her vengeance she cast,
Prince so vain, found another sweet lover,
left her alone with her pain,
left her mark on the spot,
where her true love stopped,
Gave her no attention,
well too little to mention,
took her life with such a harsh knot,
when the moon is bright, on one sorrowful night,
She'd appear to dance for the crowds,
The watchers looked on, not terrified, by the sight of the tragic flamenco bride!
Copywrite, Olivia Kent 24/03/2013.
Joe Mole, Marnhull Danny

His eyes were luminous steel blue, alive
with twinkling shards of mischievous fun.
His face, a weathered map of his long life:
brown and crumpled, carved by clean air and sun.
A grubby khaki flat-cap, jauntily askew,
bedraggled grey-green ancient jacket
secured with hairy binder-twine (calves too),
brown dungarees, muddy boots and thumb-stick.
His gruesome work was in grazing meadows
under attack from an invasion beneath
of unwelcome little furry fellows
destined to perish between steel-sprung teeth.
Tiny corpses hung in a row (job done)
on barbed wire like Joe met at Verdun.

A Danny was the name given to any man from the village of Marnhull in Dorset. The word was in common use locally during the 1970’s but is now rarely heard.

14 lines
Copywrite: Craig Andrew White,Author, July 2011.
Chase The Moment Jan 2022
A room full of possibility

Hopes and dreams
my heart light as a feather

Rainbow cacophonies of my soul  

But the colors only dance in my Dreams,
for my heart feels dark and laden with stone

Like a photograph,
so remiss of light

As I yearn with my whole self
and somehow… more

Picturing your sweet face ,
the warmth of your being

Yet here in the harsh light of truth
the door remains closed

Too hard to bare the empty promises
the ache I bare in my heart

I could fill an ocean with the tears
I have cried, begging for you

My heart yearns to lull you to sleep

To gaze into your perfect eyes

Mother and baby connected before

The door lurks in the background

Does the door unlock, all my Dreams?

Or maybe…

It’s just .. another … room

Copywrite 2022
All Rights Reserved
How many hearts will die tonight
from the hurt you threw around
don't you care for others pain,
in the darkness which cannot see ...

Our fire consumed for a while
it evaded our hearts and made us smile
now tears well up, because I just don't know
friendship is vacant for me, I cry ...

Dear old man, i heard your stories
more than once, tell me, yes tell me
why you make me cry, your lies are building
you are hate, you wrote yourself to death for a while...

Because nothing ever goes as planned
your cold hard heart that incurs the indignity
of everyone that knows, how you are letting go
your life, and love, for nothing but greed and no smile ...

Debbie Brooks 2014 @copywrite..
this is for those that throw friendship away
Lilith Avenue Oct 2014
let me be original

let me show the world what i am made of.
I was told living
was all about not becoming
some print out that came out
of the copy machine
but some limited adittion
with a copywrite stamp
on the backside.

my brain is not some archetype
for you to fill the spaces of.
i'm not some idea bank you can
go to and pick out of when you're feeling
ų̠̈̔ n͍̈̇͜ i̘̺̐̅ n̗̜̽̓ s̼̜͠͠ p͎̱͂͆ ĭ̼̠̋ ȓ̺͕̕ e̢͙͐̎ d͎̯̀͐
i do not crave for fads but indivduality
that you destroy within the hours of release;
not even letting the *** simmer before
you douse it in flames.
my innovation nothing but a trend
no one knows the origins of.

i am not some carbon copy
so stop making me into one
Olivia Kent Sep 2013
A body in full glory stands before him.
Perpendicular in patent black shiny shoes, skirt hugging her truest form!
Her eyes wide and  sultry stare deep into his persona.
Finding, vibrant body heat!
A tigress on a hungry prowl.
She strokes her lips meaningfully with her sandpaper tongue!
She has patterns of her own.
Talons painted scarlet, remnants of her last victim!
She wants to seize and devour him.....
To chew on his his bone is her lust!
She desperately needs to eat....
Her tongue starts to trickle in jest....
Daring him to play!
She entraps him in his world of fantasy,
He is tempted,
He needs to be fed, has desires of his own......
No fight in him.
He succumbs to her needs!
She expresses her desires.
Gesturing him to drop before her majestic form.
Holds his head in her hands, stroking his hair gently.
Sudden dire urges on.
The gentleness has left,
His hair was yanked.
She pushes him hard onto the bed.  
Craving feed more as they grapple.
He turned, trousers full of promise succumbing to her, at last!
Copyrright, Lady Livvi  06/03/2013.

He turned, trousers full of promise succumbing to her, at last!
Copywrite, Lady Livvi 06/03/2013.
Sorrow weeps, small happiness creeps
Remorse afloat, in my silk coat
Emptiness appears, silence leers
Fading shadow, far below
Begging forgiveness, lots of emptiness............

Cemented dreams, gone to extremes
Song of despair, not knowing I care
Tears grabbing, hands jabbing
Wisps of cries, light up the sky..............

Eyes pleading, heart bleeding
Passion is no more, try to ignore
Breath held, try to expel
Life is gone, not so brawn............

Holding lifeless, so breathless
Sobs of redemption, seize upon preemption
Full fledged devastation, marks no exemption
Temptress aching, no remaking.......

Oh Disillusion Me....*

Debbie Brooks 2014 @copywrite..
Through sorrow, through death, life is gone, holds no tears.
Olivia Kent Aug 2013
Mother Dear,
She sat as she rocked in her chair,
Not a gift of age,
A gift of lunacy,
Hard life she had,
Always caught by conscience sparks,
Within a memory,
Fragmented windows left shards,
Dug into her heart,
A broken life of memories past,
Where no-one knew and never asked,
What left her there,
Just passed teenage intervention,
Much too vile to mention,
The fatherless child,
He bought up her kids,
Now brings up his own...,
While she sits and she rocks,
Talking to the clocks,
Sadly watching her life slip away,
Before her eyes,
No more to die for,
Even less to cry for she sighs!
Copywrite Livvi Kent 22/08/2013
Solitaire Archer Jan 2010

Teaching as I do those younger then I
I am oft asked strange and wondrous questions
Some make me think examine my ideas and thoughts
Some make me smile .. as I remember when I asked the same question, the same way

And some ... Confuse me

This is one of those

It was the end of class and most had gone , a few stragglers were chatting and I had stopped listening
"excuse me please" a so soft voice asked and I looked up into dark serious eyes chestnut hair framed the face of my most quiet student.

Sitting back I put down my pen and gave her my attention..This would be the first time we would speak in the 5 months since she began

"Can I help you with something?" I asked?

She looked down at the books she carried and said almost too softly to hear.

"How often may I use magic?Is it best just for Ritual and Ceremony?"

As I looked up into her face I realized that what I said now, here in this room would send her toward my Lady ...

or send her searching further.

Knowing this I chose my words carefully

"Ritual and Spells , Sabots and Circles all are places we call Power and Worship..But let me tell you how I use magic and perhaps it will help you see"

"Shall we begin at the beginning?" and smiling offered her a seat,

"This morning as I got up and lit a candle in the East window along with a small amount of morning incense , to salute the Dawn and The Lady

When I set the tea *** I stir in a chant of health and safety with the teabags and with each small dish placed before 7 prancing, sleek and furry babies comes a soft touch on each forehead and a Blessing to bring them home safely after their wanders,

My plants as I water them I touch the leaves and infuse through my touch the essence of life the phone rings and as I listen to a Brother or Sister
They know I hold focus rune stones and that I send them calm and caring thoughts to carry them through their hectic day.

Spells for safety and chants for health charms and symbols and song...

There is no hour no moment that I am not Witch
each step and breath is magic and through my practice
I pull that which is Power and Energy

To "save" magic , for Rituals and Sabots as though we might somehow out me it is if someone came and
said "Breath only for Ceremony and Rites"

It is beyond my reason to be a sometimes Witch ..

From my last thought at night to the first light of day

I am Witch ...

cooking , cleaning, shopping, crying ...

I am Witch

Magik is in the air I breathe and each action I take , granted after all these years most are second nature to me now.

But there was a time...not so long ago ...When as a serious ..very young ...Novice believed that magic was so special that it should only be used with great ceremony..

But now after all this time and with my Lady's gentle guidance I know every breath and heartbeat is a magical thing ..

a celebration ...a joyous affirmation.

So now through the eyes of time I have offered her my Way and I see the light in her eyes and I knew I had explained what I felt..and she had understood.

Don't save it
Spend it
Shower your world ,
Enfold your life,
Wrap yourself in the Energy of the Universe...
And the Magic will Enfold, Protect , Nurture and Love you
and your Path will never be far from you.

Then, with only a smile and a nod she left, but Student and Mentor connected and I was able to pass my passion
forward and Lady willing one day she too will pass forward the Rapture

One student ...One small question..Thank you my Lady for sending me this sweet reminder of the Passion and Joy that is my life in your keeping

Solitaire Shadoewalker -2007@Copywrite
- From Night Thoughts
Solitaire Archer Mar 2010
The Power Enfolds

Its dark now and the silver light of Luna coats everything with a gilt edge
the air is cool , not yet summer warm and it softly bites my skin,
Still shy after all this time aware of the marks of time

not vanity really ... but the awareness of being a Crone now

Slowly/quickly the shush as silken robes fall to the ground with shy smiles
and giggles of proud young Sisters skyclad for the first time

Softly The Lady's Maiden calls us to the Circle

Brushed/Caste and Invited all the same as decades gone past

Hands clasped laughter replaced with solemn purpose
The drum beats to keep time the heartbeat, , , the Mothers heart

Candles shimmer drums throbs a warm breath .... She is here now ...with us

The Lady's Maiden smiles and our steps now fly
Smiles and hands now entwined ... The Power Enfolds

Voices now calling chants old and ancient beyond time
Luna's silver light enfolds, encloses and energizes

Now we dance on the drumbeats
Blue smoke sends our chants spinning high

Firelight flickers blue and orange higher now snapping crackling
Sheer white light the sheen covers the dancers
as though we were all gilded in The Lady's light

Tresses swinging braided , twisted , oiled and unbound crowns
Halos of colour and curls ... clouds of shimmering tresses
Our only cloaks floating now swinging in time

And the drum slows
and the fire dies
and at once all the dancers feel the cool night air

Soft voiced the Lady's Maiden gives our thanks and dismisses the corners
and the Circle is severed and time again begins

Quietly robes are once more worn and voices rise "Do you need a ride?"

And everyday life has resumes though the air is redolent with power

Sisters glowing with power called down, soft and gentle smiles
show that The Lady's soft touch...has blessed us all

The Maiden greets and blesses each Sister
a few quiet words and the soft touching of hands
fingers softly entwin and eyes dark with Power and Secrets

This has been a Ritual a Calling a Rejoicing Reaffirmation
And we are once more connected Sisters, Elders, Teacher, Mentors

Woman all .. Sisters all.. in The Lady's Light we are once more one

Solita Shadoewalker - 2007@Copywrite
- From And The Circle Cast
Lin Cava Oct 2010
Up and down and all through the house,
Went the scampering of a little grey mouse.

Running ‘round the corner the furry thing belched.
“Oouu” he squeaked, “I should keep those things squelched.”

For the cat can hear the drop of a pin,
But against a cat, I don’t think I could win.

And as a mouse, I much prefer cheese,
Than fuzzy cat hide and chewy cat knees.

There are stories told, (I heard from the rats),
That one can go bald if nibbling on cats.

Yet I wonder about the gas they’d create,
Could it be as bad as the dog I just ate?

Now, don’t be upset, it’s not what you think,
It was only a small Chihuahua named Tink.

I was on my way to a meeting, you see,
With a cutie girl mouse who’d been flirting with me.

When out from behind a bush Tink did pop,
I got such a fright that I let my jaw drop.

Tink stepped on my tail; I had no way to run.
Then he gave me a yank, and I thought I was done.

I’ve heard you gain ten times your strength when in fear,
So I turned ‘round and ate him, and shed not a tear!

But, like most spicy food, he gave me such gas,
I could not dare visit that cute little lass.

And that’s when you found me as I turned the bend.
Good thing I’m not hungry; this would be The End.

-Lin Cava-
Commons copywrite.
Personal use.  Can be shared if work includes my name and copywrite.
I am in the moment
a moment of time
a creative light of being
with a fast achieving love
taking nothing for granted
not even the sun or stars can shine
with the hole in my heart
and the weakened soul
with a love of enchantment
a cry that claims me
one more moment of time....

Debbie Brooks 2014 - @ copywrite
Shanna Howse May 2012
The phantom waltzes to an upbeat song,
softly, slowly, the fog creeps in,
and the men drown in the haze.

Through the clouded windows, it waits--watches
meanwhile, babies cry and their mothers sigh.

Names carved into marbled slates,
as the ghost sinks through the walls.

In its silhouette the ghost pirhouettes
singing its siren song
dragging down those who can hear it

The bottles are empty,
the time has passed.
Luminous moon guards over the night

The poltergeist cackles,
as the moon can protect no one.
They are infected with mercy.

Fog trails closely behind the figure,
through the broken, battered buildings.

The city is dead.
The phantom smirks.

The ghost lingers
and passes through the alleyways,
the fog dances after--following in time.

Night time passes in silence,
except for the ghost, singing its sad song
and there is--nothing--but death.

copywrite Shanna Howse 2012

so, I studied modernist poems in class, so I used this. My teacher didn't like that I didn't include my symbol in every stanza, so I decided to throw the original up here.
Solitaire Archer Apr 2010
I was so busy , so involved
polishing and shining all my troubles trespasses and faults
polishing them with my thoughts pulling them through my mind
shining them with endless repetition till it is rote
coddling them to my heart
Woe is me.. an ancient call of victims everywhere

And She laughed a glorious silver cascade that began in a soft chuckle and the scent of lilies

And I was offended

Who had dared to make fun of me?
Who would belittle my close held misery?
What could they know of my pain?

And She laughed ..

softly I felt the warm embrace that is my Lady
Child ..What is this?
Tell me why you collect these woes What pleasure can it bring?
But Lady..if I don't keep them polished and true how will anyone know?

And She laughed,
Exactly, My child
and She threw my carefully polished stones into the air and the scent of Lilly's rained down.

And She laughed...and I laughed

Solitaire - 2007@copywrite
- From A Crone  Recalls
Olivia Kent May 2013

Broken free from demon's grip,
Hell's embers burned unholy feet,
Queen of darkness entered easy,
She was such cute fool,
Tripping was his treat,
Not sweet!

Archetypal archangel came and snatched her,
Before she was in too deep,
Angel wiped her tears away,
As she began to weep,
He truly knew the right path,
When he edged her keenly on,

A mortal soul her own she  knew,
Touches kindness satisfied,
Her ****** heart,
Her ****** soul,
Hauled along in tow,

This phoenix,
She is rising,
True in life's supremacy,
Subversive in it's summary,
That she will reveal me!

Copywrite Livvi Kent 26/05/2013
Solitaire Archer Jun 2014
I was so busy , so involved
polishing and shining all my troubles trespasses and faults
polishing them with my thoughts pulling them through my mind
shining them with endless repetition till it is rote
coddling them to my heart
Woe is me.. an ancient call of victims everywhere

And She laughed a glorious silver cascade that began in a soft chuckle and the scent of lilies

And I was offended

Who had dared to make fun of me?
Who would belittle my close held misery?
What could they know of my pain?

And She laughed ..

softly I felt the warm embrace that is my Lady
Child ..What is this?
Tell me why you collect these woes What pleasure can it bring?
But Lady..if I don't keep them polished and true how will anyone know?

And She laughed,
Exactly, My child
and She threw my carefully polished stones into the air and the scent of Lilly's rained down.

And She laughed...and I laughed

Solitaire - 2007@copywrite
The time was young
To me so dear a time
Holding on to you
and my many maybe’s of tomorrows ...

A time when maybe just maybe
The abuse would stop ...

One day I knew I would escape
One day I knew the tears would stop
The hurting would turn to love
Bit by bit drowning in misery ...

He would come at night
Corner her... ...whisper death shall come to you
You speak a word
You will be no more ...

The hurt she endured
Waiting for the rescue
That never came
The sorrow of life
To follow her as the years went by ...

The sun would shine
She would run
To and fro
Looking for the love
Of long ago
That never came ...

Many years went by
Life’s destroyed
Hurts marred to the soul
Crying never ended
Hard heart seem to live free
There was no ease from the deep
Of the forgotten world
Of yesteryear's ...

Pain should have been love
Sorrow turned to laughter
But the darkness seeped in
Destroying the kisses...

The moments of tomorrows to come
Maybe one more day will not be blocked
This is my life as I knew it ...

For this is the last day of my life
As I knew it ....not any more ...

Sorrow and hurt can destroy one's soul.. Darkness can seep in.. Guard your hearts my friends.

By Debbie Brooks 2014 @copywrite.
This is dedicated to all that have been abused and hoping and praying for help to come
Olivia Kent Jun 2013
Insatiable (Adult Piece)

Insatiable , a poem by me....Adult content!!!!!!!!!!
Drop to my knees,
My mouth in need of feeding,
At first tenderly,
I lick you with tongue of soft lace,
Trembling feelings,
Sparkling in the morning sunlight!
My mouth is warm, with newly consumed coffee from my all consuming loving cup!
The coffee enhances your rapture,
My chasm of joy,
Wraps you in the throes of heaven's ecstasy,!
You cry kinda discreetly,
You want no one to hear me giving you pleasure,
I ****, my tongue deeply inserted!
Luscious lips impetuous trying hard to satisfy!
You need what I need, to feel vibrant,
Alive once more,
The sun hits the sky,
Your body ablaze ,
You hold on till the last second, before explosion from the life giving lava erupts,
I swallow, you rest,
Relieved at last!
Copywrite Livvi Kent 28/03/2013
By ladylivvi1

© 2013 ladylivvi1 (All rights reserved)
Shanna Howse May 2012
I tiptoed softly as a mouse
into the room where we would lie.
Aglow, the candles lit the house;
their sizzling sighs a lullabye.
The shadows waltzed a mourning song,
in grieving pain you moaned along.

The daunting ache I feel inside,
as painful as a lost goodbye.
I kissed your head but cringed and cried,
so haunted by your sleeping sigh.
Transparent hands caress your skin,
convulsing with regret for sin.

My longing echoes through the halls,
like wailing whispers of the wind.
Your crying paints the weathered walls,
my hollowed body, all but skinned.
Confined by mine own selfish choice,
I wish I'd listened to your voice.

From where I stand and there you sleep,
I cannot cross to hold you close.
You beckon to me as I weep,
restrained by grief; a heavy dose.
But darling, when you heard the knell
you were the heaven in my hell.

copywrite Shanna Howse and Emily Krol, 2012
Olivia Kent Jul 2013
In a subtle silent flight of symmetry dancing,
Carried through the air,
Flighty swirling in fanciful ballet steps,
Dusted wings must remain untouched,
Human handshake will **** the blessed butterfly,
As she maybe flutters by,
The Psyche of the butterfly,
Her heart, her soul combined,
When she met Eros, became afraid that her night time husband may be an ugly monster,
As in legend so mentioned Psyche had three lovely sisters,
Sisters coerced her to breach his trust,
For him,
To stay in darkness was a must,
A revelation for she did discover that her husband was a luscious lover,
In gorgeous form,  
Blessed with wings,
She woke him from his dark night sleep,
As breach of trust by curiosity,
He took of her his leave,
Flew off into the night,
Left forever by her beautiful butterfly!
Copywrite, Olivia Kent 10/07/2013
Olivia Kent Aug 2013
Love me, touch me, enrich me with reptilian tongue so lithe,
**** the tips of my fingertips, so rich,
**** them til they're dry, so I fry with fire of desire,
So I fry and i feel, utterly, totally truly unreal!
Look into your heart for one moment in time out of many such moments....,
pathways of love not denied,
Unleash my lips, unleash my gag,
I am no longer no tongue tied!
Stroke my feet, massage them well,
Hell, that really feels so swell,
I feel your hot love, coming my way,
I can tell passion's  erupted, cos you are corrupted by the smile I leave in my awakening hours...!
I bow to you darling, with all of your powers,
in awesome obedience, pure joy for hours and hours!
The loving sweet kisses ,are not hits and misses!
Such heaven I found wrapped up tight in your arms,
you sweetheart are a charm filled with such luck!
A talisman of super cool,
I flipped out for you,
cos I'm just a fool!
Copywrite, Livvi Kent 22/03/2013
Olivia Kent Jun 2013
He Spits at her through toxic tongue,
Although he is no serpent
She uses toxic pen and ink,
To make emotions bleed,
Torn to shreds,
He lashes her,
As in her bed she rests,

Lets vacant comments fly,
Disregarded as cheap trash.
Feeling indiscriminate,
Left her feeling not so great,
Venom flew into her eyes,
Blinded her to true loves' lies,
Curled up,
A vulnerable mess,
She stands in full defiance,
As deviance streams through her veins,
She 'll just strut her stuff.
Copywrite, Livvi Kent 01/06/2013
Olivia Kent Jun 2013
Insatiable (Adult Piece)

Insatiable , a poem by me....Adult content!!!!!!!!!!
Drop to my knees,
My mouth in need of feeding,
At first tenderly,
I lick you with tongue of soft lace,
Trembling feelings,
Sparkling in the morning sunlight!
My mouth is warm, with newly consumed coffee from my all consuming loving cup!
The coffee enhances your rapture,
My chasm of joy,
Wraps you in the throes of heaven's ecstasy,!
You cry kinda discreetly,
You want no one to hear me giving you pleasure,
I ****, my tongue deeply inserted!
Luscious lips impetuous trying hard to satisfy!
You need what I need, to feel vibrant,
Alive once more,
The sun hits the sky,
Your body ablaze ,
You hold on till the last second, before explosion from the life giving lava erupts,
I swallow, you rest,
Relieved at last!
Copywrite Livvi Kent 28/03/2013
By ladylivvi1

© 2013 ladylivvi1 (All rights reserved)
Maria Etre Feb 2019
I copywrite
to copyright
Reserve all rights
Solitaire Archer Jan 2010

I see you stand there so tall and strong
bravely facing what will come
You have no fear of battle
and will hold our banner sweeping
Its not the surge of men and arms that will make you turn aside
It is times like this
On moon bright nights when all are sound and sleeping
The whyspered thoughts
and empty arms and a hearth fire your not keeping

We have made our choices you and I
and other hands will rock the cradles

We will be the Guardians of our Way now as long as we are able.

The trumpets blows and the camp awakes it is time again for strength
Now you rouse them all with your sirens call
and battle songs and chants

We are the Guardians of our Way and the time has come to let our

steel dance.

Solita - 2006-@-Copywrite
- From Night Thoughts
Olivia Kent May 2013

Come unto me child of ice,
For I am fire...
I will obliterate all evil,
Take you in my wings, build you up with purple kisses,
Until your heart sings once more!
I will protect you,
Will never neglect you,
Will hold you in my heart, my sweet!
I will bathe you in my showers,
Fill you with refreshing rain,
I will come and steal your heart away, take away your pain!
From whence, I came, cannot remain, not here forever after,
Holding your head in my hands,
I will soothe your fevered brow,
I will smile so wondorously as I take you to my cloud,
I can lift you up, invite you,
Fear not my sweet beating heart,
Love you and all your art,
Copywrite, Livvi Kent 18/03/2013.
Finally, I see you in me
I look every day and find the same I see
everywhere I look there you are
okay let's talk girl to girl.....

Its taken me a long time to tell you I know
what has been going through my mind
so many days and months ago
it started the day I wanted to leave
and look for a better life like so many times before...

You see when I walked out that door
I left my heart and my very soul
I tore my life to little bitty shreds
the pain i have gone through
I can't comprehend....

Its been years-and years
of endless blackness nights
and now I am finally looking
at the me in you.....

I am asking can you help me girl?
since you are me and I am you..
Its been a few years since I saw my self
you left me laying on that bathroom floor
when I looked in the mirror I realized what was to be
the last time I looked she was so beautiful to see
Oh gee, oh me, that used to be me.....

Debbie Brooks 2014 @copywrite.
I may not be young, I may not be pretty, I may not be slim
but I am me, and I try very hard to be the best i can be....
Olivia Kent May 2013
I am not the goddess of hell's fire!
I only bring joy in  my prisoners do I ever take....
I speak a mind so wild so free, sometimes as whirling dervish, rich!
I peel back not my skin,
a sweet loyal heart is found....I keep her deep within,
Bleeding ruddy blood again.......
Blood is fire to my body, fuels hell's fire released into my brain!
My spirit settles.......
I'm running free again !
Copywrite, Livvi Kent 13/03/2013.
GaryFairy Oct 2021
(acts like some kind of gangster if you ask me)


what is your ****** problem?
you been going around saying I ****?
and telling people to get me?
what you think? I'm a walk in the park?
I am hard!

what you want? you want the "easy life"?
get the hell out of here
easy life moved to florida

they aren't in the family
they go against the family

never go against the family

you ******' hear me?

easy life ain't even around anymore
history... you hear me? HISTORY
That's why it has no capitol letter at the beginning
I'm important...I'm Life®

I have a lot of boys. you want them boys to come see you?

just like that stupid game is soon to be done too
registering a trademark with my name?
making a killing off of selling that ****?

I got my lawyers tangled up with the courts over trademark and copywrite
bunch of wise guys watching me...what can I do?
they got a lot of power backing them, and their GAME
like I said, I ain't no walk in the park

I will always win, either way
my family goes on and on
all those lives

I knew your daddy, he was a good fella
you're a good kid, I don't know if you talked **** about me or not
I don't really care about that **** anyhow
you hear me?

I'm Life®, you got me? you're just a made man
practically in the family

don't go against the family
Olivia Kent May 2013

She has a good sheen,
That's all seen,
So true,

Seen new babies coming,
Glowing with health,
While their Daddy works,
To just keep them in wealth,

Seen marriage of minds,
So full of pleasure,
Watching T.V.
Her pursuit of leisure!

The mirror on the fireplace,
Stares right back,
Looks through me,
What has she seen,
What's she accrued,
In the depths of fleeting memory!

Teenage eyes awaiting adornment,
Old dear eyes speaking with wisdom,
As they try to disguise,
Passing time as it flies,
While waiting in torment,

Such sorrow seen,
Stashed deep,
Locked in the mirrored soul,
God forbid,
That mirror should crash and burn,
Letting those images break free,
Pandora's box unleashed,

Copywrite Livvi Kent 24/02/2013.
By ladylivvi1

© 2013 ladylivvi1 (All rights reserved)
Who will understand?
When the lilacs will be no more
When the river runs deep
Between the two hills that are so steep
Where the clouds have left the skies
Shows where our destination lies.....

My Darling
My feet are tired
And my eyes so weary
With my mind so dreary
The years have taken their toll
The disappointments so very long
Shall I go on? ...

My Darling
But here you are now
My hopes are not dashed
The time has come
With the vastness of space
Remembering the laughter
of the past
the love so real .....

My Darling
Wanting to bring the past
Into the reality
Just to see your face
One last time ....

My Darling
Who will understand,
The Love I have for you? ...

By: Debbie Brooks 2014.. @copywrite.
Who will understand love long past or life and it's tolls.. Who will understand?
Her head bent down, a hole in her chest
unfulfilled by love that doesn't exist
her search seems to have no meaning
wanting so deeply to be hugged
to survive

She is flushed, eyes wet
teardrops roll her face
saving every one to soak her skin
so that she can shed them once again
she cries

Her hair draped around her face
she feels undesirable
unwanted and losing her reality
longs to be part of the one she searches for
she waits

Looking in the mirror she disbelieves
as the pitch black of night covers her guiding light
her search is unworthy of being the one of his dreams
she feels it doesn't matter
she climbs

Still dreaming, even with doubt, or with meaning
was it truth or falsity
wanting the dream to be real
as it fades into the clouds
to die

With head bent down
dreams gone
words that don't last
teas dried up

No One Knows Her Name

Debbie Brooks 2014 @copywrite...
Shadows of Disappointments..
Flowers life to the fullest
Never understanding
The outcomes of fate
Shadows slink across the yard
Life comes to an end
Crying tears of life
On a silent bridge
In a world of make believe
And all the pain
With deaf ears and more of the same
Seems so norm
charade continues on
Where shadows have names
No more to blame..*

By Debbie Brooks 2014 @copywrite..
Life has so many disappointments whose to blame?

— The End —