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Bottles in brown bags clutter along the fence.
the citys inner chambers call to me even now.
The human relics the walking forgotten beaten by life.

The gutters tressures collect the remains
of another misspent night.
The air smells  of treachery a tinge of regret.

Why she huants my  heart a flawless escape.
we can leave but we take that moments sealed  plessure.
Silk encounters hash pavment of a empty embrace.

The old fool who's birthday he relives
only in hope for change.
I celebrate the ignored embracethe strange.

I wonder do young lovers dreams sail
out into that skyline eternal and free.
Or crash into reallitys rocks.
Leaving them jaded and bitter as me?

The bottle the lips you know better
than the once warm flesh.
Would she reconize the monster.
Or see the sad and helpless mess.

Apon the steps a bottle between perfect strangers and new
best friends.
Passed thoughts lost moments.
A busy streetlight on a empty road.

The hopeless and the charmed exist ina strange harmony
of the citys strange and beautiful tune.

I wonder will I ever know you again?
The angel with demonic lust.
Dreams are a blessing the curse is
only to pretend.

Farwell midnight hello darkness
dusk and sunsets of a yerning heart.
Apon that bench by the the water.
Watching the paper lanterns glow.
As in lost souls they so peacefully depart.
The canvas  dark and  painfilled of lifes mistakes
Sometimes shows the brightest colors
Maybe it was the city's lights that took your
eyes from mine and lead you astray.
memories made in rythm with the citys traffic.
empty barooms waitting to create tales of another day.

Hands held tightly still can slip from anyones grasp.
Hearts filled with passion change without notice.
Old locket loves are bound by rusted clasp.

A walk to togather is so much better than one alone.
Attached by more than words.
Dim lit streets and a sometimes working pay phone.

City your cruel and unforgiving to all.
Cold as a park bench for a bed.
Tugs haunt the water over the sea's wall.

Cheap wine fire from the barrel.
The city reflects a vision of wicked carol.

So does the sun bid farewell to the day.
As the poets take to pen.
I reflect apon the citys lights that lead
your eyes astray
I know no matter what I say or do.The words will sound so very hollow.For I am forever a stranger to you.Just a name in a sea of others.Fellow yarn spinners.Snakes and thieves friends and brothers.You cannot read the truth from a lie.The recluse writter the drunkand just another guy.A page filled with words andempty meanings.A seedy downtown theater that shows the best latenight screenings.My face is unknown  but my soul is already there.Blind are the truths of a scetchy past.So I remain forever a stranger toanyone who may care.Beautiful eyes that go unseen.Shadows on a clear night.So is my nightmare and how is your dream?I cant say I'll ever know the uptown citys respect.Im more of the twisted citys slums and back alleys favorite reject.I remove the ******* to expose thethe gritty side of what to me is brutal and true.I ride through the darkest part night.To remain forever a stranger to you.
its strange how  although  unseen yet here my opinions are so easily on display  I always  write of the top of my head and straight from my heart.
noah haswell Jul 2010
In the streets the cars do boom, like defening thunder in a room.
Hollerd to the night so clear, come and see and you shall hear!
The sounding of terrific bells,and in the city peoples tell,
that the daylight is good and bright...oh, if only... WHAT A SIGHT!
Ishita Apr 2015
A bit of sunshine
A bit of magic will do
Not a big banquet
Not too many people
Maybe a little privacy
Maybe a little "my time"
For midnight,
Be it your soft kisses
My family,Oh dear!
Not fancy cake surprises
And as I sleep in your arms
May I dream a paradise
Not money,nor hard cash
Mornings be like,
A slight nip in the air
Sunrise from my bedroom
Not zillion missed messages
I want the day,at peace
Like a poet's wish
Simple,chaste,crystal clear
Not fake "Happy Birthdays"
I want the day,
Maybe full of good vibes
Among true people,
Among trustworthy friends
Not mere acquaintances.
As I drove past,
The air,
I want to feel it,
Making my hair dance
I wanna face its coldness
The soft stiffness upon my cheeks
Not mere cigarrate puffs
I cherish a memorable picture
Over trillion pout-faced selfies
Well,all for my birthday,
I want to cut,
This citys' madness
Not just chocolate cakes
Take me far away as you can
To rugged mountains,to blue rivers
Fairytale isnt it,
I want it real
Just the scenario in front of my eyes
Searching for you,
I hope to see you by me,the next time
I wanna blow dandelions
Not just burning candles
I wanna run past the barren fields
Dressed up in florals
Not the dark glittery blacks'
Well,all for my birthday.
I wanna live these moments
Tyind to decode this one day
Not snazzy gifts,nor over-the-top clicks
I want my birthday to be like,
I am just  **17
My birthady has a tottaly different story.Well thats what I feel.
CynQuavia Sep 2011
Across the roof-tops of the town
I saw the flaming sun go down;
For some, another day of tears
Lay buried in the hurrying years.

The shadows folded; here and there
A yellow light began to flare.
For some, another golden day
Of gladness sped upon its way
This is a poem by my favorite poet Charles Hanson Towne.
mark john junor Mar 2014
she came in out of the dark rain
her guns hanging loose at the ready
her worn leather death hand just driftin above
the handle of her colt
eyes searching for the hard glint of steel
in the faces of the saloons crowded floor
but none had noticed her come in from the storm

she walked to the bar and called out
for a whiskey
leaned and let all but gun hand rest
as one of the prettiest bargirls came up
and smiled for a drink
without conversation the girl lead her
to a backroom
and this gypsy's night was filled with hot passions
and the gun hand was forgotten
in the sweet arms of virgina citys sweetest rose

but morning came with the rolling
of the steamtrains whistle
and the sheriff calling out the gun hand
she had laid some dog of a man low
for putting his hands on his woman
now she got to hang
cant be shootin our law abiding folk
we don't take kindly

this gunhand
this leather clad hard riding woman
with the softest sweetest heart
the kindest of souls
wasn't gonna let em hang her
for shooting down a ***** dog of a man
so she kissed sweet rose long an deep
and bid that sweet girl fare thee well
took up her colt

out into the dusty raw heat of
noonday sun she stepped with
her gun hand driftin over the **** of her colt
eyes blazin for the fool of a sheriff
who had come to lay her low in the name of justice
in the name of their lie of a town

they faced eachother and drew pistols
both got off a shot
one fell to the dusty earth
never to rise again
the other laid down pistol
and walked away
(for Amy...a humanitarian with a gunhand and a sweet smile)
Michael Bauer Feb 2015
the little ant hill is pooping out more piles of sand

piling little grains of metals high into the sky

they shine immaculately in the sunshine

as the rows of workers stream through the citys’ veins

they carry their plump, white babies

nurtured through larval state to maturity

the work continues tirelessly, ceaselessly

over green hills and through forests

over land and around the suburbs

families sit in their homes around television sets

the hills of little grains pile higher and higher

their antennae turn upward and sense the setting sun

night falls and the work is paused

the night beasts move around the piles of grain

the structure collapses and the residents scatter

rain begins and the flood is upon

the little ant hill is pooping out more piles of sand

piling little grains of metals high into the sky

shining brilliantly in the sun

the colony remains

**originally posted on my blog on May 24, 2014
The night always falls a sweet embrace to the citys bitter reallty.
And I it's ever pressent *** a nothing in a sea of so called movers and shakers.
I saw them all rise and in that growth I also saw that which made them special turn to the worst of the mundane .

A  sort of flawed perfection.
Now just a run of the mill joke.
Anyone can be good show me depth and most will just ask how much does that truely cost?

Take my traggic ending make it something in a empty lie to suit your dreams .
I still preffer my nightmares reprise.

Am I not the artist but have I killed the clown to give all till all is what none did ever require?
Please find comfort in a happiness I myself could never grasp.
And ignore bitter tears drown in many rivers yet to embrace the flood
and a pressent future.
I preffer a bloodstained past broken hearts existance.

What is left still ***** with even my own thoughts.

You should have stopped while your ahead my boy **** how I hate advice.
Maybe im a reject of a long gone feeling we no longer share.
Maybe I simply stopped giving a **** altogather.

Heres the punchline Ive lost it friends lets drink to a sunset and a passing tide.

Whats left is a chaos inspired novel and a unending addiction i can no longer control.
Maybe a it's hell but what a night we shared time's a ***** who's dance cards often full.
Laughter covers the uneasy feelings I view in the readers mind.

Watch with fire for certain its burn we know when we have played.

But yet another night closes and im just another lost whisper of a forgotten conversation.
dont darken my grave if you've never stood at my door.

We all saw the truth just some choose to ignore its end.
And others never gave a dam to begin with.

One day we'll all understand the street lights fade and the silence
does erase us all.
Sunrise I care less to greet your return as i truley linger to embrace your fade.
I guess sometimes I have no clue either.
Honestly I speak more apon the page then I ever could in the flesh.
The summers love was a harsh winters heartbreak as
the rain came crashing down as I watched thoose tail light's fade.
No words reflect  the pain  that as men were told to ignore.

The lable faded as the feelings inside.
It was gone without reason.
Making as much sense as it's start.

A funeral for one  spiders create  the webs
casting shadows apon the sun.

The void filled with pain addictions touch where you never did.
Empty as two in heart.
A losser in grace shakes  in the open.
Only to display my weakness  in utter isolation.

Outside the storm builds pushing others away.
Jokes fill conversation.
Laughs keep away the worried looks.

Wasted I feel the warmth  of happiness  thats so
far from all im not.
Lines  leading down a road apon a mirror
I close my eyes only to imagine  how it does reflect.

Her body warm.
her eyes as vacant  as the room in which i exist.
Taking  comfort in a action  losing all with sweet release.

Fire cant exist in icy  water's of a fractured soul.
The moment was a series of traggic events
that forges  a mind twisted like steel

Death was a wish when you can no longer taste life.
The addicts logic can never overpower the junkies mind.
Roads that seem distant are only seconds away.

That person a stranger whos return.
Is a threat and Id welcome his destructive return.
In the fog you feel nothing.
As the lost  never seem to understand.

I know the secrets to the  citys  slum.
A blood spattred  canvas of eternal blue.
Dim lit nightmares    a yerning for a end to
a favorite memory  that never was you.

I see the world so traggic tainted
underneath dark glasses so very clear.
A drifted soul  is but a leaf apon the ocean.

Driven by winds heading somewhere with no direction.
Just one of the many   nights  outcast.
Many truths no the  power of a lie.
Sunrise comes to fast and the bottle
wont be a lasting friend.

In thoose moments alone we see how togather
we truley never are.
Hold your secrets close as lovers.
tangled and so perfectly ******* up as yourself.

And wake in the bliss of  are addictions
Love the flaws and forget the dreams from which
we soon wake.
Far from good but  isnt it the flaws that
make me  so Gonzo?

Stay crazy  cause sanity worries me.
Morning Star Nov 2016
I sat today i watched your way
Some so cold hurried away
A man asking for a pound
To buy his food or ride again
Men in smart clothes to work they dash
No time to sit or eat a snack
Ladies smiling others lurk
Little children looking up
Seeing adults mess it up
Beggars forraging for **** ends find what kind of life they walk behind
Street so full of every kind
Different spoken words so true
Arguments between a few
Lads in crowds having fun
Girls giggling while they run
A man stealing goods from shop
Running from the alarms no stops
People queing for the bus
Dropping paper cleaning mops
Police men walking taxi fares
People meeting others stares
Mindful people walking slow taking in the citys glow
Sad and lonely souls i see looking lost and cold not free
People of all nature here
One race called human kind
All together in my window
Unaware of the picture i see
Old young short tall
Dark light strong small
A city full of people all
Full of love i see them all
Just a moment i sat today
Yet a life time of people i saw walk by
Amazing city now train i take
Back home to a lane a country gate
Total silence falls the night
From country to city a different life
I saw the poverty i saw the poetry
I saw the street painter
The flute being played
The rich the poor the lost the together
My day in the city
A moment to treasure
Poetoftheway May 2017

old stars: the roar of no more

pop up phrase precisely previewing the status quo,
logic argues that a crisp immolation poetic appropriate,
no second chance from cosmic to earth dust risk reversal,
no sadness attaches -
the circle line day trip coming to an end

old stars are not cemetery artifacts,
no blaze of glory, no blade of heroic story, no blare of horns,
a last twinkle, a final tinkling and the soundless
roar of no more,
the star records, the citys deeds, the video feeds,
updated, amended, erased,
old star exits the stage, its light shedding nights, eclipsed,
the poet, the writer, the playwright debate the stars obit,
collude and write
a roar no more

*5/23/17 7:23am
Junior Meech Jan 2016
I Was Once Lost. Just Seem Like I Couldn't Be Found. I Walked So Many Flights Of Stairs, Up And Down. Traveled Countrys, Citys, Long Roads, Going from Town To Town. Sea To Sea, Oceans And Mountains But Not Once Did I Think About Turning Around. The Search For Who I Was Went For Years. But A Striving Sensation In My Body Told Me I Was Near & Musical Instruments From A far I Could Hear. Finally I Arrived At A Place That Seemed Like The Edge Of The World, Where Many Magical Instruments Just Appeared. I Said To Myself "I'm Here !"
I Was Once Lost, But Myself I Found.
A Man With Infinite Ambition, A Man Of Sound.
mark john junor Apr 2013
her soft skin wraps around my awake mind
creeping along
i want her soft hair in my mouth
i dont care that
her love only is peice of foil and a straw
i sit next to her
and reach over
pausing before i touch
no objection

voice broken
hands shake
in the wicked wind
on the edge of the storm comin
stands alone waiting as dawn creeps up the sky
tears are pain
tears are a lifetime of regrets

smile has been replaced
helpless gestures
emptyness that follows untill its real
it consumes
its you upon which it feeds

remember me to my friend
on the river road
his is an endless summer
his is a home built for the ages
built with love

remember me to my brother
on the citys edge
his is the mad mad night
his is a road that holds no comfort
built with the broken backs of a thousand lost souls
his is a land that is dark
i cannot abide there

where am i going
my girl came home :-)
Timothy hill Jun 2017
I'm a magical, magician and my fee you will pay my commission.
I shall make half the crowd float above the chandelier.

The speed of life, is half of a sphere.
You can take it up with the front desk autioneer.
He will give you all his sneer that he
found last year.

Me, and him, are now good friends.
Going to distant, citys to show are art.
In hopes to spark your thirst for more.

River's pour from my mind to take your life of a now boat.
Down, the street once blank only trees grow on the turf.

Citizens eye see the sky and below is a smurf.
Magic story poem please your thoughts.
writer18384828 Jul 2018
To see the hotel rise and bare its face between the repulsed pillars of peace was a sight long savoured on my first return to Derry.
And never before had oxidised copper appeared so appealing - now the patina beamed like a
tarnished hat upon a goliath, urging me closer to the heart of the city.
Imposing, imperfect but effortlessly pretty.

Seeing Derry for the first time in weeks, it felt different.
Not like a new place, but rather a very old one with all prosperity frozen.
A place you visit because of how old it is - what has happened there, not what is happening.
There will always be a certain amount of charm to the city; whether it's derived from the aged
walls that watch your every move like wise, sentient snakes swallowing the old centre. Or
perhaps the people will charm you, as a wounded animal may.
As regardless of circumstance they always find a way.

An unfortunate breed, many of the Derry ones. A breath-taking city undoubtedly, but I
couldn't help feeling bad for those that couldn't get out. It's like quicksand - unique,
intriguing, beautiful in a sense, but if you linger too long it'll pull you in.
The second largest city in the North, yet we lay detached and divorced from the commerce of
Belfast - no motorway to link us with the Queen's city, for reasons known all too well.
More like purgatory though I've painted it like hell.

I always felt people here knew strongly what they stood against - but never for.
Knew what had happened to the city - but not what will.
An untapped pipeline of problems lays trembling beneath us all.
Issues that we can't or won't address.
I've known people two, three, four years my junior that felt the Foyle offered their only
escape. It's been that way for centuries - the Foyle let us out - in famine or fight the New
World awaiting through its mouth. A fast flowing river capable of washing it all away.
But now it was being used for a very different kind of release.
Not to find new shores, but perpetual peace.

In spite of this, it is my home and always will be.
And I love it for it has formed me.
Though I may sound wary or condemning, it is only because I hold it so dear.
The original beacon of the North, until usurped by Belfast after two hundred years.
A city of culture, known long before they told us.
But I must be careful not to rest here for much, one can become hardened
By pondering too long the citys song, a morbid tale and ardent.

The Hall's bell moans and wails, like a Siren baiting me with its soft appearance.
The light refracting through the stain glass throws obscene blends of colour over the city,
glimmering, undualting, and I am mesmerised.
A facade and cadence used to deceive, urging me closer to the heart of the city.
Imposing, imperfect yet even more pretty.
Melanie Jackson Dec 2021
the worst prisons arent in citys
arent the ones with bars
but the prisons we lock ourselves in
the prisons that live in our heads
dawnie Mar 2018
Not so soft
Not so pretty
Broken edges
And burning citys
Tyler A Sullivan Apr 2018
Remember the nights of KirkWood,
Putting behind the restaurants
Having penny brews,
Utterances of "the world is ours if only, if only"
If only we knew,
Life's eventual consignment,
Would we still sit in ****** idleness
Would we still shrink from our fearfulness,
Would we still resolve to our confinement.

I can't keep myself from yawning
And stuttering in the cognitive fog
"What's the word, what's the word"
Ideas stumbling along.
Minor in a major song
Claustrophobia in the citys throng

Tethered to hayseed communities,
Languishing in outer fringe suburbia.
Zoe Sue Feb 2018
You sleep much like a citys night
Squealing brakes on subway grates
Trickle down a rusty pipe
Leaky faucet to showering snores
Swingin **** chatter
Lining to living walls
That bear witness at
Writhing renewer
Shut out shut in
Classified conglomerate clasping
The thunder of a thousand thoughts
Or Dreams
A thousand thoughtful words
A thousand thoughtless
A thousand oohs
A thousand aaaahhhgonies
In repitition and random order
A hum to a hammer
A breath in harmonized heartbeats
Follows a breath plucked from puckered lips
Lush like advertised kisses
Stolen from a squeezed tight chest
Wont wake with a start
Even when your body quakes
To try and yank you from a mind
Hearing you murmur
Idle chatter at existense sans consciousness
Id like to caress your unconsious
Breathe calm into cavities
That slow that iron heart tempo
Astral project
Bait switch in place
Not a pain to replace
But if it could be the case
Id slink into your shaking skin
And claim it my own for the moon view
Then you may know a restful slumber
In Opposite minds rewound anew

In some corners before sleep we are lovers
I **** a soliloquy off your thumb
In starlight solace
Lament to lunar eyes
Sometimes too bright to look upon
Swelling softness swarms my gut with a glance
Bard Mar 2022
History made on the daily
Pandemics intravenously
Panic and terror in the citys
Red scare its war with commies
And what was that about the economy  
**** just hit me with the comet Haley

Six Six Six Seven Seven Seven Eight
Hit a spliff stayin even within infinite
Crucifix in politics they intermix
Bull session in recession in depression
Liberate Liquidate Lacerate

I am a product of the product lines
Born to be sold **** like Calvin Klein
Sworn to hold property above human life
So what's a felony what really is a crime

Sanction this **** blitzkriegs end quick
Fash is fashion peasants under siege it's sick
Cash stashin in the pockets of lieges and ******

No message no morals I'm just ******
I'm a vestige like our tomorrows we're ******

Haven't felt poetic in years wrote it all to shed tears
Bard Sep 2020
Something in the water get caught and you'll drown
Just bought a bottle and we're all headed down
Doesn't matter if you drop out or got a cap and gown
Bitter but feel better after a night out on the town
Go getters and quitters all buried under this ground

Its the future and the time flows like mercury
Retrograde, retrowave, means lost in nostalgia
All composure in present is from more *****

Citys alight at night fires burn brighter futures lookin brighter
Ash and blight fills our sight screams and sirens get louder  
Crash incoming cant see obstacles incoming hit the powder
Blast off explosions turn projects to dust and mortar
As it settles to coals after pyrotechnics a moment is quieter

Regain composure in the present with more *****
The future is a toxin and it flows like mercury
Look back retrograde, retrowave, lost in nostalgia

Details weigh heavy in the air we breathin  
Deceit flys every way as broadcast speakin
Repeats leak in many lungs as they breath it in
Doors open and now the thieves are in
Laws broken and the people are misbegotten

Obsessed with retrograde, retrowave nostalgia
Losin composure theres never enough *****
Toxins flow in, time flows out, its like mercury

The earths baked and the landmass disappears with snowflakes
Hearts been staked in class learned we're all soon to die its fate
Parts they break and these are the last as fear grows it gets late
Charts talkin they doomsay, hearsay, naysay, scream mayday
Just wanna say its gonna be okay, but I won't lie not today
Bard Mar 2021
dollar earned only a dollar made when its a dollar saved
baller blinged out to holler about dollars he's still a slave
company store takes payments at four just your soul and more
many march in tour of golden doors as debts reach from a dirt floor
chasing the four door you can't afford its the debtors reward

dollar earned turns to dollar spent
when did life turn into making rent
was it while the middle sat on a picket fence
it came so subtle as we all drowned in media
seemed so helpful like a pound in the city

lock up your problems and show no pity
thats how they solve em out in the city
that or send them to a mortuary
words seem so incendiary these days
burning citys as life sets the people ablaze

burn a hole in your pocket to get laid
what's left when the ****** fades
pantyless and penniless riding waves
hoes and jesus since times medieval
both have kneeled to escape evil

crime is just a high risk job kinda like flipping burgers
time shows both ending without any futures
so excuse the hard worker whose turned to dope dealer
I know time is the best healer but it won't fix this
only fix I need is cash on cash in bank thats swiss

thats a low tax on racks so none of it reaches you
a million ways to hide millions from the millions that make do
charity tax breaks in the collection plate let the money accrue
get a wife thats foreign thats a tax break if your american
new legislation to make sure the middle an poor don't win again

poverty makes a child into a survivor
wealth makes a child into a toddler
prince rules over the pauper
for the price of a few cents
still the prince can't afford sense

maybe for a dollar some of mine could be lent
advisors with white collars must seem heaven sent
till someone wonders where the money went
white collar or black mask only difference opportunity
go live in a parking lot for a week if you don't believe me
Bard Oct 2020
Alarms off, barn chicken soundin warns sun risin
Warm in the kitchen, finger lickin greazy livin
Mournin in mornin, four am mind *******
Just in reporter on a camcorder record ya
Was untoward asking opinion on ya lord
Funny looking color like a funyun my answerin
whiny vision velour clothing,  demon spawn
When gone might pawn golf sets off lawns
In the end money tight even lint gone
Opinion bent left plant facin a light dawn
No prawns starving its lent living in a tent
Woes found working paying rent with money lent
Toes cold staying in boots, boldly saying let go
Cow bell ringing meat packaging on the blow
Flow swells bringing dead whales in undertow
Wont tell no snitches no tales how trust grow
Bows n ties oft means lives built on lies, so
Below tries most the honest living and dies
Boo hoo momma cries over a racist, my my
Here lies a body of a sexist marxist, no longer exist
Goodbyes in winds are ******, believed in lists
Why try when points missed, wished but unblessed
Covid coughs bless you, hands rinsed lead laced water
Void laughs in stints empty cans scraped and placed wherever
Devoid of soap stinky citys unclean even when precipitated
Dubois protests violently retchs wholehearted tenths participated
Soy and leeks replacing meat costs a whole check to be sated
Boys an chicks dancing feet lost to most fact is their elated
Whiskey sticky drink at meet an greets an bar posts
Bard Oct 2020
We're just kids at war with the gods
Prometheus's fire against the odds
Minimum wages, working at a loss
Burnt pages years of historys lost
Taught nothing over information they gloss
Comic how easy it is to mislead like stone toss
Red states uneducate so tell me whats the cost
Gerrymander why even participate its run by Faust
In the gutter liquor flows in better off gettin smashed
We getting sicker while kids in camps atleast they aint gassed
Cutting medicaid so a ceo gets paid as an employee is slashed
Living in a democracy so fashionable but whys the fit feel so fash
Dying to make the cash and the middle class they aint gonna last
Protesting the past we marching at last the reply is the whips lash
Wage slaving still a living, but now wages to make without class
Daddy hand me down jobs while Joe workers are called slobs
He told me the narratives administered the sedatives from tweets
Its not true just read wiki leaks even silenced the truth speaks
Quarantined for weeks I hear the system creak
Pressurized heres the heat matter of time till the crack
Said something got a rapsheet said somethin skulls cracked
They treat us like rats and got is in a corner backed
Surprised we bit back now their brains racked
Cause we out of line off track our minds plagued
Kings agreed with Tupac violence is their comeuppance
Peace failed so citys are sacked a conscience with no compliance
Leases pulled so streets are packed and tense to much to rinse
Hoses failed to clean unwashed masses so out come gasses
Pop eyes then spread lies leave bricks and break glass
Cops terrorize in front of your eyes you wait till resistance dies
Ropes noosed up to lynch ******* these days with some its okay
Draggin ******* across lots to some its no loss well okay
Spics taken by ice from jobsites its alright nod and say, okay
No suprise your homes alight drag your *** outside, okay
Self defense killin patriot americans its just justice so its okay
Your scared of us, well we're scared of the US all there is to say

— The End —