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NutellaRox May 2015
The mountain lies in front of us;
Beauitful and breathtaking,
I was hot, but i did not fuss,
And i was looking forward of when we would swim in the lake.

We start the climb,
I see a water bottle stand,
That costs a dime.
i go off the track to get the water, then i sit on the dry land.

We continue up the rocky trail.
I am more tired then ever,
so my legs start to fail.
But i will never stop, never;

As the view is exhilarating.
I see my  town from far away,
So breathtaking.
I then see a flock of blue jays.

After the hike, my desire for a nap is deep.
I sludge to my room.
I start to sleep.
as i nap, the experience of hiking looms.
This is my first poem. Please be nice <3
David P Carroll Jan 2017
As I rise in the
Morning sun
Seen your bright smile
Next to me makes my
Heart smile seen
You smile makes
Me whole holding you
Close to me
Is a perfect moment
For my heart to remember
Seen your perfect bright
Smile makes my day
Having you inside my
Heart forever is a magical dream
Come true having you
In my life is perfection
No other women could
Never put a smile on my
Heart no other women
Is everything as beautiful as you.
David P Carroll
Beauitful As You
David P Carroll Nov 2016
Your so beautiful every man would dream of a perfect blonde princess like you to seen your perfect smile on the morning would truly utterly make my heart skip a beat a smile right back at you beautiful princess.
David P Carroll
Beauitful Women
Magconsass May 2014
I am skinny
I am Beauitful
I am not confused
I am a lonely girl
I am just a fangirl
**I am Grace
David P Carroll Nov 2016
O my baby if I could
If I could I truly would
Baby I'd give you my whole heart
Open up the love for you
Everything is truly waiting for you
Only you I'll give my true love to
Your the true girl for me I'm truly in love with the perfect girl I truly love.
David P Carroll
O My Beauitful Baby
David P Carroll Nov 2016
As we hold hands together I touch your warm gentle face as I hold you I sweetheart I cuddle hug you and see your bright smile I hold your head against my chest and gently kiss your soft lips and our hearts besting together in pure harmony our hearts smile together we are truly in love I would then whisper into your ear your truly beautiful I truly love you my true love.
David P Carroll
She Is Truly Beauitful
David P Carroll Jan 2020
Your delicate lips so
Soft and tasty,
So sweet and pure
My heart feels your love
Your a true beauty of life
Your a work of art
A women I truly Adore
A gentle kiss on your lips
As I breathe slowly
Inhaling your perfume
Gazing into your eyes

Whispeing Softly to you,

I've Falling In Love.....
She's Beautiful
David P Carroll Nov 2016
If every man had a beautiful woman like you to love the world would be so perfect no violence only love happiness true love in everyone's beating hearts knowing a beautiful pretty blonde princess like you could melt any man's beating heart into loving Your beauty so much your truly beautiful only if only if every other women in the world was truly as beautiful as you.
David P Carroll
Beauitful As You
David P Carroll Nov 2016
You make me feel so special
I’m in love with my Angel
She is truly the best in the world
Doesn’t matter what people say about you your truly my beautiful Angel in the world.
David P Carroll
My Beauitful Angel
David P Carroll Apr 2020
I love you each and every single day I cherish you
Every day,
I'd wrap my arms around
You and keep you
Safe and warm
In our little cocoon
I can’t help but smile and remember our first embrace
Forever and always I'll remember your
Beautiful face..
Beautiful Women
David P Carroll Nov 2016
Looking at you Knowing you are very pretty you look lovely youthful every day looking amazing beautiful ravishing cute women I'm sure every man would dream of a female like you in there lives waking up seen your smile every day would make my heart skip a beat your truly a beautiful pretty perfect woman.
David P Carroll
David P Carroll
Beauitful Pretty Women
Tina Marie Mar 2018
I see a smile
That's struggling to laugh
A laugh thats struggling to make a giggle,
A giggle that won't bring tears,
Tears that are wanting to run, running tears down her face,
A beauitful face that deserves better
Better than the hand that is dealt
A beauitful face full of pain
Pain that only a beauitful face can hide
Hiding a broken heart
All behind a beauitful face
David P Carroll Sep 2019
I have never seen,
A woman more beautiful than you in life,
Your beauty so true
Your perfect inside and out,
Your beauty is so true,

I've fallen in love with you.....
So Beautiful
David P Carroll Oct 2016
Beautiful Love
Life is beautiful
When I'm with her
When I've found her
When your truly in love
When you find love
When your wright for love
Find a special place
Your ment to be together
You’re hearts together
Loving each other
All the love from your
Both each other's hearts
Love is special
Her heart beats inside
My heart my heart
Beats inside her heart
Together forever
We have created true love.
David P Carroll
Beautiful Love
Rachel Gosby Oct 2016
There may come a time that I will forget things.
sometimes I need a little reminder but I am somebody!
sometimes I may need someone to take me out, show me what I'm about,
what I'm meant for my life, because I am somebody!
I will strive to be the best that I can, because I am somebody!
I will respect and love myself as well as following my dreams, because I am somebody!
I am strong, black, and beautiful.
And I am somebody
I will succeed in my life, for I am God child, I maybe educated, I maybe even unlettered, but I am somebody!
No matter what color my shin is, or how big or little I am I'm still somebody!
I may not be rich, or I maybe poor, but I know that I am somebody!
I am strong, and I am confident, because I know I'm somebody!
I am happy and amazing because I know that I am somebody!
No matter what may come my way, through the storm or rain, through the highs and lows, but I know that I'm still somebody!
I love who I am because I know that God made me who I am and that's I'm somebody!
No matter what people may say in my face, or behind my back I still know that I am somebody!
who am I, God child and that is somebody beauitful!
No matter if you don't think so, I'm still somebody!
so who am I
David P Carroll Dec 2017
The sun is
Shinning the
Sky is bright
Your smile
Is truly beautiful
David P Carroll Nov 2019
I've never met an

Other Women as

Truly Beauitful as you

You take my breath away

I'll always love you, forever

Too this day.....
She's Truly Beauitful
Ariel Leann Jan 2014
The shine of the blade,
The slice of a knife,
What a double- edged sword,
to end a depressed life

The magnificent red liquid,
Falling to the floor,
What a glorious night,
To knock on hell's door

No whimpers or pleads,
No hello's or goodbyes,
No regret or sorrow,
Not even a cry

My heart is replaced,
With a dark, miserable hole,
That once had held,
A daring soul

For I have seen,
The reality of life,
Soon to be ended,
By a beauitful knife
L Dec 2013
why do you do the things you do?
your body says,
"Come hither."
but your eyes say
"Why bother?"

so which is it, boy?
if you didn't want me in the slightest,
you would have left me years ago...
just like the others.

yet here you stand,
as beautiful as ever.

I call you Beatiful Boy...
but those are just
do you believe you are beautiful?

your hazel eyes full of insecurity say
they are full of memories and
taunts from bullies of the past...
but they aren't here anymore, Beauitful Boy.
they're long gone.
the only one that remains is me.

can you see me?
David P Carroll Mar 2020
She's Truly Beauitful

She's wonderful

She has a Magical Smile,

She's in my life,

Whispering Softly

How much she

Means to be my

Beautiful wife....
My Wife
David P Carroll Dec 2016
As I hold your hand I look you in the eyes I kiss your gentle lips passionately holding hands together our hearts feeling utter love knowing true love as you lay your head against my chest I hold you tightly shield you from pain cuddle you and whisper the words into your ear your truly beautiful no other could ever be truly beautiful as you.
David P Carroll
Beauitful As You
David P Carroll Feb 2020
Valentines Day
Happiness and love
Holding hands
Watching the birds​ singing,
From above.

With you in my life
And in my heart,
Loving You so much
Your forever my Valentine...
My Valentine
David P Carroll Mar 2020
She's Truly Beauitful
Her perfect smile
Her soft lips
Your gorgeous eyes,
A true beauty of life

She's my wonderful wife
I've been searching all my life
For a women as
Beautiful as you
I'm proud to call you
My beautiful wife..
My Wife
David P Carroll Sep 2017
As I look into your eyes sweetheart
Oh I begin two fall in love
Your laughter has touched my soul
I look into your eyes again
Oh how I truly fall in love sweetheart
I see our hearts dancing together our future forever
Your beauty has touched me
A forever friendship
A forever love
A love to call of my own
Dancing Shining sparkling laughter singing our beautiful song
I'm lost inside your eyes
And I see true love
Its truly where I want to be
The rest of my days inside your heart
And eyes sweetheart Forever near you forever in love with you
My Arms wrapped tightly around you
Loving you forever in life
I shall forever be
Truly lost looking into my eyes
Beautiful bright sparkling eyes.
Beautiful Eye's
David P Carroll Feb 2019
She's inside my heart

She makes me truly smile

Im Truly in love

She's​ the one I truly love

She's my honeybee, she's the beat

Too my heart she's Truly Beauitful

And she's Forever inside my heart..
Love Her
David P Carroll Nov 2016
The happiest day of my life was when I kissed by my mother the day that I hugged her I truly felt loved a warmth like no nothing your Always loving me understanding my heart your truly my beautiful mother You'd always show how much you care for me always loved me I could never get by without your true love your tender kiss your warm
Heart your special ways I TRULY LOVE YOU my mother I had a lot of sad times and hurt times when tears fell you picked me up and always loved me no matter what our love is strong remains United mother throughout my life and all the good times we had together our hearts embraced to my special mother I know i truly love you your truly deep inside my heart I know that I will always love you forever mother
Your truly an incredible mother and i will always no you have a heart of gold I truly love you forever my beautiful mother.
David P Carroll
My Beautiful Mother
assata Apr 2012
Someone told me to play a beauitful song on the harp.

Someone told me to listen with my ears as it brung me tears, I though about all the times I felt robbed for my will.

Still at that moment I played that harp only to get the just out of it.

Wow  went my soul as my heart turned into  mush.

Play a harp, Play it till you can't anymore. Maybe someonw will notice you.

Is  it  a talent or just a passion!
new poem hope you like it!
laura paramore Apr 2012
I  gave this pome to my daughter when she was 16,, after a hard few years,,

I know I am simple but
Hope you would have shared with me.
For Iam who ever you want me to be.
I no longer have enchanted powers like i did before.
So I wont tell you fairytales anymore.
The hard line is life has changed me.
Iam still your rock and grounded,
Just  a little batter ad bruised and a bluey shaed of grey.
I love you in the same way.
I know Iam simple,
One day
I hope you can share with me and forget the past.
Il always be your rock with hidden gems,
Il always be your friend.
I know I am simple,
But please share with me,For Iam whatever you dream me to be.

This rock.
Like life will one day turn to sand,Il come back as the beauitful sell that Iam.
David P Carroll Oct 2016
My Beautiful Angel.
A day to remember
Her smile so bright
And so clear her glow
Only angels have
A female in life my
Heart would always
Love and wanna hold
Her magical bright smile
Her golden blonde hair
A female in life no
But an angel from
Heaven above her
Pretty smile her clear
Skin has touched my
Heart it's her I
Surrender my utter
Love to I take her
Hand and kiss it
Hold her hand against
My chest and we feel
Our love together
And smile I take her
In my arms and wrap
Around her keeping her
Warm safe and held tightly
Together our hearts beating in harmony together utter love
Together our hearts beat
In rhythm love passion happiness
Love love love she is magical
And a beautiful blonde Angel
And she has touched my
Beating heart and our love
And happiness will never
Be apart we share a magical bond
Of utter love love our
Hearts beating strong
Together forever
And we shall never be torn apart
My beautiful angel.
David P Carroll
David P Carroll Sep 2017
Your sweet voice
Sings to my heart

Your gentle touch deep inside
My soul a love to feel forever
Electrifying inside soul

Your beauty so perfect
Cherishing you every moment

Your love touched my heart
As our hearts embrace into true love  
I couldn't feel a better love
Forever with you I shall forever
Be truly in love.
Her Heart
David P Carroll Apr 2020
She's my world
And my life
She's the
Beat to my heart
She's my everything in life
And she's my
Beautiful wife..
My Wife
Sunny Snow Nov 2013
"You dont know what your mouth says"
I scream into the darkness.
Tripping over the drugs
I take to cover up the pain,
The pain of 15-16 years of verbal abuse.
My own family,
You took me, adopted me,
You should have known the risk.
Your words left scars,
Left tears the stained,
And wholes never mendened
Everytime you told me youd stop
But you didnt.
And soon it began to feel like I was
Never enough...
Not good enough of a daughter,
Not good at picking friends or the person I dated.
Not good at getting ok grades.
Not enought in general.
And now,
Thats how I usually feel
When im supposed to feel good.
Im not enough for you or anyone.
Till I met him. ..
He tore out all the pain
He stripped away all the fear
All the yelling and cornering,
And replaced it with love.
Now I am healing
And my scars pealing in to
Someone beauitful
About verbal and emotional abuse
aniket nikhade Oct 2015
Something from past
Something of which still remains in the present
Somewhere in the past, something got clicked
Something positive happened
Something went right
Something for sure, definitely something
Its’ auspicious presence can still be felt in the present.

It’s always your action that speaks for itself
Action speaks louder than words
It’s not only your confidence, but also your faith in your work
It’s not only your attitude, but your trust in others
It’s not only about your professionalism, but also your expertise
It’s not all about you, but all about the way in which you work
It’s always your work, your deeds, something which always gets highlighted
Time and again, always
Your deeds, your qualities, not only in your work, but also in your life speak for what you are
It's your deeds and qualities in you as a person that make you stand apart from the rest.

Time and again it has been proved that you reap what you sow
Your deeds from the past since they are righteous they will support you all along the way
Your righteous deeds will always show you where is light in the dark.

It’s always better to be what you are
Does not matter even if you do small thing
All that matters is your actions must be positive
Not only in your thoughts, but also in your attitude, you must also be positive
Speak positively
Always do good instead of thinking negatively
Live your life on your own terms
Live life according to what you know, what you think and then plan your future accordingly.

Life is beautiful
Life has always remained beauitful
Life will always give you something, if you approach towards it in a positive way.
David P Carroll Apr 2020
She's a special Gift from above  
A beautiful Angel From above
And she's The women  
I truly love..
From Heaven
Josef Wilhelm Feb 2012
Maybe it's just me and I'm just ignorant
Maybe this isn't pain and I'm just dreaming it
Maybe I'm on drugs so I can't feel
Maybe I don't exist and I'm not real
Maybe things will be normal some day
Maybe it's just the things that I say
Maybe I'm just nothing and can't make a difference
Maybe I'm just the one I need to convince
That life is beauitful and not to be ashamed
To smile and hold my head held high
To forgive myself and remember my soul
To love again with all my heart
Maybe this is all a game
If so maybe I will play
K Mar 2017
I sit
I wait
I see shadows pass
And people go
But there you sit
All alone

Your hair down
A latte steaming
Laptop open
Music blaring

You're beauitful
You need to know
With every movement
I see your heart and soul

This stranger
The one sitting all alone
Is one I feel
I need to know...
David P Carroll Jan 2021
The moon shines bright
Through the trees at night

And we can’t see in the dark
But we can dream all
Through the night

As the wind blows so strong tonight
And the rain falling down
All through the night

And the moon peeking
through the trees is so
Beauitful and bright.
Night 🌃🌉
bakedjones May 2014
i suppose, it's a start to admit

that i'm in love with a man who always finishes his joints

and who sends me twirling into the air with his trails of smoke

a man who works me as if i'm the keys of a piano

and plays the softest, most beauitful song

It would be a lie to say the love i hold

is a strong piece of twine,

unbreakable through the bonds of admiration and desire

rather, it's a flimsy envelope

with tatters and tears

and scratched out names

and sometimes,

he ashes on it
i only wanted to walk on water

— The End —