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May 2017 · 933
goddess May 2017
you have been on my mind lately.
i think about you constantly.
you're in my dreams.
you're in my prayers.
i just can't seem to let go of-
Dec 2016 · 881
goddess Dec 2016
i'm searching.
searching for you in a crowd of people.
searching for your soul out of all of them.
searching for that light that drew me to you when we first met.
where did you go?
where is the soul that once captured mine?
where is that light?
i'm searching.
but i'm beginning to lose hope.
Jul 2016 · 2.6k
goddess Jul 2016
dear young black girls,
i'm sorry that you cannot turn on the TV and see black female role models.
i'm so sorry that you are constantly being shamed for your natural features.
sorry that you're constantly under the pressure to comply with eurocentric beauty standards.
your skin color is a blessing.
your hair is beautiful.
do not change anything about yourself for the sake of the way society views you.
dear young black boys,
i'm sorry that your constantly seen as a threat to those around you.
i'm so sorry that you cannot gather in in a group with all of your peers without the fear that you're going to be accused of doing wrong.
sorry that society will someday see you as a "deadbeat dad" and someone who won't be able to provide for himself, much less his family.
your skin color is beautiful.
ignore everyone, keep up the good work, you will be successful.
you bleed the same color as every other human being on this planet and i am so sorry that has not yet been recognized after how many years?
you are loved, you are wonderful, you are talented, you are unique.
follow your dreams.
be ambitious.
fight for your beliefs.
stand your ground.
justice will be served.
change will come.
Jun 2016 · 434
goddess Jun 2016
stay with me.
turn off your phone.
put your watch down.
stay with me.
hold my hand and tell me everything is okay.
kiss my cheeks and tell me i'm beautiful.
stay with me.
turn the music up a little.
get under the covers with me.
i love you.
please don't leave me.
May 2016 · 629
goddess May 2016
I crave real love.
That "let's build our future together" type love.
That "Nobody's perfect, but you're flawless to me" type love.
I want that "grab my face and kiss me in front of everyone" type love.
Real love.
Sharing secrets between sheets love.
Introducing family members love.
That kind of love that regardless of how far apart you may be, you're still able to say that every ounce of that person belongs to you and only you.
Comfortable with or without clothes type love.
That "Call me because I miss your voice" love.
I'm looking for my true love.
The love who keeps me warm on winter nights.
The love that tells me he loves me even when I'm at my worst.
I hope to find that love soon.
Or maybe I already have.
Because I'm nothing without you.
i found this poem recently and i've been meaning to post it ever since. it's a little rough, but enjoy.
Feb 2016 · 780
goddess Feb 2016
no equality, no justice
just racism and sin
another man murdered?
pray for him!
we live in a world where its rare to be comfortable in your own skin.
everyday is a fight trying to discover who you really are within.
money rules everything, and for some of us it takes over
greed, drugs, lust, in control completely.
the only thing we ever see is *** and a glamorized version of reality.
our minds are consumed by the idea of a perfect world
yet the only thing all humans long for is love.
most of us never find it, or when we do we have no idea how to handle it
and the one person who genuinely loves us ends up leaving with no intention of returning.
we live our lives to work.
we follow this routine.
there are those of us who slave for little wages.
those of us who cannot afford a luxurious holiday or birthday.
those of us who can't provide for our children and loved ones,
and those of us who are ignored, and awaiting justice.
we struggle.
some of us never overcome our battles.
that's life,  
that's truth.
just a little something written on a late night in my iphone's notes. enjoy?
Dec 2015 · 837
goddess Dec 2015
efficient yet sinful.
we build cities, we find cures for illness.
we grow, we reproduce.
we dream, we love.
but we never quite know what we want.
we crave lustful encounters,
yet when it comes to being in love,
we always wonder if the grass is greener on the other side.
we cheat, we lie, we're greedy.
flawed as a race.
flawed altogether.
late night thoughts
Dec 2015 · 674
dear you.
goddess Dec 2015
wipe your tears, and pick up your crown.
promise me you won't tear yourself down.
my queen, you mean so much to me.
i love you.
please pay attention to me.
you're worth so much more than you think yourself to be.
but i'm done trying.
i clearly cannot stop you from crying.
i'm sorry my dear, but i must leave.
perhaps when i'm gone you'll finally believe.
if you ever need me you know where to find me.
Nov 2015 · 1.4k
goddess Nov 2015
i still look back on the days i called you mine
i loved you and the feeling was mutual
until a year passed, and the sun set on a chilly autumn night
i could no longer call you mine
your love for me had faded
and you were looking at someone else the same way you looked at me
months have passed
but it feels like years
i still love you
and i always will
but without you i feel lost
no longer knowing who or what to believe in
i close my eyes
praying for the day when i can call you mine
because in my mind
in my soul
you still are.
c. 11/20

— The End —