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Feb 2019 · 227
Nikki Feb 2019
wrapped. entangled. intertwined.
but undeniably terrified
airy. light. entranced.
without even a second glance

the restlessness; the anxiety
the sheer lack of sobriety
devour the last of my fear
watch the cloud disappear
Feb 2019 · 297
there's something about you
Nikki Feb 2019
there's no explanation as to why i continue
why i was so set on you
the high hopes and continuous let downs  
lying would be that i never swore you off
that i haven't lied
that i fell for you long before i knew i did

what you do with that information
is ultimately up to you
Feb 2019 · 537
Nikki Feb 2019
my mind starts to drift and the walls seem to fade
as the wind placidly calms; my heart became staid.
every sense of you lingers; touch, smell and taste
begging for your hands secured around my waist.

vulnerable. susceptible.
safe. protected.

i'm terrified but excited; so eager to be frightened

these butterflies i refuse to ignore.
it's been awhile since i've written and of course it's about you
Aug 2018 · 442
Little Stars
Nikki Aug 2018
In the darkness that covers me I can see a few little stars

The brightness that still burns amidst hopelessness, the shame, the self resentment

Little stars still burn to show me

That there is hope somewhere in the universe

Little stars still burn to show me

That I still have time to make this right

I may not have the ability to change your mind - but I can change mine
Nikki Jan 2016
What were you thinking when you laid eyes on me
Please, tell me - what is it now that you see?
Do you see my emotions? Can you see right through?
Do I have anything left? Or am I transparent to you?
So used to the suffering, So used to regret.
I keep moving forward with the hopes I'll forget.
You do not fully understand the chains I bare
Slicing me open, convinced the damage is beyond repair.
But, if there is anything that I have learned -
All cuts heal, by nature or if burned.
Sep 2015 · 423
Nikki Sep 2015
I don’t want to be here. I don’t want to live.
There is nothing more that this body can give.
I’ve lost the fight - I’ve been defeated
I deserve this - this is how I should be treated

This is excruciating, agonizing - downright unbearable
I hate myself and my life is ******* terrible

I just want to give up - throw in the towel
I look in the mirror and what I see is foul

Just let me go

Just let me be

Let me **** this body so I don’t have to struggle to breathe.
Aug 2015 · 362
I wonder
Nikki Aug 2015
Sometimes I find myself wondering how my life would be if you were still alive.
I know that you’re gone, but most of the time I still feel you here. I still feel you on the other side of the phone.
Recently, I wonder what he would say to me if I could hear him in heaven. I wonder what kind of advice he has, or some silly joke.
Jul 2015 · 283
don't leave
Jun 2015 · 242
Nikki Jun 2015
I wear around my neck, the memory of two.
One is gone forever and the other one is you.
Six years - a roller coaster - of emotions.
A love as deep as the untamed oceans.
But the depth, I found, was not deep
It must have been a dream in my sleep

I wish this was a nightmare so I could wake
Into a life where I never made mistakes
So that you could love me, the way I love you.
Without the pain I put you through
Jun 2015 · 490
Nikki Jun 2015
this overwhelming feeling that I can’t seem to escape
i want to tell you I love you but it’s already too late.
i can’t cover up the pain, these tiny little scars
why can’t I be with you up in the stars?
Jun 2015 · 315
I count the days...
Nikki Jun 2015
to keep myself focused on the “real world”

I count the minutes to keep the tears from falling

I count the seconds to keep the knife away

I look up at the stars and I wish I was religious.

I wish I had some sort of idea about what happened when you left me. I wish I could say that you’re around or up in heaven. I wish I could say that I feel you or see you in my dreams.

I wish I could but I can’t.

I don’t have the luxury of seeing you in my dreams or hearing your voice. I don’t have the luxury of religion to stop the inevitable eternal darkness wash over me like a wave.

There is no existence I’ve encountered after death to make be believe that you’re here. I don’t have room for foolish faith - Always keep your expectations at their lowest and you will never be disappointed with what’s to come.
Mar 2015 · 541
My Only Escape
Nikki Mar 2015
Carry my body
To its resting place.
The gun to my head
Was my only escape.
The drugs didn't work
Nor if I drank.
The more I indulged
The more my heart sank.
Carry my soul
To it's resting place.
Killing this body
Was my only escape.
Mar 2015 · 396
Hollow Heart
Nikki Mar 2015
heavy and hollow, intolerable weight
knees crumble , inability to acclimate
'where am i going? does this every stop?'
my tears embody the falling raindrops

heavy and hollow, the gravity draws me to the darkness
the inescapable, eternal void of sadness
A world without you, I'm not ready for
All the "somedays" we had; nevermore

Can't help this feeling of abandonment
My heart is gone, it's empty and vacant
Mar 2015 · 766
Rest In Paradise Dad
Nikki Mar 2015
Speechless beyond imagination.
Praying for reincarnation.
Rest peaceful, your beautiful soul.
I will never again be whole.
Shattered pieces, but only half.
You have the rest, Dad.

Missing you every single day.
I love you I love you, I pray.
Echoes of your voice in my head
Listening to all the things you said.
Wishing for one last hug and kiss
Everything about you I miss.
Dec 2014 · 470
another poem
Nikki Dec 2014
pick my lifeless body off the ground
you know who did it, he beat me down
I tried to stop, but the words slipped out of my mouth
There was no stopping, the secret is out.
Take this body, turn it into ash,
Punch through this life, can't promise no cast
Kiss me on the cheek, it's poisonous.
**** me under your sheets, it's dangerous.
My insanity will go from me to you
Passing for only a moment to see the view.
Cry to your family and friends
Go ahead, beg me, this isn't the ******* end.
Now let's try and pretend this broken heart can mend.
Dec 2014 · 497
No Title Needed
Nikki Dec 2014
Frail is life with its deceptive elegance
As we live off the tranquilizing ignorance
Unconvinced of the reality we choose to accept
But unwilling to change, there is nothing left

Words amalgamated cannot be separated
They cannot be taken back, nor cremated.
As you set your delicate hand above the flame
Sacrificing flesh for your hearts reclaim
May 2014 · 443
I Truly Miss You
Nikki May 2014
It’s hard to imagine that seven months ago you were here
Only a phone call or a drive away
It’s hard to imagine that although you’re gone our lives continue to move forward
Still dealing with the trivial problems of the living
Still looking at the small framed pictures of our lives
Still unappreciative of the time that we have with one another
I’ve learned a lot through all of this, the true nature of human beings.
How easily amused by material and lust
And how easily agitated with the past they cannot change
And yet when those who have passed come into our minds like shooting stars
We realize where we are, who we’ve lost, and how far we’ve come.

I miss your eternal soul that was once connected to this earth
Nikki Apr 2014
At no time did anticipate the discovery I made through loneliness
How exceptionally comfortable I felt concealed in its presence;
Yet drained of all my accustomed, conventional thoughts on happiness
Trapping myself in the confines of these four wheels awaiting guidance
Mar 2014 · 477
Another Year
Nikki Mar 2014
Another year, another celebration, another reason to drink
Sobriety; A term no one dare speak
To get through troubled times, you’ve got to get high
Or something of the sort, a level to abide by
Memories of years past are mostly a blur
Just a few characters I was or were

Another year filled with more celebrations
So we can all get our fixations
What’s new, what’s cool, who’s dead now?
Stop these emotions, I will not allow.
We can’t keep thinking that we are free
So many situations that we can’t see
Nothing is certain, nothing is forever,
We are just on this endless endeavor
Until we are lead into the next plane of existence
Don’t struggle don’t fight, they don’t like resistance.
Dec 2013 · 537
Watch Me Decay Away
Nikki Dec 2013
No longer wearing my heart on my sleeve, it gives me nothing but an infectious disease.
A disease called caring and giving a ****, something I can’t do anymore, I’m not fit.
Back in the shell I created long ago, don’t expect a smile; I’ll never let it show.
I burden I can no longer bear, a sense of loneliness that’s always been there.
I just want to be loved and thought about, but this is my punishment, no doubt.
This feeling of being hated I can’t shake, I don’t know how much more I can take.
You’re being so cold, so distant, why should I try if you’re not going to listen.
I want the throw in the towel, just give up, but I love you too much.
But love isn’t a one way street, and I’m the only one on it, where are we supposed to meet?
Or are you not here, are you far away?  Waiting for me to die and decay.
Jun 2013 · 553
ignorant love
Nikki Jun 2013
The way that you make me feel doesn’t make sense.
I look into your eyes, and the whole world falls into place.
And when I’m not with you, I feel this dark emptiness grow inside of me.
It smothers me and causes so much pain.
Is this love that I feel? Or am I just insane?
I want to continue, carry on with the plan.
I want to love you endlessly, unconditionally and deeply.
And I’m hoping you’ll love me back if you can.
You’re perfect to me, and I hope that’s all you need
To fall in love, and let our ignorance take the lead
copyright. nicole s.
Nov 2012 · 410
Nikki Nov 2012
my moods are constantly
an endless roller coaster
of emotions and I can't
hang on tight enough.
I'm being
thrown around
leaving me ******
and bruised
just hoping for
a moment
to breathe and
collect all
of the
broken pieces
of my

Nov 2012 · 1.2k
I miss you already
Nikki Nov 2012
holding you close as you breath softly in your sleep
love courses through my veins, so deep
your smile gives me butterflies I can't shake
and I can't begin to describe the feelings you create.

the smell of you still lingers on my skin and clothes
as it starts to fade, I start to loath
that your scent will no longer be around
as I say goodbye I've fallen to the ground  

you're not gone forever, I know
but I can't help letting my emotions show.
I already miss you, even before we said goodbye
I will get through this, or at least I'll try.

Copyright @ Nicole Stowe
Oct 2012 · 3.6k
Nikki Oct 2012
goodnight dark world, filled with rejection and hate
only using my deep emotional turmoil as bait
falling asleep is giving in they say
but I can't stand another moment of this day
fueling the fire of thoughts that devour my mind
looking for answers that I will never find
I should just give up and let the world destroy my heart
take it's cold deceptive hands and rip me apart.
Copyright Nicole L Stowe 2012
Oct 2012 · 2.3k
I Had A Dream
Nikki Oct 2012
Goodnight my prince, the love of my life,
I wish that someday I could be your wife
To walk down the isle and see your face,
I would be in a beautiful white dress with lace
You smile at me and I smile back,
Love and admiration are things we wouldn't lack.
God I love you with every inch of my heart
Being away from you is tearing me apart
Can't we start over? Can't we start again?
I don't want to be out of your life forever, I'm okay with being friends.
But know ill always love you, lets make that clear,
You're all that's in my heart and soul forever my dear.
Copyright Nicole L Stowe 2012
Oct 2012 · 1.5k
Tonight Is The Night
Nikki Oct 2012
Screaming at the top of my lungs,
Screaming for help but nobody comes.
Throwing up my insides, covered in blood
Drowning in my shame, consumed by the flood

Into the darkness, my soul is devoured
Taking my own life, some call me a coward
The pain is too great, the shame is too real
I’m tired of emotions, I don’t want to feel.

Destroyed are my walls of protection,
Vulnerable and open in all directions
Stab at me with your knives
Watch me suffer, scream in pain and die.

I’ll never be good enough, I’ll never be right,
I deserve to suffer every single night.
I can’t be strong anymore, I’ve lost the fight.
And tonight is the night when I take my life.
Copyright Nicole L Stowe 2012
Oct 2012 · 1.2k
Endless Pain
Nikki Oct 2012
I’ll love you forever no matter the case
Your trust and forgiveness is what I chase.
Shame and disgust is all I feel
Without you around makes it all so real.
I know you’re not gone, at least not forever
But I can’t stand the reality that we aren’t together.

My tears and apologies make no difference
The only thing keeping me away from you is the distance.
I just want to see you
And hold you close to my heart
But I know that will never happen because we are apart.

I wish that I could comfort you like you did for me
Standing close to my side and refusing to leave.
I took this all for granted, I had what everyone wants
My shame and hatred for myself haunts,
Every crevice of my life, every moment of the day
I’m sorry I wrote this for you, I’ll go away.
Copyright Nicole L Stowe 2012
Oct 2012 · 2.9k
Apperenty Mythical Love
Nikki Oct 2012
Destroying my body
Destroying my health
Trying to numb everything I've ever felt
I just want to die, get it over with
Because apparently my love was nothing but a myth
In the name of the father, I tell you my friends
You have ended my life-you brought me to the end
People don't understand how far words can go
They're only interested in the pregame show.
They don't know all the mechanics behind us at all
They're only interested in watching us fall
Our pain and suffering means nothing to them
They all just want to watch something end
They're interested in death, not in life
With their words they're handing us the knife
To make us feel shame for who we love
Putting us down on our knees, surrendering to their gun
Believe what you want
Go ahead listen to them
But when the day is done and over
They are not our friends
Friends comfort and support
Not lie and fall short
Only interested in our downfall
Just so they no longer feel small
So they're relationship grows while ours falters
Making us sick in the hands if doctors
Copyright Nicole L Stowe 2012
Oct 2012 · 928
Shameful Heart
Nikki Oct 2012
I have to be strong, keep myself busy
All these fake tasks are making me dizzy
But if that's what it takes, then that's what I'll do
Anything to be strong enough to look at you.
I have an overwhelming shame in my heart
So painful and deep, sometimes it won't start.
The pools in my eyes push over
As they fall, getting closer and closer
And they all get together at the very end, flowing together and they finally mend.
If only my heart was as simple as my tears
I would go through life knowing no fears.
Copyright Nicole L Stowe 2012
Oct 2012 · 3.4k
Sadistic Death Games
Nikki Oct 2012
I have to try and keep my chin up and my head held high, among people that only want to rip me down.
I'm nothing but a side show in their pathetic lives
Please return to your seats the show is about to begin.
And they all lean forward with their eyes on the prize
Their deviance is no longer in disguise.
Looks like friendship, but is only lies to keep themselves entertained for awhile.
Pull at the dangling veins where my heart used to be,
Please stop pulling, I'm begging you, set me free.
For your own entertainment
For your own joy
I am not just some disposable toy.
I've never been more hurt than the pain I feel now
While you eat your own ****, I've taken my head out of the clouds.
You can **** with me all you want, but nothing is going to change.
I've got rage like a lion, and I'm looking for prey.
I won't even eat your body, I want to watch it decay.
My anger isn't centered, it's in different directions
**** all you mother ******* and your misconceptions.
I'm tired of this, you can go eat ****.
Because when I find you, next thing is your dead body in a ditch.
**** your rumors, **** your lies
You're all enemies in disguise.
Giving nothing, Wanting all
I can't wait to watch you fall
Into the darkness, just like me
Oh, wont you keep me company?
Your brown nose tells me yes
So you like when I'm a mess?
Sadistic mother *******, all of you are guilty.
Stop looking at my hands when yours are ******* filthy.
I'm done with these death games you play
You can have each other, I'm not going to stay.
Copyright Nicole L Stowe 2012
Oct 2012 · 543
Nikki Oct 2012
Raised your hand to me
and summoned me back into your warped reality.
Fell behind the pack
I was wounded and bleeding,
I was weak.
As I lay in the cold darkness
The tears roll down my face
and freeze over ever so suddenly

I burned my skin for warmth
and ate my heart to stop the hunger
poured my blood to keep me warm.

I am stained.
Copyright 2012 Nicole Stowe
Sep 2012 · 1.1k
Never Ending Dream
Nikki Sep 2012
Every night before I go to bed
I put my hands together and bow my head.
I say aloud, "God, give me the strength to love my life,
and make me an amazing wife."
I proceeded to crawl under the covers next to you,
whispering softly in your ear, "My love, this is all true."
Falling into the deep sleep, picture perfect under your arm,
knowing that there wasn't anything in this world that would give me harm.
And that night i dreamt about something so  unreal,
tears streemed down my face, I didn't know how to feel.
"Baby, what's wrong?" you said to me,
with your beautiful green eye guarantee.
I dreamt about a black sky,
hearing people scream " YOU'RE GOING TO DIE"
Blood was spilling everywhere,
and for some reason I didn't care.
I watched as the blood flowed through the hellish place I was in,
and looked up and saw her menecing grin

— The End —