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527 · Sep 2019
When she is sad
Aman Sep 2019
When she is sad.....
Tears roll down.....
My eyes....
When she is sad....
There is extreme pain....
In my heart.....
Feels like....
We are close.....
But very far.....
When she is sad...
Heavens cry.....
The rains fall down.....
Winds are angry.....
Telling me that.....
I am not worthy.....
So I try.....
With all my might.....
That her sadness......
Never ever can come....
In my sight....
Her smiling face...
Is the lovely....
Scene I miss.....
Her happiness.....
Is the only thing......
I need from her......
As a promise......
Love, wait, sad
482 · Sep 2019
When she is happy
Aman Sep 2019
When she is happy.....
Everything seems fine.....
The wind also....
Sings a lovely rhyme.....
The river draws.....
A pretty picture.....
Which I think....
Is a lovely gesture.....
The heavens applaud.....
The amazing phenomena.....
My heart is also......
Eyes showing....
The tears.....
One thing is...
Her looks......
Are surely....
Love, smile
Aman Sep 2019
I and Angela started working again."There were a lot of people in the cafe, right Angie", I said. "Yup", said Angela. It was 5 pm in the evening and my shift was over. I was tired and put on my earphones and after 10 mins I dozed off. There was a park where yellow and orange flowers bloomed just like happy kids merrily dancing.There was a girl who looked completely like a fairy. She had wings I think because her smile made all my worries fade away.Angel as some will say because her smile did the trick. "Mark.... Mark", said Angela. " Have u checked the time ?", she asked. "Let's go home", She added. I nodded. We were on the way to our respective houses. "Stomach gurgle", my stomach made me embarrassed. " Let's eat at some spot", said Angela. We stopped at a little bar type hotel which had some good ramen. "Welcome ,welcome",said the shop owner."2 ramen and cola",Angela ordered.We entered and ordered ramen and cold drinks. After eating we left the eating joint. "So, what about that girl Mark", Angela said.
In continuation with
When it all started
470 · Aug 2019
The helping hand
Aman Aug 2019
The support which.....
Was missing....
Life felt like disbelief....
When everything was.....
Turning black.....
Someone stood up....
Gave relief.....
And a way......
With a future so bright....
After passing the......
Inspiring tunnel....
There was no need....
Of any light....
Someone gave....
The helping hand....
Felt like a warm hug....
In the midst of......
Utter coldness....
Which gave rise to....
Confidence and.....
Loneliness and sorrow.....
Were overcame....
Love and care....
So that....
Person can laugh....
Smile and cherish....
The moment....
Which was brief.....
As someone....
Gave the....
Help, save, helping hand
309 · Aug 2019
The infinite wait
Aman Aug 2019
The moments we share....
To show we care....
Come with a price....
So much at stake....
So less to take.....
But the golden time....
Is worth the bait.....
To reach the state....
To open that gate.....
With all your memories.....
Some happy some sad....
Some good some bad.....
With the ultimate prize.....
As ur laughter......
Bundled in with ur cuteness....
It feels like heaven....
If that is given....
I will try and try.....
Even If it makes me
Cry and cry......
Because the bar is risen....
A gold is given....
Which is ur smile....
And it feels.....
The infinite wait.....
Was worth......
Even if it was.....
For a while......
Love, wait, moments
305 · Aug 2019
Long time
Aman Aug 2019
It's been a long time....
I am happy that u r fine....
I still like u.....
But I think u hate me....
It's fine completely....
And understandable.....
Just give me a second chance.....
If I am forgivable.....
Then it will be my luck....
Otherwise it will really ****....
It's about forgiveness
302 · Aug 2019
Aman Aug 2019
An important aspect....
Cannot be left....
Otherwise there is grief.....
A bit of sorrow.....
Life becomes a bit narrow....
Less openings.....
More guilt....
Once trust is broken.....
Life can never be rebuild....
Life is shining....
Brighter than sun....
All it's might...
But once trust is broken....
There is an absence of.....
289 · Sep 2019
Japanese words poem
Aman Sep 2019
Nothing is nandemonai......
Sorry goes Gomen na sai......
Thank you is Arigatou.....
I see is Naruhodo.....
Power is chikara......
But goes dakara.......
What is nani......
Legend is densetsu.....
Story is monogatari......
Promise is yakusoku........
Protect is mamoru......
School is gakuen......
Fireworks are hanabi......
Eat is tabetai......
Understand is wakarimashta.....
Awesome is sugoi......
Strong is siyoi......
Sword goes ken.......
Spirit goes nen......
Ok goes daijobu......
Really is honto......
Lunchbox is bento.......
Just the Japanese words I know
254 · Aug 2019
The gentle breeze
Aman Aug 2019
The leaves are touched....
By the very fact.....
That someone cares....
Even for them....
The wind rises....
Touching there head....
As a mother...
Pats her crying child....
So soothing....
So soft....
Loving them a lot....
Sharing all the love....
She has....
Without a second thought.....
The moment is special....
Seeing a mother....
Showing deep affection to her child....
Is not a every day view....
But what a view....
Making everything around.....
I guess that is the....
Touch of a...
Gentle breeze.....
Love, breeze
253 · Sep 2019
To be alive
Aman Sep 2019
To be alive....
Means to be....
Able to see.....
Your beauty.....
Which consist....
Of your smile.....
Your lovely face.....
Makes life feel....
It's sadness....
Go away.....
And go on with.....
A beautiful pace.......
To be alive, love, you
239 · Aug 2019
Aman Aug 2019
Sometimes known as count....
Feeds on blood....
Or sometimes terror....
As legends say....
But they don't know.....
The one who lives....
Lives for eternity....
Waiting for someone....
Who the demon can show....
What it feels like to wait....
Wait for love....
Sometimes it happens....
Sometimes it stays....
Time stops....
But when it has to happen....
It will be possible....
Because for a vampire...
There is no trouble....
As the vampire....
Loves to meddle.........
Vampire, count
221 · Aug 2019
Aman Aug 2019
A day came to light....
Sun smiled....
Very bright.....
Showing his happiness...
Clouds applauded....
Started the decorations.....
Everyone got on with....
The preparations....
A beautiful phenomena was....
About to occur....
Heavens laughed....
And danced with all....
Of their might.....
They knew....
Someone special....
Is about to come.....
Which will make everyone.....
Freeze and stunned....
The rainbow.....
Guided the way.....
Plants and trees......
Were all happy and hay.....
The moon was....
Seeing it all....
From the windows....
Behind the curtains.....
At last....
The moment came....
A thing of beauty......
Came down.......
Everyone was amazed....
All around....
It was a beautiful....
And lovely situation......
I guess...
An angelic.....
Angel comes to earth
213 · Aug 2019
The broken blade
Aman Aug 2019
It shines at the outside....
But inside it becomes dull.....
No opening.....
No chance.....
Opportunity becomes null....
Moment goes still....
The life seems over....
Nowhere left is the way....
Just the empty pride...
About to die....
But why.....
Asks the heart.....
The blade in the hand....
Seems fine....
But it's of no use....
Because the one broken....
Is not the blade.....
But our spirit...
To fight back....
And sometimes our heart.....
But the will....
Is not yet apart.......
Broken spirit, heart
209 · Aug 2019
Good days
Aman Aug 2019
When we used to walk.....
When we used to talk....
Those were the good days.....
By all ways....
Things were so beautiful....
There was nothing painful.....
So much was happening......
But I never thought.....
That one day....
I will look back to this....
And say.....
Is it good to miss someone....
Is it good to remember someone.....
Making someone precious....
Others going jealous....
Don't worry...
Those good old days....
Are safe in my memory.....
Bounded by happiness....
And there is absolutely.....
No grief....
Or Sorrowness......
Remembering someone
205 · Aug 2019
Aman Aug 2019
They happen in the heat...
Of the moment...
Someone can rise in heart....
Someone can descend....
But the special ones are those....
Which happen....
And once remembered....
Makes a person....
Spent ...
Both emotionally and physically....
They can cause so much....
To heart and mind....
But with time....
They are like memories....
Which are golden.....
Remembering one can make....
Anyone cry without hesitation.....
But to all of us...
They will be always a lovely....
Love, conversation
200 · Aug 2019
Heaven's wish
Aman Aug 2019
The wait is over....
Time has come....
Destiny smiles.....
Eyes meet....
All that is heard....
Is the sound of....
A heartbeat.....
Hands are together.....
Tears do the laughing.....
Future is believing....
Opening the way.....
To the glorious path....
Birds are singing.....
The song is echoing.....
The clouds applaud...
The love which....
Was lonely....
Is now complete....
A beautiful moment...
Has arrived....
Which no one...
Wants to miss....
As their meeting....
Is the....
Holy heaven's wish.....
Love, meet
200 · Sep 2019
The day when it all started
Aman Sep 2019
I was going to the park, when the first time I saw her. In a blue dress and slim and sturdy figure she looked like a woman in late 20's . I was only looking at her when I had my leg busted inside a little mud pool. "Oh why that happened to me", i said with tears in my eyes. I went to the park skipping and washed my trousers, feet and shoes well. " It's done , looks clean " , I said.  I went to my workplace where I work as a Waiter at the New feel cafe. That cute face was not leaving my thoughts, looking at the sky I started walking. A moment later, it started raining and I ran to take shed under a high roof nearby. "It didn't look like it was gonna rain", I cried. I was well sitting there when I saw there was a white flower which was so beautiful it caught my eye suddenly. I studied Botany as my major but I couldn't remember what that flower was called. "So much for studying botany", I thought in my mind. 15 minutes later I reached the place I work New Feel Cafe, got ready and was about to go at the place of my duty, yes the counter.
I had a colleague with me, working at the same time, her name was Angela.
She greeted me, "Hi mark". I greeted back, "Hi Angela". I don't know how but she said, "Did u meet someone whose beauty struck in you awe, you look all read ". "What.... N.. No let's get back to work", I said. " Don't be so flushed Mark", she said patting me on my left cheek. "Let's get started ", she said.
Love story, my first try to write a love story. If u all like it then comment ur love.
And I will try to bring the next part soon
198 · Aug 2019
Aman Aug 2019
Heals all wounds...
Bounds don't matter...
Bonds get sour....
Sometimes sweet.....
Carries the pain....
Makes a person stronger.....
All if it is a bit longer....
Makes me remember.....
Her laughs.....
Her cuteness.....
But all that now....
Turned to....
Utter muteness...
Time is a big factor....
Love gets stronger.....
Heart is broken....
Time takes a part of it....
As a token....
Form of a fee...
Making a person....
Pain free....
Love, heart break
195 · Sep 2019
If i tell you
Aman Sep 2019
If I tell you.....
About my dream.....
It starts with you......
And ends on you........
The thought of.......
Playing with your hair....
Feels nostalgic.....
But very real......
The way you stare.....
Towards me......
With your....
Eyes is so beautiful......
A star filled sky......
Is no match....
To that.....
Seeing you in....
A blue dress.....
With contacts on.....
Makes me go nuts.......
But you amaze......
Me with......
Hearty smile.....
I am on cloud nine....
For a while....
The way.....
You shyly......
Put your head in my......
Lap and ask....
If u can rest.........
Feels the best.........
I hate the days......
When you cry.....
Drinking a lot of...  
Water makes my......
Throat feel dry.....
If u ask......
Coz u r my sun.....
And I along with you....
Surely like.....
Dream, love
183 · Aug 2019
Silent partner
Aman Aug 2019
Five years ago.......
I met a partner.........
Who helped me.......
With all my stuffs......
The way it....
Sees the things......
It's different from the.....
I can surely say.....
My partner supports.....
Me the best.....
If not for it's support.....
I couldn't have.....
Come so far.....
It makes me happy......
Everytime I meet....
The friend.....
Who stores.....
All my work......
The trust we have.....
Is the greatest bond....
The opening medium.....
Is the code we share.....
No one can....
Can come and go....
As they wish.....
And dare....
Anyone makes....
My partner feel bad.....
Will get surely....
From me....
As he....
Is silent.....
His feelings talk through me.....
As the way he.......
Supported me....
I can only think.....
Of the gentle nature.....
And care.....
My silent partner....
Feels for me....
About my silent partner
183 · Aug 2019
Aman Aug 2019
The thing between heart and mind....
The thing between love and cry....
The fear that makes us....
Not to try....
The silliness that brings tears....
The sadness that everyone bears.....
The thing which exist everytime.....
Some of us give up....
Some of us give in.....
But whose existence defines love....
I think that phenomenon....
Is distance......
About distance
183 · Aug 2019
Wishing forever
Aman Aug 2019
I hope it happens....
I hope she comes....
The wait is long.....
The patience is gone....
But I will keep on....
Trying and trying.....
And keep the hope alive.....
Although when it's dying and dying.....
My wish is keep on.....
Flying and flying.....
Forever and ever.....
With you beside.......
Keeps my happiness.....
It's about wishing forever and ever
179 · Aug 2019
Just a little happiness
Aman Aug 2019
Just a little happiness is all I desire.....
Just a little is good to set fire...
Just a little smile makes a face charming....
Just a little makes loves darling....
Just a little is always a sweet fact.....
Life asks for a little pact....
Those who choose to sign.....
Get something back......
Taking all their grief.......
Life gives them back.......
A little happiness.....
And that is all required the most....
Otherwise person would be lost.....
About love
171 · Aug 2019
Aman Aug 2019
A new day comes....
Sun shines again....
Wind blows......
Trees dance happily.....
A journey is....
About to start....
Which will.....
Be written.....
In the history....
Lucky are those....
Who can see........
The story....
Which follows....
The heart knows....
A new morning......
Is coming.....
It's not the end....
But just a.....
New beginning.......
A new beginning
171 · Aug 2019
Aman Aug 2019
It remains in heart....
Transforms to tears....
When u r apart....
But makes me feel....
That u r special....
More and more....
As the time passes...
My heart guesses....
That we r connected....
By bonds of time.....
Only can be felt.....
Never can be seen....
But somewhere inside....
We know....
That it's true....
It's like a sensation....
Which makes me free....
Gives me the power....
To keep going....
Cause if it's ur happy face.....
Life tries to ......
keep up the pace......
Love, last chance
168 · Aug 2019
The falling rain
Aman Aug 2019
It feels as if.....
It's someone's tears....
Someone who is sad....
Someone who bears...
Someone who fears....
To let it fall....
When people see....
It can be sign....
Of embarrassment.....
Or sometimes a deep grief.....
It feels....
Like someone who lost....
All their happiness....
Coated by a thick layer....
Of sadness....
Someone wants to let go.....
Does not want anyone...
To know...
Feelings of immense pain....
I think....
That's the story of .....
Falling rain......
Pain, rain, love
163 · Aug 2019
Aman Aug 2019
The one who has....
The courage to turn....
Anything wrong to right.....
The one who is idol....
To someone.....
And shines in their heart....
Shines bright......
The one who believes....
A friend is a family.....
And cry over their tears....
The one who truly fears.....
Over someone's death....
Who is close......
The one who stands....
Along every tough situation....
The one who has a conception....
That being responsible....
Means being powerful....
Not only strength matters....
To the one....
But also the people....
Who surround.....
The one who cares about....
Everyone around....
The one whose doings....
Cannot be ever considered wrong.....
I think that person.....
Is only one....
Who is....
Be strong, heart broken
161 · Mar 2020
Aman Mar 2020
Ok today......
Let's describe someone......
Very dear......
Very special.......
To me......
Every day......
Every moment......
I miss that face......
Feels like sky.....
Those eyes.....
Feel like stars......
In the night.......
And that smile......
Is the moon......
Shining bright......
In the darkness.......
Covering all sadness......
With happiness......
That face......
Looks gorgeous with a smile.....
No need for any tears......
To come......
Otherwise the twinkling.......
Stars will be none......
And crying will make......
The dream......
And that is a lot......
Of stake......
Which a weak soul......
Near that person......
Cannot offer to take......
So hoping to see.......
That face everyday.......
Decorated with that lovely......
Praying that this dream.....
Will continue.....
For sometime......
If only......
It's just a while......
So promise.....
To keep that.......
Smile on that face......
And ya......
Then life can go.......
On with a happy.....
And that too.....
In a slow pace......
No not greedy......
Just wish to......
See the grace......
Which God.....
Gifted and ya.....
That is your face........
Description about someone
161 · Sep 2019
Aman Sep 2019
Someone is important to me.....
And most of all she makes me smile.....
She is like an angel who....
Came down....
To help me forget....
All my worries.....
And moreover.......
She is like a fairy.....
Who is close to heart.....
And I will die.....
If for a moment....
She is apart....
Important love
159 · Aug 2019
The passing wind
Aman Aug 2019
The passing wind.....
Talks to me....
Telling facts about ur beauty....
Praising ur cuteness....
All stories of ur happiness....
Are known to the wind....
Wind has a friend.....
The sun shining bright.....
When it sees u laugh....
Smiling happily....
It just sets.....
Calling its mate.....
The night.....
The reason sun gives.....
To set down......
So quick.....
Tells that it has been.....
Struck by ur liveliness......
I plead u......
Don't smile outside......
All the weather too....
Becomes a mess.....
Her beauty, cuteness
158 · Aug 2019
Aman Aug 2019
Just looking at the sky....
Came a visiting thought....
To my mind.....
Which knocked on .....
My heart's door.....
A blessing it was...
Sent for my sake....
And my health....
Sometimes blessing matters...
More than wealth.....
I looked at the sea.....
Shining with all its might....
It show me a face....
Filled with cuteness...
And grace.....
I will keep on.....
Remembering it for days....
I closed my eyes....
As a token of appreciation....
As long I will remember....
The face reflected in the sea....
Was definitely.....
An angelic reincarnation......
Love, remember
158 · Sep 2019
Dear you
Aman Sep 2019
It's my lovely prayer to you...
I beg you...
Please don't show....
Your cute face.....
To all the people....
Near you....
Dear you.......
I tell you....
I fear.....
That's the one secret....
I want only to be....
Mine ....
And I don't wanna share....
Your cuteness...
With anyone
In this lifetime....
Dear you, love
155 · Aug 2019
The passing wind
Aman Aug 2019
It tells me about you..
Asking me about us....
What should I tell...
I only keep our love to myself....
The world will never know....
The bond we have between us....
It's just being at ur side....
Makes my day....
And I don't want to believe.....
That u r far...
Feels like ur the flowing water....
Came to fulfill my thirst.....
Feels like a passing wind....
And that's because of.....
It feels on my head.....
It's ur touch....
I trust
About the way wind tells about u
154 · Aug 2019
The last tear
Aman Aug 2019
I have something with me....
Stored in my heart....
The one thing I might loose....
Trembling me with fear....
The one that I hold very dear....
It's the last....
The very last of you....
I have with me.....
The one which must not be apart....
The last time we hugged......
The last time we shared......
Are just silver.....
In the presence of that gold.....
The one that I hold.....
The one that keeps me strong.....
Stops me from doing wrong.....
It's like a pearl from a river......
It's your last tear.......
The one thing I hold....
Very dear....
Love, last chance
152 · Aug 2019
Aman Aug 2019
The moment it shines...
Makes everything glow....
Just like....
Someone has blown.....
Away the dust......
And all the shattered.....
Turns everything bright.....
Gives everyone a chance.....
To shine out......
And get attention......
Out of their....
Stress and tension.....
Some see love....
Some see hate.....
It's like a two faced....
Those who get blend....
Create history.....
Those who try to get against....
Become a mystery....
Shine, light
144 · Aug 2019
Aman Aug 2019
The time when despair.....
Covers it all.....
Suddenly we see a light......
Shining bright....
Covering all the darkness......
That light becomes....
More and more.......
Giving the eyes....
To the blind....
It's too kind.......
God Smiles from heaven.....
That I sent a being....
Who will not back....
Down from any challenge.....
Not to take revenge....
Nor any evil deeds....
Coz that person believes....
In positive thoughts.....
Giving hope to every
Last one....
Who's lost......
Hope, lost
141 · Aug 2019
The moment
Aman Aug 2019
The time we talk....
The time we meet.....
Is short......
It comes and goes....
But never stays.....
Makes us wait....
Forever and ever....
But don't loose hope....
Believe in the love....
We have.....
And make the.....
Stars believe.....
The moment we have....
Is the true gem....
No one can take away....
The love....
The strength.....
All that's needed....
Is your lovely smile....
And it will...
Be all good....
Forever after...
Even if it's....
For a while.......
Moment, wait, love
140 · Dec 2019
She is an angel
Aman Dec 2019
This thought......
Passes through my mind......
Several times.......
And lots of tears.........
Followed by those smiles......
Makes me remember.....
The times.....
I missed her.......
Every passing thought.......
Tells me about her......
Never worry......
Says my memories.......
And always stay....
Happy tells my heart.......
No one can.....
Make u separate and apart......
She is an angel......
The fact is true.........
As the universe knows......
Sky is blue.......
So go after her.....
Coz she is waiting.......
Always praying for ur wellbeing......
And believing that.....
True love is.....
A real thing........
129 · Aug 2019
Aman Aug 2019
The cuteness.....
The innocent smile....
Are equal to....
God's blessing.....
The deep eyes....
Have a meaning.....
When I see that face....
All I can do....
Is hold the pace......
And stare.....
Her glare.....
At me....
Will never be.....
I hope time stays.....
Still for a while....
So I can see....
The beauty....
Which is without a doubt....
And that is truly......
Love, adorable, cute

— The End —