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1.5k · Feb 2018
Heatstroke on the Road.
L Perry Feb 2018
Once again I'm lost
     Big Billboard  Ronald McDonald
tells me to embrace summer but how
           with the air con in its death throes + baking tar breath.

              In the back with heat stroke + around

                       **** your seatbelt I'm decomposing

             Read too much Burroughs
             Read too much Fear and        
+ all I can think about are mistakes and exes
1.3k · Feb 2018
Rock 'n' Roll (Haikus)
L Perry Feb 2018
i cranked up the amp
to ten, as the chord rang out
scaled the speaker

         i could see townshend
from my peak; fell, splintered the
      bass. so this is rock.
Nearly broke my arm at band practice today. Guess how :)
941 · Dec 2017
Autumn Haiku
L Perry Dec 2017
I miss you Autumn,

your auburn leaves make death look

graceful on the path.
L Perry Feb 2018
Before you collapsed
back to the blank face of Ys,
back onto damp sands,

just for an instant,
             I stopped. (in my desk chair)
and saw
your spires, heard your swollen bells
                           and smiled in the sun.

You rose in earnest,
sang to the horizon(!)
the casual and the causal.

the waves eddied around
you and suddenly,
as easily as you drew
from the seabed,

you let me know,

everything that matters
(one day)
I was taken aback by this piece today,
I had to write something about it.
521 · Feb 2018
Open Letter to Vonnegut
L Perry Feb 2018
there are a lot of angles
            to a dead fish:

for instance -- I miss you and loved you for who you were


I take responsibility for your passing.
(I stuffed you with pellets
I raised you in
the cruel waters of rural Australia
Alkaline screamed through your lungs
While I watched in wonderblivion)


I thank you for returning me
to stone turning and badly drawn animals
and most valiantly
(and at a poor cost)
getting me to pick the pen up again.
Rest in Peace Vonnegut the Fantail Goldfish, December 2017 -January 2018.
516 · Feb 2018
Annie + the flies
L Perry Feb 2018
If I didn't have a li(f)e to live
a job to work + bass to play
                   approval to earn/crave/earn/crave again

I could just be like Annie
                                  ­talk to the flies
479 · Mar 2018
death-drunk (haiku)
L Perry Mar 2018
exit sweet exit            
   an endless end, the colour
         of transparency.
458 · Feb 2018
Swansong for Coonardoo #1
L Perry Feb 2018

No soaring pain could match her, draped across a dying flame.
Like cinder,
                    she whisper-whistled through lungs thin, teeth sallow,
a promise in song.

“Towera jinner mulbeena,
Poodinyoober mulbeena.”
    It was a good promise;
    belonged to everyone
                                   and wouldn’t change for Tomorrow’s ranges.
It asked for nothing
but patience and faith.
                          From where she lay,
                                              the trees, gums, were akimbo.


                          For generations she had walked, through the wettest of wets and driest of dries.
       With hope in her ribs and a nature savage and pure.
                     You could break her, throw her to the cockatoos,
                                                      ­And yet, ***** and punctured,
                                                 like driftwood, she would drift back,
                                                           ­                                                                Blossoming in your lap again.


                      When the kangaroos have done their dance
                                                 in the twilight.
There she'd been.
Supine. Broken open and
lily-white (on the inside).

    ­                                        and we did this.
                            with our prospecting and land grabbing

                                      we did this,
                      with our parking lots and Starbucks cup

         she was dismembered, priced, "loved," owned.
                                            to the meek edge
                                       of an eternal flame ****** to embers.
Adapted from the last chapter of the novel "Coonardoo" by K. S. Prichard.
L Perry Dec 2017
Here fell a water drop
taking his time
with few up to see him
he lays there supine

though this phenomenon
taunted my tears
I can't help but miss him
in this midnight blear.
371 · Dec 2017
L Perry Dec 2017
You notice things;

Specks on the wall
+ ceiling fan dialogue

                                                       ­      or finger-painting behind
                                                          ­                     your eyelids.

  You writhe,
organise your day.

Still you probe the sheets;

                             "Will I ever get there?"

In your fugue.
In your alarm-clock glow.
Thrown together pretty quickly last night :/
368 · Feb 2018
You, the Sparrow
L Perry Feb 2018
i broke my legs and

        threw myself across your back
                  in the hope we'd soar.
326 · Nov 2017
Fool's Gold #3
L Perry Nov 2017
The fold-out mattress is a ***** tonight,
Sheets spilling over the side-
I'm awake,
Stiff in the dark,

And nothing sings on Baylis anymore,
And the silence stones me,
And I reach for a soul,
And she rolls over,

This is it.

Wasted in the summer,
Work by the morning,
Left to spoil by the night,

Writing pretty letters backwards in the bus window,
Feeling ****** when she doesn't see them,
Sixteen and blue,
Grabbing all that glitters.
317 · Jun 2018
L Perry Jun 2018
I could embrace you, and wake up the next morning w/ you protruding from my open wounds

Let you squeeze me like a stone
until verse pours from me like blood or water

and never change

unless you'd be down for that

or whatever.
L Perry Jun 2018
she spoke and it was sunlight
                                       wrapping around my face.

         through the glare I made out
       + papery hands (white, thin)
                  a fragile head.
               I flinched;
          love keeps us still
             like a kick in the ribs
           makes us gracious:              

           how can I
               live my li(f)e
With her clicking her melodies behind my ear?

— The End —