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Apr 2018 · 145
Leaders To Lead Us.
Mohamed Nasir Apr 2018
Certain species of insects, birds
Fishes moved by instinctive action.
Animals by certain behavioral code,
By invisible rules primeval hierarchy,
By natural selection of dominant genes,
Identify and select, elect able leaders.
This is true to humans and primates.
The fittest more powerful the cleverest
Are the providers for food and protection.
The mighty conquering over the weak.
Mankind since time memorial seek
Remedial solutions for vulnerability.
They look up to leaders for leadership.

Leaders comes in all walks and sizes.
Those of esteemed virtues, acclaimed
Legendary status, heroics chisel in stones.
If tyrants unopposed, dictators idolized,
Anarchy reign from their distorted minds.
Fake leader corrupt nation kills democracy.
In God's name lift ****** sword of aggression.
Once they dictated on the throne and send
Thousands innocent sons and daughters
To castration and death. Charismatic,
Beguiled us, woo us with crafty oratory
But corrupted to the core as soon as tasted
Drank the sweetness of absolute power.

Leaders formulate laws for peace and progress,
And nation building, and not contrived laws
To suit themselves, their families and cronies.
God of all the prophets, the clergymen,
Of Kings and Queens, of dukes and Lord's
And God of the decent common man.
Send down to us blessed leaders
Who will lead by outstanding, fine example,
Who will lead us in good and trying times,
Who will not, neither womanize cheat or lies,
Who will make promises and delivers,
Who concerned about the environment,
Who weild their powers with empathy,
Who simply deserves to lead us.
Apr 2018 · 217
The Away Home
Mohamed Nasir Apr 2018
Where my heart sleep is home
Though the miles and miles of journeying
Home is where my heart keep.

When in restless hours I'll roam,
When world was new aimlessly revolving,
Windows of old memories peep.

Waves on waves white as foam;
Believers plenty yet you're I'm so longing.
Where fluid time hardly do seep

Awaits reborn in purifier womb.
My hajj pilgrimage by the One beckoning
My venture of truth devotion deep.

Under a holy sojourn ancient dome;
To repent wild nights sinful tears shedding
Like crystal droplets whilst I sleep.
In rememberance of my pilgrimage to Mecca. A chance given by Almighty to clean purify myself. To repent for my countless sins and be born again renewed as new born child.
Apr 2018 · 396
The Difference (Haiku)
Mohamed Nasir Apr 2018
Rich eagles monarch
Of the skies. While poor cockles
Wallowing in mud.
Mohamed Nasir Apr 2018
Don't do any justice
To end life because of life's
Hardship, no one cares.

The tree doesn't care
So long you pick a strong bough
To tie your rope on
Apr 2018 · 1.1k
Sonnet; The Life Cycle
Mohamed Nasir Apr 2018
I'm one of billions out there hanging tough,
I've lived, loved in rain and wind blowing by,
So many fell to ground and kissed the rough.
But steadfast on the rattling stem am I.
Petals that shines on warm of day unfurled.
They hurl their heads to glorious sunlight;
And trees heavenly bounties fuelled
Marauding pests to carnage in moonlight.
Though crumpled by diseases every side;
Yet flowers blooming yielding fruits again.
Youths green to ripening men, time and tide
Of fortunes of life and death remains.
On stem I'll forever not hold, I'll fall;
My flesh to soil in darkest night of all.
Mohamed Nasir Apr 2018
Here neatly side by side these rotted steels
Cancerous rust peeled off paints lay idle
Progress put halt these **** grown wheels
The sad pale ghosts of once was tireless angels

In unknown graveyard of ambulances
There's silence. But whistling birds in a tree
Not like sirens blared heard far distances
Cut through traffic like ships divide the sea

Wings on fire ferrying perilous load
Sick and dying dire need to hospital
Mother's in labour mishap on the road
Saviour of lives young, old and critical

Where mankind employs, mankind destroys
Hollowed vans left to whims like broken toys.
I came across a field of discarded ambulances. Sad to see them left in the mercy of the sun and the rain. As if their previous efforts had gone in vain.
Apr 2018 · 106
Sonnet; Our Rose Blossoms
Mohamed Nasir Apr 2018
Our rose blossoms in the garden today,
She comes of age to lovely promises;
Knowing in time she'd be plucked away,
Let her free, leave us be in emptiness.

As if unawares she has grown matured;
Thought she's still our adolescent flower,
We poured our love to, put to school, nurtured,
Clothed, shielded within our means and power.

Her silhouette is becoming obvious,
Blossoming in foamy lace flowing gown.
As such the couple makes me so envious,
For their loving moments, I keep my frown.

On this day a father's sworn vow comes true:
To give his daughter's hand to someone new.
I wrote this poem on the eves of my daughter's wedding day.
It is never easy to lose someone you nurtured since a baby. But knowing one day a stranger will take her away when she has grown to a lovely lady.
Mar 2018 · 684
I'm Ice
Mohamed Nasir Mar 2018
I'm ice

I melt in the face

of catastrophe

I melt in the polar

of calamity

of treasures I hide

chastity *****

by avarice

in a warming globe

I'm ice

the suffering ice.
Scientist report ice is melting at an alarming rate in the Arctic region due to heat waves from the Arctic ocean. It records the lowest maximum on March 17 of this year. The lost ice covers an area the size of Texas and California combined. They fear of easy accessibility to oil and minerals hidden beneath the area.
Mar 2018 · 267
Mohamed Nasir Mar 2018
Most active feet will suffer blisters
Most of us know how it feels
Most of us know how it hurts
The problem of athleticism

And almost wish you didn't
It pays not to over do it
Now it's paying
You back

Put away your sneakers
Put away  your shoes
Put away the boots
Put up your feet

Get a good
Mar 2018 · 156
The Frogs
Mohamed Nasir Mar 2018
We call them frogs
Not those amphibians
Among tall reeds croaks
Nearby brooks and streams

Not of green coloured things
Come together in a swamp
And on rainy days sings
Their faces go plump

Rather we called politicians
Or their sorts frogs stoop low
To hop one party at an instance
To the next when bribed to do so

Without a thought of us voters
Who trusted put them there
In the pool to lend voices
To be heard equally fair

Long opportunistic tongues
Catched corrosive corrupted flies
Flying round them praises and songs
Gullible followers clings to political lies

You hoppers loves gerrymandering about
Pump air till the cheeks gone purple
You can proudly boast and shout
But stop cheating the people

Beware too of their followers
They too with their dubious ways
Carbon copy of their callous leaders
Gloat in glamour of their hopping days.
Mohamed Nasir Mar 2018
Being young time in hand
I thought life is without tests
In my naivety thinks

Life without failure
Sadness, pain, illness, problems
Without fear hunger

None poverty-stricken
In tents against the elements
No clean water, lights

Less greed, lust for wars
Without destructive Nature
Live in peace on Earth

No smog, pollutants
Global warming, climatic
Changes, Alnino

There's justice for all
No racism, prejudice, hate
Or marginalized

I've come to realize
Score goals touch downs not always
Life's no perfection

And life untroubled
Untouched by drought of sorrow
Drenched in mournful rain

To sweat to achieve
None comes on silver platters
Glory with defeat

Being cheated lied to
Being double crossed, being spat at
Lovers' vows broken

Life isn't row the boat
Merrily, gently down the stream
Life isn't but a dream.
Mar 2018 · 148
True Love
Mohamed Nasir Mar 2018
I was angry naked
I was down she above
I'm not being wicked
Not to someone I love

I was pure as milk
She bent to whisper
A voice soft as silk
Just like her nature

She shed tears to fight
She laboured for me
She pushed and cried
And she set me free

Into tumultuous rapids
I had burned my fingers
Done what God forbids
Tinge of regret lingers

I need you the most
I'm your tainted baby
I cried at night the lost
Of a true love for me.
There's no truer love than a mother's love.
Feb 2018 · 135
My Brother
Mohamed Nasir Feb 2018
My brother O my brother is very ill
I fear he'd go fear he'd tread the thin line
Of oblivion and no amount of pills
No herbs will cure he's beyond medicine

My brother O my brother I'm afraid
Afraid you'd finally take the lonely steps
Your irreversible steps of least said
You'll slip into the unknown softly lapse

You're unaware of us gathering here
Teary eyes waiting, we wait for your sake
By you warm body breathing deeper
Then you usually do I fear you'd not wake

My brother, I can only pray and hope
You'll find strength, be brave and fight on
In you there instilled the way to cope
I believe as they did what had to be done

To help you pull through in every way
And they wired you to every conceivable
Instruments, monitors, gaze everyday
While you lay like a contemplating angel

Brother, I beg you don't choose to end
Succumbed to travel the route to eternity
Going the way of our father who went
Embarked his trip of unreturned journey
My brother is seriously ill. He had a heart attack and now in hospital. Please wish him well my friends in h/p.
Feb 2018 · 311
Mohamed Nasir Feb 2018
Once gave all to love
Heartbroken by foolish acts
Now in bed sulking
This was how a twenty year old react when lost in love. I don't understand it now.
Feb 2018 · 405
Valentine's Day
Mohamed Nasir Feb 2018
A valentine is a waste of time
Money for all matters phoney
I can live in not having to give
Shower not love with flowers
Affection without confections

Say I love you on Valentine's day
I am dandy without giving candy
I shrug to this complete humbug!
Love's free without shopping spree
Nor suffering with rings and things.
Feb 2018 · 123
Body And Mind
Mohamed Nasir Feb 2018
It doesn't know between cold and hot
Between the sweetness of sugar
And the saltiness of the salt
Being full and in hunger

And your body is unable to differentiate
One of fire one of compassionate love
The benevolence and one we hate
That of Satan and God above

And your body functional by the impulses
Instructions feeding constantly into it
By the center the base is clueless
Without which it's defeated

In tranches of our mind rages for control
Goodness and evil battle day and night
In every opportunity Satan's goal
To corrupt the mind's might

And God planted reasoning in the mind
Sent the Prophets with the holy books
As knowledge as guide to mankind
Not be misled by Satan's coax

If an egoistic mind is to be humbled
Be amphatic it should be schooled
Receptive to theologian ideals
The mind ultimately ruled
Feb 2018 · 139
Mohamed Nasir Feb 2018
The dumps full of crows
Squawking in squalor squabbling
O'er junk they don't own.
Feb 2018 · 6.8k
Amongst The Rocks
Mohamed Nasir Feb 2018
There's a flower in between the rocks
Undesireable unless one seek the flower
In cravices in the shadows of ***** towers
Procure trade on whims of nameless men
Openly or in disguise she thrives due to
Demands, in decadence of her world
The underworld enslave her soul
Like the geisha in *******
Decries a social stigma
Imposing upon her
Remove her off
The streets if
you will
Back sprouting
Amongst people and rocks
Enticing yet perceived as weeds still.
Jan 2018 · 325
The Moths
Mohamed Nasir Jan 2018
Moths hit the lightbulbs
As if nightclubs drank the light
Morning on the floor
Jan 2018 · 321
The Worm
Mohamed Nasir Jan 2018
The cylindrical invertebrate slimy worm
In tributaries of tubes they live, love and squirm
In winter they'd burrow deep in their borrowed land
Duty bound to keep fertile every pasture valley and gland
And they never wish to see the light
They're the secret agents often out of sight
After the snow had melted in spring they'd sense it's time
They'd wriggle up to the surface by the stones and grime
In a tunnel of love two creatures of the soil
Wrap armless with every love's coil
As he and she naked in their darkest plot
Copulating by the roots in a devine spot

One summer day some boys dug up his porous home
And found the worm sleeping alone
With no limbs to fight helpless to flee
And no eyes to see no mouth to plea
They took him to a river not to bath him but for bait
They pierced him toss him into the water and wait
That's how he was introduced to the fish
That didn't know he's a palatable dish
Didn't know before how a worm looked
Like being curious bites it now it's hooked
Yet a life unfold in the earth to soldier on strive
Perhaps atonement for sins done in the previous life

But you should never belittle the lowly worm
For his contribution to our ecosystems
As he eats and excrete and fertilize the soil to be repeated
Continuously as the nutrient absorbed into the roots spirited
By the veins to blades of grasses, plants and trees in turned
Fosters leaves and greens the Earth but no rewards he earned
For this important role stimuli variance of grass and vegetable
As food for human and cattle to be exited through the bowel
To be eaten by the worm again and again the cycle goes
Till he dies under an autumn leaf consumed by his own compose
Yet unbeknownst to what significance to us he has brought
But look and behold to the rustic hero hard at work in the sod
Jan 2018 · 1.2k
One Two Three & Four
Mohamed Nasir Jan 2018
One is me single lonely number
One stand on one solitary street
One is free but still a lone figure
I, at a crossroad, no one to meet

Two with the confidence of love
Two by sacred hours converges
Two shared tender moments of
Vows to keep through the years

Three someone said is a crowd
Three happy, frown, laugh, cry
Three a rejoinder & oh, so loud
Our home at the street nearby

Why stop at three got one more
Now it's one, two, three & four!
Jan 2018 · 147
New Year Resolution
Mohamed Nasir Jan 2018
year has
come a year has
gone a time to dream
castles in the air time to look
at the pages of despair promises
unrekindled like a forgotten culture
although 100% I've tried to follow
negativity in the first quarter
pessimism by half year
less to self doubt
year end
Not too late to write a new year resolution. Though it's half way in the first month of the year. But so hard to fulfill them so I've stopped this culture.
Jan 2018 · 508
While They Were Gone
Mohamed Nasir Jan 2018
While they were gone
she was *****
he or they left her dead
her young life was torn
her small body was ruined
her flimsy body was shamed
her new life was shredded
her tiny body was stained
her puny body was ravaged
her life was gone
from them forever
while the were gone
while ask God Almighty
for strength in their faith
resolved and steadfastness
in the face of adversity
is this their answer
or is this the test
they've to suffer.
My heart goes to little Zainab. She was a 10 year old girl who was ***** and killed while her parents went for pilgrimage to Mecca.
Jan 2018 · 232
Mohamed Nasir Jan 2018
Though the sun and moon
Be hidden by clouds but truth
Shall always prevail
You can't hide the truth forever
Dec 2017 · 163
An Apple
Mohamed Nasir Dec 2017
      and       e       nutritious
             there's a fruit     from the heavens              
God send pomaceous fruit none dispute
           I'm the Earth a blue apple in the universe          
I'm the law of gravity under my shady tree
I'm pure juice fibre diet food of goodness
bite me,  my white breast delicious flesh
your **** lips my red beckoning skin
and eat me everyday, I'll be the one
I'll keep the doctors at bay
old proverb say
Dec 2017 · 423
Don't Go Outside
Mohamed Nasir Dec 2017
Don't go outside on December 31st
Don't go outside at 11:59 pm. Just
Don't go outside for cigarettes
Or round the corner for a pack of beer
Don't go outside even for a drink
Otherwise, that evening
If you step out of that door, for sure
You'll come back next year.
Dec 2017 · 139
Old Lady Make Over
Mohamed Nasir Dec 2017
The old lady needs a make over
She doesn't need to be saved by a Super hero
She needs her people united to avoid disaster
When the old lady will shriveled away to zero
She'd be tired with a gaunt going round her axis
And she'll fall like a gigantic boulder into the abyss

With the universe churning like an evil broth
Of assortment of planets of moons and stars
A galactic concoction of a gloomy source
She'd be depleted by calamities and wars
Annihilated by a nuclear misadventure
Being torn to shreds be ripped by nature

There'll be no spring, no summer, autumn
or winter
How can she ceased to be a dark deserted planet
If she doesn't have concerned tenants to save her
A century of torment of abuses upon her we beset
On her we populate upon her we plundered *******
With selfishness, greed and avarice, brainless myopic attitude

We need to have iron will to change rhetoric will not suffice
We must believe if we try we can reduced carbon emissions
We can desist nuclear armament let us not compromise
Replenish her trees, clear her air, clean her waters of toxic pollutants
We want solutions to revise her make her look prettier
For the sake of our next generation, lets give her a make over
Dec 2017 · 230
The Swan
Mohamed Nasir Dec 2017
The swan
At lake side
Moonlit night
Gently white
Glossy bright

The swan
By lake side
Silently rides
Purely prides
Softly glides

The swan
To lake side
Gracefully ply
Elegantly shy
Nonchalantly by
Dec 2017 · 149
The keeper
Mohamed Nasir Dec 2017
He was a
Keeper of a garden
Before tyres and hooves
Trampled urban life awaken
Before noisy crows on roofs
Wind played like children
Scatter leaves fly lay
Palm open

Engines hum quieten
Night ends habits of fools
Litter bugs littering little Eden
By first light brandished tools
For grass shrubs and fern
On a street a living
He earns

Sky scrapers
Gaze down on citizen
Converging with rising sun
In vertical shadows they listen
Brooms on wheels have begun
Cleaning the street concern
As he cut shrubs grass
And fern
Dec 2017 · 221
The Soul
Mohamed Nasir Dec 2017
The soul is untouchable mysterious
Entity in a sanctum of a remote corner
A growing living embryo fused in us
Till death  we part company thereafter

The ephemeral body of yours is a shell
There the soul dwell kept to nurture
Treat it with care as you'd a garden well
Cause it could be your only treasure

The soul is the light burning inside you
Never sleep with a battery everlast
The one with you through and through
Until the light's last shadow is cast

The reclusive soul is God's loyal servant
Upon its master's demise in an instant
To be discharged of all duties to be sent
A place reserved unknown and distant

As reincarnation of you on judgement day
To declare truth unerring as an arrow
Every good tidings to every act gone astray
Of a false glittering world we borrow

No mercy recalcitrant sinners can expect
Your filial soul will remain forever true
And go gentle with it and go with respect
For you're the soul and the soul is you

Shower love affection with God's praises
Constantly nourish it with good deeds
To enrich it with supplication and prayers
That's all it asked for that's all it needs
Dec 2017 · 209
Death Of Our Innocents
Mohamed Nasir Dec 2017
What can I say only to Allah I pray
The loss of innocent lives
The gnawing blazing fire slay
Perished as they shrieked strived
To get away

What can we do oh what should we do
That no more of our children
Will suffer death again as those few
Fledgling lives loss without reason
Gone before due

We should not let this forbidden
Act allowed to happen again
But seemed as if all is forgotten
As usual back to our mundane
Ways as if all has been forgiven

The angst suddenly subsided with the fire
That ravaged beloved innocent bodies
Had stoked aflame now left but ember
Such their guardian's desire for justice
The coward hearts timidly surrender

The law could mend the broken hearted
For the culprits had been caught
Won't vindicate the souls of the departed
Even if the culprits go before the court
Even called martyrs by the head trusted

To dedicate look after to take care
Of children sent to be religious to learn
Be responsible and responsive aware
Of the laws and safety concerned
That should be adhered to not to bare
To fate leaving lives and school to burn
An ode to the innocent lives taken by the early dawn fire of a religious school here in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia quite a while back. The headmaster so far has not been called for questioning. He even claimed those died were martyrs. But his hands are stained with the blood of the innocents.
Dec 2017 · 311
Some Poets
Mohamed Nasir Dec 2017
Some poets not of meekness but of valor
When the pen not the sword they chose
In a quiet solitude in earnest labour
With ink of tears in their lyrical woes

Write in sober or when they're drunk
With passion with a yearn in every heart
Or write in sadness in a chair they sunk
While some write for the sake of their art
Dec 2017 · 5.9k
Mohamed Nasir Dec 2017
solace is to comfort in words to be kind
in the wake of tragedy and tribulation find
solace is as crisps as fresh as air after the rain
wash away the tears heart broken by grief and pain
solace is soft as gel as tender as dew on blades of grass
mellow the bereaved of bitter memories till it come to pass
solace to the loser like sun rays breaking through dark clouds
bearer of hope to the persistent over negativity that shroulds
to console the believers for at the tunnel's end there's light
like merciful angels sent to soothe the terminal's plight
solace is to come to term one will expire oneself
to be plucked by the One off the shelf.
Dec 2017 · 527
A Song To My Beloved
Mohamed Nasir Dec 2017
Love me as you loved me
Like you loved me before
Never leave me never
Never never more

Kiss me o my love kiss me
Like you kissed me before
Never leave me never
Never never more

Let me be in your arms
Let me sway to your charm
Let me be the only one
Let me be your sun

Hold me my darling hold me
Oh like you hold me before
Never leave me never
Never never more

I'm sickly my darling I'm sickly
Hold me like you never
Hold me before
Kiss me my love kiss me
Never leave me never more

Let me be in your arms
Let me sway to your charm
Let me be your only one
Let me be your sun
Inspired from an old hindi song of an old hindi movie. Not a translation. The words are of my own.
Mohamed Nasir Dec 2017
This 2018
Be a good year
May you find love
Gratification and gay
May hearts be one
May wishes do come true
May your heartbreak and grief
May you put them away
May they not last you live on
May you enjoy peace with loved ones
May you be blessed wonderful and cheery
May I take this opportunity
To wish you
A lovely
A happy
A marry
To all my Christian friends fellow poets here. To all of you may 2018 be a year of reconciliation and best endeavours
Dec 2017 · 130
I Regret
Mohamed Nasir Dec 2017
I really regret the things I've said
Long it dwelled bitter in my mouth
I wish you'd stay maybe I lost my head
I wasn't even thinking of going down south

I drove over to the front of your door
I saw in the window before I press the bell
Someone I knew and inside of me did gore
I wanted to tell you but afraid you'll say go to hell

Next best thing I could do is to call
I did try but sorry I couldn't finish dialling
Paced the floor walked from wall to wall
I wanted to say I'm sorry truly I'm darling

Your a woman good I know that
You're a woman I'd want to marry
I don't mind if you had grown so fat
Even a fridge would look pretty to me

I married your good friend not anyone else
Sadly you got angry and married my enemy
To get even with me and how my heart felt
I regret I didn't beg you not to be so silly.
Dec 2017 · 144
Go now, go quickly
Mohamed Nasir Dec 2017
Go now, go quickly
In ebony night hours
Quiet as the dew drip
While the neighbour's
Dog in the kernel sleep

Go now, go quickly
Silently we go unseen
Not a time to reminisce
Look back contemplate in
Moments of tranquil peace

Go now, go quickly
Go to the waiting boat
To be vagrants homeless
Flee from the war brought
Hardship grief a life loveless

Go now, go quickly
To touch distant shore
Somewhere in safe haven
Still do not run foul of the law
Still a foreigner to struggle to earn
My heart goes to those who have to flee from their homes not knowing if ever they'll return.
Dec 2017 · 147
Mohamed Nasir Dec 2017
Assuming that my love is duplicated
Reciprocal to a love's assumption
Presumably love reciprocated
To be in love's presumption
When you think back, one of the most loveliest moment in love is the uncertainty of one's love. After you've finished reading, read again from bottom to top.
Dec 2017 · 1.1k
Mohamed Nasir Dec 2017
Soon I'll be going on a journey
I've some rough ideas where to go
And what to do.
I'll get my bag of subject to pack
The required substance in
And I think I'm ready
To travel the desolate road
Of writers and poets before me
Mystic prose fragrance as a rose
Invogerating enticed me
Quickens my steps
To go further and further
Into the seeming enchanted woods
Of words hanging like apples
And picking the juicy ones
And leaving the unripened
Ones for another day
And leads me into a journey
I shall be grateful or I shall sigh
But I know I shall be going
Taking them again by and by
Till my life journey ends
Dec 2017 · 3.2k
Can't Say No To A Volcano
Mohamed Nasir Dec 2017
The bellowing clouds of smoke
The paralyzing threats of death
To the residents down below
Holding on to dear breath
Choking throats stinging eyes
By the languid sulphur laden air
White powdered ashes everywhere
There's nothing that they could do
Because nobody can say no
To a volcano
It can erupt at anytime if it wants to
They're uncertain what to do, follow
Their hearts to stay where they are
Or follow the orders to evacuate
The folks can see fire and smoke from afar
They've to move from there before it's too late
Because the volcano could boil over
It's brewing up in the creater
They've to leave their belongings
Behind them and say farewell
To the chicken the ducks and geese
The cows the dogs and the cats as well
Or take some of them if they please
Take along the important documents
And regrettably flee for fear from their homes
Before the fiery lava will leave
Their huts to remnants
They can't say no because
The Bali King the 'spokesperson'
For the Gods won't listen to their pleadings
And why it's throwing up it's tantrum
Because the Gods have spoken
The Gods are angry at them
And they've to sacrifice all
Their belongings to appease the Gods
Because they know the volcano
Knows they can't say no
To the volcano
Dec 2017 · 136
Blue Moon
Mohamed Nasir Dec 2017
Poor blue sullen moon
As if secrets unfulfilled
Brood waiting for soon
Grievance to be healed

Like a lonely dim lamp
Of heart without a will
Of handkerchief damp
Weep in a night so still

Widow waits her hero
Poor blue moon alone
Unknown grave below
Soldier wait in forlorn
Nov 2017 · 180
Forgetting always
Mohamed Nasir Nov 2017
Who was it?

Who knocked on my door
And woke
Me up in the middle of the night

Who was it?
I don't know
(there was no one outside)

Except the beating wind
In my face
The snow
Splattering on the floor

I thought it was her
Who knocked on my door
Who woke me up
In the middle of the night

I thought it was her
I thought it was her
Coming back forever

I thought it was her
Forgetting always
That she is dead
I'm just trying a little something different. There is no snow in Malaysia
Nov 2017 · 155
Mohamed Nasir Nov 2017
I am in here within bricks
Of alphabets
Within the walls of words
Behind the bars of verses
And sentences
I imprisoned myself
To my writings
My rhyme is my crime
My readers be my judge

I am a prisoner of poetry
No one can set me free
Nov 2017 · 234
Nat King Cole
Mohamed Nasir Nov 2017
He listened to his favourite singer
While in his favourite chair
Soothe voice of a crooner
Like lullabies softened the air
"Pretend you're happy when you're blue
It isn't very hard to do".....vibrate the night and
"The falling leaves drift by my window the autumn
Leaves of red and gold"...........with an effortless ease
Of delivery brings sentimental tears repertoire of his
Ballads swinging big band hits country western latino
Goldies. Restores our memories. Some I still remember
Some I can't recall. I looked at this LPs I'll reminisce
My father and I, we loved Nat most of all.
Nov 2017 · 127
Mohamed Nasir Nov 2017
Hope is to dream of the future
Occupy thoughts to endeavour
Prudent don't invoke evil ways
Enhance believe honesty pays
Foster your knowledge is best
Unfazed paved you for success
Let not failure be your option
One cannot hope or be hopeful without endeavour good attitude and knowledge and the will to succeed.
Nov 2017 · 175
Mohamed Nasir Nov 2017
You're the scourge
You're a dreaded hunter
You've taken more lives
Than the atomic bomb of Hiroshima
Though you're not the the tsunami
Still wrought devastation in your wake
Still you're worst than the bubonic plaque
You've taken so many lives
Lives so dear lives I had cherished
You're not the star of cancer in astronomy
Or other stars we choose to believe to follow
Taken in their advice good or bad or hollow
You lurks within me as you're lurking
In our bodies in all of us dwell
in our cells like a serial killer
Your stalking in our brains in bones our organs
In blood in spines and ******* in our abdomens
When triggered ready to unleash your mutant armies
With menifestation tumours with your vile
Chemical weapon
You're the foe great adversary
Defeated young and old women and men
And you've depleted many of my friends
So untouchable no elixirs no antidotes
Known to us no findings research of note
Has found the answer has found any cure
To your corrosive venom potent power
If death comes first I will have overtaken thee
And will in living ye overcome subdue me?
We shall see.
Nov 2017 · 1.3k
Mohamed Nasir Nov 2017
This trinket this tiny beads of fashionable
Of stones not acrylic or rhinestones but from
May not be seen in trinket shops or in some
Glass case
Rocks of the Alps looked like little trivial chalks
In one of my traveling that I found the trinket
For her
The small stones tugged at my longing heart
At home her eyes alighted she ask "can I have
This father?"
And I bought her this trinket piece of tiny art
This trinket fashioned from boulders of rocks
To obsidian glistening pearls round her neck
She wore it well matched her hair her pretty
Little locks
Cost me a little fortune but with this tiny trinket
I can looked back
Nov 2017 · 931
I Dream Of Jeannie
Mohamed Nasir Nov 2017
She's a crazy blonde and she's funny
She can do no right and she can do no wrong
An astronaut and a 2000 year old genie
In a bottle and somehow they've to get along

Barbara Eden and Larry Hagman are the stars
Of the show hilarious in awkward moments
"Is my master upset with me?" She always asks
Yet coy when he can get whatever he wants

Winks and nobs transformed in the blink of an eye
Appear or disappear "your wish is my command"
Or "master I'm at your service." She'd say but sly
Pony tailed girlish genie often can't comprehend

Master's orders disobeyed as he acts a fool
Uncorrupted innocently gazed hands in my chin
On deserted island genie ******* clad beautiful
I was too young to know to wish for to imagine
Original Black and White 1965 tv sitcom that I enjoyed watching so much.
Nov 2017 · 801
Mohamed Nasir Nov 2017
If ask I shall receive
Ask please to forgive
Ask world to be kind
I'm a sinner too blind
To see the plain truth
The stains of my youth
Oh how what can I say
So many to wash away
To those I've sinned I ask only for forgiveness
Nov 2017 · 153
You're My Rainbow
Mohamed Nasir Nov 2017
my rainbow
the red lips alight
face golden in yellow
sun green envious sight
of  you in blouse of blue on
and hair of indigo in the sky
to glow till violet day is done
for I'm in love's starry eyed
you're a gem wanderlust
I in your spectrum
of colours
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