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Nov 2017 · 1.6k
Mohamed Nasir Nov 2017
Pureness bare
Unadulterated and no
Quagmire of complexities
Suspenseful infertility of ideas
What better title if I ran out of titles

Words eagles circling in my head
Swoop to my jabbing fingers
A hummingbird in rhythm
Posted a poem online
Simply entitled
Nov 2017 · 156
Mohamed Nasir Nov 2017
They kicked it and it hurled into the air
To where it landed they chased it there
In their merriment the boys barefoot all
In a village field eleven boys and one ball
With mind free of troubles in their stride
They put two meters apart only one side
Of two stout sticks marked as a goal post
Where jostled and hustled were the most

Till the ground hardly any grass and rough
On the objective to score goals on that half
Part of the field while on the other half more
Or less worn out like those shirts they wore
Only after school the homeworks they'd got
To do first before they go down to play if not

Adjacent stood rubber trees rows upon rows
The rooted fans watched them play like pros
If the rain pounded about an hour you'll see
The whole body shorts and shirts completely
Unrecognizable covered with sweat and mud
No proper rules shoes no referee nothing but
Enthusiasm and a sheer joy of playing soccer
Somewhere in a village in the north of Malaya

Now where the field stood are houses apartment
Blocks and shops no laughters and no merriment
Buildings made of concrete cement hard and cold
No more roughing kicking and chasing after a ball
And no rubber trees lining up as spectators antrall
Only a feeling of emptiness a place devoid of soul
Nov 2017 · 3.4k
Mohamed Nasir Nov 2017
He was coming out hurriedly
While she was about to come in
They met at the glass door he and she

And both froze momentarily
And she startled and both stared
Unattered a second and eventually he
Said I'm sorry

He was taken in by her beauty
And so he struggled for his wallet
Gave his business card she looked she
Said oh really?

And one night when she was lonely
Remembered him she took out his card
A cellphone number she dialled suddenly

Since then they met occasionally
Not at her home and not at his office
At the park at cafes for she said she's
Always busy

Too occupied in a huge company to see
Unawares she's in a different division
Those whom he knew acted anxiously
So strangely

One day he asked will you marry me
Two fine kids later by merit moved his
Office next to the boss next to her he
Wants to be
Nov 2017 · 1.1k
The Sheep
Mohamed Nasir Nov 2017
The sheep seeing the grass
greener on the other side
To venture there or to pass
And they've no one to confide

We should graze the pasture
For the grass there is much less wear
Should we still ponder
I'm sure there's no danger there

Says a sheep on their behalf
They walk to the border the edge
They peer over to the other half
Uninformed without knowledge

There's a keeper by a gilded gate
Who says to the sheep on their behalf
Tell them it's better than what they ate
What are those, goat's grass? he chaff

Still they're hesitant they're unsure
Let's go says the sheep on their behalf
The keeper opens the gate at his leisure
One by one they cross to the other half

The grass is indeed greener they learned
The keeper quickly closes the gate and laugh
An evil laugh that made them frightened
They hurdle together in fear the keeper

Peels his mask and a wolf reveals himself
Their eyes wide open their teeth begin to clatter
Why do you lead us to be slayed lead us astray
They all turn to the sheep on their behalf
Who've nothing to say but starts to pray

None of the sheep can flee as one by one
Eaten by the wolf including the sheep
On their behalf. Once all of them are gone
He goes back again to the gilded gate to keep.
The moral of the story is be careful of someone or people who tells you the grass is greener on the other side. Least he or they might be an agent to human trafficking.
Nov 2017 · 4.3k
Clouds Are Like People
Mohamed Nasir Nov 2017
At times can be seen melting together
One into the other like a loving couple
At times drifting as a lonely wanderer
The clouds are there to imitate people

It can't move on a journey on its own
Without energy clouds are immovable
It'll stay motionless if not wind blown
Prodding to be productive like people

Some are peacocks parading with flair
Of damsels bosoms as white as marble
Putting air pompous what do I care
Show fame without shame like people

Arms ready for war it's getting warm
They gather warring forces for battle
They march whip up a thunderstorm
Rainclouds hungry for war like people

Clouds can be big cloud can be small
Can be rich prosperous can be poor
Like people accumulate only to lose all
To earn and loss and earn once more

They orbit the earth decorated the sky
Unaware of mortal affairs just rumble
Prone to fallacy or vanity as you and I
Can't help noticed clouds are like people
Mohamed Nasir Nov 2017
I'm tired and your tired too
Coming to see me now and then. When
You have the time
Your tired and I don't blame you
I can't explain this type of tiredness
It's not a seasonal thing. It doesn't come
When the season comes
It doesn't disappear when the season
Is over. It kind of lingers
This tiredness permeats into the body
Sort of alien ever so slowly overwhelmed
Me and I'm powerless against the body
The mind is tired the eyes are tired. The
Limbs are tired too
Wearing the same old clothes and the same
Old shoes
Not that she can't effort to buy me new
Clothes. Right now I don't need to
I'm tired and your tired too
The same old folks friends the same old
Faces greeted me the same breakfast
Welcome me every morning and I'll be
Glad she comes and bring along her kids
To see their granddad
I can sit in the living room and watched TV
I can sit at the window watching the grass grow
I can hear the birds singing the **** crow
I can hear the wind blow
I can't wait for you to show up
I know you're busy I don't want to interrupt
I'm tired and your tired too
And l longed to go back home. But I'll be
Alone all the time. I don't want to bother
You now I know you're busy. I know
Your tired and I'm tired too
As it was told to me at the old folks home where this man is one of the lucky ones who have a daughter who comes visiting him occasionally.
Nov 2017 · 272
Mohamed Nasir Nov 2017
A spider is responsible
For spinning his web
As intricate as can be
The purpose is if possible
As much as he could nab
Flies flying through he

He streached his net tightly
He build his castle of web
And sits the king on his throne
Waiting for morsels of poetry
To plagiarize then to add
New words and calls it his own

Now he'd ask what's bad about it
I'm minding my own business
I'm just weaving writing along
Hold on mr spiderman wait a minute
It's their ideas you took as your best
It's their invention their words their song

And words are free flying by
And what is caught in your net is yours
Spiders and insects can't talk to one another
They're of a different world as one try
To snare and one spent precious hours
To toil only to provide as food to others.
Nov 2017 · 259
Poetry And Chess
Mohamed Nasir Nov 2017
The pawns are lining abreast shoulder to shoulder.                     The King the queen rooks knights and bishops are ready and both side are ready awaiting for the mysterious hands to lift them up from their spots. The ancient game can commence.
The papers neatly stacked. The pen in the olden days is inked poised for a poet's hand to place it onto the blank piece of paper to begin its journey.
The pieces are moved in turn one after the other until a player concedes and defeated.
The poet placed words one followed by another until the work is completed.
Whether one play like a patzer or grandmaster depends on one's knowledge and mental capacity.
Similarly a poet through experience will write according to the level to a given technical know how foresight and mental ability.
Poetry is the art of expression of mind with words through every known emotional state. The art of crafting words with awe.
Chess the art of intellectual intelligence of territorial *******. The art of war.
Poetry and chess are like art mathematics science and music and both are life.
The attitude in chess is to play well and mine is a quest to write my best. To write what I like and to like what I wrote.
And to write till my pen ends its traveling
The King is checkmated the game is over
I won't be a Hardy a Frost or a Browning
I am but a pawn and an incorrigible rhymer.
Poetry and chess needs the faculty of the human brain to manifest a desire to create something beautifully tangible.
Nov 2017 · 1.1k
A Butterfly
Mohamed Nasir Nov 2017
A butterfly winks at a rose
Attracted by her perfumes
Tweaks fine filament nose
Lady likes me, he assumes
Her flaming pink petal lips
Enticing him to land a kiss
Hovers wings flickers flips
Lips, closer, closer to meet
He retracts, no, maybe not
Sorry love he couldn't do it
Fooled em all the time a lot
Go fly you flirtatious tweet
Nov 2017 · 109
The Pair Of Twins
Mohamed Nasir Nov 2017
The twins much travelled pair
Travelled far and wide, every nooks
Every possible ways over this land, sea and air
Took them on flights countless times
Loving it, bored to death of the delays
Endless waiting, listened to the airport bells chimed
Took them to sea on many occasions
Tasted salty water that washed over their faces
They saw valleys, hills of waves tested their endurance
Felt the rough edges of the stones
Cobbles and rocks hurting the soles
Palaces, historical places took pictures by the tons
They had trodden ticklish snow
The soft grass crunching fallen leaves
Wondered what else to do, what else to know
Through the years our association
Remained warm and cordial, loving in fact
Till the rubber soles truly worn out by friction
Though many visits to the cobbler
It's time to change to a new pair of shoes
Many thanks for your services, it's a pleasure to be together
Somewhere a guy will wear
And take a liking to my pair of twins
And to give them a home, give love and care
Nov 2017 · 290
Mohamed Nasir Nov 2017
Racism an illness to colour someone
Racist treats words like a loaded gun
let us communicate
let's not hate
nor to irritate
let us not ****
as racism will
Nov 2017 · 114
Mohamed Nasir Nov 2017
Night is for day to repose the female gender mate a complete opposite of what masculine day is.
Refresher of mind and body when day is work but night is restful to sleep be at ease for love and peace.
Dangerous stealth fearsome sinister foe killers rapists predators stalk and prowl be very very careful ladies!
Socializing indulging nightclubs dancing ***** theaters concerts movies sports and games at the door a goodnight kiss
Seductive passionate ***** copulation excitement the animals howl and the owls hoot the time of beasts.
The mantle of secret criminal lawless ways racketeering vices smuggling whatever deemed as illegal activities
Eerie silence darkness mysterious anxious worst nightmare a bat in the foggy night is there a taxi to take me home? Please!
The writer's friend accompanying him her in lonely wait quest for wisdom answers and inspiration in the wee hours like this.
Night for solemn devotional prayers reflections regrets repentance weep in contemplation or immersed in quite bliss.
Night is a friend or a foe, good or evil. Night is for animals insects looking for food or being food for predators. Night is God's gift to mankind to use it wisely.
Nov 2017 · 134
Mohamed Nasir Nov 2017
       the wind
       the belly
   full of air
sailing the sea you and I
Nov 2017 · 98
The shadow
Mohamed Nasir Nov 2017
In all of us lives, like the soul, a shadow
When light shine on you it's beside you
It'll never leaves you like a good fellow
Do things you do, stick to you like glue

Don't find it in the dark as it'll withdraw
Not to a place unknown, the silhouette
Is you, can't own part or all of it by law
Of the universe, not for sale, not for let

Without a shadow of a doubt it's yours
That intergral part of you like the limbs
Light's feeder of shadow's only source
Via sun moonbeam or artificial means

The length of your shadow determined
By slanting trajectory angle of the light
For transparent bodies don't contained
Any shadows yet opaque bodies might

The rules applicable to all living things
And every non livings by the same role
Eon times since planets going in rings
In light in darkness of the deepest hole

See a boy, an eerie wall by candlelight
Casting a distorted figure as his hands
Conjuring a rabbit a dog a bird in flight
Light's back then his joy suddenly ends
Nov 2017 · 359
Taj Mahal
Mohamed Nasir Nov 2017
A white marble bride luminous
By Jumna a forever beauty sits
Tantalizingly alluring vivacious
Mesmerizing whom she meets

What marvellous workmanship
Every calligraphic sparkling gem
Embedded precise and secrets keep
Unrevealed parish in time with them

Of what grandeur lavished upon her
To immortalize the love everlasting
Symbol decreed upon by her lover
A shrine entombed in true loving

The moon glistening on the earth
Shine over the white marble bride
To Jumna her love had witnessed
An unparalleled devotion of pride
The Jumna is a river that meanders by one of Shah Jahan's greatest  achievement the Taj Mahal
Nov 2017 · 135
Scared Of Needles
Mohamed Nasir Nov 2017
Hold up to her eyes as if to admire
A syringe
Already I can feel the sharp point
Going into my skin
I'm scared I don't know why since
A child I fear
The dreaded needle even the idle
Ones in the drawer
You find in a box amongst buttons
And threads
She said don't worry it'll hurt a tiny
Little bit
Mother said the doctor knows what
To do so sit
Grimaced a sad tinge why needles
Made such pain
Seeing blood extracted it's something
That'll remain in my brain
I'd swear not to go there even with
Treats or threats
Shortly I've to have my normal blood
Test and screen
Oh to go through the same anxiety of
The pain unseen
Without mother's comfort but I know
She's near by my side
Looking over my shoulders to give me
A pat when I cried
There now she'd say that wasn't bad
Was it?
Agreed or not I quietly nobbed
Oct 2017 · 126
Trust The Master
Mohamed Nasir Oct 2017
You're the arrow
Master hold the bow
He'll know where you'll go
Trust in God the Master of the universe and He'll show you the way
Oct 2017 · 111
Mohamed Nasir Oct 2017
Mother  valley  vast  experience  motivator
Exuberant  colourful  loving  benevolent
Sympathetic  lecturer  strong
  Caring   protector
What more can I say. This poem is to all the mothers in the world.
Oct 2017 · 208
Love Beckons
Mohamed Nasir Oct 2017
Love beckons
do I ought to or do I not
does a lonely heart have a choice
you say let it comes from an inner voice
give not by compulsion but by entrapment
betrayal tearing a secrilege of our love pages
tempest ends a bond we've grown to loath
to you a begger of love my love pledges
softened me broken a secret oath
true love beckons you by
and why not I
When new love beckons the old love walks out the door
Oct 2017 · 270
A Drop Of Water
Mohamed Nasir Oct 2017
drop of
water heaven
send compressed be
vaporized fall as droplets
of joy desert sufferers cries for
drops of pain dwellers beg no more
water sustainer from mountain top
rain falling replenish the streams
great lakes rivers oceans begin
with humble crystal pure
drop of water
Every living things started from water. Water is life
Mohamed Nasir Oct 2017
Better to be sad than sick with anxiety
Because I'm focused on being sad
I have no time for anxiety
I won't fret
If it's going to happen
It'll happen
But if it's not it'll not
Sadness is short lived
Sadness brings me near to God
But anxiety is like a broken record
Why worry every minute
Solutions don't contain in it
Someone cheated me the cat was knocked
By a car and it died sad being tricked
Being lied to and someone kicked
The trash can kicked the dog too
I'm sad to see desecration of jungles
For logs I see people looting where other
People are suffering I'm sad
Things happened
I except and life goes on
But you worry
If there are hairs left stuck on the comb
And the cat didn't come back home
Outside the house there's a lot of commotion
You say the neighbor is calling the police
And across the ocean a volcano
Is going to erupt lava is going to burn
Their homes what are they going to do
Where are they going to now
You worry
Whether the politicians are corrupt
If the country is going to bankrupt
Worry doubt your every emotion
Worry is the stepping stone
To depression to the lunatic asylum
There's a way in everything
In everything there's a way
But the mother-in-law is coming
To stay and that is good or bad
Well I'm not worried I'm just feeling sad
Don't worry be sad
Oct 2017 · 239
The sleeping cat
Mohamed Nasir Oct 2017
The sleeping cat curls on the long sofa
He gets love shelter me stroking his ego
If he'd let me enter his dreamy door ajar
To a mysterious world that I could follow
Rendezvous with felines in moonlit glow
And for lust he'd travel far into the night
Satisfying females with amorous delight

The sleeping cat dreams of stalking rats
Scurrying in the tall shrubs and bushes
In the cover of darkness stealthily he sets
Ready to pounce soundless claws lashes-
Swiftly his jaws hold the breathless prey
Nature unstirred he goes on his own way

The cat sleeping like a boat in the harbour
In calm azure sea silently bobbing gently
Inhales and exhales in peaceful slumber
He coils in a fluffy ball lazily next to me
Fancies a dog-less land cats roaming free
Awaken with secrets keep of journey far
He licks rolls and purrs on the long sofa

From a shady cicada tree at break of dawn
Sounther back for respite to heal to rest
Watching pigeons foraging on the lawn
Another day for another night of conquest
His gloved paws have ruffled quite a few hairs
Sired numerous kitties with fair share of affairs
Unfortunately the cat has expired his nine lives. Perhaps chasing rats in heaven
Oct 2017 · 1.8k
Mohamed Nasir Oct 2017
flimsy and flat
when I blow and I blow it'll grow
and grow
full and fat
fastened by a thread
full of air fat as a cat
bouncing in the wind dancing like daffodils
bumping one another never cease to thrill
never knowing each other and never will
when I let
a balloon go
it'll float up up far into the air
until I can't see it floating any more
I take
another one
and I blow and I blow it'll grow
and grow
as fat as a cat
then I let the air out
and watch it go
like a rocket
swiveling all around
swoosh hiss and shout
and fall on the ground
flimsy and flat
balloons are good at that
I love to play with balloons when I was a small boy I'll blow it and let it go
and I'll do it again and again
Oct 2017 · 159
Today The King Passed Away
Mohamed Nasir Oct 2017
Today the King passed away
The cloudy sullen sky
The lull mourning air
The day intense sombre
On every channel
On every radio and television
On the printed pages
Of every newspaper
The bold headlines
Columns written
Views and interviews
Stories told retold
By young and old
Light and warm hearted
Or wrenching while it lasted
Experiences anecdotes
And quotes
Of his fine attributes
His kindness generosity
Of his royal character
Of a King much loved
A King we all knew
A King we served
Accustomed to
His simple dignified
Regale grandeur ways
On this day
His Royal Highness
The King passed away
And soon they'll parade
The Royal Highness
Pass our way
There rows upon rows
Of his loyal subjects
Cascading on to streets
Roads and sidewalks
To pay their last respect
Their last farewell
To his last journey
For the last time
That will last forever
In our minds
Oct 2017 · 618
I Bake A Cake
Mohamed Nasir Oct 2017
I bake a cake
I take great care to make
I bake the cake
I make for your sake
I take the cake
I make to the lake
I fell asleep and dreamt
I saw a snake ate the cake
I bake and make
for your sake
By the lake
I ran from the snake
That ate the cake
I bake and make
For your sake by the lake
I awake to find the cake I bake
And make for your sake that
The snake ate by the lake
A story I fake
Oct 2017 · 120
Mohamed Nasir Oct 2017
I saw some
mushrooms here together
growing on a log decayed by the weather
this morning they were here now reminiscences
the stools wild delicate looked like mottled houses
from afar build on the slopes on top of a hill spread
around dampened undergrowth on the ground
they settled well
ephemeral though
really I don't know
will they come home
again after the rain
on the log in the
shade  traces
of white
Oct 2017 · 114
Mohamed Nasir Oct 2017
If I can be a
tree what kind of a tree do
I want to be I can be as useful as a
coconut tree an orange tree a banana
tree have some light refreshments at the
pant-tree perhaps join the army and be in
the infant-tree or I can study dentist-tree
carpent-tree I can paint be an artist-tree
but oh I guess you know all I want
to be is free to write and be
a poet-tree
Oct 2017 · 253
If And If Only
Mohamed Nasir Oct 2017
she'll be sitting in her wheel chair
and speaks in the past tense daily
she'll let time fade without a care
and dwell on the if and the if only

she'll be awake or she'll be in a daze
she'll be dreaming of her yesteryears
and let repetitive echoes reveberates
and listening  holding back her tears

if she could just have her youth back
if she hadn't used words so callously
if she could find the means to retract
if she had apologized do it differently

if only she hadn't been so intoxicated
if only she could let him drive instead
if only he didn't have to go needlessly
if only her memories could be deleted
if only she hadn't forsaken her sanity
Oct 2017 · 98
Mohamed Nasir Oct 2017
When I feel
Lonely so lonely
I'd be at a cemetery
I'd go to where you are
I'd be with you to whisper
I'd speak as no one's around
I'd tell things you won't frown
Pour my heart to you evermore
Until my feelings of loss no more
Till become speechless you & me
For underneath the silent earth
In peaceful bliss they'll both be
Dearly to me lay side by side
Mom & dad makes me sad
Through tortures years
Yet memories lingers
Embedded in tears
Marble & stone
I'm still alone
Oct 2017 · 133
Mohamed Nasir Oct 2017
At my age *** is not for lust
*** is like the fleeting butterfly
It touches flowers as it goes by
At my age *** does not last

At my age *** is not for lust
For this wrinkle hands do not creep
And find you while you snug in sleep
*** is for someone you trust

At my age *** is not lust
It's not always ready plug and play
Takes time for foreplay some delay
And before I get go I bust

At my age *** is not lust
It's not for the oohs and ahhhs
As this muscle is not what it was
It just won't do when I ask
Oct 2017 · 122
Why God Created This Pebble
Mohamed Nasir Oct 2017
Why God created this pebble
So smooth so small shapely thigh
Warm to my touch warmth by sunlight
And clips it with my thumb and forefinger
Flings it as hard as I could then pick another
A one thinner rounder than the one before
Skips hops and sinks not seen any more
It causes ripples as it skips and hops
The surface of the water then it drops
Silently unhurried calmly into the deep
Somewhere in the pool together they sleep
And searching for the right pebble
Is like searching for someone special
Nice looking good to hold in a certain way
But as soon as I found one I throw it away
Why did God created these pebbles
To see them skip and hop and make ripples
Seeing me having such joy of a simple action
Or to see a boy in me reliving a passion
Oct 2017 · 146
Mohamed Nasir Oct 2017
Calmly distant
Immovable majestic
Formidable available holistic
Reasonable responsible absolute romantic
Oct 2017 · 169
Happy Birthday
Mohamed Nasir Oct 2017
Friends since school,
Go own separate ways,
Both aged and thankful,
To God be praise.

Another year,
Another notch in age.
Another chapter,
Another new life page.
To you today
I'm happy to say.......Happy

— The End —