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Nov 2019 · 621
Him (WB IV)
T'yana Brown Nov 2019
Deep sense of affection devoured her cold heart
Running warm blood through her veins
Feelings of comfort as Love starts

He takes her hand and they romanced across the floor
Mistakes are made because she’s so use to being in control
Bright lights are watching so he genuinely ask to switch roles

One step at a time they learn from each other
Didn’t allow those bright flashing lights to distract them
They grew to be eternal lovers

The root of any relationship is UNDERSTANDING because their precious love is demanding

As he tossed her up with a firm grip on her waist
She threw her hands up while he slowly spun in a circle
It appears signs of happiness and freedom from pain; cheering had gained as the lights dimmed purple...
Oct 2018 · 1.2k
Out There
T'yana Brown Oct 2018
If only you knew how much you make my day from a text message or the gentleness of your voice
How foolish would I be if you weren’t my choice

First time we chilled in your room we sung and dance with one another
So I thought **** it I’ll take one step further

Two conflicting mindsets whom seek perfection
We can’t away from each other
Infatuated with our reflection

Because of you I Laugh a little harder Cry a little less and Smile a little more
Ooohhh how I despise to see you walk out the door

I like you because your you.
And that’s all that matters to me.
I choose to love you because it’s a choice
In my actions you’ll see
Hopefully not a day late because by then that’ll cease

My love unmeasurable and unconditional if you’ll open your eyes and see me in front of you
You’ll notice you’ve already won
Jun 2018 · 402
T'yana Brown Jun 2018
When you were just a  little person what did you want to be ?
We’re you motivated to strive for what you see?
Doctor Lawyer  Business owner or Actor ; take your pick
But as you gotten older you realize it’s not that easy to get
Ambitious you are you’ll do what it takes
You close your eyes and Dream cause you’ll be there one day
Jun 2018 · 498
Mouth Opening
T'yana Brown Jun 2018
Fighting that person in the mirror
Flashbacks of your future is what’s feared most
Why couldn’t you standup
Why are you so silent


No one can hear you
Are you really going to allow this to happen
I guess so cause like a coward you’ll crawl back into that bottle
Drink away the Shame caused by pain
Knowing this is temporary satisifation

Here’s your chance to seek help
Although it’s tough and heart felt
As you begin to think to speak
Your drowning in water with stones tied to your feet

Because you truly need this help
Too embarrassed to say
I stood up walked out because I didn’t want you to find out this way
Oct 2015 · 942
T'yana Brown Oct 2015
Looking into my own eyes
I see what others try not to see

Others just see a beautiful face
And by the way I carry myself and dress
They assume I grew up in a wealthy home

Look deeper
I've been through life
(Days with no food, Molestation, Kidnapped, Beatings, Hardworking, and etc)
I just chose not to let it eat away at me

This girl (Me) has cried so many tears
And has worn this huge rock on her shoulders for so long she knows God has something so precious for her at thee end

Looking into my eyes
I am a strong woman
Oct 2015 · 3.1k
T'yana Brown Oct 2015
Overcame just about everything in life

Mothers death was the first
Raising five younger siblings
Clothing Bathing Cooking and so much more
With God I stood strong. I was only 10 years old.

Fathers abuse was second
He really showed me what wasn't love but I felt in my heart I was showing grace by understanding his frustration over his deceased wife.
The beatings (Slaps Kicks Punches Abandonment). The Blood. The sadness.
His loud threats. Words that were mistreating. The pain.

Yet I love this man but can't find respect for him.

Started off as not caring for nobody.
As I matured into this woman I started to want this thing called Love.
I was afraid because I felt I didn't know how.  
Come to find, that I love and love well but I'm receiving a cycle of being mistreated..

I'm still standing  Strong
Sep 2015 · 980
Nothing Taken
T'yana Brown Sep 2015
In a dark place
where everything use to feel so perfect

Lips are Silenced
where words held meaning and use to be spoken

Two of us we gathered
where the world may have thought we could've been broken

but ......

here's where deception came
and disappointed the both of us.

Forgiveness was given
Promises were in order
Until they became broken again

How could I trust thee untruthful
or look in the eye of someone who cant look into mine (Thee Cowardly)

My mental thought of you as mine everything but NOTHING'S TAKEN for one day you won't just see you shall understand what this could have been
Jan 2015 · 8.5k
the virgo
T'yana Brown Jan 2015
I feel like an opened book with various huge words that no one understands.
Here I am telling you exactly how I feel but you completely ignore it because the words I chose was the truth.
Flooding me with the I love you's and the good memories that you thought would change my mind-my feeling remains the same
I wish you could just leave it at our goodbyes instead of making me seem so cold .
Nov 2014 · 4.5k
T'yana Brown Nov 2014
This isn't any of your BUSINESS
Why do you care about
What I'm doing ?
HOW I'm doing it?
When I'm doing it ?
Let me satisfy your thoughts by letting you know to

Nov 2014 · 1.7k
Today's Society
T'yana Brown Nov 2014
Rapes. Abandonment. Drugs. Guns. Kidnapping. Abuse. Race Issues. Prostitution. Fighting. Thefts.

What's wrong people??

Victims or Perpetrator why aren't we content about life itself.

Yes we will go through trails. No life isn't always fair. But; learning to love thy neighbor and help other people  can make a huge change in Today's Society. If we learned to care for one another ALL OF THEE ABOVE ACTS wouldn't happen.

To my victims Please dont live with suffering in your heart and allow that person who caused you harm power over you. Take your life back forgive them for your self healing!!!

We Need Change

Todays Society
Nov 2014 · 845
Make Me a Believer
T'yana Brown Nov 2014
Every last person I was with told me this is forever
We would live happily ever after
In my mental- I was an disbelief  
Cause I've heard this all before
You will have to show in prove
Make Me A Believer

Keep the spark that we held in the beginning
Hold my hand ✋  when situations become tough
Hug me
Call or send a text when I'm running through your mind.
Make Me A Believer

I believe one day I'll find Love and hold on to it until death due us part

I'll Make You A Believer
Aug 2014 · 12.5k
Long Soft Relaxing
T'yana Brown Aug 2014
As the melody sings a tune to your heart
Like a drug it Soothes the pain
Closing your eyes to vision peacefulness
Leaving your troubled day behind you
Your mental lays in another world

Long Soft Relaxing Music
#peaceful #Music #drug #soothing
Jun 2014 · 29.7k
not good enough
T'yana Brown Jun 2014
Is it me
The reason why i may not be good enough

Am I too given
Did I love you too much
This life I'm in doesn't seem worth living

Your phone rings and she answers
The reason why I may not be good enough

Just a thought
Jun 2014 · 3.2k
T'yana Brown Jun 2014
A strong woman you are
Determined & Intelligent too

We disagreed often
Just like sisters do
Shared plenty of laughs;
Tears too
No one could replace u

My Dear Sister

**Sisters 4 Ever
Jun 2014 · 950
Sad Song
T'yana Brown Jun 2014
My 10th Birthday
I woke up with this weird feeling;
And you telling me everything will be fine
Well that was just a (Sad Song)

You left for work
I wanted you to spend my day with me
but you decided to make some money
its only for a few hours
Well that was just a (Sad Song)

That afternoon I received notice that you are never coming back
HUH??(Sad Song)

The Anger
The Hurt
The Pressure
The Misunderstanding

Why Today?
Why At All?
Eyes cried a river.
Your Favorite Song played which once was sung filled with joy-
Now its a
(Sad Song)

Now All I Have Left is Memories


— The End —