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Is the moon tired? she looks so pale
Within her misty veil:
She scales the sky from east to west,
And takes no rest.

Before the coming of the night
The moon shows papery white;
Before the dawning of the day
She fades away.
 Jun 2017 Fernanda
RL Glassman
Although I am small in sight

when I look at the night sky

it reminds me

so are the stars, that shine so bright
Written 3/18/2014
 Jun 2017 Fernanda
Cat Fiske
 Jun 2017 Fernanda
Cat Fiske
being beautiful has to do,
with the words:
BEing yoU,
beauty is in all of us
What life once was
Is life no more
Sadness came calling at the door
A story told
A tragic tale  
One that leaves you fatigued and pale

Once a social butterfly
Wings now broken and torn
Torn pieces carried away on the wind
With every piece gone you mourn

At what cost
A true love lost
Leaves ones heart
shattered and bleeding
So many emotions
you can't control
has got your head reeling

Close your eyes
make a wish
  for this life to have a happy ending
But this one wish
will dissolve like mist
For the loss and grief are still pending
Could not sleep last night.
Wrote this at 2am
 Jun 2017 Fernanda
Jack Jenkins
there's a poem I have written
that probably makes no sense
to anybody whom would read

it's simply the names of every
person who has made a change
of great influence in my lifetime

most people probably wouldn't
understand it at all, thinking that
it was just a list of random names

but it's the most precious poem I have
//On friends//
There's many people on here who are in this poem. I hope I have shown you that you mean so much to me, even if we haven't met.

I love you all. <3
 Jun 2017 Fernanda
lost stars
 Jun 2017 Fernanda
I’ve lost my way finding myself
For I’ve been through the sun and the moon
To seek nothing but the stars
I traveled from the asteroids to the Milky Way
Yet the world still feels empty and cold
Just like the back of my hands
And I almost let my thoughts **** me
For on the night the stars shone the brightest
You gave me a hand to discover the sky
And I learnt that I can still breathe
For you were brighter than the stars compared
Never could I ever ask from the constellations that align
To be more than what you already are
The one that saves me
#81 he was my whole universe
 Jun 2017 Fernanda
 Jun 2017 Fernanda
twinkling of the stars dangling over the edge of the sky,
fluttering velvet wings of a moth,
warm, wooden clinking of a wind chime,
the scratchy sound of a pen on rough paper,
smoke spiraling upwards towards heaven,
and the orange light cracks onto the walls.
your voice echoes into my ears and runs along my neck like a yell into a canyon; filling the spaces
 Jun 2017 Fernanda
sun in the sky you're a lie
you're not really there
fire cannot fly

it's all a lie
made for me
bought for us
to love
and make idols in sand

of forests and man
animals and insects

it tastes so bland
but the flavour inflicts
and colour infects

my will to understand
everything complex

but not the way
you would imagine

my mind
has never been in fashion

it's still wrecked

there's no mirror
and nothing would reflect

no cause or effect
everything blank

in weird shapes and sizes
planned to forget

the sun rises,

so many things
with so many vices

it's so hollow
and we still buy it

we will, and find it
to remind the scientists

this world is more than science's
concrete and the blind kids

children of the millennium
with nothing to free

nine to five, five to nine
no questions for thee

stuck in a mind
with no one to find
in an endless sea

the sun is a lie
it cannot fly

just close your eye's
and see
 Jun 2017 Fernanda
There comes a day in your life where you meet someone special…
You try so hard not to admit it but you just can’t hold back the way you feel…
I like you.
You get all those feelings…
Those butterflies you can’t stomach,
That heart rate you can’t put at ease,
So baby …
Sweetheart with the beautiful smile. Sure, I loved sleep
But dreams couldn't compare
Not to talking to you until my mind screamed for rest
And the butterflies in my stomach settled
Darling with the endless amount of love…
your love could fill the oceans and climb the tallest trees,
but could your love belong to me someday?
Be given to me?
Can you feel the way I do for you?
& Boy, sometimes I tangle my own fingers
Closing my eyes, losing myself in a daydream
Where your voice is more than an echo in my mind
And I even believe for a few seconds you're still here
Lover, who writes me poems,
You should know I write you too.
I write about you until my fingers ache
And still after that I keep writing
Because there's just some people you could write about forever
And baby, you're one of them.
And boy who played me a song,
Sweet sounds bow down to my ears,
And the way you play your guitar…
& the way I daydream about kissing your lips...
I can’t wait until the sparks of your tongue burn my mouth
send electric shocks through my body
Cutie… with the funny jokes,
You make me laugh.
Today you made me laugh,
like you always do,
you’re the only one who can now a days.
Baby, with those sparkling eyes,
Your eyes haunt me whether I'm dreaming or not
And what haunts me more is the fact that
I can’t have you now
because you ruined it
It hurts to think about it,
So I have to block you out.
Play your songs to someone else,
Read your silly lines of heartache to someone else,
And go find… someone else.
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