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Amanda Kay Burke Nov 2020
I love when I look at my footprints and see that I've moved forward

I may not have arrived at the other side yet
At least I am not stuck standing still in the middle of the road like I was before

I break when I glimpse the light breaching asphalt from oncoming headlights
Crumple to the ground

Because today for the first time the distance completed has been greater than the distance left to travel
Because it was shaped like a T
Keebo Nov 2020
A girl and a boy
Higher than the moon
Talking all night in a neon room  
Trading secrets, dropping disguises
The ****** tension between them rises
As his hand races up and down her thighs
She stares at him with big **** me eyes
They agreed on no strings or aftermath feelings
Just some fun *** without meaning
Grinding hips with moaning lips
Body sweat drips whilst they get their fix
Hair pulling, back scratching
They only share a kiss when they’re finishing
But the next day, she’ll leave
Putting it behind her after a few drinks
But he, he’ll put his pen to paper and think
About making her the next subject of his poetry
Anemone Nov 2020
I am not the darkness
I am not the light
I am not the daytime
I am not the night

I'm not happy
I'm not sad
I'm not joyful
I'm not glad

I'm not silent
I'm not sound
I am a circle
But I'm not round

I am fire, I am ice
I'm not mean, but I'm not nice

I have big shoes to fill
I'm trying hard to impress
All of you don't realize
You cause me stress

I work real hard and write it down,
all of my plans
but will I ever be happy
I don't know if I can

I'm writing letters and songs and scripts
I'm writing stories and jokes and quips
I've written so much in so little time
Am I running out of time?

Am I off-key, am I off-pitch
Is it my tone or is my diction missed?
Am I speaking, am I singing, I don't know
Where can I go?

Someday I hope you'll remember me
Someday I hope I will be part of your history
Am I an artist who's doomed to be
Never appreciated until she dies

I'm not a figment of your imagination
I think I could use a little appreciation
I want to help others like me
When I'm grown
If I'm grown
Who will I be?

I am drowning in letters and papers
all of my stories surround me
drowning in letters and papers
can I ever be happy?
drowning in letters and papers
drowning again
drowning in letters and papers
will I ever reach the end?

will you all remember me?
will I be worth anything to remember?
are you like the one I see
when I look in the mirror?
will you hate me?
will you not understand?
will you pity me before I take my stand?
just keep the pen in your hand
always keep that pen in your hand
you won't ever know what the universe has planned
so just keep that pen in your hand
Anemone Nov 2020
The High School for Crying
The College for Artists
who fear much more than dying

special skills
I can see things that are not there
I can take more than anyone can bear
I can work without lunch or dinner
I can let myself get thinner and thinner
I can suffer and still sing
I can be silent through almost everything

I will write until I ache
I will sing until I break
I will give more than I take
I will make a mistake


hold on

no, wait

please don't go

don't reject my resume

please no
Shevaun Stonem Nov 2020
it’s funny how I
write of things I
know and things I
don’t- and someone,
has lived
through my
poetry and prose.

poetry and prose | shevaun stonem
as writers and readers, I'm sure this resonates
Hannah Marie Nov 2020

She comes in leaps and bounds
Fits and starts
She’s here
Then she’s gone


She’s a fickle creature
Here one day
Gone the next


How do I summon thee?
How do I get the gods of writing
To bless me?
Anemone Nov 2020
All people are selfish.
Not all people have empathy.
A waltz or ballet dances in my head.
Am I doomed to hear them on repeat until the day I’m dead?

Why can I never write?
Tripping over my words like rope left out at sea.
Now look at that, I've lost all hope of writing an analogy.
Then a rhyme, a spark of joy.
Maybe this could be a song worthy of others to see.

There’s never quiet,
always sound,
never focused,
it's just too loud.

Words used to be my escape but now I can't even write.
I design fantasy worlds where I can fight my inner demons,
the ones that crawl around at night,
as foxtrots in the background are played in delight.

So I'm sitting in a back room, cringing at the slightest sound.
Reusing old lines from old poems and songs.
Things I can't finish,
things I can't start,
and things that hurt my broken heart.
Thoughts that seem stupid but won’t go away,
moments in the moonlight that aren't here to stay.

I'm so tired and yet I've gotten enough sleep
I guess I'm just tired of promises to keep.

There's so much to do
Much I wish that I did
Someone needs to remind me
I'm still just a kid.

Can I have another childhood, can I take it all back?
Would I take back the painful years of torment, of lying and shame?
Would I take back the tears that I have cried?
No. I’d never take back those tears, for they are my story.


Have I done it?

Have I written enough?

I'm tired, so tired, I can't see it through.

Distractions, distractions, they hold me inside.
Inside the dark corners that make up my mind.
So many things dwell inside of my head.
It’s hurting, It’s hurting, make it stop, the little boy said.

Take another step, I know that you can.
Larissa Frost Nov 2020
Thoughts of you
Still smolder
In the ashes of
a forgotten ******
That never

             -L. Frost
MØ Fitas Nov 2020
the thought of never writing again has crossed my mind. why bother putting down on paper feelings i wish to forget. sensations i would prefer never reviving. i often strangle the ink out of my pens. rip the feathers out of my quills. as if their destruction would be enough to set me free from this burden. then the agony of asphyxiation pulls the breath out of my lungs. throws me naked before a ****** of famine crows.
Courtney O Nov 2020
Want to know why I did not die?
Because I did write.
Want to know why I survived?
Easy - because I write!

I was 13 - I was lost
and I wanted to **** myself
I wrote a letter to, but instead
I had a story to be told
my own...though I did not know...
a brain to arrange - my feels,
my thoughts
Art up, broken child!
Bleed onto the page and go drain the pain!
Do something! Make sense!

The night was threatening and I could not sleep
Everything so sharply and hurtfully real
I touched life and oh, ****** blisters
all over me
Opposites coming close
I am the mixture of them all

And my soul was shabby and in ruins
I could not tell what was me and what wasn't true,
so many times
Nothing was clear but the soreness
I felt, yet that was the proof I was there, too.
Art up, broken child! Do not lick the wound,
stitch it with a few rhymes!

And there were faint rays
of what could be
The kiss I never got these days
The dreams I had that got delayed

Later, the flow got stopped - because I got clogged
All pain, all emptiness, all doubt
Frozen inside, fetters outside - caught up
I decided to retreat because I could not be
yet I thought I was striving to be freed
Had no certainties at all, so my mouth I shut
so my power I shunned - I was blocked

So I can never shut up
without shutting down
And my words came back at me
as soon as I entered again the scene
I am here because my pen never sleeps
Therapy can be expensive but notebooks
are cheap

Yet now sometimes I feel so full
My pen is bloated in it too.
And we lie happy, satisfied,
just seeing things go by,
just wanting to be by your side...

something big
goes on when I don't write
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