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it turns out
Mother Nature is
just as indecisive
as the rest of us
it seemed that
she had finished
with her winter
her day-long frosts
and biting winds
no longer the need
to cocoon oneself
in protective layers
when venturing out
for nothing more than
a bottle of milk
of down-stuffed coats
and twice-wrapped scarves
woollen hats
and thermal socks

it felt like
we had moved on
our spring had arrived
just in time
we could enjoy
the brisk early mornings
despite their chill
safe in the knowledge
that the gentle touch
of afternoon warmth
would shortly follow
the biggest setback
to be expected
was an intermittent
morning-to-evening downpour
dampening our anticipation
though only temporarily
of any plans we had made
until the puddles were dry
or had drained away

it may have been
a false start
but i'm loathe to say
we were tricked
or call it
an outright lie
those brightened days
were a welcome change
enjoyed by all
we were simply
carried away by
the primaveral allusions
lulling us enough
to forget the cold
and its significance
catching us unprepared
and exposed
like those delicate flowers
so recently bloomed
buried for now
beneath this weight
of snow
Dylan Mar 2023
Winter rain dissolves the snow
and reveals a hidden green.
Scant lamplight dots the darkness
where homesick phantoms wander
beyond the hemlock screen.

Winter nights put arms around
the shrunken hours of day.
Branches lay cloaked in icy beads
as the moon seldom peers
from the frozen curtain of gray.

Winter birds sleep in mossy grottos
while their cousins make for the sea.
One day I'll be moved by vernal blaze
but until then I'll just let the clouds cry for me.
neth jones Mar 2023
sleight of hand season
will not be reasoned with
brumal upheaval
winter - February - 2023
neth jones Mar 2023
molded ***** sky
broody welling grey udders
rain to be cast or snow ?
winter - February - 2023
neth jones Mar 2023
muddied skies muffle
clarity that was winter
season blots
winter - February - 2023
Unpolished Ink Mar 2023
Winter you sneaking thief
explain yourself
you stole the sun
to leave us with much colder days
depriving us of warming rays
replacing skies of white and blue
with others of a greyer hue
a world of ice
what did you do
I know the catalyst was you
neth jones Mar 2023
it is time                                          
it is time for ***** weather
mingles and prickles    elastic and fawn
ecstatic inch and itch spastically
goad and trample and leach
all a squirm
a thawing squirm of ***** restlessness
                      the energy of springtime

then winter dumps its load again
Dylan Feb 2023
February starling on a mulberry bough
it's been so frigid these recent months
but we can hear you now.
Black wings glide on a windy cradle,
nestlings call from the alpine brow.
February starling between the gables,
it's been so long but we can hear you now.
Eloisa Feb 2023
And the sun glints through the plum trees.
My heart is pierced
in a moment of anticipation
and silence.
A sudden reflection of beauty, longing, and pain blurred my eyes.
A quick revisit
to an old memory of paradise.
Where I’ve been an enduring captive of a sorrowful rewind.
But I remained a seeker.
A seeker of the promises
of perseverance.
While I adore winter
as I see snow trinkets around.
I love and cherish
the herald of spring.
And as the pale pink plum blossoms bravely bloom
amidst the winter chill,
I will continue to seek
for fruitfulness.
Though I’m still a slave
of bitterness and grief,
I will try to celebrate my strength.
With plum blossoms as a reminder of a not-so-distant spring.
A time for hope, a moment of joy,
and a season of new beginning.
Blooming beautifully after overcoming difficulties.
Usui- when snow turns to spring rain and ice starts to melt
Baika-plum blossom
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