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I'm different because i like colors other than white.
I'm different because i like the weirdest things from joyous, laughter and bright.
I'm different because i love you.
You're different because you love me
We're different because we're not like the rest.
I"m different for seeing your weird point of views that no one else can see.
I am just different for being who i am without caring for judgement.
Tanisha Parekh Jul 2020
when i wake up from an endless dream
it feels as if my life is not needed,
with what happened in that dream
it felt so real and i succeeded,
clearly my reality isn't this,
my mind created a dream to which it was bliss,
and now i am now sad that it has ended,
because it was all make-belief and it was pretended
maybe a world with just you is the only dream I want to live
because life without you isn't worth dreaming

you are in my imagination,
you are a random face without a name,
only in my imagination,
you do not exist, what else is there to say?
I'll probably never meet you,
I saw you for a second,
I have instantly forgotten your face,
and you will remain in that one place,
where I was asleep
and now when I wake up my life is incomplete
i swear no one will have a clue what this poem is about but basically I dreamed about a random guy and I fell in love with him in my dream but in reality I saw that dude for less than one second and the geezer don't even exist so my mind conjured up a false reality. I'm never going to see that perfect man again. can't even remember what he looks like!
Clay Face Jun 2020
I love it.
But grow trees to adumbrate it’s anima.

To force a mascaraed upon its glow.
Tarp my elation for it.
It’s guttural.
I feel my definition eave when I do it.

Alien cliques called societal norms.
Make such a scintillating activity, abnormal.
I hurt no one through such a cosmetic lust.
Fabric is not a great medium for harm.

I cringe at such struggles.
For gender roles and such.
One shouldn’t care of what other think.
God knows I’m a hypocrite to state that.

I want to share my “taboo” with someone dear.

I need to.

Anyone who struggles with personal enjoyment.
Doing things that are no harm to others, but are considered deviant.
I would love to leave you with a quote.

“I am human, nothing human is alien to me.”

Where whatever clothes you want to.
Love whoever you want to with their consent.
Isaac Spencer Jun 2020
-My back hurts
,I'm carrying more than my fair share
-It's backwards
,Cause I'm the one saying 'There, there'

-My neck hurts
,Sticking out for these strangers
?Or fed up eating anger
Naeem Jun 2020
I keep dreaming of flashbacks
That reminisce about the future
I keep looking ahead
At days already long lived ago
I keep seeing your face when my eyes close
A face I'm yet to meet
I keep fighting each day
When the war has already been lost

What's wrong with me?
Is it really weird to be weird?

I think it's weird not to be a bit weird.
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