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Shannon May 2018
You said you don't want me
You said you don't need me
Love me
Want to spend the night with me
You said why don't you just leave me?
You said you hate me
Want to **** me
Would rather be with anyone else
You said you try to get away from me
Want to leave me
Want to beat me
I said
I love you more than anyone else
IamThatGirl May 2018
welcome to a house of terror, 
we are a family of smiling wall starers, 
this is a happy life you know, 
and this happend just a couple of years ago, 

I used to wake up and get dressed, 
hide from all of the rest,
as I speed away to school, 
I only felt like the world was cruel, 

when I finally go there, 
I used to hide next to the toilet-chair, 
because I needed some seconds to beath, 
before I went out and joined the heat. 
pushed, teased, beaten, kicked, defeat, 
I stood my grounds my my heart fell down. 

I went home thinking my day would come around, 
but it never did, I was always hellbound, 
nasty words and beatings was my usual greetings, 
until I took that gun and POPPED, 
no, but I wish I wouldnt have stopped, 

because now I still live in fear,
and I always wounder if the end is near.
This is a day in my 13year old life or well every in almost my entire life
C May 2018
In bed I lay awake at night -
fingers tracing my body
like a contemporary dancer
sweeping across the floor.
collar bones
I count my ribs.
a little more
than the knocks I took from
my hips protrube, like the veins
on your arms when you got mad.

God knows.
can a touch feel this feather light?
Merry May 2018
I'm cruising
For a bruising
I'm thrashing
For a smashing
uv May 2018
My ears cant bear violence,
which may end in innocent silence.
revenge is what it starts from,
and ends always in turbulance.
bombs and gunshots is all left to hear,
who will hear the voices and screams
of victims of the crisis.
its all over the world
a world meant for peace,
cant we just live in harmony
without the thought of greed.
i wrote this more than 10 yrs back and it is sad to see its more applicable today then it was back then.
Gwilled Cheese May 2018
**** the non-believers
**** the ***** and **** the fools
Go grab your Dad's gun and we'll go shoot up the
I got her nudes,
don't you think that's pretty cool?
You know that Jesus loves you,
would you like to see him soon?

You're so offended these days
well **** my **** you ******* *****.
******* licking my Dad's ****
Donny T's alright,
Don't you think?

Jesus loves you.

I don't,
But Jesus loves you.
I was thinking about the saying "People are so offended these days" and how it's generally something an ******* says after they're said something assholish. We aren't more offended these days, we are less tolerant of bigotry, and the ******* who haven't been affected by bigotry feel attacked for being bigots so they say **** like this to feel better about their *******.
People use to get offended by woman's ankles for christ sake! We've come so far, sweet Jesus.
Andie May 2018
a black man in the Confederacy; loving consumerism or forced into this physical *******?
Jim Crow poses, contorts, smiles, shoots; a gun on the red carpet;
Calvin the Second or Tracy Martin?
Does it matter? Dance gwara dance gwara, watch the foreground and
never the back the dance is to distract the killing is back
shooting money, that dance is funny, now it's time to pray
Charleston, South Carolina, June 17, 2015, a gun on the red carpet as the human rights take backstage;
race riots ignite, days later we give up the fight
don't Stop to look Up for fallIng objeCts, Is the DancE to defend or distract? Smile, you're on camera
Flames to the left, and the apocalypse passes behind it all, unnoticed,
rise up and forget
broken lemons abound, liberty takes a seat now, and the drivers are nowhere to be found, keep dancing now
Watch from this sunken place, run from the devil, you know it's a race
An exploration into Childish Gambino's "This is America"
To be read while watching the Official Music Video
Link here:
kaylene- mary May 2018
Sometimes you are the gasoline to an already burnt building
Sometimes you are the anger of a child who broke his own toy
And sometimes you are a fist of rage,
Yelling at the television
A puff of smoke
You are the post apocalyptic chaos of a rip tide too far gone to break

See, racism is not the shark but it's the ocean
All teeth and no mouth,
No jaw and no muscle
Just the white rattle of hate
The sharp grip of an untrained dog

People talk about racism like ancestral land and confederate flags,
Knowing that you own these things,
And we don't 
As if we don't own this history too,
This system
Like we're tredding water

How many skin heads do you think were in the room when we signed off on immigration laws,
race legislations,
public school curriculums?
Or pushed policies like mandatory minimum sentencing,
benine neglect,
broken windows,
stop and frisk,
the race war?

The eye of the hurricane is the least harmful part of the storm
The eye of the chat room,
All poker face and no cards

So which individual Donald Trump bigot boogie man are we supposed to be mad at?
When do we stop pointing out the bad apples long enough to acknowledge the orchid was planted on a mass grave?
When do we stop slandering race and start slandering unsolicited rage?

Sharks **** about one person each year
Thousands drown

But of course this isn't really a poem for white supremacist
I don't know any white supremacist
But I do know the people in my neighbourhood,
And my family
And I know how white supremacy is upheld
Whether it is through action or inaction
How it isn't just the broken act of justice,
But the justice itself
How a white kid with a black face on Halloween and his friend who knew it was wrong but didn't say anything - start to blur together
Because let's be honest,
Some racists aren't even racist at all
So they say nothing
They're a silent chorus,
A dull underwater humming waiting to overflow
But when the songs of our cities break,
Will we choose to hear it?
Or will we keep looking for the shark,
Keep tredding water,
Not knowing that we're drowning?
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