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jake aller Oct 2019
Mountain Forests
Driving through the vast forests
Of Central Oregon
Through the wall of trees
I imagine them talking to me

The trees are whispering
Dark satanic rituals
Voodoo mumble jumble
Evil chanting

Then they speak
Loud and clear
Welcome humans
To our world

You think you are
The king of the world
The lords of creation
Masters of the universe?

Soon, all too soon
God and Gaia his daughter
Will tire of you
Their latest plaything

They will discard you
Throw you down
Disgusted at the world
You have made

You took the world
They gave you for your pleasure
This huge wonderful world
Filled with life

You took a paradise
Beautiful, bountiful
Rich and wonderful world
Turned it into a sewer dump

God and Gaia
Are not happy
Not happy at all
With you stupid humans

They will rise up
Smite you down
And turn you
Into dust in the cosmic wind

And we will laugh
and we will be witnesses
at your funeral
but we will not cry

No one will cry
No one will miss you
No one cares about
The fate of humanity

And so you
Will fade away
Into the distance past
Just dust in the cosmic wind

And the trees started laughing
And the birds and bees
And all the other animals
All joined in the manically laughter

Laughing at the prospect
Of poetic justice
For the enemies
Of the natural world

And the coyotes
And the wolves
Joined in howling
Under the light of the full moon

Thus I imagined
Would be the end of days
The end of the world
And the end of humanity

Another Day Another Shooting

another day in paradise
just another day in America
land of the free
Home of the brave

and guns
lots of guns
more guns for all
cries the NRA

yes another day
another gun battle
another white man
who just wants to ****

the President sends his condolences
Thanks the law enforcement
for an incredible job well done
It was horrible

Hate has no place
in our country
and we will take of it
and do what ever we can do

nothing but false words
empty words
lots of things to do

it is mental illness problem
but he fails to mention
the words gun at all
not at all

and tomorrow and tomorrow
but he at least finally said
hate has no role in country
nothing but prime BS
in my humble opinion

he did not mention
white supremacy
his rhetoric had nothing
nothing to do about this at all

and so tomorrow
I will turn on the TV
and we see
nothing at all

and the dead
will remain dead
the guns will fire again
nothing will be done

welcome to America
land of the free
home of the brave
the End Times Approaches

why do I feel
the end times are approaching
with each passing day
the news gets worst

the hatred grows
the fear grows
the end of time
comes closer to our door

and I fear
the growing power
of the fascists
and their ilk

and I fear
that the world
is ending  soon?Rumors of War

it seems that
we are in the end times
wars, and rumors of war
terrorism all around us

the dogs of war
are restless, just waiting
to emerge from their lairs

to unleash havoc
death and destruction
end of the world

and the leader of the world
our purported president
is every day
becoming more deranged

moment by moment
loosing his mind
as the inner demons
take over

and at such a time
when the whole world
seems to be sliding towards war

Our dear leader
seems determined
to lead us to the ultimate
war of all

world war 111
looms ahead
it could start any day
and nothing will stop

our idiot in chief
from unleashing
the dogs of war
four end of the world poems
Mark Toney Oct 2019
A Baby Cries,
Demanding, Emphatic,
Forming, Growing,
Having Intelligence, Joy, Kindness, Love.
Mounting Neuroses, Outrageous Propaganda,
Quickly Remove Simple Truth,
Unleashing Violence- Wanton, Xenophobic.
Youthquake Zeitgeist!
4/24/2018 - Poetry form:  ABC Poem
A poem in which every word begins with a successive letter of the alphabet.  The first word begins with A, the second with B, the third with C, etc. - Copyright © 2018 by Mark Toney.  All rights reserved.
Dream Fisher Oct 2019
They say pain is better than feeling nothing,
But nothing feels worse than pain.
She was just an innocent woman,
All that changed in a day,
Her husband came home upset.
They argued and he slapped her face to the floor.
She was left in shock,
started packing her things and out the door
He gained a level head, apologizing evermore.
She started making excuses and stayed
But if it ever happened again she swore,
She wouldn't live there anymore.

It's been years since that first time,
Just a couple bruises no one sees,
She keeps messing everything up,
So she deserves what she received.
A couple shots to her ribs,
A tight jab just above the knee.
Even if she wanted to go,
He says, he can always find me
"And I'm happy sometimes,
As long as I do everything perfectly"
But if she ever had a chance she swore,
She wouldn't live there anymore.

She wakes up early just to put on her face,
Staring into a mirror, breaking down with the shakes.
She can't count the bruises, the pain in every place.
Everyone knows the truth but, it seems too late.
She needs help but everywhere is out of reach,
She's broken down with a split lip affecting her speech.
Someday she would speak out, right then, she swore
She wouldn't live there anymore.

Then one night he went too far,
She was packing up her things,
He saw crimson, blood boiled to the core
She started pleading with every shot he bore.
They say pain is better than feeling nothing
But nothing feels worse than pain, she's sure.
As he took a final blow, she wasn't living anymore.
Silverflame Oct 2019
piercing through the air
terror without an end
lives harvested way too soon
unraveled family and friends

how long will this last?
how many liters of blood
will contaminate our minds
before they choose to stop?

the law should protect
instead, the horror is welcomed
creeping around in plain sight
before it takes your loved ones
It breaks my heart every time I read that some abominable individuals choose to hurt others. I will never be able to understand the desire to ****.
A M Ryder Oct 2019
We buried ours
And they buried theirs
Then it started all over again
Steve Page Sep 2019
This is my lament for London and its young lives lost:

Did you see a tarnished surface
that made you look again
Was it reflected in the lyrics
in the anthem of the Thames

Was the traffic still diverted
Had the Borough lost good men
Were mothers dry from crying
at the anthem of the Thames

Did you see the children drowning
Was the tide too high from rain
Were the barges towed in silence
past the anthem of the Thames

Were the songs drowned out by shouting
Did the words turn boys insane
Did the drum beats beat past midnight
to the anthem of the Thames

Was it echoed through the arches
Did the shadows hide the stains
Did the wounded walk til morning
through the anthem of the Thames

Will you still be here at day break
Do you claim this grey domain
Will you pray for restoration
of the anthem of the Thames
Yes, a repeat from last year.  More reports of men killed with knives.
Steve Page Sep 2019
Do you get me?

No shame, you know.
Just small self doubt
a violent chin
and contention for identity
for happiness
for unafraid space
with a smile and Stanley.

Do you get me?
Knives in the hands of those who don't know what a Gillette is for - it's a sad thing.
tinnnafish Sep 2019
I think back to when it happened,
to that beautiful day that suddenly became so dark
The day when it all happened,
the day he destroyed who I was
Leaving me shattered.

I fought. I cried.
But it didn't matter how loud I was.
Nobody came to help me.

I still wake up crying,
Freeze when I see him,
And I’m still scared,
every **** day.

I still think I see him,
even while I'm safe at home.
I close my eyes and tell myself it’s going to be ok
But I can't help but feel him.

A year later I still feel him.
His grip on my wrists, the smell of alcohol on his breath,
The weight of his body pressed against me as I tried to get away

He just continued,as I cried.
It didn't matter how loud I screamed,
Nobody came to help me.
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