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Fatine Jun 2017
Like a remote, breathtaking painting... my emotions lost in your two dimensions.
I gaze at your masterpiece reigning, pure blaze in all directions.
Carlyy May 2017
I'm no longer consumed
with doubt
Or envy.
    It took light years

When it comes to them,
I just felt ugly inside.
They were happy,
And I was not.

                                            I'm past that now

It's the hole in my heart.
Shovelled out,
and mangled,
by your negligent hands

                                           Time healed me

Those very hands,
Connected to that pair of arms
once held me so close,
I could feel my heart smile.
                     ­               Let's skip the "but now's"

Attached to the same body,
A voice uttered my name,
Every so often,
Just to make sure  

                                  Once upon a time, that is.

It bewilders me
YOU bewilder me.
Things are clearer about you
But foggier in how I should see you

If I can handle you,
I can handle all

You misplaced me but I found myself
Tell me what you think, please?
Soulace May 2017
If you paint me dark, like a devil
I hope you see the angel in me.

If you paint me in light, like an angel
I hope you see the devil in me

I hope you paint me as human though,
Because then, you can see both.

And then hopefully you can see
The other colours in me
Wrote this thinking about how people's perspectives on you change literally in the matter of a single instance. How your name can be slandered after a single mistake kinda thing. Thought it be interesting to write something about it :o
Jay Apr 2017
Struggling with this mind block.
Wasting my time staring at the clock..
Waiting for you to destroy that block.
That wall that's in front of the both of us, blocks the beautiful view, and yes I mean you.
With that wall in front of the both of us,
I see nothing but a dark view.

Am I in a dark room?
Or is it just my life without you?

I've been afraid of the dark since the day I've been out.
That's why I paint to make my world full of colorful lights.
But how can I paint when I got no paint?

Since the day you built that wall.. All I see is dark holes.
Just like my soul.
So paint will you come back, and hold me to stop the pain?
I'm just here trying my best to climb that tall wall, waiting for your call before I fall..
I don't even know anymore who's stronger anymore.. Me the lion or that dark shark that's standing still..
Hard to climb..
Hard to leave behind.
I'll stop with the knocking and just sit there on that bench waiting for you to climb up and help me get through.

Hard to breathe cause you already took my lungs..
And it's hard to keep punching when you already feel the weakness in your knuckles from the first punch..
Druzzayne Rika Mar 2017
People gifted with voice
Stop making all the noise
Do not speak words to abuse
Just to keep your self amuse
Understand yourself in their shoes
Change your perceptions and views
Then choose the right words to use
Jay Pike Feb 2017
I used to know people very well, simply because I would photograph them every day.
But its different now. My photographs are different, we're different.
Is it dispair? Confusion? Rage? Fear?
Everything's changed. Maybe forever.
And thats only though the way I, look at the world. It could be completely different for you, the person sitting across from you, or even someone the other side of the world.
We view things through the eyes we want to use, and see what we want to see.
but I don't want to view the world this way. So why do I see it so broken?
Most people see a beautiful landscape but I see a husk of what the world used to be.
NeroameeAlucard Feb 2017
Every day is the same
I feel lower than a slave
I did everything right
Went to school despite
It wasting my money and time
Earned 3 degrees
I can't get anywhere in my field,
And i knew it wouldn't come with ease
Hard work doesn't pay off
That statements false like the profits
Of Bernie Madoff
You made off with my money, and time
I can't get back
So now I'm working out of my mother's basement
Because of the funds i lack
I didn't rest on my laurels,
I do have a job, but it's nowhere near worth my mettle
Rejection is a part of the process
If you're qualified for the position then wouldn't you get it?
Or is that just the decision of bosses,
You know the yes men that don't say anything
To contest them
I'd like to address them
I know it's not easy being higher up in command
But Common decency and respect isn't a guideline, it's a demand.
Reality and uncle Neville
always seem to disagree.
I guess he can't see the
tree for the tree.

To him,Truth's a transparency
that he cannot see beyond.
He must stay faultlessly opaque.
To the material certainty,
of which he's so fond.

Reality and uncle Neville
always seem to disagree.
I guess he can't see the
you for the he.

The only things that
are real to him,
are those that can be held,
but not felt.
Each alternative truth
is a tree to be felled.
tumelo mogomotsi Dec 2016
sweet melodies become bitter and sour
desolated memories overcome the glitter of love's power
isolated thoughts reign
leaving everything else neglected and rejected
the mind has become too complex and is in unbearable pain
absorbing everything has left it diseased and infected
the change in common sense was something love couldn't comprehend
the strange difference was too dense which caused love to find a way to aprehend
the mind is a new found atheist opposing the love religion
due to the physical and mental pain brought from past decisions.

- t.m + mcdonald tsiie
Co-Written With McDonald Tsiie
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