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Shaniqua Johnson Mar 2017
Sleep sings a sweet lullaby,
whispering tender words
cushioning the erratic thoughts within my head.

Sleep sings a sweet lullaby,
resting a gentle hand on my thundering heart.
Be still my love.

Sleep sings a soft tune,
that coils itself around my fingertips
Gracing them with a numbing pain.

Sleep sings a soft tune,
that stills my heart until the beat becomes a
thud of the past.

Sleep is gentle and welcomes me to
The life thereafter.

Sleep is sweet, soft and gentle -
Waking up is not an option.
This is a poem taken from my Creative Writing portfolio ' Time is of the essence '
Timothy hill Mar 2017
A body of music chords and sturms not required.

The body here never will it retire.

Most will seek and listen to her for desire.

Multiplier, of logic into her music she will muse your health, and tickle your sprite.

Not simply drew into scene with graphite.

At camp sights she's the fire bringer circle form of souls.

To behold, her lessons and keys to Understand, life is music, and all shall remember there worth.

Adagio, listen and enjoy for you will discover your path of being.

Albino lips speak hush your rigid anger.

Let music cleanse your behavior and calm your conduction.

The man ask of seduction, your scale is fierce keep in my mind, your beauty is musical made into devine.

No body yet you, that is "who" the conducter

We are keys in your puzzle, made to seem the reason of all.

So the keys you are now surround me with your flaws.

Disburst and subtract resume as once was.

Go threw life scaling above basic moments.

Life made mysterious, with craters on soil.

Music made to be heard.

So why not grow some more herds.

For points not able yet to be reached.

She made a music melody, so advanced when you hear your mind, will unlock hiden potentials.

That are truly essential.

For a life as a magical condition.

It is a heart, that made life as art far away yet right at place .

So as pulse and rate are in harmony with soul.

You conclude, your self on a plane that your riding coach in luxury comforts.

Gas never needing refilled for your life force is all that it will appeal.

Music is our ears soother telling us to love more than hate.

For hate has only a slow un natural pace.

That we as keys should avoid at all times.

You my music, I commences to ease the world into your harmony and power.

And shake your favorite chrods at it so it may become untralved.
This a theory if music was life.
K Balachandran Feb 2017
To comfort me the rain hums a tune
as if she could sense I was feeling down
I get buoyant by the soothing tone,
pick up the strands that once were broken

Drenched woods after the rain has gone,
with the wind,repeat it, but sounds like a moan,
it takes  much subtlety, to empathize, I learn
to evoke sublime feelings that touch and lift the soul.
M Harris Feb 2017
The biochemical snow emanates bopping dejected the extended, short existences of winter,
Twisting and wandering in knee deep whiteouts that scream and moan,
The chemical spirit, at first light mildly falling in inverse star-shaped fragments,
Beseeches virtue before the wheezing shovels, the scraping ploughs,
The ghosts departed back to air in a crystal tune,
A triad stinging from the bare breach in grade school melodic period.

From the willowy walkway down the timbered trajectory,
Snowflake burdened branches combinate into a rhyme with the masked sun,
The raw, stripped light in overdue the hemlocks,
Stillness shattered only by the cracking cold.

The rivulet is icy over, yet liquid runs,
Underneath, under, deep in its veiled preserve,
Life, the anonymous shadow,
Scuttle’s from stone to stone,
Mingling up a smidgen of gravel from its silent inactivity.
if you delve deep into the fray
where the truly true musicians play
keeping their words and sighs intact
their hearts and tears and words impact
the tiny masses who search them out
to warm their souls and if you doubt
the world around you doesn't hear
your broken dreams
your quiet fear
look beyond the pompous trite
the subtle muddle that holds no light
there is a world though buried deep
once heard enfolds you while you sleep
close your eyes we will walk the moon
your heart and mine will sing in tune

dedicated to Angus & Julia Stone
there is good music out there - just look for it
Julia Aubrey Jan 2017
The song we sing together is quite out of tune, yet as it's stuck in our minds we chose to sing along every moment our lips part.

It's a dreadful tune, like ring-around the rosie, we think it's something we can dance and laugh to even though it's a song of death and torture.

Please change the record.

- Julia Aubrey Rhodes -
Alan S Bailey Dec 2016
What does it all mean?
Is there a future life?
Why do I dream?

Every day that the world spins and turns,
Gray hairs mean we are all getting old,
So many recollections of the past
For which the heart yearns.
Life is so important, no one wants
To die, but in the end you're with
Everyone else breathing for the last time,
Why is this depressing? It's simply the truth,
I felt so invincible in the years of my
Happy youth. Who knows what tomorrow brings,
Where you can find precious things
Diamond rings
Time is running out
'Til the big bell finally rings
And the fat lady sings...

Who knows if there is anything
Real that even a possible
Future lifetime brings.
I'll be your disc jockey baby
I'll spin what you
want me to spin
yeah I'll spin
the tune
you want
me to

spinning only your light and shade
spinning it in stereophonic grade
spin being a speciality just for you
spin on the turn-table's auto-cue*

'I'll be your disc jockey baby
I'll spin what you
want me to spin
yeah I'll spin
the tune
you want
me to

spinning only your echo's wave
spinning it to the beat of a rave
spin everything with the mix right
spin it both by day and night

I'll be your disc jockey baby
I'll spin what you
want me to spin
yeah I'll spin
the tune
you want
*me to
Ruman Hafsa Sep 2016
Whistling, it emerge from it's station
Singing, it begins for destination
It sings a tune of truth & peace
And with it's melody, to you it please

It sings a song of punctuality
"Be on time" flows in its harmony
"Else time leaves you behind"

Passing through hills, valleys& mountain
It sings "Never run away from your pain"
Running into the dark black canals
It sings "face your problems all"

It carries people of all kinds
No variance in caste or colour it finds
your strength lies in unity

To it's destination it reaches
The song of train preaches
With hard work of your soul
*You'll surely reach your goal
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