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Mitch Prax Feb 2020
Just because your words
are comforting, doesn't mean
they bring peace of mind

9:47 AM
Growly Wolfus Feb 2020
My brother slammed the door shut,
banishing the bitter winds outside
from intruding upon our solitude.
Living on our own wasn't as hard as we'd thought it'd be.
"You're back late," I remarked from my seat on the couch.
He ignored me in his sour mood.
I decided to head to bed.
I fulfilled the promise we had made to each other,
to look out for one another
as sister and brother.
The shower ran for a while,
but eventually, I heard him creak up the steps
and took comfort in the fact
that tonight, he came home.

Early the next morning,
in the darkness of dawn,
I stumbled down the stairs to clean up for the day.
I turned on the TV and watched the news.
Another ****** occurred in the area.
I'm convinced it's a demon with unbiased prey.
The channel rolls on.
A car similar to ours was abandoned on the scene.
What was I seeing?
I was just exhausted for the time being.
It must be from the little sleep I got.
He would've never driven so recklessly
and leave the car behind,
only to walk all the way home.

The coffee I had started wasn't finished,
and the casserole I was baking wouldn't be done in time.
I decided to take a shower to clear my head.
I opened the bathroom door, closed for an odd reason,
for we never shut the door,
and was greeted by a scene of red.
The marble sink covered in the handprints of blood.
The white, tiled walls stained and spotted.
A stench rising from the clothes that laid on the floor, knotted,
and in the shower, streaks of red on the bottom.
I covered my mouth in an attempt to stop the scream
coming from the fear boiling inside of me.
Tears streamed from my face.
What did my brother do when he got home?

I took a step back
into my brother's arms.
He pushed me into the cursed room
and jammed the door shut so I couldn't escape.
I fell into the shower, into the pool of dyed water,
and cried from the anticipation of my impending doom.
What was that look in his eyes?
The very thing of which I was so afraid,
looming in the shade
of his humanity's fade?
When had he strayed so far away
and became that way
to allow the devil to reside in his heart?
What had he let into our home?

A few days passed.  I drank from the shower
and rationed what was left of the toothpaste
until one day, my mind snapped.
I couldn't stand remaining in this torturous space
scarred by the blood of someone else.
I no longer wished to be trapped.
I slammed into the door, once, twice,
and the third try it opened,
slightly broken,
and crashed against the wall before closing.
My brother was nowhere to be found,
yet his room, forbidden, was locked somehow.
I broke it open and found a second scene,
a body bleeding out on the floor of my home.

I fell to my knees and wept into my hands,
coated in the blood of my brother.
The knife protruded from his head.
Sirens pulled up to the apartment
and police rushed inside the house I once loved.
they pulled me away from my brother, dead.
I refused to go, so instead, I screamed.
I cried and sobbed loudly.
I couldn't just leave,
so I clung hopelessly to my brother's sleeve.
They demanded me to release him, but I hugged him in my arms.
I couldn't let them take him away too.
I grabbed the knife and felt a pain in my chest,
and collapsed into the darkness enshrouding my home.
Another rhyming storyline I wanted to try out.
Glenn Currier Feb 2020
the shifting layers of gravel and soil,
the thin crust of busyness
and distractions
are the hours of merging and melting
from our friction and romance,
in other words
the love and trust
that is our bedrock.
esperanza Apr 2018
I feel beautiful and free,
I am finally just me,
Holding on to wrong judgment for far too long
I've been exhausted,
I feel my lungs finally singing songs
The world has been cold and treated me wrong
Reality is such a tease
But I'm where I belong
People see me and I used to be scared
Now I'm comfortable with who I am,
My opinions are valid and strong
People will hate,
But the people who love you are
the people who truly count
Because those people love you for you
and nothing else
No one is perfect
No one is pure
No one chooses what life they have
Your mind and bones are your core
Your outer is your most beautiful disguise
Protect yourself
Because you're truly only the most beautiful butterfly
megan ottinger Feb 2020
desire for you
deep and strong
held tightly
like a child with a kite

stood by with a
soft smile
trust was pushed away
by me?
not entirely

but now i see
the toxicity you bring
no benefits with you

i was
were you too?
Aa Harvey Feb 2020

I want my next connection to be my last,
And I want it to be a connection that I know will truly last.
If the connection is lost due to ill-communication breakdown,
I hope in the universe there can be heard its eternal sound.

I want an upgrade on what I have had.
I want the possibility to become a Dad.
I want a woman who joins me in my laughs.
When I write poems for her, I want her to be sad.

Not the feeling; just the illusion.
I want her tears to create confusion.
I will ask why so sad?  She will say they are happy tears.
I will weep with her, for years and years.

(C)2019 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Feb 2020

I will be with you through blood sweat and tears.
I will stick to you like note paper for years and years.
When you need someone to listen to, I will be all ears.
When the end comes and I fade away,
I will never truly leave your side; I will never disappear.

(C)2019 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Max Neumann Feb 2020
within the realm of
trust and mistrust

rivers of dust
real storys
and fiction

don't get me wrong
i won't be talking long
it's just something else
this world of codes

weak words are spread
it's like butter on bread
it's like longing for fat

don't get me wrong
i won't be talking long
daddy told me: stay strong

but i'm trapped in the land of

get me some rest
get me some rest
get me get me get me
some rest
Today is a good day.

Yotube: Sunshine (Adagio in D Minor)
Fey Feb 2020

I once had friends,
gathered like pearls on a string.
I kept them with me,
as a bird would
with its pretty wings.
But once they outgrew me,
they all fell apart
and along with them
my fragile heart.


I heard a nasty sound,
with shaky hands I searched
their presence on the ground.
But they were gone,
already rearranged.
So all I had
was a tattered ribcage.
Frozen in time,
lost in space
a heart with no beat,
just a shallow haze.


I made friends with words
Once they were written,
they would all stay in place.
The letters on paper
toneless, they said:
"you are my creator",
to which I replied
"with pleasure.
as long as you are not a traitor."

© fey (16/07/17)
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