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Emanzi Ian Aug 2020
Maybe we are meant to be
Maybe we are just messing around with each other and this will be nomore before the new day comes
Maybe we are really going to really build this up to something stronger
Just a few days without a call or text makes you feel like maybe am gone,
Yet within those few days,you are constantly on my mind
Am weighing in on all the options of ensuring that this really turns out perfect
And yet we are not perfect
We are just humans
I just wish I could find the exact words to express how I feel about you and how you make me feel
Maybe then,you'd not be worried at all by episodes of silence
I don't wish to hurt you at all
I just wish to make you feel cared for and really loved
Please give me directions and guidance on how you wish to be loved
Guide me on your expectations of a caring partner
I am a good learner and ready to put in practice what you teach me
What am sure about though is,
I am ready to see to it that  this what we are both willing to build together blossoms
With patience and tolerance for each other's shortcomings with understanding,
We can really have some so beautiful together
Afterall,our hearts seem to have a clear  language between them.
Close your eyes and hold my hand.
The love you never had
The pain you always carried
The trust you never showed
The guilt you were consumed by
The joy you were seeking
The anger you held inside

The rest of them could never see
But I did
Because I was once like you
Nidhi Jaiswal Aug 2020
Is like an eraser
It gets smaller
Every mistakes

Trust is like an eraser its gets smaller after every mistake.
i post it on my back account,again i repost it.....
Thanks for reading.
Emmanuel Davies Aug 2020
No one is to be trusted
I didn't say
No one is worthy of your trust
Butterfly Aug 2020
Eventhough I'm a bit young, I just want to feel loved for once.
Simon Aug 2020
Restless nights are too affordable for calm composures to risk everything for a mere simple sleep, when confronting the very (something) that's essentially making your own freedom from getting..."a good night's sleep"! Since "readiness" itself isn't a calm composure (by ANY chance)! When instead readiness for the good night's sleep you ALWAYS dreamed of...isn't within the standards for your own mind to completely disagree. Mostly because whatever is the very (something) that is keeping you from the very thing ("you ALWAYS dreamed of")... Is what's also making your own mind agree with you (as if it was too easy for the mind too never become "suspicious" of a seemingly natural good night's sleep to begin with).
PS... A good night's sleep is only but a curse! A single restless night is ALL the mind truly needs to feed! While readiness (being the very thing that isn't a calm composure by ANY chance) itself, is only but the countermeasure that separates both into giving away what that very (something...truly is) that's seemingly keeping you from what ("you ALWAYS dreamed of")!
Never fully trust your own mind when it's given heavy doses of such a thing simply called... "A good night's sleep"! Its trust is in the very "disturbance" that would otherwise keep you in the dark to both torment and pervert the naturalness that is of..."a good night's sleep".... Forevermore turning into the blight that is of a..."restless night"!
mjad Aug 2020
I look back on the way my heart jumped
The way he made my love filled blood pump
And I fail to understand
I do not know how I loved everything so small, even holding his hand
How can love just come and go?
When he stopped loving me, how did I not know?
His eyes must have sparkled at the idea of leaving me
My absence was the reason he smiled gladly
I never looked for the signs of this
I was the definition of ignorance is bliss
My heart knew all along
But my brain was saying it had to be wrong
When they say trust your gut they never say which one
Janice Aug 2020
Your touch sends shivers
Cascading down my spine

The blindfold reminds me
My body isn’t mine

You, my master claim me
Daddy’s little ****

******* here before you
My eyes so tightly shut

I’ve been a naughty girl
Be punished? Yes I must

However you decide
Will truly feed my trust

The whips you crack
Against my skin

Will teach me how to be
A good girl again
Nidhi Jaiswal Aug 2020
Happy friendship day to allπŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸ€β€πŸ§‘πŸΌ
Fr­iendship mean"heart to heart relations"
where we are tie in emotions,
No one can mention friendship by words.
"Biggest wordless emotions."
True friends are like push up...
When we stopped, they push up!
Friends are like catalyst in chemistry language
May be good or bad...
My be initiate or terminate or life reactions.
Good friends are hard to find,
Harder to leave them,
And impossible to forget them.
'' True friends are like acceleration in our journey"
That's may be retardation...
Opposite to acceleration in physics language.
I have no words to describe
Every word every filled is unfilled when i think to describe
''Friendship is the best relation make by a man"

happy friendship day to all...
I have no more friends...i'm so stupid...when i feel that someone is not good for me...i lost him..before..1 day of friendship...that day i feel so lonely...
friends are the best person of our life,but sometimes we get disturbed by him..or her...since 2 years i lost my friend on friendship day...i know i cant give to happiness...i feel that i 'm not be a good friend,so on friendship day i feel like this..
But i know myself that..what i do its good for me..and other also...
thanks for reading.
Leah Aug 2020
I can’t trust my heart because she betrays me.
I can’t trust my brain because it won’t tell me what I need.
They go back and forth.
The only thing I have constant in my life is a pen and paper.
They never let me believe something else.
Everything in front of me is black and white.
I trust my pen and paper.
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