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Zywa Sep 2023
Don't trust him! He's nuts,

he even confuses Kant --

with Schopenhauer!
Novel "Meneer Visser's hellevaart" ("Mr. Visser's harrowing of hell", 1934, Simon Vestdijk), published in 1936, chapter 4

Collection "Inmost [2]"
Karen Lang Sep 2023
How often do we drift and fall into a story of the mind?
A memory from the past
A fear or projection in the future
Or a story on repeat from an event we had this morning
Where are you now?
To be fully aware means we must open our hearts
and invite every experience in
Only then can our minds be free
It's not easy to open our hearts, allow vulnerability,
and be present in this moment.
It takes courage to trust we can live in this space.
Hawley Anne Sep 2023
I broke her heart.

What else is there to say, except,

"I'm Sorry."  

             "PLEASE forgive me."

                                             "Please know this isnt your fault."


                    "Mommy loves you."

                                                              Hope that trust again will come with time.


realize that when Mommy says "I'll see you next week"


she really does.
Ivy Rose Sep 2023
I think what hurts the most
is that you are so deserving of love
and I wanted nothing more than to give it to you.

But you did not want it from me...Why?
It is in that moment, I am 8 years old again, and I am shouting


I have so much love for you that it makes me ache.
It makes me angry. It traps me like an animal in a cage.

Why don't you want it?
Was I too willing?
Too honest?
Or fundamentally, am I just not enough?

Has this all just been a reminder that no one really wants my love? That they settle, if only temporarily, until someone better comes along and they no longer need this placeholder.

How was it so simple and so easy to pretend?
Sure, you never said the words, but your lips pressed against my forehead - your fingers interlocked with mine - we shared sorrows and dreams -

How can it be true that it was nothing?
How am I supposed to just forget and accept it?
How could you know me so intimately yet care so little?
How could you?


How am I still so dispensable after all this time?
justine grace Aug 2023
In the quiet expanse of time, I find myself grappling with truths and untruths, wondering if I deceive even my own heart into believing I've attained tranquillity. Indeed, I am in a state of well-being, owing to the strides I've taken on this journey of self-betterment. Yet, the undulating waves of emotion persist – highs and lows interweaving like threads in a tapestry. Perfection remains elusive, and perhaps that's the beauty, for I've poured my essence into every endeavour.

Now, as I stand at the crossroads of zero, an architect of my own renewal, I embrace the task of rebuilding from the ground up. Metamorphosis courses through me, rendering me unrecognisable even to myself. Laughter spills more freely from my lips, though occasionally restrained by the shadows of doubt. Tears flow more earnestly, yet at times, I still restrain their cascade. Solitude becomes a cherished companion, a realm I delve into to nurture my soul. Simultaneously, the embrace of friends becomes a celebration of my being, an affirmation of the love I hold for myself in their company.

In this delicate dance, I witness the scales of life gradually finding equilibrium. The pendulum, once erratic, now sways in a harmonious rhythm. The art of relearning tranquillity unfolds before me, a masterpiece in progress, painted with the hues of experience and wisdom.

Time, the patient sculptor moulds each fragment of my existence. And in its embrace, I find solace. For while the road ahead is veiled in uncertainty, I stand here, resilient, embodying the truth that healing is a symphony of seconds and seasons.

And as I mend, I extend to you, a wish that your heart finds solace too. In this dance of existence, in shadows and light – may we emerge stronger, taking flight.
And as I journey towards brighter days, I extend my hopes to you in myriad ways. May your heart also mend and mend anew, in time's healing grace, may you find your hue.
Joshua Phelps Aug 2023
Void in a world
Where everyone is
At their own throats

Tearing each other
Apart, visualizing

They're the only
One that's suffered

And you're the
One crying

In a twist, they
Twist and take
The knife

And stab
Right back

They just want
To see who
Can bleed more

And see
If you come
Running back

With your

Bruised and
Under attack

You try to lift
yourself up

But you forgot
How to feel

And you've reached
critical mass

You just
want to break down

From all
the surroundings

And what
brought you hell

Don't let them get closer

You can't be too careful
Andy Chunn Aug 2023
Sometimes I see the look of love
And wonder at the site
As warm as sunlight from above
Concealed like rain at night

Eyes that reveal a brightness quick
And shyly turn away
Just like the candle’s burning wick
Turns night into the day

The look of love is loneliness
When special ones are gone
The spirit hits a lowliness
Like words without a song

The look of love is bashful laughter
When two souls blend as one
The gentle glow and moments after
The look of having fun

The look of love is like the wind
That blows from clouds above
It lifts the lonely heart and mends...
I love the look of love
Pax Aug 2023
All I want was a shelter to feel comfortable with.
A warmth that you felt safe.
Trust for mutual understanding.
  And the pleasure you fully pledge to.  
    Seems like loving someone at this age makes us feel unsafe and unsecured, and mostly – at times, temporary.
It's been long.....
wes parham Jul 2023
Never did I try to guess,
Or ever pretend to know,
The places you would retreat to,
The places I could never go.

Silent, you would disappear,
And, silent, you'd return.
No questions asked, no trust betrayed,
I simply had to learn.

It never was… personal.
It never was… yours to tell.
It never was…  my place to ask,
It never was, but it’s just as well.

It never passed from between our lips,
Or a friendly, reassuring touch.
“And that's ok”, you told me once.  
“Don’t  be afraid”,  “You worry too much”.

Never did I fault your wishes,
And my loyalty was never a whim.
I never doubted your kind heart,
And never did I falter, my friend.
I fed this one to Suno and it's kind of fun.  I'm not a fan of generative AI music or art, but it's fascinating just to hear the words put to a chance melody and rhythm.

I’m not 100% sure of the exact story here.  I like to explore connections and the uncertainties that can plague them.  It’s kind of, initially, about the speaker learning when it would be necessary to do nothing when instinct might insist otherwise.  Learning to be quiet when you want, very sorely, to speak.   And, of course, full evergreen disclosure:  As most creative endeavors, it is stuffed about the edges with some Grade “A” crispy-fried *******.  mmm, tasty.
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