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b g Apr 2015
i don’t think there are things quite like this:
quite like ocean-breathing. quite like soft
hearts and softer fingers. quite like hands
strong and hair pulled.
kiss me until i forget her name. push me
on my knees in the hallway—breathe me;
breathe me; breathe me.
i don’t think there are things quite like this:
quite like “take it off”. quite like “****, ****,
you’re—”. quite like “how much **** would
you get for this hickey?”.
give me mouth to neck to hands to back.
give me soft, give me softer, harder. give
me all teeth, all fingernails, all scratch and
no soothe.
i’m not drunk but i might as well be; you
have never been an instrument i knew how
to play well enough to perform. i’m on my
knees and then not anymore and i’m not
one for praying but i feel like this is the
moment i ask god when i turned into
something so close to an exit wound
even my mother wouldn’t recognise me
i don’t think there are things quite like this:
quite like trembling so hard the china might
scatter on the floor like ashes. quite like
“i’m not just using you”. quite like whispers
so soft they seem to go up in smoke.
he kisses my neck and i go weak in the knees
but i feel like i would be strong enough to
withstand a hurricane like this. he kisses
my neck and his hand is on my hip and
i think about how sometimes a flood brings
more than it takes away and i think
that’s you. i think that’s you. sometimes
i wonder if i could be like that for you
you see, i don’t think there are things
quite like this:
quite like shaking but still. quite like
cold but willing. quite like you.
Alan S Bailey Apr 2015
Look if you don't like my poetry
That's perfectly ok,
Lord knows I'm such a failure,
And they **** anyway!
I hereby declare
That you shall not have a fare
Towards this land of beauty and fair
For you have put me in despair
Never have I been so clear
To put you out of here
Mehehehehe ... A little piece I made while procrastinating... :3
s Feb 2015
its funny how
you wanted to
take my heart
away from me
and now you're
just throwing
it away like
your old cds
Just got called trash, but let me tell you something...
...after real **** goes down,
Trash don't belong on the floor
As of 2.16.15 i do not authorize the duplication(s) of this writing, photography, or personal information.
aj Feb 2015
sweet sucker of crushing cruelty,
dripping my sanity to the very last bit.

you come and go as you please,
leaving destruction in your path
in the form of poetry.

i cry at the fires you set,
and rebuild myself again;
***** myself with a pen,
and start, begin to end.

i'm running out of arteries to slice,
not having you puts my thoughts on ice.

i'd like to think you keep me from
burning the whole world down,

that sweet, sweet song
brighter than the mountain's sound.
trash, just trying to organize my thoughts
aj Jan 2015
that silly metaphor about
weights being on your shoulder,
always holds true,

because whether it's you
and love
and lies
and hope
and smoke
and tears
and water
and fire

all that pain,
it inspires.
icebreaker poem
- Jan 2015
Changing every detail
Like covering up tracks on pure snow
Ruining the scenery more
Except I deserve it

You're not the only one I let go of
You're not the only posion I let in my life
You're not the only one I didn't care for
Because you barged into my own life

You were really nice
Until you met me
You tried so hard and so far
But why?

So I've been trying to clean my life
But it's hard when trash keeps barging in
But at least this time
The trash got out by it's self

You going away isn't hurting my feelings
Bobbie Bachelor Dec 2014
When I was sleeping
I had a dream
That I was you
And you were me

But we were really
The same person

Then I
Looked in the mirror
And she was staring back at me
And she looked in the mirror
And he was staring back at me


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