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Go big or go home
I dream of Rome
Forget Internet Explorer, more Google Chrome
I'm the whole package, yet they think I'm Foam
They swerve the road, hit the cones
I make one mistake, chip my bones
Then I drone
Over it
Moving onto the next big thing
I know when I make it
Because that's when the Choir sings
From the approval of others
I own this field, secretly undercover
Don't try to smuther
My potential
Chances are, you're scared of my credentials
I shoot the free throw
I'll ignore your denouncements, you already know
Who caught all those wins in a row?
Took all the losses while you complained about your bosses
This talk is preposterous
Coming in full force like a Rhinoceros
There's always a rise and fall to this
Cloudy Heart Aug 2017
Old words are meant to be thrown away
they're like snake venom throughout your body
all the old, faded words you wished

were never written

I'm glad someone stole my old journal full of poems
because I am a new person now

a new pen writing on a brand new page
the page clings to me, and I to it,
and together we make beautiful new work

talking about the one who makes your heart sing
and the past that has hurt you, but you finally overcame it

that's the thing about old words

they're meant to be thrown away

Just some thoughts
Colm Jul 2017
Tonight I get to do what I was meant to do
To be who I was meant to be
And although every eyeball in every line of sight may be fixated on me
For an hour or so
That doesn’t change the fact that I
Was meant to step out this stage and to bend like a bow
As I did in the days of old
Such talent is still stretched within me
That I should perform, and that I should play, most doggedly
Until the finely threaded twine within my mind begins to unwind
And I am straight as an arrow hence
Laying on the table before, how I once had said
That I hope I can return once more for that again
But not for this I said
Not for this
Sometimes you need to stop before you can keep going. *nod nod*
Paul Jones Apr 2017
A lone wanderer,      forgotten by time,
I throw myself like      dust into the wind.
23:30 - 29/04/17
Colm May 2017
Since I discovered this place
Since I took up that old mask again
To hide my boyish face

At least for an hour or two each week
I feel at home
Almost not alone
In a place where I may not belong
It's good to be back to this former me. Though I managed to hate it for almost three years.
Colm Mar 2017
A pendulum, rocking to the heartbeat of eternity
In time, in tune, in step with the world
Inside of the footprint of this city street

Like a whisper in the passing wind
Or a whistle nearby yet unseen
Striding forward with a massive force
Unstoppable as the former me

This is the essence of my own demise
And the love which grew too strong and too quickly
In order to keep my song alive

And yet through this I've become an entity
So I will rock for eternity, back and forth atop the hill
And also in the flatlands in the east
Where the whispers were first heard to me
True story lol - Most are
oui Nov 2016
two thousand nine hundred and forty six microscopic tiny shards of glass stuck in my hand is the only equivalent feeling to hearing your name

six months later and i keep finding hidden pieces in my palms

/ just when i thought my hands were numb i saw the silky red dress i wore the day my hand hit the glass and all i want to do is throw up
saranade Nov 2016
The barrier of poison and ****
                    You're better than us
                   A metal chassis of rust
This and that and jist and just
                     An abyss full of fuss
                                   No love or lust
Cease to speak or discuss
                    A might or a must
                         The empty pie crust
Preference to throw or ******
                       Detest and disgust
                         To cry or get crushed
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