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kokoro Feb 24
every time i open my computer i have to force myself to not look down to that green box, letting me know if you ever found the time to message me back.

I put my web browser on full, so i don't get tempted by that box.
i go on do not disturb so i don't immediately get back to you like how you don't get back to me when you see my text.

I have to pretend that i don't care about my phone,
because every time i log in the only notification i'm greeted with is "no new notifications."

I try to ignore it like you ignore me for hours,
but I physically cant.
it lingers in my brain, minutes feel like hours knowing your just waiting, and even if i text you, you wont understand, will you? because i'm sitting here crying on my bed, wishing you would ever make the time to see me, wishing that you could just talk to me, but i can't do anything about it, because i know on your phone,

i'm silenced.
Lostling Feb 2
Behind the screens
They cannot see my tears
Or hear my silence
Through the words they do not shout
I cannot bear to read
For harm befalls my heart in silent weeping
had a loud smoke break to blare out my ears – always been afraid
of heights; but that high made me face my fears. and I think I
could have heard my tears, though I don’t cry as much, even
when it comes to love – still if you can hear my heart, we must
be that close; I can feel your pulse…

fleeting ecstasies, the moment I knew you’re no longer
next to me... crossing out my heart, my next ex to be
my jagged teeth still left a mark on your skin – on a stone floor
where you were my crush; left crushed by the rock of love
on my robe, and bare feet, I wore your heart, and let you walk
all over in my thoughts…

****, no planet to own, still I gave you,
my world.

to be honest, I really still love yo… hold, select all, clear…
“hey, just wanted to check up on you”
Kiernan Norman Dec 2024
Start with something casual:
“I miss you” is a good opener,
but don’t forget the twist—
throw in a parenthetical like
“(but not enough to beg)”
just to keep him guessing.

Follow up with a double text,
something vaguely existential.
“Do you ever think about
the weight of your own cowardice?”
And when he doesn’t respond,
“Haha jk, how’s your sciatica?”

Text three should be a song lyric—
not one he knows,
but something obscure and devastating,
“And the skeletons in both our closets
plotted hard to **** this up.”
Don’t explain it.
Let him Google it at 2 a.m.
and spiral in silence.

For text four,
go for the jugular:
“Do you think you’ll ever stop
mistaking fear for wisdom?”
Then send:
“Nvm, that was mean.
What’s your comfort show again?
Mine’s Parks and Rec.”

By text five, he’ll start to crack.
He might reply with something cautious,
“Are you okay?”
This is your chance.
Answer with:
“Define okay.”
Then immediately change the subject—
“Wait, what’s your zodiac rising?”

Text six is where you plant the seed of doubt:
“Sometimes I think we’d have worked out
if I didn’t know you so well.”
Wait exactly four minutes,
then follow up with:
“Or maybe if you knew yourself better.”

For text seven, go full cryptic:
“You remind me of that one painting—
you know, the one they had to repaint
because it was falling apart.”
Let him sit with that one.

By text eight,
he’ll either call or give up.
If he calls, ignore it.
If he doesn’t,
“Anyway, good talk.
Hope life’s treating you
as kindly as you deserve.
Interpret that how you will.”

Text nine is optional,
but it’s my favorite:
“Do you even notice the silence
when it’s not yours?”

Text ten is the finale.
Simple, clean, devastating:
“I hope you finally stop running,
and when you do,
I hope it’s too late
for anyone to catch you.”
xavier thomas Jun 2023
“Lol I’ll take you with me
some time
and we’ll watch airplanes
land/fly away
when the sun sleeps
into the night..
I’ll pick you up @8pm
as traffic dies down.”
yuyu Mar 2023
Looking down the ground,
I stare at the bright lights,
Alone in the dark night,
Alone in my 5th floor apartment

The cold breeze greets my skin,
While the heads greet each other down the city,
The night is as bright as the day,
Even when the moon is hiding under the thick fog

Ting! I said I’ll text you back, but I never did

I wonder how they interact,
Because I’m only in no contact,
Only my dark room calms me down,
As I don’t have to hide from anyone

Ting! I said I’m busy, when I’m in bed

The outside is loud but why is it quiet here?
The cars are honking, the music is screaming,
But my wall bounces it back,
Just like how I push people away

Ting! I said I ran out of battery, when I ran out of energy

Maybe I should take it slow,
So that I can follow the flow,
Just like how the moon starts to show up,
To face the bright busy city

I stare at the moon in the empty sky,
Even when it came out from the fog,
I wonder why the moon is alone together with me,
Why? Do you also push those stars away?

Ting! I said I’ll text you back...
when you struggle to text people back...
Stan Gichuki Nov 2022
Dear Women,
If you’re wondering why he’s no longer texting you it’s probably because when he was, He felt like he was the one putting in all the effort he’s the one that sent the good morning and good night text first. He is the one that would ask you how your day was he would specifically check on that one thing you told him you were doing today. It is not because he has all the time in the world and he has nothing better to do he’s busy with his own things he made the conscious decision to make time for you only when he saw over and over again that his efforts were not being reciprocated that he decided to leave.

"I don't like texting" yet that is all they do when I am with them 😂

How hard is it to fully form a sentence.. 😂
louella Jul 2022
text bubbles moving
as i wait for a carefully
calculated response.
the anticipation is brutal.
sentences ending with lol
cause there is nothing else
to say, but if i stop speaking
it will be rude and offensive.
the screen lights up and
your name flashes by and
my pulse increases in speed.
how do i respond…
this is what happens when i text people
Nicole Oct 2021
Tiny screens hide big feelings.
Tell me you love me so I can breathe.
Sweet words wrap around my heart.
Constricting until I'm high
And can't feel the fear anymore.
I need to know what's real.
I know it isn't all lies,
But I can't find the line.
Blinded by electric energy,
Coursing through my limbs.
I love this and I hate this.
Convenient and damning.
The warmth of emotion permeates,
But it can't reach my core.
The anxiety and pain are rampant there.
I don't want to feel them.
I don't feel safe.
But I can't bring others down with me.
I need to face myself empty handed.
Let the emotions burn through me.
I know that I am fire proof.
So when the flames flicker to nothingness,
And I'm alone with the darkness,
I will be most simply
And most purely
SelinaSharday Sep 2021
Tired Of Texting U
I've been audio and texting ya for a while now well just feels like..
I mean what can I say...
Feels like many days due to the deep rich tones of it..
Gravel toss tirelessly shift.. reality uncalmly wanna lift..
waves crashing emotional sweets gifts roping..
Throws Thirsty Craves.  
searching..  longing.. like tidy bow tied falling.
Soon the feeling to Shift Lanes.
And  roast toasty words of flames..
Lets get ugly like realness and reality...
As of now we are teasingly..
and it's wearing on me and I want to find a way.
Or Just
Put on my church shoes and preach a sermon.
After the deeds are spoken and people have had their fun.
Fatigued is occupied and limited by time.
Being stimulated by what we find.
Show me your hidden Juggling hands.
Behind the scenes calming down of the fan.
I'll show you how I sort through my minds confines.
When I grow weary of the limitations and burst free of lines.
Sharday's Soul.
water falls
and then down ta 5 sec drips
tiny sips..
that went quick
a bitter sweet end..
A bond between friends.
May that never end,.
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