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Mio Seanachaidh Jan 2017
Take a dip in my waters, feel the soothing coolness seep your skin
Immerse and emerge breathless and renewed
While floating in caressing waves, you'll feel transformed and sated
Embraced by the warm heat in a cocoon of amor we have created
Lady Bird Jan 2017
don't get too drunk
that you lose reality
or blinded by the lies
told under your nose

don't get too drunk
breaking your own heart
digging a hole in your soul
for the promised illusion

don't get too drunk
that you change so much
you're unable to find yourself
ready to turn your life in

don't get too drunk
clinging to the addiction
of poisoned temptation
the alcohol of false love
PS Dec 2016
I have never met him,
But he thinks I am stunning,
He's everything I want,
No one else is in the running.

Skin like a Redmayne,
Darkest eyes I've ever seen,
Just a posh boy who's determined
To crush his parents dreams.

He's the Saint of Temptation,
Talks like he's got a title,
In love with the East,
A master of survival.

He is steeped in history,
And though I do not know why,
His reputation reaches further
Then the late night red sky.

The only problem is,
He's as perfect as can be,
No matter how stunning,
Another girl's with him, not me.
brandon nagley Dec 2016
Amiss am I, awry I be, with thought's not of this sphere, O' how I thinkest of the real me. The real me with none dermis, the reality of none colored blood. I'm katharí psychí;
Of the empyrean love.

Wherein the substance and materials aren't bought, nor sold; I'm sick of the greed, the wantonness, that makes monsters out of men.

I've experienced wantonness, though verily it doesn't please me, I've tasted Lust's, and lust conceives sin;
Sin leadeth to death.

Lord Almighty, protect me from the demon's that never rest, nor do they sleep;

They art witty, unforgiving, they make men's heart's their places to eat and invest.

Renew me Yahweh in this mortal stress, keep mine eye's on thee; O'
Mighty king.

Free me of mine burdens;
And mine restlessness.

Let thine light,
Overshadow me.

© Brandon nagley
© Lonesome poet's poetry
Amiss- not as things should be( in other words"out of place".
awry -crooked, out of proper order (pronounced 'a-wry')
None- means ( no) old form.
Dermis-the skin.
katharí psychí- means ( pure love) Greek dialect.
empyrean-belonging to or deriving from heaven.
Thinkest- second form of (think).
Wherein- in which.
wantonness-always being in want. Wanting everything, yet never wanting to give anything to anyone'.
Verily'- truly.
Leadeth- leads.
Witty- showing or characterized by quick and inventive verbal humor..
Yahweh'+ God's name in Hebrew.
Mine- my.
The Napkin Poet Dec 2016
Moisture permeates the air, a wet haze.
Stillness with anticipation, or tension.
Fresh air containing an aroma.
Natural and earthly,
Like giving into original temptation.

Through the fog she awaits my consumption.
Her taste lovely, like if love had a flavor.
An oozing box of sweet glaze, stands within a wet haze.
Kevin Nov 2016
God we haven’t spoken in a while.
a lost soul, a rampant sinner
seeking purification.

I turned my back,
bathing in temptations,
satisfyingly hurting you.

I pray for forgiveness.
might you still have
a place in your herd
for this lost lamb?

© oceancrows
Sam Nov 2016
take it.
go ahead, take it.
it won't harm you.
i dare you.

The evil serpet lies as it slithers down my back.
It's hiss and whispers send chills through my body.
I am stiff,
I am rigid.

I said take it.
You will achieve great happiness.
Just outstretch your arms,
and it will be yours.

Mind turns to greed,
My eyes turn red like the blood of the serpent's prey.
I open my arms, letting myself feel the power hit me,
knocking me to the ground.

See here,*
For you have taken what wasn't yours.
You have played my little game,
and for that, you shall pay.

I lay on the ground, blinking in confusion.
My eyes. They fill with water, they drain their color.
I cry red, hot, fiery tears that burn as they roll down my face.
This. This is the least pain I deserve.
Randy Johnson Oct 2016
The world gets worse as each day passes and that's no exaggeration.
When you are tempted to commit a sin, please resist the temptation.
If you want to hit a person, please don't commit assault.
Resist the temptation even if the other person is at fault.
If you are tempted to do drugs, please resist the temptation.
It's dangerous as well as being a sin and can cause devastation.
Please resist the temptation if you're tempted to commit adultery.
Not only is it breaking one of God's commandments, you can also get an STD.
Please resist the temptation if you're tempted to steal or ****.
Turn to The Lord, he can help people cope with any ordeal.
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