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Chad Young Dec 2020
Should I give free away this truth... That it be eaten by sparrow and fly alike?
Once the pyramid became a part of my inner vision, I soon realized through diligence that It leads to E Pluribus Unum, "from many, one".
And as I solve my own problems, (they are the same for family, nation, and the world)
I see the picture of the gradual unity of our planet's society, and beyond.
जीवन  के   मधु प्यास  हमारे,
छिपे किधर  प्रभु  पास हमारे?
सब कहते तुम व्याप्त मही हो,
पर मुझको क्यों प्राप्त नहीं हो?

नाना शोध करता रहता  हूँ,
फिर भी  विस्मय  में रहता हूँ,
इस जीवन को तुम धरते हो,
इस सृष्टि  को  तुम रचते हो।

कहते कण कण में बसते हो,
फिर क्यों मन बुद्धि हरते हो ?
सक्त हुआ मन निरासक्त पे,
अभिव्यक्ति  तो हो भक्त पे ।

मन के प्यास के कारण तुम हो,
क्यों अज्ञात अकारण तुम हो?
न  तन  मन में त्रास बढाओ,
मेघ तुम्हीं हो प्यास बुझाओ।

इस चित्त के विश्वास  हमारे,
दूर   बड़े   हो   पास  हमारे।
जीवन   के  मधु  प्यास मारे,
किधर छिपे प्रभु पास हमारे?

अजय अमिताभ सुमन
Daivik Dec 2020
A little girl
In tattered clothes
Shivering to death
In December cold

A lonely man
Just lost his job
Standing on a forgotten cliff
Ready to jump
Wondering what
Was his reason to live

Cheated wife
Lost the love of her life
Grabbing onto cyanide
Crying into the silent night

A man surrendered
To *******
Walking towards
His own grave

Shunned by his family
For being someone
He wasn't allowed to be
The scaffold seemed
Too close to reach

Driven mad
By all the hate
He was taught since he was a kid
He decides
The infidels
They must be killed

On that fateful Christmas day
An angel appeared
In human form
The believers ,the disbelievers
The haters,the hated
The angel saved them all

The amazing grace changed them all
himangshu Dec 2020
Here comes the moment
And now, all it goes
In the façade of nothingness
All I'm now is numb,
Feeling light, feeling hefty.
And now, all it goes
In the façade of nothingness.
nothingness isn't numb it's just another feeling that hasn't been accounted for.
there's nothing left for me to do,
I'm just a nobody to everybody,
with me they are done & through, already gone & deleted
from their human minds,

like a recording that's gone before rewind,
nothing but their trash,
after it's burned down to ash,
like ashes to dust,
I'm still scattered here & there,
still just making a mess.
2 Corinthians 5:8
We are confident, I say, and would prefer to be away from the body and at home with the Lord.
Romans 14:8
If we live, we live for the Lord; and if we die, we die for the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord.
LannaEvolved Dec 2020
I must dream a long
time in order to act
with grandeur
creates my faith

The dreaming of anything better
first must be nursed in darkness
Transforming into light
Is to know that such a form of love is
borne out of being our own witness..
To the truth of ourselves
of what we are held so capable of
In a sky that shines for a real love unknown at the time it was inside stirring
Waiting to accept its reward
To know someone who takes another’s form; embraces it
For everything they are
Is not afraid to lose it
Because they know...
They’re meant to keep it

The highest form of love there is
Is the highest form of light
I can be and belong.

And I love you for showing me.

God: that I am.
Daivik Dec 2020
She was sitting there
Crying silently
Mascara flowing down
Down her broken face
Her broken fate

She was not a boy
Her truth was hidden
"You have to be a boy"
Her truth was forbidden

She wore her mother's gold necklet
Lying carelessly on the bed
To free her choked up neck
It was the only rebellion she was allowed
In a society so afraid
Of someone different from the crowd
But for the moment
It was all she needed
She was proud

"Don't make the gods cry"
But what about her own tears?
The gold necklet 'he' wore
Was human civilization's greatest fear

Everybody wore a mask
She just couldn't
Or she would die
She was Athena
She was power
She was courage personified
The gold necklet she wore
they couldn't hide
Chad Young Dec 2020
O celestial mountain, let me climb the stairs of patience
that the immortal front may be birthed anew.
Cover thyself with the robe
of the Ancient Root,
and with the Hood of the Worlds,
that you may hearken to the
winds of mystery
and the tremors of the stock of oneness.
Suffer time
to pass thee by
that the eternal sun
may shine upon thee.
Let the Mother of Eternity
give thee nourishment
at the seat
of powerlessness.
silent meditation
Derrick Jones Dec 2020
No longer beware
Be aware
Be here now
Be clear
Don’t know
Don’t no
Just go
With reality
Perfect clarity
Sweet sincerity
There is nothing to fear but...
There is nothing to fear
There is nothing to fear
So be here, now
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