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“At the center of our being is a point of nothingness which is untouched by sin and by illusion, a point of pure truth, a point or spark which belongs entirely to God. It is like a pure diamond, blazing with the invisible light of heaven. It is in everybody, and if we could see it, we would see these billions of points of light coming together in the face and blaze of a sun that would make all the darkness and cruelty of life vanish completely ... I have no program for this seeing. It is only given. But the gate of heaven is every- where.”

― Thomas Merton, Conjectures of a Guilty Bystander

Surprising God, how does one surprise God?

I have heard the door or gate is not locked; it is always open.

Every day I think of Mike,
he told me about the river boat he was on,
the murky river water, many small boats alongside,
action all around. He was a sailor on a ship,
what the hell was he doing on a river boat,
he often asked, even now.
Can’t remember the name of the river,
but it was Nam…

You come home from war… you are different now.
No one seems to know that, “but glad your back bro,” they say. Yes, you are home, but then there is the addiction, not of killing but of forgetting.
The time comes to report, remembering one’s service, out in the woods, away from it all.
There is that standing at attention, hair and beard trimmed, at muster for the last time…
There was a strange silence afterwards,

How does one surprise God?
I have heard the door or gate is not locked; it is always open.
I am a vet from the Vietnam Era. This poem came point of a personal experience and loss.
Andrea Lee Bolt Dec 2020
farts are demons
making art

let evil rip

Squeaker Pimps
Pooder Shrimps

lift a cheek
hear a glimpse

top Cheese Charts

in texas, cheap gas
cali, makes you pay out the ***
Believe it or not this is a spiritual poem. My Poppy was not only an amazing enlightened grandfather who flew P38s in WWII he was also the funniest light I ever met. the man also had a profound affinity for flatulence. He would even take a recording device into the bathroom and then listen back later on his own laughing hysterically and the music his ***** would make. While asking my guides about a pov on all this challenging energy in the world this came through as I lie here in bed this am. Imagining Poppy is visiting, bringing more light to my world as he knows how best. Using a filter over the evil making it ridiculous helps take its power away. Farts aren’t evil of course it means your body is working! I’m so grateful for my morning gas as it means I have a functioning body, I’m alive and healthy! Love you all! Mean it! We are one.
Chad Young Dec 2020
It is more than breathing forbearance, but
being forbearance itself. Like the back of my head is
pushed to the wall and I am allowing the Spirit
to push me further away from the middle.

The pyramid is the greatest source of God's Might
and is the most hidden retreat of Light: in the realm
of shapes and symbols.
The body takes on the quality of a pyramid.

There are man-made, divinely inspired, objects.
These are all micro aspects of the pyramid.
The city within the pyramid has many aspects hidden
behind "doors".
The letters and words written on the pyramid's parts allow
for the splendor of mankind.
All lights in this city get their power from the Divine.

The pyramid is the owner of Silence.
The sides of the pyramid are upheld by the
straight back of silence. Its apex is held by
the inner observer.
Silent meditation
Erik Luo Dec 2020
Love said the word
Before it learned its worth
Singing about a time
Where all things were without forms

It begins like this moment
A single verse of exhalation
Through all the troubled places
To the door which I persisted

How we feared that moment
When we unify into another
To resist such a pleasure
To control such a power

But it doesn’t matter
For the grand place of wonder
exists to balance each other
Of all the times we believed others
We knew we are each other

I live for this moment
Where I am between the veil
Of the inner working of myself
Of this grand infinite palace

And as I feel all the joy and pain
I merged
into the love
that I am...
Kathleen Dec 2020
Alone I stand, in a field full of solace,
Life brings the wind to cascade down  my branches
To cast away the leaves I have nourished
Bring me light so I may flourish
The sun to warm my inner spirit
My roots reach to the inner core,
I stand solid,
So bring the rain, the snow, the sun
For I am that tree that stands Alone.............
Andrea Lee Bolt Dec 2020
Do the Whales know they are the biggest around
Do they seek out other Whales
Do they look for something bigger
So they can know what it’s like to be small

Does the Ant Queen know the sacrifices being made in her honor
Does the Elephant know it’s at risk
Or does it swim in the gloriousness of it’s bliss

Does the Goat know why it cares about it’s kid

Love always knows what it’s doing when it becomes a kiss
Andrea Lee Bolt Dec 2020
The tadpole begins to frog
She surrenders
expanding bones

"Am I the water
Or is it the other way around?"

Suddenly ****** into the one with everything

"Am I dead
Or is it the other way around?"

Try to become itself
or allow it to be revealed

The trees suddenly make sense to her
they've been watching her
calling her home
she longs to be held by them again
If only she could reach

Hop Hop
above the leaves
at ease

The other side of wave
while always in the middle of one

And. Then. She’s born again.
Life transitions, heavy stuff mayne.
Andrea Lee Bolt Dec 2020
Even Snakes have compassion
their poison isn’t just for fashion

When we go, Gods make it a fast one

Your poison paralyzed me
Gaia granted serenity

thankful for you milking me
who knew it would set us free
gone the girl I thought I wanted to be

Now I start new, again.
Ego death am I right?
Andrea Lee Bolt Dec 2020
Wonder if I’ll have a baby

There’s so many but maybe
To look in the eyes
of a new Light as it
begins her adventure

Some call me crazy
cause We feel like
Earth is our baby
maybe our lady?
The lesbian lover we never knew
we yearned for.

Tik Toks
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