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kell Sep 2019
You feel like your a burden
your mind is over taking by these thoughts
you don't appertain
disconnected from the world
like a plug from its outlet
no longer in use
useless at the least
priceless to those who don't see
who you really are..
who are you really?
Your acting we can all tell its so impostress and fake
like a bad spell
whose fault is it the wisher or the witch?
We want you raw, vulnerable, authentic
and true to who you are
This is the alternate you
we hear your screams inside your own mind
"this isn't me why am i acting this way"
save me please, im adrift from myself. the actual me

Your beautiful,you belong,you have an understanding beyond your years keep your head clear you got this

to my lovely friend
BE yourself please its OK there someone for you
EmperorOfMine Sep 2019
I didn't want to let go...
of all of our memories
of the long lost nights talking
of the dreams we'd share to one another
of the interest that was once mutual.

I didn't want it to change...
at least not into this
i liked you so much
i couldn't tell you what this feeling is.

But you let me go, and I fell on your shallow ground...
i wasn't the prettiest, so you didn't want me
i wasn't the funniest, not entertaining
i'm not the most colorful, so you didn't see me
but you used to...what happened?

Yet, after I told you that I couldn't watch you disappear...
and although you didn't seem to care
somehow, i felt relieved.

Because it wasn't you that I was going to lose...
but just another part of me.
i saved my self, and i got away.
i truly cared for you
after all the things telling me not to...
and you let me get away.
thank you
Vic Jun 2019
I'm still writing
A poem every day.
Jay M Apr 2019
Aching in my chest
Pain of loss
Yet who have I lost?

Running to the balcony
Laying on the edge
Looking at the stars
Taking the pain away...

Barely holding on
The demons I'm made of
Locking myself in
Letting them win
But I didn't stand a chance,
Did I?

They say they'll make you right
But they only make you worse

Long endless highway
Finally pulling to the streets
Someone runs a red light
Braking, we're inches away from being hit.

Driving off like it was nothing
But I could have lost you
All of you...

Sitting alone in the dark
Used to take one
Now it takes six
Going over
But never under
Shaking uncontrollably
But I'll be okay
I'll still be alive...

I feel my heartbeat
Wondering when it will stop
Letting me go
Into the unknown

I swear I love you
But if I stay
I'll only destroy you...
That's all I ever do
To everyone I love...

Fighting to stay
Yet yearning to go
It all comes back to this
Doesn't it?

I can't take your hand
Mine are bound
Living a nightmare
Crying, aching,
But somehow
I'm still here
I just want to hear you
"Lets go home.."

- Jay M
April 16th, 2019
Memories just...haunt
Bindashi Misao Dec 2018
what if these stars are all those wishes
that never came true!
and they try to tell us...
that even something incomplete,
can be so beautiful...
Bindashi Misao Dec 2018
and when the moon drowns...
into the black waters...
they'd stay lost and still...
entangled into each other...
hoping never to be found...
for home they had become...
Matteo Palermo Sep 2018
Blowing on dandelions
Making my only wish
That things will somehow
Work out between us.
As the never ending sunset scorched the sky.
The ever-shoring ship circles around aimlesly through the sea.
I gaze through this lighthouse of mine, basking upon the perpetual beauty of the world.
I feel locked away in this tiny lighthouse, yet i have never felt so free in the open sky.

Thats what love is i guess.

A perpetually enigmatic feeling.
You will never lock me away, because a heart in love is always free. You will never set me free, as a heart in love is a prison of its own.
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