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Bhill Nov 2020
the feelings that exist don't seem real
suddenly relief is beginning to rise up
change may be waiting on the other side of the twisted highway
on the other side....

Brian Hill - 2020 # 301
Spriha Kant Sep 2020
Hatred is one of the side effects of jealousy.
Hammad Sep 2020
And just like the moon
We all have the dark side
withing ourselves,
from scars of time,
craters of hopes and dreams
that can't be known- at all
just like the tidal force
it has slowed us
to the point
where we always put on
the bright side...
Laiba Sep 2020
Look around and all i can see
Is the hatred of the world
The anger the pain
They laugh at me
They say
Sket did it once
Do it again...
Sinice I was 9 my dad abused me people get into me and blame me sad life but meh.
Nat Lipstadt Aug 2020
~ per la bombardiera italiana di Vienna~

you want a poem of (a)side dishes, instead of a main,
you prefer a side vent, instead of a main event,
but always commence at the commencement ending,
another day begs for the first poem of the day (FPoTD)

the sky produces another hue, a whitish blue,
with violet shadings, majestic clouds slow moving,
heading north, Northwest by North(NWbN)
to New England, onto Toronto, then west to B.C.
but me won’t be there for that new course correction

sent some messengers your way, umpteen Canadian
snowbird geese, returning home, Florida too **** hot,
hurricanes not to their liking, quite the sight, brave old
man in dracula cape-flapping bathrobe, clapping and heehawing them intruders into the bay waters, off his land, their partying
in my no-noise motel against a law, not to mention their
empties and plentiful droppings, but I side vent digress

from where this Mariner’s tale began, but the mental alarm
signals seven bells, return to port, now a mess mate, inside,
delivering coffee in white china teacups to the Captainess,
who in time of war makes tremendous sacrifices, par example,
who due to the pandemic, graciously deigns, accepts paper(!)
napkins, a sign of the gravity of the times, no ironing!

god, I do not understand how you do it, vast eternal patience,
every way, every day, a new shade, you musta been an art major,
or very bored, either way, this goose chasing, cook, exterminator,
driver, poetry-writing no-maven son of a Canadian woman, is
your devotee, morning glory audience, who accepts your sky tapestry, your cloud interweaving laddering, with humble gratitude, a still life never stilled, my eyes, my tongue sings your praises like King David, and that other court-appointed Canadian psalmist^ who  understood, conversing with you is where all hallelujah poem songs main event must begin, fiddle middle, and perforce must conclude, that! the! main event

everything else just a side event, a side venting, a prayer-in waiting,
a get-in-line for another paradise, where poets play cards, smoke see-gars, checking their stockings for runs and new poem ideas, word worshipping the gifts of existence, a child’s ice cream dotted nose, a body’s curves, but I digress...he LoL’s to himself, wondering why his eyes are usual, he is clueless, the last to know, but the first to weep because the winter is coming, yet again, a sky will be less frequent friendly, but the know-nothing-man will digress yet again, once more unto the breach...

Sat Sabbath Aug 29
daffodil Aug 2020
A crack in my mirror, right in the centre
splits my image into a thousand pieces
versions of myself never quite realised
all that I am and all that I could be
each fragment a glimpse into a path not chosen
fingers reaching out to touch the glass
dipping into the reflection, a pool of possibility
if only I could crawl through the looking glass
or break on through to the other side
would I miss this place
am I happier there
Maunas Mehta Aug 2020
When we cried
You came to our Side
Even if you were occupied,

You left your pride
In order to guide
To make us unified,

You didn't want to be famous
Nor did u care about our status
Your love was endless

You inspired countless
Gave us kindness
That is your greatness.

You were coutious
of our happiness
So you left Mahant swami with
Your brightness.....
Jammit Janet Jul 2020
A sparkle,
A pump,
A few more sparkles in tow,

Spark the movement,
Of feeling, power, and hope,

The current powers up,
With courage and perseverance,

Her soul lights up,
Hot ****, she’s beaming,

She opens up to her demons,
Sits tight,
Starts breathing,

Embraces the universe,
Her world,

The pain and the hurt,
Good fortune, pure love, and your worth,

Pay attention to the universe,
It’s listening to you,

Melt into its warmth,
While it whispers,

You matter,
It’s true.
Raven Jun 2020
Oh, what have I done?

It was war
I saw you standing on the other side
From afar
Gliding through dead man's shadows at night

Fighting lost causes
I watched you succeed
Blood as red as roses
Bodies fell like dead meat

When I was past reason
I got trapped in your gaze
Everybody knew you won
As I fell into a haze

Oh, what have I done?

I saw nothing but you
You did not raise your hand
I had not had a clue
But I stopped to pretend

That is when I started walking
Straight towards you

Oh, what have I done?

When we faced each other
eye to eye
It was as if I said goodbye
To everyone who abandoned me

I know exactly what I have done
It was then I realised everyone else was gone
I stood alone until the end
What will I be, foe or friend?
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