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My life was steeped in darkness
Twisted trees blackly cracked the grey sky
I didn't know there could be such brightness
Until I found that place
That place of colour
And light
And fun
And love
I wanted it
I'd always wanted it
Without even knowing what I wanted
I tried to bring brightness to my twisted world
I strived for so long and so hard
But they couldn't understand
And the brightness was lost to all
Only then did I understand
I was the darkness
The darkness was me
And that was okay
Because the world needs darkness
But it also needs brightness
So I returned to darkness
And let the brightness shine without my corruption
But a little brightness shone in me
Inspired by The Nightmare Before Christmas. Please comment, I love to read interpretations of my work.
Poetic T Jul 2014
My heart rusted unused,
What once beat love
Only has cobwebs of regrets,
It is fragile to the touch
Love rusted away, what once
Beat strong,
Now it hardly moves
An engine of love unused
It needs to be buffed
By love from another heart,
To see what is beneath the tarnish
A broken heart, now in need of use
For now its rusting away,
A heart tarnished where love once beat.
cr Jun 2014
you ripped my heart
out of my chest and swallowed
it whole on a day where the
sun shone brightly; despite the
clouds hanging over
my head, there's still
a sunburn where you
used to

touch me.
i can't decide if i hate you for hurting me yet.
Moon was bright that night
Stars shone and wheeled over us
How could we go wrong?

— The End —