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The Poetic Fairy Jan 2019
Your sadness
your joy
your laughter
your tears
your hope
and your fears

give them to me
and I'll show you mine

let me get to know
the real you
the one you are
when no one's watching
when you are all alone
the you
you are
for you

because when you can't be
the you
you are
I can't give you
the me
I am.
Ian Robinson Jan 2019
To share things
In a boundless way
to bring a couple together closer
no matter what is

THAT is Intimacy.
Amy H Jan 2019
how does a woman tell
about awakening?
the burning in her breast
the fire that lights
the embers long smouldering
‘neath years of stress
and fight
and proving;
when finally she esteems herself
and sees the lines and curves
for wisdom
and birth.

knowing her power, real
allowing her to feel
that freedom waits
where shame has fade away.
she knows the joy
of being
this woman-

having this form,
the center of creation
in her body and her soul
to share or keep-
is like a dance.

dance alone she may
or with you

you’ll know her
by the passion of her touch
her laugh
her joy
her zeal for life
when two become one
if first
she knows herself
and so do you
The only way to pure love is through the self. A woman who sees her value is a treasure to those who know her.
Glenn Currier Dec 2018
Writing poetry is an exercise
in making myself rise
from ordinary preoccupation
to enter the realm of creation.

When I share it I am revealing
thoughts, doings, and feeling,
so I need not hesitate to share
or bore those who care.

A poem might not be art
but it is a letter from my heart
more than a quick posting
or social media boasting.

So if you do not receive a sealed letter
from me in the mail, a poem is better.
It is a moment of being bold
of sharing a small slice of my soul.

Getting a poem from a poet or friend
is an honor for me and I will attend
and count it a privilege worth prizing
a noble moment of the creator’s rising.
Bill MacEachern Dec 2018
Were You To Be Gone

Could I carry on
Were you to be gone
I guess I can
But do understand

The skies would be blue
But have no more color
Not driving with you
Would lose all of its wonder

Songs would be noise
Losing all of its joy
Sunshine on Leith
Sounding more like a bleat

A walk through the mill
Would only be Bill
No longer as green
A whole different scene

Those rides to nowhere
Would lose all of its flare
I’d hear no more laughs
For my driving gaffs

Going out to eat
Would just be that
No longer sharing
Just me getting fat

Could I carry on
Were you to be gone
I guess I can
Be a man with no plan
Loss of love companionship and sharing
aj Dec 2018
I came back to a bag of clothes on my bed
that you left there for me while I was gone
they looked little and silly, the things;

once mine, then yours
now neither of us want to take credit for what belongs to us

you were giving back what you'd kept hold on to in the most material way you could

thought basically saying in less words than one
"I've made the choice to forget you"
E B K Nov 2018
We poets share
Not only our words
But also our hearts and hands
Jennifer DeLong Nov 2018
Passionate Creative
with rhythm of music
driving me forward
I've rounded alot of curves
I've taken alot back roads
I got lost a couple times
With my resilient determination
I found my way around the curve
With music keeping me company
This creative journey I've spilled
alot of my poems along the way
Colorful abstracts I do admit
Spiritual some
Fun a few
Daring oh yes
I'm not done yet
There's a long highway ahead
I am not done yet
I hope do my best abstracts
On this last stretch
Keep on Keeping on
My Creative soul
© Jennifer Delong 11/24/18
A sesh.
An exchange of ideas.
A meeting of men, women.
A gathering of peers.

A collection of the open-minded.
At a place of happiness.
A place with no problems. No stress.
All you have to do is pass and share.
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