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violetstarlights Feb 2020
i do not remember my name.
who i was, or from where i came
lost at sea
a sea of other forgetfuls
devoid of light
lifelessly ambiguous
yet black and white

listlessly wandering
to nowhere, from nothing

life has not been easier,
i have only felt more numb
and feel nothing but pain
therefore feel nothing

humidity or tears?
the ink streaks of red are streaks of blood
both have become worthless;
its value inflated;
i no longer come up to breathe

i don't care where we go when we die,
as long as its away
somewhere warm, somewhere lovely,
somewhere with the light of day

yet here i lay every night
dreaming of the dream
dreams wild
dreams stupid
dreams that will never come true
those dreams have chained me
and now i am here

prisoner of my own dreams
who is to save me?
the less i wrote the less i was myself
Ellis Reyes Feb 2020
Right and left
Up and down
I can't see it

Again and
Again and
Again and


I feel my jaw clench
The muscles in my neck tighten
My heart racing
I chew my lips raw


I don’t need to look at the clock
I can feel the second hand spinning in my brain
Faster for me than the others


Sweat and tears dampen my face
My table is a mess of materials
None of the parts fit for me the way they do for everyone else
I hate myself and my useless brain


"Time’s up
Turn in your projects"


We all have our strengths and weaknesses. Mechanical reasoning is not one of my strengths.
Mrs Timetable Feb 2020
Wouldn’t it be something
If we could view our past
On TV on demand
What episodes would
Be your favorite to rewind?
Or fast forward to get thru quick
What would your guide read like?
First day of school tonight at 8:00
High school graduation stay up late
Wedding day three part mini series
Honeymoon-rated R our eyes only
Reunion dinner laughter and joy
Grandmas funeral no rewind please
How would the reviews be?
Would you get five stars
Or just two
Would you get renewed like most bad shows
Or cancelled like all the good ones do
I wish I could remember more of my upbringing.
Vic Feb 2020
Mijn school is als een eerste thuis
Het tweede komt er nog niet bij
Zodra ik door de deur heen loop
Voel ik me bijna geketend vrij

De zon schijnt langzaam door de ramen
Ik heb uitzicht op de lucht
In de klas heerst er een vage stilte
Met alleen af en toe een zucht

Ik ben omringd door zo veel mensen
En ik kan nergens meer naartoe
Maar daar staan mijn vrienden weer
En dan is de rest van de wereld taboe

En als ik langzaam door de gangen loop
In stilte ongestoord
Dan voel ik me veilig hier
En niet alleen, zoals het hoort
me? writing in dutch? ew?
River Reed Feb 2020
You only wake me from behind closed eyes

My pounding heart electrifies

Then I go to school

River Reed Feb 2020
Soles spotted with blood

Soul knotted

Oh—suffocating flood

Wash the pavement

Saddening memories of love
Carlo C Gomez Feb 2020
The human mind
remains bleeding edge,
but no one pays for
attic salt,
the best shall walk away
from the spaghettification
of the school system.

And roman candles
will go unlit.

Where's your résumé, Johnny?
He will hunt-and-peck
to create, lest ever
comprehend, his future
as a basement
'cause no one cares
to drink in education.

And his roman candle
will go unlit.

Classrooms are a thirstland,
an empty canteen,
pre-loved Maggie
—she'll graduate
quite parched,
assuredly vagarious,
modeling merkins
for period piece ****.

And her roman candle
will sadly go unlit.
Yash Feb 2020
A beautiful day
Isn't it?
Valentines day
14 February isn't it?

Cardinal rose of love
Cupid´s arrow.
Flamingo flowers of affection
Aphrodite´s blessing.

Lips passionately becoming one.
Confessions of undying love.
Eyes sparkling like pink fizz.
Celebrations of commitment.

A ballad of love.
Dance of desire.
Salsa of lust.
Tango of joy.

Cupid, master puppeteer.
Puppets of permission
Strings of ***.
Dolls of wild desire.

Set of school.
Costumes of conformity
Stage of society.
Theatre of time waste.

A day too late
Isn't it?
Single day
15 February isn't it?

Raven rose of loneliness
Cupid´s curse.
Crow crown of isolation
Aphrodite´s apathy.

Masks of memories.
Lovely lights of love.
Beautiful ballad of breaths.
Slow dance of dedication.

Dress of dreams.
Halls of happiness.
Queen of diamonds.
King of hearts.

Isle of isolation.
Lake of loneliness
Welcome to the
Lonely hearts club.

Home of hollowness.
Eyes of emptiness.
Please enter the
Lonely masquerade ball.
Vic Feb 2020
I've decided I can ******* nail this school year.
I ****** up and I'm ****** up,
But this postitivity lasted longer than 4 days.
Imma cry a **** ton,
But I can do it.
It's gonna be hard next year,
But if I can do this year, the next one can too.

A poem every day.

me? being positive? that's new? :)
Kai Feb 2020
The weight of the heavens
set on the scales of time
reduced to facts and figures

what once was celestial majesty
has become mathematical
precision and location of the stars

The universe and it’s beauty reduced
to the base of all its atoms within
what we questioned is now quantified
Just finished my astronomy unit one test. I suppose these are my thoughts so far. It’s fascinating to think that the stars were gods and spirits to people, but now I’m calculating their distance and evaluating their chemistry.
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