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Melanie Kate Mar 2015
Sometimes the sway feels like marching
Marching like I’m dreaming
While sleeping with the wind
Upon a sailing, swaying sea.

                                                  These dreams carried me here
                                                  Fleets of souls past
                                                  Lost in my sail boats

These dreams become my home
Because the horizon is gone
And the sun is night,
The moon and stars my life, my love.

I may not know where I’m going
But I feel this forward rise and fall
And the march in my heart
Drums with a knowing beat, beat, beat.

Success swims beneath these bodies of water
The air stirs my hair and soul
Lifting me above unknowns
To a place, I’m taking myself, really slowly.
MKD (c) 2015
Eleanor Rigby Mar 2015
I sailed you
Like an ocean.
And you were
As blue,
As deep,
As dangerous.

— Eleanor
Casey Carter Feb 2015
I've given birth to many things
Cloudy nights, slanted rays
Set ways, uneven days-
Wet it, let it
Permeate its hues-
Like rock 'n' roll
from the womb of the blues

I got a whiskey-drinkin' woman
She waits for me around the bend
Starts harvesting the plants
Now, whenever I drop in
We both play mute, 'cause we know
Where glowing fingers of the fire
play blown wood, like a piano

I've given birth
to birds and snails
Solar systems
that have failed
Let it pour, let it roar
and pay its dues
Like rock 'n' roll
from the fertile
womb of the blues
Currents © 2013, Casey Carter
Amitav Radiance Feb 2015
Cruising along the
Rushing river
Flowing with
Rapid urgency
Time’s never still
Left the anchor
To sail ahead
Finally, to be swept away
By undercurrents
Transported to
A distant shore
of a resting place
Atypnoc Feb 2015
Everybody acts to empower individuality
to flourish standing certain til succumbing to mortality
though this agenda seems to cease concerning edged reality
and those we carried to the ledge, toss across their totality

I don't know how to get along in a world
where my shared experiences are inhibited.

I sailed across the sea to see if it would be worth the journey
didn't account for the return trip, had bet would be a gurney
and the ocean or salt corroded that which upon I sailed
and i never made it anywhere. Stupidity prevailed.
I B Liviu Jan 2015
Sandman comes 'n starts t' raise
Golden dunes o' fairy land
A world o' dreams ahead now lays
Come on lovely close yer eyes, 'n

By th' gods o' sea 'n sky
Start 'n sail on puffy clouds,
'n with them green 'n pretty eyes
Steer yerself t' cotton grounds,

Dream o' love 'n joy 'n sea
Made o' liquid silk 'n gold,
As a cap'n ye shall be
Sailing in th' Nevertold,

Hoist yer colours in th' blue
'n trust th' heart t' point the way,
Ye be sailing straight 'n true
T' th' port o' Dreamland Bay.
Christopher Lowe Jan 2015
My soul will sail away
And let the winds
From my troubling yesterdays
Fill its tattered sails
And carry it wayward
Bound for a better future

Although the waves will batter
And the thunder will crash
I know my vessel will reach harbor
Surviving to set sail yet again
When I find my soul restless
Longing for the next journey
Ashley Nicole Nov 2014
The smoke from our lungs
And incense that'd reduced to ashes
Drowned the room neck-high
With feathery, bleary tides.
My breathe stolen from
The pipe filled with cremated *****,
Collapsed my lungs, forcing them
To shrivel up like raisins.
Perhaps if I were to swim up,
Emerge through the waves,
I'd inhale a gasp of air
Then bob gently on the surface.
I'd set sail on my back
And let the opaque waters
Cradle me, rock me tenderly
And whisper cajoleries in my ear.
But at this moment, I'm ******
And like a stone
On the ocean floor,
I'll stay submerged.
So instead, I'll just watch
The light fixture's radiance
Dance along the surface
Of these smokey seas.
As if the sun's rays
Could reach down
And bless this
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