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Luca Abate Feb 2015
your precious time ends now
others will see your distress
you filthy disgusting cow
i'll make sure your body will be left a mess

your life shall end at the end of a noose
or shall i go for a more painful approach?
have blood flow from your back like juice
crush your throat under my foot like a roach

do you understand how badly i want you to die?
i'm going to crucify you somewhere where everyone will see
just why your nowhere as good as me

         © Luca Abate
grim-raven Feb 2015
It's been a while since i saw that beautiful smile
Seems so long that i can't even distinguish the truth from the lie
It's been ages since i heard that painful sigh
Seems so sad that you feel disgusted by my sight

I've done things i can't explain from the past
Cause dear, i thought it would be easier and the feelings won't last
I'd left you without explaining the truth
The real reason i should have told you while I could

Fate acted like it's the one who'd save the destroyed affair
Making you look like a fool and me, a relationship deceiver
And now, I can't make you listen
Because you want a revenge for us to be even

I know i deserved worse than your cold treatment
I just wish that for once i can make you listen
I've missed your smile and now i can't see that
But dear, I just wish that it would be real and we'll be fine

This is nobody's fault but mine
I've been so coward and weak from time to time
I'd tell you lies for you to hate me more
Now i am apologizing for what i didn't stand up for
We always see the point of view of the one's who are betrayed and called them the "victim". It is true of course but we all know that in a relationship there are 2 persons. Both can love and will feel same pain.
Nickols Feb 2015
I shall become a devil for the last time.
For revenge is all consuming,
And my time has finally come to return.
In the end,
When the ground
is blistered and torn from blight,
I'll return to you,
In evil's form.
I dunno. It just stumbled out of me.
Sarah Gammon Feb 2015
Anger is boiling, like a *** of water on the stove, and I can feel my veins get warm as you draw near. The web of lies you wove, trapped me in a world of pain and hatred, and caused me to lose that which I had always held dear.

I like to forgive, and I always try to forget, but you would be the first that I can never forgive. If I could cut you out of this world, like euthanizing a rabit dog at the vet, I would do it in a heartbeat, because you do not deserve to live.

Life is already ****** up without having someone to tear your confidence away, stripping you of any personality you spent your days creating. I can't believe I fell for your innocent, ******* ******* facade, and all the things you once did say. I let you in my life as a victim, and then I became the victim of us dating.

Whoever falls into your web next, I hope she has the brains to get out quick. I hope whoever else has the unfortune of meeting you realizes you're not really "sick", that these are words that hide the true meaning, that you are batshit ******* crazy and willing to beat the **** out of any person that looks at you wrong.  Man, I put up with that for too long.

I may have spent the last year building back everything that you took from me; but it may never be enough. I still go through every day with symptoms of PTSD; flinching when someone moves too fast, night terrors in the middle of the night, hyperventilating when I think I see you walk past, and anger that has stopped me from ever being "alright".

Maybe only time will really heal these wounds and turn off this oven of hatred. Or maybe I will live with this anger for the rest of my life, wishing I had done something to make this pain faded...
Copyright Sarah Gammon 2015
Sarah Gammon Feb 2015
I can't say I don't want a drink when I think of you
because already I am itching for a shot, or two.
I can't hear your name without turning a red hue;
my fists ball in anger with the mentioning, too.

How could you do the things that you did to me?
How could I have let those things come to be?
Now every day I am haunted by your evil memory,
remembering over again, your fists coming at me.

My hands are shaking; I need to take these shots,
tequila to the brain is how I stop the thoughts.
I wish I had done something so you got caught,
but a lack of courage means I never fought.

If I could **** one person in this great big land
and not get in trouble for having had it planned,
without a second thought, you'd be under my hand,
and when I'm done with you, you would not stand.

No one should be allowed to do what you've done,
and laugh about it, like it was the most fun.
You made me scared, so all I did eventually, was run,
which leaves you out there, free, so basically, you won.

I am empathetic beyond reason, because I felt for you,
understanding rage was a disease that controlled you.
I wanted to help, to save and redeem your soul, too,
but you aren't just sick with rage, you enjoy it; it's true.

I may have ****** up and not reported your ***,
and drive myself to drink to forget this past,
but let it be known, I'm normally as still as glass,
but if I ever see you again, that moment will be your last.
Copyright Sarah Gammon 2015
Lunar Feb 2015
And yes, i have always wanted to chase you and pull you into my arms to caress your soft neck with my silver friend and she would cut me open in front of you to show you how my heart has been turned to stone and i would take it out and smash it to your head that you would finally know how it's like to lose your mind, just like how i lost my heart
Fidgety Midget Feb 2015
She's a Narcissistic *****,
I quite often call her the Witch
She ground a good man down
through her greed and selfish desires
she has no room for sympathy or compromise
if the outcome does not involve her.

Now that he is dead
She won't leave him be
and keeps slandering his memory
hate is too good a word for her
but my god I'd love to punch her
Derekis Feb 2015
Tragic life brought forth from a darker tomorrow,
sad accidents in a world full of sorrow.

Luck magic balances  out the karmic equation,
nobody has enough for their sinful inflation.

Hope destroyed, time borrowed.
Hearts betrayed, souls followed.

Life escapes without hesitation
whenever one sees the next evil revelation.

Running away, wont save you from cruel fate
as long as someone out there cries your name in hate.

Finding you wont be a hard task
for someone who holds intellect's overflowing flask.

Tearing your chest side by side with revenge's might,
a pitiful scream will be the last thing heard in your room tonight.
melanie Feb 2015
breathe me in
swallow me like water you’ll never taste again,
like sap from a honeysuckle
keep me there, inside you
break me
contort your body so my bones shatter
and throw yourself to the ground so i cough up blood
make it hurt
but just remember the broken shards I leave behind will **** you
they will cut your insides and shorten your breath
and once this happens
when you’re doubled over in the bathroom
puking up the pills they gave you to make it go away,
i hope you regret it
i hope you wish you’d never breathed me in,
had never swallowed me
never let me trick you into thinking
i was actually something beautiful,
that i could actually save you again
you broke me once
and i wasn’t finished healing when you picked me back up again
i didn’t care if it would hurt
i wanted you to feel my pain
to feel all the pain,
and then nothing
to feel the pain and the agony and the hot tears streaming down your face like raindrops
to feel the aching in your chest that made it hard to breathe
and hear the monster in your head that made it hard to sleep
i wanted you to feel it all,
wishing it would go away
and then i wanted you to feel nothing
just as i had
i wanted you to feel the numbness spreading across your body like fog making a home in your bones
i wanted you to contemplate your existence
and wonder if any of it was real,
and wonder
why couldn’t you ******* feel anymore?
i wanted you to long for the pain again
i wanted you to hurt like i did
but most of all
i wanted you to regret it
kevin hamilton Feb 2015
someday she will spit on my gravestone
eyes glistening, lips red and hands full
standing in the blanket of fog alone
her shadow gracing the aging marble
like the eventual darkening of a monolith
by the temper of the sun setting
at the fall of a holy empire and with
a desperate, widespread bloodletting
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