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Nicole May 2016
We lie in the dark,
on the sidelines of existence.
watching and waiting
for the day the fire can leap from our throats
and scorch them all.

But for now,
we observe and listen.
silent in the shadows,
we see them,
spitting sparks of words that sting each other.
unknowingly sealing their fates.

And when the day comes,
we, the silent ones,
will creep out of the dark.
our fire will singe them to the ground.
realization in their eyes,
that their sparks
ignited a fire that burned them in the end.
Enola Cabrera May 2016
Vicious black rage enveloped his eyes
Electric hate cycled through him
Naturally he resorted to the action he knew best
Graphically and meticulously he planned his revenge  
Enhancing his weaknesses into strengths
Forward he went, ready for bloodshed
Undoubtedly he went for is first five on the list  
Letting his cold vexation take over

that is what I have been
for 8 years.
I've been a mute.
I have been expected to take the ****
to make the impossible work,
sleep it off,
and take what i cant dish out.
Don't expect to understand me
my life's story
is really quite boring.
He  wants you to think
that I am just a perfect, quiet little church boy,
that has a demon side to him
he has lied for years,
each time pushing the mute button a bit harder.
I am a mute,
but it is time for me to speak.
He won't expect it,
he WILL regret it.
He is responsible for my scars,
and they want revenge
I'm coming for him.
I shall arrive only so soon
the dagger in his chest,
8 years of damnation
will fill his soul.
He will be muted
just as I was,
*so long long ago.
Isabelle May 2016
Give her all of you
Love her for the last time then
Suddenly leave her
Don't ever do this to anyone.
Kurt Schneider May 2016
They need to redirect the energy they hate with
It's basic
Improvements will be made by creating love from hatred.
Like seeing a rain cloud and being glad you're outta the sun.
Like.. run Forrest run!!
What's with this kid?
Is he dumb?
I dunno
But he drops the funk like halitosis when the words leave his lungs.
..and the spit leaves his tongue.
Where the hell did he come from?
Not sure but..
I think they found him between a rock and a hard place with both sides of his heart stuck.
Little did they know he had them underneath his thumb
Just waitin to push the button
Waitin to spray on something
Waitin to be the one to,
Bring the fire and brimstone
Because revenge can be sweet,
Kinda like a cold stone,
So pump this **** loud
til the dairy cows come home
stick it upside down  in your tape deck
and eat it like a fat kid.
Rob Sandman Apr 2016
new from sat 24th april back to Sandman
into a Lycan,a Viking-a Bearsark warrior beast,
to rip the hearts from my enemies and then just feast,
run through the forest with the rest of my pack,
Howling at the moon,rolling on the snow on my back(pack,back,Pack,in the back,pack in the back ..gradually louder then quiet)...
but in the back of the red mist was a small voice,
at first I ignored this little pup by choice,
but he nipped at my hindbrain pulled on my tail,
until I listened to his reason **WE CAME FOR THE FEMALE

Suddenly the bloodlust left with a bang,
no longer a Beast I felt less than a Man,
the scene before my eyes is hard to put to words,
I was blood drenched the dismembered pieces of the herd(no! GANG-you're a man)I had just been among,
lay around the damp dungeon from whence they had come
even the most hardened warrior would have flinched at the sight
of the remains,the brains,the silent ones who didn't fight,
but one body was missing from the pile of the dead,
one beautiful corpse white afflicted already dead
***** with an itch had escaped by a trap door,
now my destiny is War,and it was trapped in the floor
Death Mask Smile is being Co-Written by the Sandman Collective,an offshoot of the Eclectic Collective Eire,with each act being added to by different Poets and MC's with the idea of an eventual release to music,
it is written in a Grand Guignal-but Poetic style.
Francie Lynch Apr 2016
I quiver til I shake,
I tremble,
But won't break,
When approaching you.

My heart, I won't foresake,
You'll not know my mistake,
Although my ground will quake,
When I'm nearing you.

You see, I will retake
The joys, not my heartache,
The day I drive the stake
Deep inside of you;
And finish building the fence
To separate we two.
JV Beaupre Apr 2016
I'm just a miserable bunch of quantum field excitations. A bag of bags of quarks. And so's my truck.

I was entangled with a gal, but things went South. We're still ensnared— unmeasured and immeasurable with no divorce.

Dark energy, dark matter, dark thoughts-- I'll go to the dark side and jump in a black hole.

That'll teach you,  bit....   [loss of signal]
CautiousRain Apr 2016
He'd always leave at 2:53 P.M.
Swoosh fwoump.

It was only a matter of time,

I wanted to be free.

He'd strap me to a chair and whisper,
sweet stories that you'd coo to *a child,

with sour breath running down my neck,
his greasy forehead pressed against my tear-stricken cheeks;
it'd deteriorate and culture in my ears.

His scent engulfed my mind,
my body, my soul...

He made a grave mistake,
dressing me in grimy socks,
making me dance skin-to-skin,
forcing me to kiss him, call him.

Oh no, you see,
he should have known.

I betrayed his trust, I'd pay the price,
"Isn't that right, Leila?"

That's not my name.

"Now Leila, darling, you're going to be a good girl,
for Daddy, aren't you?"

That's not my name.

"Leila, sweetheart, I can trust you, can't I?
Hmm? This will be our little secret,"

That's not my name.

"Aw, don't tell me, dear, beautiful Leila,
you aren't scared, are you?"

That's not my name.

I knew him well,
after a few months,
and his smell was musty,
only when I let it be.

He always liked sweets,
like me.

He was disgusting,
and my wrists ran red with incisions;
he'd lick them clean.

He'd always leave at 2:53.

"Oh Leila, sweetheart, I expect dinner when I get back,
won't you be a good girl,
and do as Daddy taught you?"

That's not my name.

So I did.

This kitchen was charming,
as much as his worn dining ware,
lined with cracked roses painted by Chinese overseas,
wondering when they would be used.

This was the first time I'd seen him genuinely smile,
"You look especially beautiful, tonight, Leila,
perhaps it's the sparkle in your eye,"

That's not my name.

He took a sip.

His glossy eyes hovered above his glass,
and his gaze drifted over to me,
in my grimy socks and brown-stained apron,
my long, dark hair drapped over my shoulders.

Another glass,
another glass,
another glass,
sugary sweet,
down his lips,

He liked sweets,
dripping, sipping,
sugary sweet, nectar,
cool, smooth,

He'd always leave at 2:53.


2:53 P.M.

Silence at 2:00-

I'd heard him cry,
"Leila, Leila, Leila,"

That's not my name.

He'd always leave at 2:53,
He would never leave at 2:53,
2:53 P.M.

*I left at 2:53. Silence.
Prompt was ******, and I had just watched a video on how to escape a kidnapping, so yeah....
FUN FACT: Read all the bold as its own poem. Do the same for the italics. See how that makes you think.
MJ Lee Apr 2016
Mr. Aliby
Where were you last night

Oh Mr. Aliby
You thought you were air tight

Oh, but you forgot one lil thing
I ain't your toy
I am my own being

Mr. Aliby
Where were you last night

Oh Mr. Aliby
You've been caught red-handed tonight.

Thought you were clean
And that you'd get away
But the thing is tonight is your last day so say bye bye

Mr. Aliby
Where were you last night

Oh Mr.Abily
Now you are mine
Be careful who you mess with boys
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