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is your final warning
If you EVER touch me again,
I will rip your life from your body,
cut it up,
and make you feel the fire from hell.
If you ever talk to me like that again,
I will get up,
and face you
eye to eye,
and then
you will wish
you hadn't.
If you make another racist comment,
I will rise up against you,
and show you the pain these people feel,
as if you weren't the only one who is racist in the world.
If you treat my mother,
my flesh and blood like that,
I will make it a goal to destroy everything you are,
and make your life
what you have made it for us
And, if you can recall,
our lives have been hell,
While you gorge yourself in food.
this is your final warning
for him
wish me away.
Wish that i would go back to where I came from.
Demote my existence.
Do not pay any attention to my pain.
Mock me with everything I say,
act like a child,
and cause me more pain then my body could handle.
Take me to the lowest parts of my mind,
make me feel inhuman.
Make me feel ******,
don't let me remind myself of my existence.
Say no to everything I ask,
and keep me in my room until I forget what the house looks like.
Give me all the responsibilities that way you have none,
and that way it is MY fault if something goes under.
oh please make sure my family hates me.
Tell them lies about me,
making them cringe at the sight of my face.
Make me cry so hard that my head feels as it has been crushed.
Make sure I suffer in the hot sun,
and tell me it isn't okay to be happy.
Tell me that people never want to see me again,
and cover yourself up in the lie.
Don't forget to hit me with a cutting board,
and please break plastic spoons on my ***.
Make sure I see the corner as an enemy,
and the door as a murderer.
Make the family not understand
just who I am,
and exclaim
"its all his fault!"
I love it when,
my head is smacked.
Soooooo much.
Please make me go without eating
for a good long while.
Make sure,
I cannot go to the bathroom,
Yes I LOVE the thrill.
If you hadn't noticed,
I'm being sarcastic.
I never wanted you to do any of this,
but you did anyways.
MG Apr 2016
you are the single most difficult thing
i've ever had the curse of caring for

you're confusing and secretive and indecisive and insensitive
and the way you treat me, no one ever deserves to be treated

and at one point i fell hard
so so hard
yet i knew that they were just games
but why did it seem like i could never win?

it frustrated me like hell
because when i compete, i win
what the hell made you so special
that you could beat me in every single battle?
that i was willing to lose the war to you?

then i became angry
i wanted to take sweet revenge
my heart became cold
and it yearned to break yours

...or I thought it did

you're like that stray piece of hair
that never seems to stay where it should
you dont know where you stand in my life
yet you still barge in like you own it

and up to today i ask myself
why do i let you?

you are nothing great
you are nothing special
you are nothing
to me

and i know that i'm probably lying to myself
but you should know that although im a superwoman
whom you're stupid not to love
i'm getting tired too
and you, my kryptonite,
i will soon be immune to
because darling
i think i'm finally tired of loving you
Beau Scorgie Apr 2016
How do you shake that
which thrives on being crumbled?
It's simple - you don't.
Nirvana Apr 2016
lonely nights
show us the darkest sight
of our strength and weakness
to our partner it could bring stress

if you're strong enough
then its fine
else for your partner time is tough
you may act like swine

your heart just give reasons
its our brain that do the calculations
its OK to have an insane heart
but an insane mind can lit spark
from the number of incident
we choose a single moment
where our heart beats loud
and to judge, our insane mind, we allow

the mind come up with harsh decision
but our heart has its own vision
it chooses the one suits
and to negotiate, this decision, it recruits

its us who know;
every moment and incident
don't let your feelings flow
they (partner) may not find it decent!

we must respect every living being
and not take them for granted;
just because they respect our feeling.
our act may get a negative image planted!

if you love the person
love their decision!
and if you can't
simply make space and move on!!

we don't have any right to hurt someone
coz everyone is special in their own.
and what if they hurt you?
its your decision if you want to continue

don't leave any stone unturned
don't let your feelings burn
but to force someone to love
is inhuman hereof!
I think every poet (or every person) is a lover at some point.
so I would suggest everyone that there shouldn't be any word like REVENGE in our life, whether we achieve our love or not. whether we feel happy or sad, lively or dead.
The L not only stands for Love but also for life.
"Live and Let Live"
Our love life can be summed up in three points-

1.Accept and Rejoice.
2.Forgive and Forget.
3.Leave and Live.
Neither su*cide nor Revenge is reply to our sadness. To live on happily is.
I want to pay him back.
I want him to feel my pain.
I want him to feel what it is like to have your bones uncontrollably shake.
I want him to know what it is like to go without eating for 3 days.
I want him to feel what it is like to be choked
until your head starts to pound.
I want him to know what it is like to feel nails cutting your knees.
I want him to know what it is like to be told
you are the reason a family is failing.
I have had to feel all of these.
I have dealt with so much more than he can even remember.
I am no monster.
I am better than he ever was  and will ever be.
I will be the son who stops the line of abuse,
the train of pain.
I will not be the one to deduct respect
for ******* a ***** in the wrong direction.
I am a man.
I want revenge.
He Will feel my revenge,
my wrath,
my pain.

some day.
For my father, my own abuser. Thank you,
*******. Thanks for making me this way.
Bleeding Diamonds.
One thing to remember:
I know your name.
I know everything about you.
I know your smoking habits,
drinking habits,
and I was forced to know your sleeping schedule.
You have the ***** to treat me the way you do?
You laugh when I beg for mercy?
Well, when I rise up like a GOD,
you will be the ******* begging for mercy.
Try me.
Rob Sandman Mar 2016
First Contact
"How did I get here,I can't remember,
my brains burning out like a dwindling ember,
are those tears in my eyes?-no its pourin' rain,
I'm lying on my back in the bottom of a stormdrain,
hunted like an animal,but still I'm deadly,
like a wounded lion,you better bet ye,
will lose more men than I've already taken(taken sample),
the hunter hunted? I think you're mistaken,
I'm a one man army,armed or not,
you didn't bring enough manpower,have you forgot?,
that the sandman(badman,phantoms in the dark)
has more in his bite than you do in your bark,
it's getting dark now,tables turning,

tyger,tyger,my eyes are burning,

better keep your guard up,I've been confronted...
but how can you tell who's hunter or hunted? 16.


Better count your sentries,I think ones missin,
when you see his blood glistenin your pants your ****** in,
should have been listenin,I gave you a chance,
now its time for the Sandman to do his dance,
like a praying Mantis I move so swiftly,
bullet's fly like locusts,but each one missed me,
the Locus and Focus of my 3rd eyes movin,
got your sentries rifle,but I won't even use it,
taunt you haunt you,flaunt skills I honed,
from a broken home,to the streets to battlezones,
catch you alone,smash your skull with a hanbo,
appear behind you from the mud like Rambo,
bodies placed like hannibal,a deadly scene,
you're a ****** housecat and I'm wolverine,
told your boss you could get me now you know you fronted,
cat and mouse reversed-YOU'RE the one who's hunted.


Now I know who you are,and I know where you live,
and in this line of work I can't forget or forgive.

We were partners once now you've betrayed my trust,
taught you everything you know,now it's ashes and dust
your bodyguards are good,but they know I'll get ya,
more ghost than man,a modern day ninja,
leave you injured,begging for mercy,
but you know the concept is alien to me,
grabbed the bull by the horns,my hand you forced,
you're a moveable object,I'm unstoppable force,
force feed your limbs til you beg for death,
line your family up and slowly take their heads,
then I'm in the wind,gone like keyser sozey,
the word is spread,don't try to **** me,
you were my friend,but you crossed the line,
try to hunt the Sandman,"you're all ****** dyin"
For everyone else who loves a "ripping yarn" in a poem/Song. :)
Hunted is based on personal experience in the Security Sector.
to hear Hunted as a song with my Band Eclectic Collective Eire (or just E.C.) go here-
Rob Sandman Mar 2016
You’re a poisoned rose in a wedding band,
A glad eye with a stabbing hand,
A tumour ,vicious rumour surrounds you,
BP Exxon -death abounds you,
I first found you amusing and witty,
cutting remarks a stick with both ends ******-

Gutter scumbag with a glaze of charm,
Only interested in doing harm,
A sociopath with a crocodile smile,
always had the last laugh,- real fight? Run a mile,
Backstabber Judas priest,but **** was I deceived,
Each Lie you sold I truly believed.

I stood by you ,defended you til the bitter end,
Bitter irony I know,with you as a friend,
Who the **** needs enemies, its all a front,
An affront to my instincts,get out of my life you ****.


"My toxic friend this is the end get out of my life for good,
Every time you smile a child dies you’re up to no good,
Don’t call me-text me unfriend me before you end me,
You’re the epitome of the new word-Frenemy."

Now I hear you’re spreading rumours behind my back,
Bad move,wrong play better stand back,
Your malicious manouevery no longer stands,
I’m two steps ahead your end is planned.

You better watch your back,you’ve got no back up and no spine,
Juggling hedgehog maze lies through a field of land mines,
I’ve got my eye on you ex pal,don’t worry your time’s come,
we’ll see who can outrun the .45 from a gun,
That you’ve been begging for for years no tears at your end,
You’re a poxy oxymoron my toxic friend.

So come out to play my way and see who draws first,
I guarantee you a surprise not my blood burst,
Flying in the air like a hose god only knows,
You’re a fly in my eye a burr under my skin so out she goes,
The left that hits your jaw will saw your head from your neck
You talk a good fight,good night,I’ll leave ya wrecked.


"My toxic friend this is the end get out of my life for good,
Every time you smile an angel loses wings you’re no good,
Don’t call me-text me unfriend me before you end me,
You’re the epitome of the new word-Frenemy."
This is a Song I wrote for a female singer  that I forgot about...any takers?
Nirvana Mar 2016
yeah I'm back for the revenge
to take my beloveds' avenge
here I'm waiting for the three
out of casino to set their soul free

I followed the man who was stout
I'm gonna **** him, no doubt
he hurt my beloveds'  wrist
for his (own) I'm gonna slit

the drunk ******* was asleep
I slit (open) his wrist **** deep
he woke up with screams and cry
I watch the rascal- bleed to die

it was the time for the strongest man
who held me by my shoulder then
he was tough and could give a fight
so I tied him with rope, held him tight

I chopped off his shoulder
for his act of being bolder
I bid him last goodbye
and remembered you as I left him to die

my third victim had him isolated
to my surprise he sleeps naked!
I decided to stab him all over
no ones gonna listen as no one lives closer!

but my revenge is incomplete
until I punish the real culprit
the one who was following her
I'm gonna **** that scoundrel

luring the guards to back door
I found him asleep with irritating snore
somehow the guards find out
and give out a loud shout

to which his father came pleading me
begging my pardon and to have mercy
I stab the knife in culprit's heart and eye
escaping the scene, left his father to see him die

the guards didn't dare to cross my way
I wished you A Very Happy Birth Day
standing beside your grave
to be with you again I crave

the police came again to arrest me
but this time they only found my body
the bird was gone, my soul was free
I lived with my beloved ever after happily!
P.S.- its the concluding part of the tale. I request you to read 'The Revenant (short tale) for a better idea and experience.
thank you.
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