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Beneath the paleness of the autumn sky,
The tired ground takes respite from the heat,
Life departs with green of leaves fallen dry,
Barren and ready for growth to repeat.

Cold wind crackles against the branches bare,
And mornings now too quickly greet the night,
While the birds and butterflies disappear,
Warm raindrop kisses wet with chilling bite.

The weight of the gray air wilts the flowers.
Have pastels washed away for evermore?
Weary nature calls upon its powers
And from its weakest point starts to restore.

I shield my eyes in refuge from the cold,
Imagining the life there is to mourn.
Then I’ll recall the lesson nature told.
You need a little death to be reborn.
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EP Robles Sep 2018
of a quaint soul this day
who wandered aimlessly
across frozen fields of May.

She spoke a single word,

Her soul cleaved into
part of a half from two.

Gently held within my hand
With a word I put them
back into a whole
and then spoke
a single word;

"My beloved."
There are some things that die we are completely unaware once lived.
Zani Aug 2018
Crack a smile
You are miles away from trouble
Doubled is the distance
When our insanity is humbled
By an infinite unfolding of things

How long has it been
Since the universe sang to you
The stars chime in
With gladness for the fact
That you are still around?

Come now
Unravel that belt you have tied
So tight
Around that blue well
That speaks in wisdoms
Kick the chair from 'neath your feet
To step into new kingdoms
Of hope

The truth is that
There is plenty to be done
And so much time to do it in
It's when we wish it all at once
That we forget the go-between

The sorrow twix the laughter
The pain before the meaning
The tomorrows post-disaster
The gain after the teething

It's that non descriptive feeling
Like the cat that got the cream
The sunrise out of darkness
I call it hopamine
I left it too long again my friends! I will be quick with more this time!
May we all be blessed with better tomorrows!!
Alysia Marie Aug 2018
How beautiful it is

to have been released from those chains

that you’ve constricted my heart with

For all of those years

                               Alysia Marie 2018 ©
JcA Aug 2018
Life lesson from trees:
Sometimes you must shed dead leaves,
And enjoy winter.
Let it go
Intensity scares me, but fear is what keeps me alive
Like prey running away from its predator
That feeling inside
You know what you must do
Even if it leads you to die
A reflection of yourself
Stare deeply into your eyes
You aren't afraid, this is just
Adrenaline in disguise
This is what I live for
Learning life lessons
Scattered across a map
Through every living being
And also deceased
Now I know what it feels like
To have a moment of peace
I have more that I must learn
Intensity is what I yearn
I know nothing but I feel everything
My heart in my chest
Young, rhythmic, filled with blood
Once I'm laid to rest
My life will continue to flood
Other people's hearts
Inspire them to discover life
Challenge their beliefs
Live, die, rebirth as if you are an ever changing form of art
Ooolywoo Jul 2018
i starve myself for this moment
gifting you my delicate sensibility emptying my body for you
bearing my scars wide open
let you touch my vulnerabilities
you swim through my body back and forth
cut my skin layer, after layer, after layer
no corner is unknown to your touch
your firm hands exploring my every parts
you grab me, lift me, toss me
******* honesty and fears
fill my body from the tip of my hair to my toes
break the wall in me as you penetrate my soul
pull the innocence from between my legs like silk
conjure beauty in me
make the bitterness in me disapear
you break me, brick, by brick, by brick, by brick
pull my hair, tilt my head
drain every muscle in me
we break walls that leads to others, that leads to trap doors, that leads to infinities
the past and the future merge into one to meet us in our present
we breathe as one, form a unity
one body, one soul, one purpose
we connect, interlock, intertwine
we levitate to an infinity of desire
reach the line between reality and transcendance
the moon and the sun both witnessing the beauty we're creating
we ****** and create an explosion of billions and trillions of blooming flowers
piece by piece, you build me back up
bit by bit, we emerge from the magic we made
from caterpillar to a butterfly
We are born again!
Inspired by Beyoncé Lemonade
Rafael Melendez Jul 2018
Even through the midnight insomnia, drunken, drugged up death binges, I still remember your face. Don't think I'm lying, I still remember the taste of the salt in your tears. Soaking up your hopes and fears, what had I become.

Your death.
Your wake up call.
Your very last piece of failure.

Annie Jul 2018
Dear person
That stinging feeling in your chest
That overwhelming fear of death
That demon in your head
Let's put it all to rest

If you ask me
I can tell you stories with no end
And just before "hate" was about to bend
They tell you heart is not to mend
Seal your lips —let's pretend

You and me, us
We're the tribe here to suffer
It gets lonely, but you're tougher
Speak the truth, why you muffle?
"Always happy" is for the bluffer

Hear me out here today
When you lose and there's nothing to say
Raise you head, life's a play
You need to fight for it to pay
Be prepared —because it may..

You're the ashes but in a golden tray
Feel the difference, feel it here
You're not deep
Oh but –you're oceans away

Far from reach because you fly
Your conscience will remain
Out of dozens, because you were sane
Always picked on, felt the pain
Stand high, don't be tamed
Enjoy the storm —let it rain
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