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Mary-Eliz Apr 2018
given freely
feelings shared
reaching outward
heart to heart
outward reaching
shared feelings
freely given
A "strict" palindrome...I think! These are really hard! And I can only get short ones to work!
z Mar 2018
i just wanted to reach you
and for i could not do it with my own two hands
perhaps with my mouth
with my pen
with my words, i will

— that is, if you’ll have me.
mel Feb 2018
the mountain only grows steeper
so that your roots can dig in deeper

keep climbing
Asominate Jan 2018
Grasping for the air in my gasp,
Uneverlasting, all good things come to an end
Water too deep, I cannot reach
I must be glad, for I won't last.

Clinging to the air in my lungs,
With last breath singing, life or death do not belong
Much oxygen, won't come within,
I'm somewhat mad, won't let me last.

Chasing the things unreachable
I'm never changing, yet rearrangeable,
Barrier so thick, can't feel your hits,
I'm good you're sad, won't see me last.

Falling, hoping that it's to soar
Cranium hawling, I don't like, but get more
Air rush through crease, my wings released
Falling to death, can't **** me, yet.
Bella Dec 2017
Open your hands slowly towards each other
fingers reaching like lost lovers
each with their own soulmate
they meet each other with a kiss
no lust
just love,
slowly trembling to each other
embracing in a long hug.
wrapping around each other

it's silent
They're holding each other in safety
the manner of love to attain to
like a dance in the dim
of pure,
but unspoken,
Nola Swan Dec 2017
We are constantly put into a position that makes time relative.
Forced to face the future every step of the way.
Every current thought clouded with the judgment of the future.
How will this affect my future?
What will this decision in this moment be in the future?
That is why we envy those carefree spirits.
Who only base their decisions on this pseudo principle
We call the present.
We taunt them and their “reckless” behavior
As thoughts like theirs have no place in this world
Which refuses to see the beauty in a place where time seems to stop.
Their actions do not crave the approval of the future they crave the
excitement of the present which we ignore to the point  
we don't even speak of her.
It is as if she fails to exist on this plane that we are currently in.
When the future holds no promise what is it that drives us towards it
Why do we long to be there?
While refusing to acknowledge that we are the small dialogue between the past and future.
The only this that can be actually accounted for in this moment.
Where time is but a unit of measurement used to guide you.
To make you forget.
Life is happening to you right now
In the present
With you as the placeholder.
You are the person who winds the clock
So why do we kneel to it every day?
Constantly moving forward helps one forget the struggles of right now.
Having one's mind pressed on the future allows for the pains of the
present to fade.
Noemi Nov 2017
I’m hugging you like I’m reaching out of this ocean I’m drowning in. I’m gasping for air with each tug of your body. Closer. I need you closer. Engulfed in you. I need to breathe you to survive. To **** it all in and then in the end let it all out.
I wrote this shortly after my snow died in a a hit and run. She was beautiful.
David Montgomery Nov 2017
I am bleeding profusely,
just below the surface.

These memories like razors,
are scars hidden in the sleeves of my hoodie,
that I crave to show you,
but can never reveal.

War-zones within,
have taken a toll on my
soul. ( sorrow is real )

This sentimental shrapnel,
I feel below the surface of my skin,
protruding like emotional tin,
purchases my silence,
formulated like science.

When others grow full,
my belly still aches
for honey,
hunger pangs are funny,
like the kicks of a bull.

How long,
will You turn your eyes
away from me?
The Prophet said,
"I've never seen the sons of the righteous go hungry"
but I starve week to week.
Rescue me,
before I draw too far away,
lost in the dark and bleak.

Bleeding out profusely,
waiting to be fed.
(C)  DM  2017
Reaching. Trying to keep the faith, when no relief is near.
DeAnn Nov 2017
I'm rising
Then falling twice as fast and twice as far
There is a presence that follows me wherever I go
He always taunts me, intrigues me, leaves me
His touch is clammy yet satisfying
Yet the more I enjoy his presence the less of myself is here
It moves to a happier place
Full of love and life
And love

I am not there
I can see it but it is unattainable
I have become chained in the darkness by his presence
A caress of my cheek
An accidental nudge
To the point where even a look feels like his embrace
I sink deeper

All I can do is sit back and watch the cycle continue
There is hope
It is right there in the light, where I am
I am there
But I am not
A piece of me is still chained in the darkness, never to return

Because I can save him
I can save the presence
If I stay long enough maybe he will join me in the light

Is it possible?
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