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rmh Feb 2019
there's this boy in my class who can move through water like a raindrop through summer air, though his eyes are brown like the ground on which he walks.
he is an ocean with currents and waves and groundswells, all waiting to drag me up and send me crashing into him.
i've always been a good swimmer, was even on a team once, but his water is pushing and pulling and putting its hands on my waist and neck, tangling in my hair, telling me to trust him.
but how do i trust if i've never been in love before?
how do i give myself to someone and expect to get every penny back?
do i have the time (is he worth the time) to count every coin and weigh for counterfeits?
is part of falling in love taking the risk of not getting everything returned?
can i come out of love unchanged?
or is change a part of love?
i know that you took mythology as an elective last trimester because i saw you in the library and was trying not to stare so let me tell you the story of icarus.
he fell.
he had wings fashioned from wax and feather and did not heed his father's warnings, flying too close to the sun, touching salvation with his fingertips, only to fall into the unforgiving sea.
if i am icarus and you are the sea then who is the sun?
is love personified within the sun in our myth, something that you must fall away from in order to fall into?
is love the enemy or the goal, something to obtain?
is there a reward for the fall?
is the reward love?
do i need to love (or even merely like) in order to meet you face to face somewhere out of school, coffee maybe?
or a movie?
i hear there's a new one out about a girl afraid of love.
to be loved.
to give love.
to accept love.
does seven work for you?
sorry i know that this is a bit of a rollercoaster of a poem
Ciel Jan 2019
Loving someone else more than you do yourself.

A romanticized ideal,
but a so very scary one.

How can one love so much?
I still do not understand.

Is it beautiful or foolish?
I have yet to decide.

Maybe because I have not met the one yet,
or because it is all a myth.

I guess only time can answer my questions.
In this poem, I do not mean loving your family, I mean a lover as in a significant other
Emma Jan 2019
You ask me questions,
as if your curiosity itself entitled you to the answers.
which in the simple act of their existence engender in us a fierce protectiveness;
We want to shelter them.
which before you no one even knew to ask for.
“Do I think you’ll judge me for them?”
you ask.
And of course
of course I do.
how could that be it?
Your curiosity doesn’t earn you the right of entry.
What is this curse I bear...
To always be aware of my doings,
But never knowing why?

I am a lost ship with no rudder or flares,
I am a roaming car with no wheel,
I am a scout with no compass...

I am,
a soul,
a heart,
a mind,

with no truth
no light
nigh even a tenuous sky...

when I lay these eyes upon where the stars would be,
Mindnumbing shudders grapple my limbs and slay me forth against the walls I'd built but only to keep my heart safe,
mindrunning awild as I can only see behind me.
Time, rushing away from these brittle bones.
have no idea
Annie Jan 2019
is there hope
for a future
that was only dreamed of
joren's Jan 2019
Write it down
10 times then
Erase it again
My mind is
Racing again
raging again

My eraser is gone
Before I even
sharpen the pencil
another line I delete
And I sigh in defeat
I hate what I write
I can't stick to beat
I swear that I can
Rhyme mean
If only I could pick a
Rhyme sceme
This one is 100% meant to be rapped. It's about self doubt, questioning the quality of art I produce. I tend to write things and then up hating them later. This is to vent the frustration.
Renee Jan 2019
How is it that I still feel heartbreak after nearly 3 years.

How is it that I still have a you shaped hole in my heart

How is it that I cant even speak your name without it tearing that hole in my chest open again

How is it that no matter how hard I try I always end up crying about you when I am drunk

How is it that I can’t even go to our old favourite places because I have a panic attack at all the thoughts and feelings that come rushing back to me

How is it that I have lost all my friends from when we were together because I feel the emptiness of you not there with us, with me

How is it that I can’t even smile the same way as I used to because my smile was your favourite thing and thats all I think about

How is it that I can’t love another like I loved you

How is it that I can’t let you go no matter how hard I try

How is it that even though you destroyed me I would do anything to have you back in my life
Matthew Jan 2019
Who are we but walking husks shaped by our experiences?
Can we hold others accountable for our actions?
Should we blame our parents and friends for our own decisions?
Do we have any free will?
What is free will?
Do we have hereditary inclinations?
Will we always make the same decision even if we went backward in time?

Sometimes, the only thing you can do to be a better person in surround yourself with better people.
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