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Mary Frances Feb 2019
We both ask each other how we are, if we are okay, if we are fine.
We ask those standard questions to cover the ones we want to say. Until one of us slips and strips those words with their own facade.
We have moved on with our lives.
That's for sure.
But we haven't moved on from the feelings, have we?
MacKenzie Warren Feb 2019
why do you continue to check up on me
the constant opening of closed doors
silent messages left for me to decipher

why do you haunt me like this
creeping up on me during twilight hours
your grasp tight on me as darkness settles
the moon illuminating my silent bedroom

after we locked the doors the first time
why didn't you stay gone
you should've stayed gone
Meruem Feb 2019
What do you call
That certain moment in time
When you hear
The sound of crickets in the night
Where everyone's asleep
And you fall deep in your thoughts
How can it be
There's this continuous sound
A single line
Not only can be heard
But also can be seen.
February 27, 2019 - 04:25
Nuna Feb 2019
you have this fear of answers
but cant stop overthinking questions
Ashlyn Yoshida Feb 2019
Is 'lost' a word that people take lightly?
Is it something that I shouldn't brush off so slightly?
Is it possibly an insult when I say it myself
'That I honestly don't know, or have anyone else'?

Would it be fine
If I were to just lay down and close my eyes?
Listening to the waves as they crash upon shores
Instead of listening to my family's snores?

I'm ready to run, but there's no where to go
I'm ready to fight, but the enemy's unknown
I'm ready to love, but I'm afraid I've forgotten how
But best or worst of all, I'm ready to go down

I'm lost in this world and in my own head
I'm lost inside and out, full of fear that my spirit's dead
But oddly enough, over these few years
I've started to see light in my eyes, a light that's not from tears.
Ann Feb 2019
how would the
days be like
if you stayed?

maybe i would
smile more


have that warm
fuzzy feeling
wherever i traveled.

when someone slowly
bit by bit

and then

hurt rush pasts
emotions stored away
sweetness a distant memory.

how would the
days be like
if you hadn't left?

Callie Zeph Feb 2019



Orange Rose Feb 2019
My muddled mind makes quite a mess
Of thoughts and crumbling words
I think I know what’s going on
But every sentence goes unheard

And after empty conversations
My mind just empties out
And every thought I thought I had
Escapes and I must go without

I wonder what would happen
If I just decide to change
My mind and heart and soul and life
And maybe then I’d rearrange

My thoughts which fly disorganized
And will not let me be
I wonder if I changed all that
What would be left of me?
Ann Feb 2019
I'm okay.

but have you ever
wondered to ask
personally "I'm okay" does not seem really convincing to me?
skye Feb 2019
Why in the world
we're blaming love
for being un-loved?
It doesn't make sense.
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