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Alex Zhang Feb 2019
To be, or not to be. That is a decision.
To learn, or not to learn. That is a lesson.
To see, or not to see. That is a mission.
To love, or not to love. That is obvious.
To live, or not to live. That is an option.
Who am I? Now THAT is the question.
Amanda Feb 2019
I want to be silent
In a world that is not quiet
Don’t want to answer the question
So, don’t ask

The questions are loud
Like a SHOUT

They resound in my head
Can’t block the sound out
Let me have QUIET

Hush, as silent as a grave
Now I can hear the answers
Form quickly in my head

Will you ask me again?
I can allow just one more time

And I will answer in truth

We have but a minute before
The rockets fall in deathly tumble

So, ask me through your tears
And angry retribution
Was I the one to bring the insurrection?

Yes, and yes again, I did what I said
A promise, I made to one and all
I am the voice they follow, my loyal flock
So now at the final, we are on top of the pile

And when the storm has hit, then settles
And the world fades into QUIET
I can SHOUT into the silence
md-writer Feb 2019
i thought we said goodbye
six months ago
but obviously
the way you hugged me today
and whispered that you miss me more than i could ever know...

there's something we haven't said yet
and maybe we need to

because i feel the same way.

i haven't said a word in such a very long time
i don't even know where to start
i want to be someone in your life
i want to hear and know

i just

don't know how

i don't know how to love you anymore,
without dragging up memories
i don't know how to look at you anymore,
and not like what i see

you made my type

i'm honestly afraid
that i'm not as over it
as i tell myself
and that the only thing keeping my heart stitched together
in one piece
is the fact that i don't hardly see you anymore.

you know all my secrets
all my faults
and yet somehow you're a stranger now

but if i picked up the phone and called
you wouldn't be
and that
that is what makes me afraid.

so yes
i feel like we are leaving something undone
one final goodbye
sitting down to watch the broken sunset
of parted ways

so that i can finally look you in the eye
and be at peace
with what you are to me


i don't know if i'm ready for that yet.

yes i have moved on
i don't love you like that anymore
it aches
like today
and not a day goes by that i don't notice the gap
you left behind you
but usually it's alright

i'm not who i was
and you're not who you were
and i know that things are better this way
by far.

so i'm not holding on
i'm not looking back
i'm just wondering how to be friends
because right now its really easy to say
"i miss you"
and mean it, week in, week out
and then do nothing else to change

but i remember the days, when i first started to know you
when i said to myself
this girl
she's a keeper
as a lover or as friend
don't ever lose this one

but i did

and that hurts

and i don't know if it can do anything else but hurt
because some things...

                     ...some things were never meant to be.

is this one of them?
Amanda Kay Burke Feb 2019
Can you accept me for who I am?
See the value my heart still holds?
Will you pick it up off the ground where it rests
Horrifyingly bruised and treat it like gold?

Is redemption too great of a gift to demand?
Ask myself is it too late?
If this love is still worth fighting for
Why are we also filled with hate?

Or are we just frustrated
After investing so much
Only to witness all our efforts
Still not be good enough?

A couple once envied by dozens
Now pitied by those we know
If we had before not been up so high
Would the low still feel this low?

Which am I addicted to more?
The rush from drugs or the scent of your skin?
Why do I have to make that decision?
There's no option where we both win

Where will the criticism stop?
When will it change to compromise?
Can we save our relationship
Before the intimacy dies?

How do we repair our damaged trust?
Cause I don't see how we will
Do you think we really have a shot?
Are you even in love with me still?

Why do I scream at you when I hurt?
How come I can't control my voice?
What commands me against my will?
Temper leaving no other choice

Can I overcome these violent urges?
Are these tendencies an unbreakable curse?
Will I ever become a better person?
Or am I destined to only grow worse?
And I'll take you for who you are
If you take me for everything
Do it all over again
It's all the same
Zyanneh Frazier Feb 2019
21 Questions - Zyanneh Frazier

(1) Would you like for me to tell you that I love you & actually mean it? Or
(2) Tell you that I hate you & don’t mean it? (3) Would you like for me to fight for us? Or (4) Walk out like I just don’t give a ****? (5) Would you like for me to be honest & tell you the real me? Or (6) Tell you something that I’m not which is a liar & pretender? (7) Would you still stick by my side through the good & bad? Or (8) Walk out & just give up on me like everyone else did? (9) Would you be willing to give me your last dime? Or (10) Leave me empty handed making me waste my time? (11) Would you be embarrassed of what others may say or think about us? Or (12) Feel accomplished knowing that your entire family loves me? (13) Would you believe me if I told you I was out with friends? Or (14) Just jump to conclusions that I’m cheating?
...which isn’t in my blood...
(15) Would you be willing to cut off your friends to spend time together? or
(16) Do I have to turn you into a chooser? ...which isn’t something I want to do... (17) Would you trust me enough to tell me your deepest secrets? Or (18) Do I have to continue to beg for trust? ...which is something I thought I already won... (19) Would you be able to handle this bond? Or (20) Do I have to end this thing we call us?

...Because the real question I have is...
(21) Do you see yourself being mines forever?
Just 21 Questions that you may have for someone you actually love! I just happened to get the idea from (50 Cent|21 Questions) which happens to still be my favorite song by him as an artist hopefully whoever’s reading likes it!
Eleanor Feb 2019
I sleep on sheets covered in beer and carry boxes of bottles to the trash room, boxes and sheets and smells that could get me in trouble with the people who wear uniforms
And I put my head on the shoulder beside me and everything is sweat and stale alcohol and three am and I was supposed to do more homework tonight. I was supposed to get more done and go to bed so much earlier.
But here I am, tired and lying beneath Kenyan blankets, atop Blue Moon covers, lightly taking your phone off your chest and setting it away as you slip into sleep beside me
Here I am, bringing you trash bags I bought with my own money, carrying a box of illegalities I didn’t drink to the recycling, leaning into your flanneled embrace in the Sunday morning quiet of the hallway

I will take care of you, no questions asked
I will always take care of you

Before sleep’s waves, in the dark, holding my hand to yours and telling you that I am here to talk— and knowing you will never take me up on it.
Asking you questions because it’s my job, and you say I do it too well, and we both know that that avoids the question in the first place.

I will take care of you, asked questions unanswered
It is 3 am on a Sunday, and I will take care of you
Meruem Feb 2019
"I hurt you. I scared you.
I understand if you hate me." - he said
Being the rose-colored one,
But also wander in the dark.

Some people do have
A more positive outlook in life.
But all,  by nature, tend to remember
The negative things more strongly and in more detail.

In the grand scheme of things,
Is it possible to love both sides?
Something that is chaotic,
But joyful at the same time.
February 10, 2019 - 00:43

When you find the answer, hold onto it so dearly - the one.
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