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Eli Jan 2021
There was
a time
I got called

unexpectedly so
I floated to
the top of
The World.


Why did that happen?

Don't say it.

The answer's
pricked me with
a sharp pin.

Everyone else
that knows
has poked at it.

I guess
this is what
you call

Euphoria comes.

I stuff it down.
Try to forget.

I accuse myself
of not knowing
who I Am.

When really,
I'm afraid
of the answer.

Of what it means
being wrong

maybe I shouldn't
give a ****.

What if
this is
the thing
I need to do?

What if
this is
My Path
to being strong?
Aazaad Jan 2021
It breaks like waves against the cranium
Again and again the syncopated beat of my heart
Is it magic? Is it a miracle?
Is there madness behind such a glowing word?
Ramblings of a madman, I'd rather me insane than comprehending extreme sanity.
What sanity is there in a world that holds no bounds?
What gods can there be when man in turn becomes his own god?
I have no answers, I am all but questions.

Urgent and bursting, it is a sweet fruit that ripens until juice trickles out,
Turgid and thick, quivering and throbbing like breath itself,
Not solid or liquid but a state inbetwixt.

Maybe this is mania, maybe this is something above what I am?
Who am I if not for my breath and my breaking?
It is the gaps that make the solid thing whole.
Yusti Dec 2020
Nothing has never been scheduled,
but the power of the question.

Itself, the world makes no sense,
without scheduling it doesn’t.

And it’s not the freedom to think,
or even the calmness of free will.

It goes deeper inside with no trace,
so people use to believe what they don’t.

When hopes become the sole odds,
when the odds become triggered defeats.

And so, people will forever value and worry,
but what’s the beginning and the end?

The past seemed to not be determined,
and the future; yes; it does.

You all forget your past was your future,
and your present never dies.

Arriving to the conclusion of non-caring about that,
to just live or feel comprehensive about your now.

And never about your after or before,
exclusively about your then.

This could lead you to madness.

So what’s the right thing?
Should I care about?

I am not frightened,
I am just curious.

But nobody seems to believe it.
Ivy Dec 2020
I had this thought which I have found a little scary
What if these things which you were saying
You said but didn’t mean at all
Who am I to you after all?
A friend? A person you hanged out with for a month?
Or just a gal you had acquaintance with?
Avoiding girly analyze
Of what you think and say to me
Of what you wanted me to hear
Or what you feeling
What are you feeling deeply?
Our relationship is going through time testing
And are we passing such exam?
Some time ago you even made a joke that we could marry
Each other
Oh my god  
I even didn’t know how to react on such request
But honestly I’d probably consider proposition
Not from romantic side and all
But just because it’d give the possibility to stay with you a little
And do the things together
The things we dreamed about
You know we short in options
In current situation
When boarders closed
And lockdowns everywhere
I wish to share with you my moods
Right at the moment
And now it’s hard to do
We’re having 14 hours difference
My sunrise - your sunset
It’s gonna be two years already
That’s why I’m asking you
If you’re ready
Not let your joke come true
I may not ask you for such thing
But do you wanna have with me
Some part of our future?
eve Dec 2020
Frantically looking around,
I start to realize
I am alone
I am with me
And only me
No one else around
To cover my eyes from the destruction
Of myself
Of what I make of life
Of what I continue to question
Overthinking is a burden for me
From time to time,
I treat overthinking as a reward system
Slowly giving parts of myself
To something that does not co-exist.
I mean,
What is time?
Why is it always ticking?
Why are we trapped in ourselves?
Is there a way out of this madness of something called a world?
Filled with pitiful human beings
We call ourselves
By names
Constantly labeling ourselves and others
I guess that’s what school has taught us
And that’s all of what early life is
I guess what I am saying is that seas can drown us out
Our mind can play tricks on our physical bodies
Making us feel things that aren’t real
Making us feel things for people who were never real
Or never close to what we’ve made them out to be.
Life is a rope
We’ve got to keep tugging at it
It is the only way we can see
If there is truly a way out
Or if what lies ahead
Is nothing short of millions of miles of distance
From a shore that is close to nothing
Is made up of
A black hole
Or maybe an abyss
A yearning
To see what’s at shore
We must continue searching
And never stopping, for anyone
For anything
What lays ahead.
What lays ahead?
Jake Dec 2020
I am questioning
My life
My friendships
My hobbies
My hopes
My dreams
The more I question
The more I doubt
They all disappear
These fleeting memories
These fleeting moments
These feelings
They all disappear
Right before my eyes
But I feel nothing
For them
For me
Nothing at all
Truth is I've always been fleeting
I never existed
I was never here
This entire poem was never written

This landscape is a dream
A languid dream of your creation
One that never truly existed
Cerasium Dec 2020
Thoughts race in this jagged mind of mine
head spinning and mind collapsing
what am I?
Am I a man or a woman?

Born male
yet I don't identify
I dress up as a female
yet I don't identify

torn between these two structures
that classify the human gender
yet I don't identify
It's killing me to realize

Maybe I'm both
maybe I'm not neither
so much to figure out
so much to process

the thoughts keep racing
beginning to spiral out of control
Pronouns he, him and his
never really fit

the pronouns she, her and hers
only left scars
at first I thought of transitioning
to clear out my head

but now it's like a stab wound
festering upon my soul
am I a man
or am I a woman

they both seem so permanent
and yet seem doable
so maybe I a both
but that's my choice to find

I like being called he
yet I like being called she
I like being called they
so maybe I'm both and neither in a whole

so call me crazy
say that I'm broken
say that I'm not right in my head
but at least I have the courage to be me
Sometimes poetry is like a war:
Even though you're so tired and small,
You put your strained muscles back to work,
Overcoming and jumping the walls.
And when you've literally run out of strength
In this wild and insane pursuit of truth
Either rise to the challenge – or quit,
But quitting is also death.
Mystic Ink Plus Dec 2020
The Greatest wisdom
Is not taught

Anyhow you will learn
With time
If you understand
What is not said

Your personal wisdom
Is not
Written in most read books
No need
To join renouned universities
You will not learn it
From the noble teachers
It may not have many audiences
It is strictly customized
Just for you

You will learn it from
The Pretenders
The Traitors
The Failures
The Haters
The Actors
When you wake up

And when I say
I once was stupid

Underline that
Genre: Observational
Theme: Questioning
Author's Note: Something out of nothing. All the questions are born out of the answers, we already have.
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