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Umi Apr 2018
Words, conveyed by song,
A white witchery of chering emotions, sadness, may anger or grief, flowing alike a river through ones body once it's been sensed, heard,
Overcoming even time and space, giving the gentle look on your face some sweetness which I cannot describe, drawn in the landscape of my heart, a bittersweet melody unfolds, a flower blooming by night,
"Bury the earths ground in your petals, oh widely blossoming flower"
I thought whilst a breeze rushed through the leafs of nearby trees, making a pleasant noise, yet I cannot be in ease, after all I'm inhuman,
As time ticks on, the orchestra of mother nature develops in a stream of lingering sadness, with a magical touch one that embraces me instantly, locking me into a trance, of pleasure yet also great pain,
Was it my means or my purpose, was it my belief in good and evil ?
With no further hesitation, I swallowed all those meaningless questions and move my gaze up to the clouds in the heavens above,
Human or not, I remain without use for this world, what I realised is,
That I am, Nihilistic

~ Umi
Ash Apr 2018
I feel what I want people to see
But the gift to create is no longer in me
Purpose pounds at my jailed heart
But yet to escape is passion filled art
Lily Apr 2018
I have experienced a lot of things in this world,
Maybe even more than I want to.
I’ve felt the sorrow of losing a friend,
The inevitable grief when you realize
You’ll never hear them talk again.
I’ve felt the sun on my back,
The wind in my face,
And the soft, tender pressure of your hand in mine.
I’ve felt the clock tick slowly,
Night after night,
The pressure of sleep that hasn’t come
Attacking my head like a battering ram.
I’ve felt a lover’s kiss,
The warm hug of a friend,
And a mother’s comfort through tears.
But why?
Why have I experienced all this,
Why was this made known to me?
For what purpose am I here,
Experiencing these things?
I guess I’ll know when the experience is over.
justine grace Apr 2018
The lights on the ceilings keeps blinking
changing it's colour
following the beat of the rhythm
my perspective widens
as i slow gravitate myself
towards the many of individuals
that i share the same space with

In this big room
i observe my surroundings
the insecurity these people have
they hold on to
watching their doings
wondering what thoughts could possibly linger through

As they sway their bodies side to side
as i sit here in one corner
wth a glass of whiskey in my hand
i wonder

Are they happy?
are we happy?
am i happy?

We spend our nights
dancing in a crowded room
with people we barely know
we grind on people
as if we got no care in the world

Really, though?

Do we?

Are we ignorant?

Or obnoxious?

What are we doing really?
i, for one
have no clue
so tell me
what are we doing?
Janelle Apr 2018
Am I supposed to be here, can you help me?
Do you see something I don't see?
Is it the road, that leads to the end?
Where is the road, that leads to the end?

[Verse 1]
Day in, day out, changeless
Long gone is praise
I've spent too much time waiting
Is it true, failure's really a phase?
Has my time run out?
Is it too late?
I am begging you, tell me.
I'm begging tell, me of my fate ay ay ay.

[Chorus 1]
Is this the road to the end?
I've been searching far and wide.
Where is the road to the end?
Where will I find my pride?
Searched up and down.
Around and round.
Searched here and there.
Please tell me where.
Is this, right here, this,
The road to the end?
Marching 'round the bend.
The end
Marching round the bend

[Verse 2]
I'll get this started.
Now is the time.
I got to do this.
I'll start the climb.
The mountains daunting.
But even so.
She has her feelings.
She has her woes oh oh ohs.

[Chorus 2]
Is this the road to the end?
The journey sure is long.
Is this the road to the end?
Is this where I belong?
Gone up and down.
Around and round.
Gone here and there.
Please tell me where.
Is this, right here, this,
The road to the end?
Myself I can depend
The end
Myself I can depend

[Verse 3]
Purpose, found it.
Hone it.
Faster, quicker.
Own it.
I think I made it.
I have a smile.
And I deserve it.
I've walked the miles iles iles iles.

[Chorus 3]
You need the road to the end?
Is there someway I could help?
Where is the road to the end?
It all starts with yourself.
Just stay right there.
Don't go nowhere.
That's where it starts.
Right in your heart.
That’s where, right there, where,
The road to the end is,
Soon you'll apprehend
The end
Soon you'll apprehend

You can't have a rainbow without any rain,
But sometimes the storms, they can drive you insane,
Before you give up from the pain and disdain,
It's never too late to hop on the A-train.

[Chorus 4]
Is this the road to the end?
Have I really found my pride?
This is the road to the end.
I'm on a brighter side
Searched the whole globe
Met friends and foes.
Finally made it.
The curtains close.
This, right here, this,
Is the road to the end.
Marching round the bend.
The end.
Myself I can depend.
The end.
Soon you'll apprehend.
The end.


I'm supposed to be here, I can help you,
I see something you'll soon view,
I know the road, that leads to the end.
We'll hit the road, that leads to the end.
Song lyrics I wrote for a school. I really appreciate feedback.
David Apr 2018
All things can be created to what I THINK I want, even what I BELIEVE I want,

but to create to what I really KNOW deep deep inside of me -
That I want is what I really want

But I don't get that with all my believing and thinking.
Arcassin B Apr 2018
By Arcassin Burnham

we live for this break,
‎as much things as we say,
‎there's no room for mistakes,
‎I'll be one with you.

we fight different devils,
‎we beat different levels,
‎some have hearts like gravel,
‎I'll be one with you.

you're the,only one that knows my
Sayings are so fresh and new,
I'd admire you and all the flaws,
Wish I would have knewn you soon.

Dark days are ahead,
Dark days,
Dark days are ahead,
Dark days are ahead,
Dark days,
Dark days are ahead,
Dark days are ahead,
Dark days,
Dark days are ahead,
Dark days are ahead,
Dark days,
Dark days are ahead,

being alone in this world could be the
worst if you know what the feelings are
worth,and so forth,
being alone in this world could be
worst if you know what the feelings are
worth,and so forth.
Mazen Edlibi Apr 2018
I hold the pen and close my eyes, makes my heart open his book in pain!
Listen to that melody calling for that melody, makes all lines shake in fear!
Space and every element surrounding that space lead to hold my trembled heart to fade in illusion!
Questioning my reasons....
Questioning the versions of me I became through my journey!
Questioning the purpose I have every now and then!
Questioning should I go further than this place I reached!
The sun hiding behind those shy clouds trying to keep the light of the new road from being seen!
What is behind that Road!...
Beau Scorgie Apr 2018
Time moved through me
forgetting to carry me
with her.

And I waited.

Like the businessman
at Flinders Street Station
- stagnant -
while the world passed him by,
and time moved through him,
in fast motion;
forgetting to whisper past
his cheek
and sweep the petals
from his eyes.

For he carries a garden inside,
but all gardens
need time.
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